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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 568x436, ConfessionsQuad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9864178 No.9864178 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favourite Japanese live action films?

>> No.9864182 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.9864191


>> No.9864198

I don't watch things with real people, and if I did gooks would be the last on the list.

>> No.9864199


>> No.9864206

Problem Child 2.

>> No.9864217
File: 46 KB, 334x475, Samurai1_mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your favourite Japanese live action films?

Probably the Samurai trilogy.

>> No.9864229

This is the most weeb thing I've ever seen.

Go away, Ken-sama.

>> No.9864257

the last samurai

its my favorite historical documentary

>> No.9864263

Le samourai

It's abou a french weeaboo

>> No.9864266

Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Shit's wonderful.

>> No.9864272

Jurassic Park

>> No.9864283
File: 968 KB, 1431x2021, 7654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPEC: Heaven

>> No.9864281


>> No.9864297

Problem Child 2

>> No.9864306

It falls under board rules.

>> No.9864309

That one where a guy goes up an elevetaro and fights people for a really long time -|0|-/*9*\-|0|-

>> No.9864310

Movies are not a niche interest.

>> No.9864312

Meika Minami - Kei-On

>> No.9864313

That film where the gaijin scientist gets the nip scientist to pour tons of formaldehyde down the sink

>> No.9864324


i'm a movie otaku

>> No.9864385
File: 34 KB, 450x302, All_about[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9864398

kung fu hustle

>> No.9864400

"Post my movie thread on the movie board? Nah, I'll post it on /jp/ instead!"

-Original poster 10/12/2012

>> No.9864405

Memories of Matsuko, The Taste of Tea and Departures.

>> No.9864409

but that's Chinese

Stephen Chow is my husbando

>> No.9864415

Fuck off homo.

>> No.9864433

but that's Korean

Doona Bae is my waifu

>> No.9864476

Nobody mentions the fucking Ringu trilogy?
Goddamnit, that should have been the first five posts.

>> No.9864515

Novel is superior.

>> No.9864567
File: 268 KB, 818x678, beachfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All his films.

>> No.9864571

Half a year is such a long wait.

>> No.9864607
File: 122 KB, 640x512, sakuranwallpaper1280x102405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow the fuck down.

>> No.9864617

/jp/ - Television & Film

>> No.9865236

This is a very good one. It also has my favorite Japanese actor playing the main male lead role too. Good job anon.

>> No.9865246


/jp/ - Advice

/jp/ - Toys

/jp/ - Hentai/Alternative

/jp/ - Cosplay & EGL

/jp/ - Video Game Generals

>> No.9868278


>> No.9868320

These are all the movies I've watched and didn't delete:
Air Doll
Battle Royale
Cast Away on the Moon
Linda Linda Linda
Survive Style 5+
The Taste of Tea

>> No.9868393

>Castaway on the Moon
That is Korean.

>> No.9868432

Audition was a good movie.

>> No.9868479

You're just saying that because you like traps.

>> No.9868486

Wild Zero.

>> No.9868501
File: 277 KB, 1026x1500, departures-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Departures was pretty cool, I watched it with my mom.

>> No.9870624

Mishima: A life in Four Chapters
Patriotism or The Right to Love & Death
Aoi Haru
Maiku Hama (all films &12 part TV show)
Fighting Elegy
The Legend of the 8 Samurai
Ninja Wars
Shoguns Ninja
Samurai Reincarnation (Original)

moe coming later

>> No.9870629

If by cool you mean fucking boring, then yes it was so cool.

>> No.9870777


I just watched Matsuko. I wasn't really impressed or entertained. I actually want that 2 hours back.

>> No.9871151

I'm sorry about your lack of taste.

>> No.9871170

another off-topic thread that will get one reply every 12 hours because the janitor won't delete it

>> No.9871178


>> No.9871184
File: 761 KB, 1000x814, 1342853058699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend scary japanese movies?

I already watched Noroi and thought it was good

>> No.9871191

I heard >>>/tv/ was a good place to ask this kind of thing.

