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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9841999 No.9841999 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good way of learning Japanese without moving to Japan, taking classes on it, or using Rosetta Stone?

I'd rather learn Japanese at home as a hobby than waste a class on something I don't need to graduate.

Rosetta Stone wasn't teaching me anything, just making me link a picture with a certain moonrune.

>> No.9842010

>I'd rather learn Japanese at home as a hobby than waste a class on something I don't need to graduate.
Then do it.

>> No.9842011

Dog is "inu"

Cat is "neko"

Apple is "dingo"

Rice is "Gohan(?)"

That's what I learned from Rosetta Stone.

>> No.9842017

How about you tell me a good way to do it first?

>> No.9842016

Buy Oxford's Japanese grammar guide, a dictionary, and remember to do your goddamn reps.

>> No.9842044

Buy a textbook.

>> No.9842064

Evern though I've been to japan, talk to a japanese girl I met there daily, and my music library is 60% japanese, I can't find the motivation to study unless its for class. Classes have helped me a ton, you get to practice talking which is helpful(Although I have people I can skype with so that works well), and most importantly a fluent japanese person to answer any questions and help you when you need it.

>> No.9842089


These are correct translations, you are welcome.

>> No.9842090

I downloaded version 2 years ago, when I was still in high school. I still have nightmares about it.
          卍   Onnanoko
          卍   Kuruma
          卍   Hikoki
          卍   Mizu
          卍   Otokonoko
          卍   Booru

Over and over again, with no context and no relationship in the order, just mindless trial and error.

It was one of the few things I've ever found so worthless that I deleted.

>> No.9842104

Reading romaji makes my brain hurt.

>> No.9842115

That's another issue. RS used a shitty font in boldface for Kanji, and you can't tell what it is even if you knew (it doesn't teach you or even mention it).

You pretty much have to use it for Rosetta Stone. Just another reason why it's crap. You can either have everything in pure Japanese (including the interface and any explanations that they might have), or in Romaji and English.

>> No.9842130

At your age you shouldn't learn Japanese unless you needed to use it.

You are almost always going to attempt to translate everything you see and hear into English instead of understanding/reading/hearing/thinking in Japanese.

>> No.9842140

Eat the brain of a Japanese person.

>> No.9842157
File: 146 KB, 969x826, Screenshot from 2012-10-07 18:27:41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started studying by myself some time ago (pic related) but I think I'm learning it the wrong way.

First of all I find it very difficult to associate the kanji with their readings. For example when I try to read something, I'll end up with stuff like "orient direction" or "book study talking ne" I find it easier to visualize the meanings for some reason.

Second, I've only been doing character memorization. Since I don't know anything about syntax, grammar or sentence structure I can't understand any of the stuff that I can actually read. I have no idea where to start with any of these things.

What should I be doing?
Should I keep doing my memrise reviews everyday, or switch to something else?

>> No.9842171

I don't agree. I'm in the process of learning and I don't find myself thinking in English when I read things in Japanese. I understand it in Japanese in the context of Japanese, it's just a matter of knowing the culture well.


1. Learn Hiragana first (just look at a chart).
2. Stop using Romanji at this point.
3. Then learn basic grammar through books and shit.
4. Stop with the subs on your anime / doujinshi
5. Learn Katakana (Just look at a chart)
6.Then learn about 300 nouns, verbs and adverbs through a dictionary.
7. Make a Japanese friend with shit English
8.Then learn more grammar through books and shit.
9.Learn the Kanji and start reading Japanese works etc. in your daily life.

That's it. Buy some books, look at some helpful picture through Google and talk to a Japanese person in Japanese. Now please, considering how much I've helped you, delete this thread as thanks.

>> No.9842177

That isn't true, I'm 23 and I still do it alot, but things I've known for 2 or 3 years now I don't translate anymore. It helps having lots of conversations where you don't have time to translate everything.

>> No.9842186

Buy a textbook like Genki and learn some grammar retard. Anyone can just memorize shit.

