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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9853355 No.9853355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

While I was walking on a busy street on my way home, one thing caught my eye. Out of maybe 200 people, only one wore a skirt.

What's wrong with Western women? I know it's pretty cold out but that doesn't seem to stop Japs from wearing short skirts.

>> No.9853361

Nice misogyny

>> No.9853362

blame feminism.

>> No.9853363
File: 386 KB, 1159x712, green saten shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank feminism for that development

>> No.9853373

I know, it saddens me that today women wear less fancy dresses. well, simplicity stroke the vogue thanks to women liberation (going outside, riding cars and manly activities)and coco chanell and her executive look proposal. I hate this era's garments.

>> No.9853382

>>9853363 >>9853362
you should kill yourselves, pigs. feminists invented short skirts

>> No.9853383

But women being less slutty is a good thing

>> No.9853388
File: 305 KB, 796x796, 1326068027468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand why they prefer jeans over skirts.

Skirts are much more comfortable

>> No.9853390

Because Japan has a shitty patriarchal society. In our superior Western culture everyone is equal. Oh, and short skirts are ugly, only sluts wear them.

>> No.9853391

You've already been brainwashed.

>> No.9853392




>> No.9853393

I always hear women complain that skirts are uncomfortable

>> No.9853398

If you want to see girls wearing non slutty skirts and decent, yet elegant clothing, you need to get out of the US/wester eurabian countries. South America is a good place to spot girls that haven't turned into complete feminist sluts.

only problem is that there's a good chance you're all racist and wouldn't enjoy being down there.

>> No.9853402

to be fair one wearing a skirt has to be cautious about not upskirting plus how the hell are you going to be comfortable in spastic situation where the piece of cloth keeps dancing loosely? jeans=+armor and firm fit

>> No.9853403

You're just a dirty weeb. Short skirts are ugly and slutty. Longer skirts are elegant and perfect, but almost no one wears them. Not even in Japan.

>> No.9853404

I never see girls wearing armor. Where do you live?

>> No.9853405

How so? I'm here on /jp/ because I don't like societies slutty and lewd attitude where everything revolves around sex and your looks

>> No.9853406

Please stop using reimu_depressed.jpg improperly.

>> No.9853414

She's annoyed, not depressed.

>> No.9853408


No you're not. You're on /jp/ because you're a disgusting loser.

>> No.9853409

I know that Baptist and Amish communities require their women to wear long skirts and they often wear stockings underneath.

Too bad I've never seen a good looking amish or baptist woman,
only the girls look cute while they're still young

>> No.9853411

projecting projecting projecting

>> No.9853412

talking about protection against scratches, bugs and dirt

>> No.9853413

This is why skirts need to become a man thing. Men wouldn't give a shit about their underwear showing.

>> No.9853420

I don't even know what that means, jokes on you buddy.

>> No.9853416


Cop-out cop-out cop-out.

>> No.9853422

dress > skirt

>> No.9853423

it is called kilt . shorts are fine too

>> No.9853427

>While I was walking on a busy street on my way home
>busy street

Non /jp/sie detected

>> No.9853430

Hell, even long dresses are rare these days.

>> No.9853432
File: 20 KB, 182x171, 1348602470528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pig is a pig no matter how you dress it.

>> No.9853434

The last time I saw anyone wearing a one piece swimsuit was maybe four years ago.

Why do kids even wear bikinis?

>> No.9853435

Go easy on him, autists have a hard time recognizing facial expressions.

>> No.9853443

Even a truNEET needs to get his teeth fixed. If you are talking about social anxiety and the like, a true /jp/er is above such petty feelings.

>> No.9853438

Why would she have eyebags if she's annoyed?

I'm sure she isn't annoyed because she has insomnia.

>> No.9853451

Kilts aren't cut- manly enough.

>> No.9853455

A year ago in university, I saw a girl wearing a knee length skirt. I couldn't stop staring.
I tell myself I don't care for 3D, but I wanted her to walk by me so I could smell her.
Good thing they do not wear skirts, or I would have been tempted into fornication.

>> No.9853462

Because she's also very tired from doing lewd stuff all night for money. Duh.

>> No.9853466

>I wanted her to walk by me so I could smell her.

I have never once wanted to do this to anyone. People smell like poop.

>> No.9853471

I happen to know that emotional status, consanguine

>> No.9853476

When I pull all-nighters, I often end up having a nice long sleep, and wake up more refreshed than usual.

Sorry, maybe you're the autist misreading Reimu's expression here.

>> No.9853481

Because 3D.

>> No.9853491

This is interesting, actually. Kids are forced into the sexy-clothing-culture (there are string panties and the like for ten year olds, and probably under). But they still preach how pedophiles are bad.

Aren't they the bigger culprits, the ones who actually sexualize children?

>> No.9853500


No, because we live in a society of strong independent womyn where sexualisation is an expression of one's right to be a slut, which is apparently a good thing.

>> No.9853531
File: 52 KB, 408x533, jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but tomboys are my fetish, why are female characters wearing pants so rare in 2D? ;_;

>> No.9853546
File: 454 KB, 760x596, 1124220406655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and why is every single picture of a pants-wearing girl with non-rude titties considered "androgynous" and "reverse_trap"? ;_;

>> No.9853549

Because that's how it should be.