>> No.9871205

Sorry I can only go to >>>/jp/

>> No.9871214

>implying sitting through shitty films means you have taste

>> No.9871217

I think it's Nakashima's best movie in every category (story, characters, cinematography - everything). shrug

Audition, Strange Circus, and Dark Water are alright. I don't really like horror movies tho.

A Tale of Two Sisters and Tell Me Something are good too, but they're Korean.

>> No.9871346

Nobody Knows and Eureka were pretty good. Especially Nobody Knows.

>> No.9871352

Why? Nobody on /jp/ cares about Japanese films. But >>>/tv/ does

All that on-topic discussion!

>> No.9871370

Not anon you were talking to. Your statement is inaccurate.

You seem new to /jp/.

We do this all the time.

This is /jp/ related you try hard.

>> No.9871399

The Avengers

>> No.9871444 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to dictate what people discuss. Why the fuck would you have any problems with this thread?

>> No.9871447 [DELETED] 

leave him be, gooky chink's just mad

>> No.9871490

Last time I checked, this board was called Otaku Culture.

Not Japan/General.

Not Television & Film.

>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia

3DPD movies are not otaku just because they feature nips.

>> No.9871497

I want /tv/ to leave

>> No.9871516

Seriously, why doesn't moot make a fucking touhou board for all you homos? There are fig threads on /a/ and VN threads on /vg/, the only thing out of place is touhou when this board could be used for non-nerd japanese posting.

>> No.9871640 [DELETED] 

How about you tell those doujin fucks to go /h/ then? Or video game/touhou players to /v/? People will discuss whatever they want and your butthurt entitlement won't make any difference. The janitor being perfectly fine with the thread is evident of the fact that threads like these are tolerated, and I also bet you're one of those who whine about idol threads. It's time for you to find a new board, you obviously don't belong here.

>> No.9871649 [DELETED] 

I think he's one of those who whine about naruto or bleach on /a/

>> No.9871885

Idols are /jp/ because they don't have a board (/mu/ is not idols)
Touhous are fine because they don't have a board (/v/ is not touhou or its fandom)
Doujin fucks are fine because they don't have a board (/h/ is not doujins)

Movies are fine because they don't have a board (/tv/ is not movies)... oh wait


>> No.9872764
File: 9 KB, 200x232, Yukio Mishima Young, fight, revolt, justice, death, glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep thinking I am Asian? It's me man. >>9871370

>> No.9872790
File: 25 KB, 220x315, 220px-Princess_Aurora_movie_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Aurora
The Host

>> No.9872793

my house mates were watching death tube earlier with subs
i really hate them because they love shit anime like panty and stocking but since i havent seen death tube i was wondering if this makes them secondaries or what

>> No.9872795

Korea pls

>> No.9872815

>The janitor being perfectly fine with the thread is evident of the fact that threads like these are tolerated,

What the fuck is with this /q/ level excuse being used lately?

>> No.9872928

Be With You
Love Exposure
Lady Snowblood
Tetsuo: The Iron Man

And everything with Aoi Miyazaki.

>> No.9873007

No mention of Adrenaline Drive.

>> No.9873267

I loved Godzilla and G.I. Samurai.

>> No.9873355

Confession was so good, it's pretty grimdark, japan loves grimdark shit. But seriously, junior high school boys? Killing people?

>> No.9873486


>> No.9874206

G.I Samurai all the way!
My goodness! I love Sonny Chiba's work!

>> No.9874253

China pls
Good good movie.
Taste of Tea is a slice of life movie. I will post a good recommendation list of Japanese slice of life movies tomorrow.

>> No.9874325

That picture is horrifying. How could Yuuka get a boyfriend in the first place?

>> No.9874332

Damn, thats some nice grass, I fucking love movies with nice shots of grass, need to rewatch this one.

