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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9841451 No.9841451 [Reply] [Original]

What are YOUR ten desires /jp/?

>> No.9841456

Put it in 10x

>> No.9841461

All of them involve sucking a dick

>> No.9841468
File: 29 KB, 802x733, The Safety Chair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-9: Dick sucked by a Tou-Bro
10: Safety Chair

>> No.9841474
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, Zero by google7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean /jp/
purge /jp/ of infidels
Remove Polish kebab
Make touhou game
Marry a Touhou
Get elected most influent person on 4chin
Becoming the moderator
Deleting /v/ and /b/
Philippines best country in the world
Marry Milk~Nohryonnnnn

>> No.9841478

Immortality. Nothing else is needed.

>> No.9841488

Living a happy and beautiful life. That's it.

>> No.9841543

Magical book loli that calls me Master.
Obtain proper immortality.
Become the king of everything.
Recover understanding of higher levels of existence.
Return to higher levels of existence.
Overthrow proper order and heirarchy of higher planes of existence.
Locate previous versions of myself.
Destroy them.
Expand my empire throughout the infinite conceptual expanses of the varied orders of reality.
Enjoyee my lifetime.

>> No.9841609

You listed /jp/ twice

>> No.9841622


>> No.9841647

To be able to take it easy
To have sufficient money to live without worry
To own a loli cat girl
To own a loli dog girl
To own a loli maid
To have a loli wife
For all women to look like lolis and never grow elderly
To never grow elderly
To own another loli maid
To have health insurance

>> No.9841678

I'd like to become a halfway decent...
...mathematician, maybe?

Get more fit.

I'd like to make a large sum of money somehow.

Somehow advance the free, open-source movement.

And do something to make peoples' lives better.

And, maybe, just maybe find a cute girl that could at least put forth the impression of tolerating me in some capacity.

And do this all before I become old and useless at 30, at which point I'll probably off myself because I honestly don't enjoy much about life other than my aspirations.

I know that's both terribly generic and unrealistic, but, that's what they are.

>> No.9841687


You listed loli 5 times.

I think you're a pedo.

>> No.9841688


>> No.9841689

Learn to count, normie.

>> No.9841694


> old and useless at 30

This is what I think, too. Every day I tell myself I'll shoot myself before I get too old... but fuck, I know I'm not going to do it.

>> No.9841703


> To own a loli cat girl
> To own a loli dog girl
> To own a loli maid
> To have a loli wife
> own another loli maid

That's 5 times, pedo-kun.

>> No.9841705

To be able to live comfortably without working
A nice, cozy apartment
Tasty food
A cute childhood friend to go drinking with occasionally

I think that pretty much covers it.

>> No.9841707


b-but you can't count "all women"

that doesn't count

>> No.9841708

To be pure

To spread happiness

To learn Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai

To make a living from home

To meet Jessica Jung and get her autograph

To draw better

To learn to program

To release a game

To be cute

To be happy

>> No.9841709

I listed loli 6 times and it's not pedo if all adult women look like that. Also I mean the ~11-13ish kind, not the <10 kind.

>> No.9841706

>For all women to look like lolis and never grow elderly

>> No.9841749

I don't even know what i desire anymore beyond sitting at home and not dying of cancer or a brain tumor.

>> No.9841753

To be a girl
To be cute
To be 5"1' tall
To have a cute voice
To be good at singing
To be good at art
To be good at games
To have cute friends
To work for Valve
To live forever
