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9865155 No.9865155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/

I would like to request your help/answers on a certain topic, and that is getting too attached to your waifu.

My friend told me recently that he developed an anxiety disorder because of his waifu. He said he started taking it too seriously and fell in love with her waifu. After a while, he started getting very anxious just thinking about her and has even vomited several times. Do any of you have similar experiences? Any experiences/info would be much appreciated. Feel free to ask for more details. I originally asked this on /a/ but they weren't of any help.

>> No.9865162

AHhhh... Vomit? I wonder why...

>> No.9865164

You don't have a friend. Enjoy your anxiety.

>> No.9865171


I don't care if you believe me or not, I would really appreciate serious answers.

>> No.9865172

Bring him back to reality, a little. It's okay to like a character and it's certainly okay to be attracted to her, but what he's doing is dangerous. I'm not saying this in a judgemental way--the evidence speaks for itself.

He'll just end up miserable and anxious and unsatisfied, no matter how many figures and dakimakura he buys. If he's not a recluse, maybe you could try taking his mind off things? Go to the pub together or see a movie. Do outsidey stuff. If the whole waifu thing causes problems, try the whole real life thing instead.

>> No.9865176

I used to have anxiety problems. Then I started running away from them. This can easily be achieved by distracting yourself with thoughts of other things. I used strategy games and music.

Soon I had run so far away that they stopped being a problem.

>> No.9865185

I must advise that this is an awful solution that creates a whole host of other problems, but it is a solution.

>> No.9865186

Waifus are an /a/related topic so I suggest you ask them.

>> No.9865188


He gave up on the whole waifu thing right after the anxiety started (about 5 months ago, he only told me about it a few days ago). But it hasn't worked. He still keeps getting anxious, and it seems pretty random. And anything that even slightly reminds him of 2D/his waifu can trigger the anxiety.


It's hard when it's turned into a disorder. Also that would mean giving up anime altogether.


As I said in the OP, I already tried asking /a/. I didn't get any serious answers. Even here I'm getting nothing but sage. I don't know where to go.

>> No.9865191

> Even here I'm getting nothing but sage.

Really? Someone post the various kopipe.

>> No.9865197

>It's hard when it's turned into a disorder.
Distracting yourself is a task that is surprisingly easy if you have enough hobbies. As I said, for me, it's strategy games. At any given time I can be thinking about strategies for any of three games, all of which have enough possibility space that I would never run out of things to consider.

>Also that would mean giving up anime altogether.
There are other hobbies in the sea.

>I don't know where to go.
You could try Tohno-chan. Or /adv/. Just change the story into "a girl who moved overseas" and the advice you receive could be highly applicable. People are saging your thread because it's shitty and off-topic and people who come to a board for shitty and off-topic threads are disliked by everyone in every board.

>> No.9865205

>You could try Tohno-chan. Or /adv/. Just change the story into "a girl who moved overseas" and the advice you receive could be highly applicable. People are saging your thread because it's shitty and off-topic and people who come to a board for shitty and off-topic threads are disliked by everyone in every board.

Tried Tohno, still waiting for replies as it's a very slow place. Also how is it off-topic? I mean, aren't waifus a part of Otaku Culture? Shitty thread it probably is though. I might try /adv/ then.

Also, it's been impossible for him to do pretty much anything when the anxiety hits. It makes him feel so bad mentally (and physically) that he's incapable of doing much.

>> No.9865235

The whole waifu thing started off as a joke on /a/ and people started to take it serious so people here regard it as something retarded that is gaia level and that people only do to fit in with /a/.
I'm sure many people here use a fictional girl as replacement for real people, they just don't call her a waifu to distance themself from that whole waifu movement.

Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with doing this.
It can work pretty well as long as you are aware that what you are doing is nothing but practicing escapism.
I too was like this once.
I regarded that fictional character not as my waifu since I didn't romantically loved her.
But thinking about her made me feel good and reminded me that in a real relationship I couldn't be as happy.

Right now I'm in a relationship with a real person and sometimes I really miss the old times since they were stressless and nice.
The reaction of your friend is probally his body telling him that he is merely deluding himself.
He keeps telling himself that he wants a waifu when he actually wants something entirely different.
Having a waifu when you actually want 3D is pretty dangerous.Seriously doing this should be only done when you can transcedent the need for real people completly

>> No.9865242

I found myself talking to myself in the street, imagining what my waifu would say and replying to her in the way I'd image she'd like to be talked to...

I still consider myself "married" and I have an immense amount of loyalty to her. I never do anything serious without thinking what my waifu would think if I did it.

>> No.9865244

Ask him to seek professional help.
That is some serious case of delusion.

>> No.9865249


He says that he was fine with her being just 2D for a long time, but then he started feeling the pain of her not being real and then he just crashed and all the anxiety started really hitting him. He stopped the whole waifu thing though, but the anxiety hasn't stopped. He's trying his best but still sometimes gets very serious anxiety.


He's trying to find professional help, but has some money issues right now.

>> No.9865265

This will only stop once he falls in love. If he is obsessive with this character he will be with someone real. This is really the only way. Whether he says he hates 3D girls or not he still likes the female form and still likes the personality of his waifu. If he finds a girl who he thinks has enough of those traits then it can replace his waifu, even if it's something like just projecting his waifu onto the girl. I say this as someone who has been through this exactly. I can help you out more if you like through email or something, there are a lot of things I can share to shed light on the situation that I'd rather not here. If not I will tell you as much more as I can that you need.

>> No.9865283


That would be great. He's gone right now and I can't give his details without permission, but there's an email you can use in the email field.

>> No.9865316

While waiting for an email from the other guy, does anyone else have anything?

>> No.9865321

Your thread's been on the front page for an hour. Everybody knows it's there.

>> No.9865323

>He said he started taking it too seriously and fell in love with her waifu.

If he wasn't in love with her, then she wasn't his waifu. He's just some fucking normalfag using the word to be on the bandwagon. Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.9865327

Let me just sign this email up on various gay porn newsletters. I'm sure replacing his waifu with some big, fat cocks up his ass will set that boy straight right away!

>> No.9865334


>implying that I'd give an email that I use for other things out on 4chan

Go ahead.

>> No.9865344

I know this is not strictly related to the topic but back when I was 10 or so I fell in love with Stephanie from Full House. I would spend hours upon hours sighing and moping around in the most depressed lovesick funk of my young life.

Having grown up into an upstanding member of society and looking back to those days of yore, I realize I don't love my current waifu (Flandre) as much as I did Stephanie back then. It's a truly heartbreaking realization, knowing that the size of my heart has shrunk over the years and I can only offer Flandre but a sliver of the amount of love I know I'm capable of giving.

Fuck getting old.

>> No.9865369

After making a quick google search I realized just how common love for fictional characters is.

I wish I'd know the correct term for this so we could use it here instead of the word "waifu".
Maybe it's the word "Paraphilia"?

When people make these threads it always reminds me to Pygmalion and to how old this occurence must be

>> No.9865389

Pygmalion's wish somehow came true though. Just imagine the intensity of his desire that the gods themselves had no other choice but to oblige him.

>> No.9865391

"2D love" has caught on, even in literature.

>> No.9865396

Agalmatophilia? That's what Pygmalion was.