>> No.9853554
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> While I was walking on a busy street on my way home, one thing caught my eye. Out of maybe 200 people, only one wore a skirt.

Because shorts are awesome, deal with it.

I'd post pictures of shorts being cute but you don't deserve them.

>> No.9853555


Nah, it's because jeans are comfortable and Japs are dumb slaves to fashion.

>> No.9853566
File: 594 KB, 1091x1535, e8b28e94033df00d94376cfe16d03d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that sexism. Or misogyny. Or some other often misused buzzword.

>> No.9853569

What would you call pictures of a boy wearing a skirt?
Nice double standards.

>> No.9853577

I like how some of you expect women to be adorable 100% of the time and call them pigs when they aren't. It'd be like if I expected you to be 6'3", built and wearing the sharpest suit imaginable at every hour of the day.

>> No.9853579

Christian traditional values is what it has its roots in. If we go on national socialist values, however, then the man and woman are equal in all aspects and regards.

>> No.9853581
File: 228 KB, 1230x1713, 076cec50a4a3e5c4586335b0db5e5972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But pants are a gender-neutral article of clothing, skirts are not.

>> No.9853585

Gender-neutral articles of clothing are a social construct

>> No.9853586

>What's wrong with Western women?
You can noticeably see an increase of women with skirts if you go to parties, disco and the likes.
Too bad those are all horrible places to be.

>> No.9853595

You're assuming that I don't think I'm pig disgusting myself.

>> No.9853596

Then what would be the male article of clothing?
You're forgetting kilts by the way. Your posts are making me angry too, are you doing this unironically? Pants were for the longest time considered as a male item, not gender neutral.
Originally, jeans were for miners who did hard manual labor.
No, just expect women to look like women.
I find myself fapping to traps more often now, since they actually wear female clothing like skirts and cute blouses.

>> No.9853594


My sharpest suit imaginable is my underwear+blanket, which I do wear every hour of the day.

>> No.9853601

Should you be back at /cgl/ talking about sex strikes?

>> No.9853608

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I know that you know you're wrong, and that's all I need.

>> No.9853610
File: 24 KB, 250x375, marc-in-skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys sure you want skirts to become an acceptable garment for men?

I personaly do not. I like how skirts are strongly associated with feminity and fluffiness, I don't want that to change.

Skirts might be fine for cute traps, but definitely not for men.

>> No.9853612

da fug :D

>> No.9853615

Men did wear skirt-like clothes in the Roman empire, at least. Look at their armies.

>> No.9853620
File: 63 KB, 481x1024, 0051c2eec4e51c7612e82d9043d7397f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, what else could it be? But why is this common and universally-accepted social construct suddenly ignored when it comes to 2D? I-I think Kino looks very beautiful and feminine, not androgynous. ;_;

>Pants were for the longest time considered as a male item
Key word: were. Do you just want to be stuck with some hundred-year old societal values? Nothing wrong with that, but don't expect many others to follow.

>> No.9853626


They actually wore tunics, which are dresses.

>> No.9853632

But Kino is meant to look androgynous, you're really using a bad example.

>> No.9853649
File: 381 KB, 1500x2121, 5a224374b28ee72e2911f76ec53d4aeff56f138a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's always the same, regardless of character.

non-rude titties + pants = androgynous

Why ;_;

>> No.9853655

Because they look like dudes.
If it was a picture with a guy in a dress, it would say crossdress.

>> No.9853661

Some people actually like androgynous girls. That's not necessarily a bad thing :/

Just take Makoto from Idolm@ster, that's her charming point.

>> No.9853660

Give an example of someone with rude titties and pants, let's see if they look like crossdressers or not.

>> No.9853726
File: 459 KB, 632x980, db4dd6f01773921b013e3cb543493623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because they look like dudes.
But they don't, that's my point.

I guess people cannot into female beauty unless the breasts are fuckhuge saggy sacks of flesh and/or a lot of skin is showing. Maybe it has to do with leg fetishism. Or something. I don't know.

>rude titties and pants
Here you go, first fitting result with large_breasts pants 1girl rating:safe.

I, for example, like them. But I do not consider tomboys androgynous, they can be very feminine.

Pants + short hair + small tits don't make a girl's figure androgynous, not if she has any titties and girly WHR. It's like people are using the term wrong on purpose.

>> No.9853736

She'd look better in a business skirt.

>> No.9853751

I dunno, I guess in my case I like them precisely because of the association of slightly masculine qualities.
Then again I like traps.

>> No.9853777

"Because women shouldn't be forced to wear skirts since it has nothing to do with feminity. Skirts only exists to show us as objects, this is pure misoginy !
It's the same for dresses. We're in 2012, it's our right to wear whatever we want ! We're buying clothes for ourselves, not for your eyes !
What about long hairs? It's the same as the skirts, we're not in the dark ages anymore, grow up already ! Besides long hairs are just a hassle to take care of, we don't have time for that, we are actives, independants and men should stop seeing us as objects !
After all, it is just about you not being able to handle a real woman !"