>> No.9842221

I'll look into Genki, but how does one practice and study grammar in general?
Would downloading a translated game, and playing it along it with the untranslated version do any good?

>> No.9842399

No, because a proper translation is different to the original text. Even so-called literal translations aren't one-to-one since the grammar and syntax are different. For example, English typically uses subject-verb-object (I like cake) whereas Japanese uses subject-object-verb (I cake like). This might get confusing and trick you into believing that one of the words for "like" is actually the Japanese word for "cake".

>> No.9842480

Doesn't really sound like a problem to me, but then again I haven't actually tried it.

Can you tell me about your experience with Genki? What was it like?

>> No.9842550

Apparently /a/ runs daily threads on learning Japanese. Here are some resources:
Both of those have scanned textbooks up for grabs.

>> No.9842651


>> No.9842662

Fuck off, you coward. How dare you sage this thread.

>> No.9842678

here's some more cool japanese phrases to know op:


impress all your japanese-speaking friends with your knowledge of these phrases.

>> No.9842689

- Definitely Pregnant
- Big Dick Girl
- Ejaculate in my Vagina with FORCE!

>> No.9842724

memrise is good for learning the meaning of the kanji and the hiragana but that's only a part of the whole picture.

learn grammar, take your knowledge from memrise and use this approach:

think of whatever you say in a normal day. if you can't say it in japanese, write it down and then look up how to say it in japanese

you'll learn it fast that way, going from 0 to 6 months, you'll be able to sound/write good enough for them to at least pick up what you're saying.

beyond that, it's just little tidbits of the language that you wont know, just keep looking them up and within 2 years, i guarantee you, you'll be fluent

>> No.9842750

>think of whatever you say in a normal day. if you can't say it in japanese, write it down and then look up how to say it in japanese

I don't speak on a normal day.

>> No.9842773
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>Big dick girl

>> No.9842780

That could be a problem.

>> No.9842792
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Learning any skill has less to do with how you learn it and more to do with how motivated you are and how much time you're willing to dedicate to it.

So planning out ways to learn Japanese isn't as important as staying motivated in whatever method you choose to use. This is why drugs are more useful than any learning advice that anyone could give you.

Take some stims and point yourself in the direction of some basic Japanese learning resources. The rest will sort itself out on its own.

>> No.9842798

me gusta desu!

>> No.9842800

>Rosetta Stone

I can just hear "KURUMA" ringing in my ears over and over again when I think of that.

>> No.9842802


>> No.9842846


I always try doing this, but end up jacking off for ten hours straight.

>> No.9842891


>but end up jacking off for ten hours straight.

How do you get it up? When I'm taking stimulants my penis basically goes into hibernation. It gets all small and I have to smack it around just to wake it up enough to get slightly hard.

I do have troubles with being distracted though. If I can force myself to begin studying then it's perfect and I'll be doing that for hours. It's more likely that I will get distracted before that happens and end up dancing around the room and listening to Barry White or Earth Wind and Fire for hours though.

>> No.9843157


>How do you get it up?

Multiple porn videos at once and a LOT of lube.

If I still can't get it up, then I just dance around the room until I can't move anymore.

>> No.9843192

You guys have very... interesting lives. Wish I could have used stimulants or something in college. I didn't have health insurance or the kind of connections needed for that, though, so I made do with getting instantly distracted by every passing thought.

Sure would have helped me focus on Japanese, though. I must have tried to get started learning three or four times.

>> No.9843244
File: 17 KB, 223x447, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I didn't have health insurance

60 IR tablets of 10mg amphetamine salt combo (generic Adderall) costs less than 80 bucks if you're in the U.S.

Get on dat SSI and Medicaid if you want free pills and doctor visits.

What are you waiting for?! Start jacking off and dancing today!

>> No.9843265

This is /jp/, a some of us get so little social interaction that our english faculties are degrading all on their own.

>> No.9843350

what program is that?

>> No.9843428

