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File: 570 KB, 961x1000, 30738845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9870220 No.9870220 [Reply] [Original]

Could you get Remilia through TSA screening?

>> No.9870224

What does TSA screening mean?

>> No.9870223

Wow that is one cute pic, op i'm going to go save it right this second it's very cute.
You should ALL do the same.

>> No.9870225

Yes. They'd be too busy frisking the 90 year old wheelchair bound suspected terrorist to even notice.

>> No.9870228

can I be you?

>> No.9870229

upvote, fuck da govnerment and fuck DA POLICE

>> No.9870236

Wasn't there some guy who took a gun through just to show those noobs how fail their security system was?

>> No.9870239

I was about to pass it by without saving, but your post convinced me that I really should save it.

>> No.9870248

me too


>> No.9870249

Likewise for your post. I read >>9870223 but wasn't particularly convinced. You made me reconsider and open the image. Definitely saveable material.

>> No.9870259

Vampires don't show up in x-rays

>> No.9870282

They don't use X-rays.

>> No.9870296

If I ever happen to get Remi in a suitcase I'll go near a river and tie some bricks to it, before throwing I'll ask:
Do you love me?

And then proceed to see it sink with she in it, fucking monsters.

>> No.9870317

You monster!

>> No.9870350

The monster is she though, I'm not gonna kill you or drink your blood.

>> No.9870413
File: 33 KB, 720x576, 131885595440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it's man.

>> No.9870769

Please delete all pictures depicting Milady from any storage devices you may own.

>> No.9872352

Yes, because she is not 3D.

But she will always be 3D in my heart.
But 2D, 32D... oh GOD a 32D Remi... ho, how would that even work? You'd have to be 10 gods just to be able to interpret her physical being.

>> No.9872404

OP I'm going to save your image too.

>> No.9872411
File: 739 KB, 1000x778, remi-in-a-box2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9872421

Thank you. Thank you so much, everyone.

>> No.9872428
File: 89 KB, 650x425, guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't enough guns.

>> No.9872470
File: 181 KB, 321x375, remi oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to shoot Remilia? You traitor.

>> No.9872502
File: 815 KB, 673x942, b32a6e8dcd71af876114601f64d7145b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly.

A duel is the most proper way to decide who gets to become her buttler / bloodbag.

>> No.9872514

You can be her butler. I just want Remilia in a box.

>> No.9872541
File: 492 KB, 1017x1510, 1349789098544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be Remi's footstool?

>> No.9872555

I want to be her toilet.

>> No.9872561

Dibs on coffin-warmer.

>> No.9872575

Don't be silly, I won't have space for all that in her box.

>> No.9872606
File: 183 KB, 1123x1272, 1345368448210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck on them

>> No.9872612

Remilia, a vampire which has a diet consisting mostly of blood and cake, blood contains many elements that can't go through the urinary tract and no fiber, cake also lacks fiber. Remilia most likely has very thin waterish poops similar to diarrhea. Waterish diarrhea however is also one of the easiest poops to clean after. There's also a chance that Sakuya helps wipe Remilia however even Remilia would have too much pride for that, but considering the fact that Sakuya can freeze time, Sakuya might just wipe and shave Remilia's anus for the hell of it.

>> No.9872613

>Actually don't killing the fucking thing.

Are you guys seriously this desperate?

I'm quoting the general context of this thread
"who'r u quotin?-tan"

>> No.9872645
File: 288 KB, 800x600, 49c5b438a45ad6763da08cc9b5051eb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9872673
File: 158 KB, 530x546, no hit!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why kill her?

>> No.9872680

Remilia is not a thing.

>> No.9872713

Somehow Remilia transferred herself into my subconsciousness and every time I go to bed she bullies and teases me. Sakuya and Patchouli is there too looking at and laughing at me. What should I do?

>> No.9872729

The thought of Remilia drowning gets me hard. Hm...

>> No.9872739

oh man you're in a real pickle now
you have 3 options i can think of
1. accept remilia's bullying and teasing
2. stop sleeping so that remilia can't get you. be warned taht remilia might just start bullying and teasing you while you're awake
3. call a shrine maden stat!!!

>> No.9872750
File: 61 KB, 255x247, shrine madden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call this guy?

>> No.9872757

I'm not even sleeping. Oh god I think she is watching what I'm posting. Gonna get bullied so hard for this.

>> No.9872765

oh i know why dont you try eating garlic that will make remilia have to go away cuz vampires HATE garlic

>> No.9872800

In order to help you, we must know more about how she bullies you. Please explain in as much detail as possible how she bullies you and how it makes you feel.

>> No.9872809

I'm reminded of that time Yukari got stopped by the TSA. What was said about it? Ahh yes.

Your ability to manipulate boundaries is no match for a TSA Officer's ability to hinder movement.

>> No.9872834

please let's not delve into government employee powerlevels again...
I never thought it possible, but it's actually worse than vanilla 2hu powerlevel discussion.