.... Am I doing it right? I'm pretty sure an argument with a feminist would go that way.

>> No.9853788

Dude that's a little too accurate, it's a little scary actually.

>> No.9853795

pretty much yes.
But in the end they can do whatever they want, if they don't want to look attractive to men that's their damn choice, the problem is that they have this delusion that they have the right to change men's minds and tastes in women, which is a true tyranny.

>> No.9853947

Where are you from OP?

>> No.9853953


>> No.9853973

How about skirts on pants?

>> No.9853979

If they're stockings, knee-socks or similar

>> No.9853980

I see.
Here, in the south-western yurop, plenty of women wear skirts, even during winter.

It's a spurdo burdo world....

>> No.9853982
File: 1.21 MB, 867x1138, 30815d51debad2750ac53db13d9dd262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"B-but onii-chan, girls shouldn't be forced to wear skirts, they're lewd! Skirts only exist for perverts to flip, I don't wanna wear a skirt!
>It's the same for dresses, I can wear whatever I want! I-it's not like I'm wearing clothes just to look cute!
>What about long hair? It's the same as skirts, we're not in the dark ages anymore, b-baka! Besides long hair is just a hassle to take care of, I don't have time for that! And shorter hair looks cute too!
>Will onii-chan hate me if I wear pants? M-maybe I could wear a skirt then ... but it's not because I like you or anything!"

Sorry, I am not very good at this.

>> No.9853990

>Winters of southern Finland (average day time temperature is below 0 °C/32 °F)
Gee, I wonder why people don't want to wear skirts there!

>> No.9853991

Wearing skirt during Finnish winter? Are you nuts?
I highly suspect that guy of lying. Not even autumn is that merciful.

>> No.9853992
File: 255 KB, 678x873, 6672882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with Western women?
>I know, it saddens me that today women wear less fancy dresses.
>But women being less slutty is a good thing
>I just don't understand why they prefer jeans over skirts.
>I always hear women complain that skirts are uncomfortable
/jp/ - Fashion

Thank you, janitor

>> No.9853993

No, no, you're doing fine. Please continue.

>> No.9854000

So this is why this fantasy was created? Oh, now I get it.

Little girls discussing fashion is common.

>> No.9854079

So you like it?

Only the tone was changed from archetypal feminist to archetypal tsundere. Both "personalities" are ridiculous, insecure, gross exaggerations. And they're practically saying the same thing.

You're disgusting.

>> No.9854104

Slender girls should wear tight jeans etc. Looks really good.

>> No.9854106

The tsundere is doing it out of personal considerations. The feminist is making it into a men-versus-women thing and dishing out blanket attacks. There's a substantial difference.

How close their behavior is to that of a realistic, sane person has nothing to do with how much people will like it.

>> No.9854127

>M-maybe I could wear a skirt then
I think you missed that part.
The tsundere will eventually do something for YOU, out of all people ! The feminist will rather die without wearing a skirt for the rest of her life only to go against YOU, because you're a man.

>> No.9854132

Girls are still wearing skirts + thighs where I am. Mostly just jeggings/leggings now though.

>> No.9854149

for a while I saw girls wear skits with jeans underneath. it was the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.9854171
File: 25 KB, 775x866, 1348845244281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are valuable members of society because they have no value whatsoever to society.

That might not make a lot of sense, but think about it for a minute. If everyone worked very hard and pushed themselves so that they were as efficient as possible in everything that they do then we would live in a world where it's impossible to relax and everyone would constantly be working their asses off like bees in a hive. They wouldn't even understand the concept of relaxation because there are no examples of lazy people for them to look to.

Women are the embodiment of carefree laziness and their contribution to society is actually their lack of any real contribution. By not contributing anything to the society that they live in they set an example for others and other people realize that maybe they don't need to work extra hard so they can afford that big house or that fancy car because there's this guy living in his mother's basement with barely anything and he's happier than I am.

Women or anyone who lives a simple life and works very little promotes a minimalist style of living and other people benefit from seeing this since they will incorporate it in their own lives. Womens helps remind the people of the society they live in that you should slow down from time to time and just relax.

>> No.9854182

cloud this be the beginning of another epic /jp/ copypasta?

>> No.9854478
File: 56 KB, 600x448, feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/cgl/ is that way, slut.

>> No.9854487

Nobody respects people who contribute nothing to anything and are content with mindless consumption of things that other people create.

>> No.9854544

I do, aslong as they are nice people that is.

>> No.9854592
File: 231 KB, 436x512, 1346959372415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, somehow, makes sense.

>But I do not consider tomboys androgynous, they can be very feminine.
Tomboys are all about the personality/behavior, not the appearance IMO.

>> No.9854760

What the hell do eyebags have to do with insomnia? I sleep well and I've had eyebags almost all of my life.

>> No.9854778

I highly doubt Spain or France have a high concentration of skirt-wearing females.

>> No.9854786


Yeah, it's weird. I sleep 12 hours a day and I have them, when I visit my parents they tell me how tired I look.