>> No.9874931 [DELETED] 

touhou is a videogame you stupid fuck, hence it should go to /v/. and idols shit is music so it should go to /mu/ according to your logic. whatever, enjoy your one man parade while the rest of us are staying on topic

i'm sorry chink but the janitor hasn't deleted the thread, so maybe you just need to really leave or hide the thread if you can't stand anything japanese

>> No.9875070
File: 172 KB, 640x452, kuroneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off can someone help me find a link to the movie or dvd purchase of the movie Mansion of the Ghost Cat?

Here is a link for synopsis: SPOILER
Now continuing

HOUSE (Which I nominate as the official Japanese movie of /jp/)
Cromartie High School: The Movie (/jp/ in a nut shell)
9 Souls
Ninja in the Dragon's Den (This counts hence Japan Action Club partnership)
Who's Camus Anyway (A must watch, just for the ending(Where everything fianlly ties together to make sense))
Shogun's Shadow
Red Lion (Toshiro Mifume)
Detroit Metal City
Crows Zero (Meh)
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams
Daimajin (All Three)
Afraid To Die (Yukio Mishima lead role)
Ken: The Sword (Based off of Yukio Mishima's Novel)
Yakuza Papers
Branded to Kill
Electric Dragon 80,000 V (Part 1)
Dead End Run (Part 2)

>> No.9875092
File: 168 KB, 425x450, 1336291955594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these try-hard neo/jp/ers.

Haven't been here for a while. When did you guys stop taking it easy?

>> No.9875106

I've heard good things about the Hara-Kiri remake.

Has anybody seen it?

>> No.9875128
File: 17 KB, 250x211, Mishima-Weak-times-glare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. So much pointless arguing. Neo/jp/
No not yet,
I want to see it though.
I usually don't like much of takishi miike's work. He has some that I really enjoy, but his perversity and emphases on wackiness just turn me completely off for the most part.

What movies of his do you like?

>> No.9875135

To be honest, I've hardly seen any, because like you said I'm not into "extreme" things. But I heard that this one was "played straight" as well as being very good.

>> No.9875190

I heard that also, which is good.
Happy to hear I'm not the only Otaku not into his style.
He is so popular in the West for his film making! I am not really sure why the Film Critics/buffs love him so much in the West.

>> No.9875199

Thanks, I appreciate your effort!

>> No.9875251

Oh!...You startled me.
Are you OP?

I think I see you make these movies threads most of the time and you always use Confessions for the opening post.
Nothing wrong with that. Definitly /jp/ related and it is always good to have one up once and a while.
I just wanted you to know that we real /jp/ can recognize your good posting.

>> No.9875268

I am the OP, and this is my first time I've made a thread like this. That was also my first post in this thread. Just felt bad that no one responded to your recommendations and thought you should know that I appreciate the effort and have downloaded a few of them.

>> No.9875313

Well you're welcome. I kind of went overboard on the recommendations though. I kind of forgot that this was a Japanese Action thread and not a Japanese movie general thread.

If you look up the official Sonny Chiba DVD collection on Amazon you won't be disappointed. They all have the same casing, so you shouldn't have a problem missing em'.

Sony Chiba has a lot of films that haven't ever been subtitled, which is such a waist.

>> No.9875328

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9875332

I remember seeing a Japanese film with Vinnie Jones in it years ago. He kept saying "what is your function in life?" to everyone, then killed them when they tried to answer.
It's not, but these kinds of threads aren't going away, unfortunately.

>> No.9877431

>link to the movie Mansion of the Ghost Cat
Its on asiatorrents

>> No.9878308

Thank you very much. I will watch that soon now.

>> No.9878358

You bumped the thread all the way from page 10 for that?

>> No.9879011
File: 202 KB, 952x674, Kuroneko 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea it was on though. It is just on reply and refresh for me.

>> No.9879048

Yeah, fuck you. You knew it was on that time. And you'll know it'll be on in another 12 hours.

>> No.9879925

Bump xD

>> No.9881319
File: 94 KB, 568x800, Outrage-Beyond-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outrage Beyond

>> No.9887372

Was the first one any good?
