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File: 849 KB, 1682x1200, illya02_070-071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9870071 No.9870071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Illya can trace Excalibur and even use it to overwhelm Saber's own excaliblast. Emiyas, are you even trying?

>> No.9870081

>Illya can trace
Never happened.

>> No.9870091
File: 482 KB, 844x1200, illya02_069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9870094

How is this Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya?

I would like to read it but I don't like Fate.

>> No.9870097
File: 334 KB, 870x1024, 1345513020594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emiya? Fuck that loser.

>> No.9870098

Who the fuck draws this retarded shit? Sage

>> No.9870103
File: 792 KB, 1669x1200, 02-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the best magical girl series.

>> No.9870107


I sense some shoujo-ai..am I wrong?

>> No.9870115
File: 194 KB, 832x536, illya02_099e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a certain othere Type Moon protagonist, Illya also likes to rape the maids.

>> No.9870119

So Ilya is Shiki's daughter?

>> No.9870125


Ok, I'm going to read it.

>> No.9870133
File: 232 KB, 828x370, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps she's more of his spiritual successor. Miyu certainly seems to have fallen for her.

>> No.9870142

>Emiyas, are you even trying?
Emiya can trace Excalibur too. Seriously, the claim that they can't is just Nasu trying to be cool and witty with semantics.

None of their projections are perfect, every projection is a rank lower than the original.
The claim that they can't trace Excalibur, but trace a nearly identical sword that's not quite Excalibur because it's a lower rank is just asinine.

Otherwise you might as well say that they can't copy a single darn weapon,.

>> No.9870148

Nasu said what is traced is not the it because cannot trace certain parts of it. So deal with it.
Fucking protagfaggit.

>> No.9870157


waiting for 3rei

>> No.9870161


Sort of. In the same way that Emiya cannot trace the base materials of Enuma Elish, he also cannot trace the method of forging used to create Excalibur as it is a Last Phantasm crafted by the world itself.
So while he doesn't make Excalibur, he makes "Excalibur". A similar knockoff that's degraded further than a normal tracing. It still has the exact same function of turning prana into a rampaging light, and it's still exceedingly powerful, but it's inferior to Saber and even the imitation requires too much energy for someone without the karma of the dragon to cast.

>> No.9870169
File: 183 KB, 800x1142, fate-stay-night-3290271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone knows Type-Moon mangas are extremely non-canon.

Tsukihime manga: SHIKI's body cannot use magecraft but he uses magecraft anyway
Melty Blood manga: Satsuki is dead!?
F/SN manga: oh god everything is wrong why does this exist

>> No.9870171

>So deal with it.
Yeah, but it's completely redundant.
If it looks like Excalibur, acts like Excalibur, then it darn well is Excalibur. So who fucking cares if some parts are missing? None of the projections are perfect.

I just never get the point the point in it ever being brought up.
If someone for whatever the reason claims that he can trace Excalibur to do X, it's still completely asinine to bump in and say "Nuh uh! He can't trace Excalibur!", because whatever thing he does trace does the same thing anyway and claiming that his projection isn't Excalibur doesn't really change a thing.

>> No.9870175
File: 268 KB, 846x1200, 2wei_27_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya can defeat Gilgamesh when he's fighting at full power. Discuss.

>> No.9870431

The Tsukihime manga was stated by Nasu to be even better than his original work, and that it has become a goal that he must strive to surpass for the Remake. Roa uses magecraft in Melty Blood. It was never stated that SHIKI's body cannot use magecraft, so stop passing your own assumptions as facts.

Also, Prisma Illya is an AU, not an adaptation.

>> No.9870499

this series is so fucking awful

>> No.9870507

You misspelled "awesome".

>> No.9870587

I liked it better when it was slice of life. As usual with shonen series, once they just do more and more powerful battles, it becomes boring.

>> No.9870662


The faggot dies?

Maybe I should read the Fate manga.

>> No.9870695

It's a mahou shoujo series, what the fuck do you expect? Not ending with a climatic fight?

>> No.9870898

Shirou is a good character. If you want to see him die though you should read the VN. There are 40 endings and Shirou dies in around 90% of them.

>> No.9871554
File: 30 KB, 800x317, EXCALIBUUUUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9872276


>The Tsukihime manga was stated by Nasu to be even better than his original work, and that it has become a goal that he must strive to surpass for the Remake.

Same for the Kara no Kyoukai movies, doesn't make them more canon.

>Roa uses magecraft in Melty Blood.

TATARI image, not the real Roa. Made from a collective nightmare of Arc, Ciel, and Shiki, he has abilities that Arc and Ciel remember but with the only appearance that Shiki knew.

>It was never stated that SHIKI's body cannot use magecraft, so stop passing your own assumptions as facts.

Rather, it was said that he didn't have time to remember how to use magecraft in SHIKI's body. He hadn't acclimatized to his new form and his memories were sketchy.

If he could've used magecraft at some point, he would've used it against Arc or Ciel or Shiki.

I enjoyed the manga too but it's just non-canon.

>> No.9872384
File: 681 KB, 849x849, rustle_traces_ZUN_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya has nothing on Rustle's tracing skills.

>> No.9872572

>Same for the Kara no Kyoukai movies, doesn't make them more canon.

Oh it's certainly more canon. Takeuchi himself said the manga is a pictorical representation of the VN, so at least the pictures and scenarios can be considered canon.

>Made from a collective nightmare of Arc, Ciel, and Shiki

No, that was never stated. Roa himself said that he was recreated out of the memories of the land (which means he was exactly as he was two year ago), not from any collective nightmare. And lol about Arc having nightmares about Roa.

>If he could've used magecraft at some point, he would've used it against Arc or Ciel or Shiki.

>Rather, it was said that he didn't have time to remember how to use magecraft in SHIKI's body

So? Who's to say he can't return to being Roa sooner? In Tsukihime he never became 100% Roa, but that doesn't mean he couldn't.

>> No.9875411
File: 1.37 MB, 1415x2000, f9d2f75527fb10ebf00c22ea1202f8a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs Rustle when you have Illya?

>> No.9875476


What if Illya was in love with Rustle?

>> No.9875533

what? is fate kaleid prism illya related to sword dancers doujin?

>> No.9875568

They look like middle schoolers.
Rustle does a better job with his loli.

>> No.9875579

It's Prisma Illya. Though Hiroshi Hirama has made a few other doujinshi such as Last Battlers and Alexandrite.

>> No.9875625

thanks for the rustling /jp/, felt good

>> No.9875661

>Rustle does a better job with his loli.
You call those weird-looking characters "better"?
Dude, I suggest you do reality check. I'm afraid you're mixing 2d and 3d. When it comes to lolies, that can be fatal. You don't want to be part of those who keep saying that lolicon = peter file.
