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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9825788 No.9825788 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good dorama involving otaku culture other than Densha Otoko?

Possibly something that doesn't make you cringe TOO MUCH everytime the main character appears.

>> No.9825814
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>> No.9825817


>> No.9826052


thanks, something more?

>> No.9826088


>> No.9826096

Why does 2ch get a decent movie like Densha Otoko and we get shit like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQhlGy-7oRA?

>> No.9826102
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>> No.9826104

Maid in Akihabara
6-episode net drama, starring the voice actor who played Yurie in Kamichu. The scenes of otakus having nerdgasms are gold.

>> No.9826110

oh god wath the fuck

>> No.9826112

>Densha Otoko

>> No.9826116

It is. Even critically acclaimed and all that jazz.

>> No.9826123
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It is, you just have to ignore the supercringeworthy attitude of the protagonist in some scenes.

>> No.9826145

>Densha Otoko was good
I didn't like it. What kind of message the producers tried to tell us. Get a life, get a job and you might be able to have a beautiful girlfriend. The movie itself is laughing at us, and I really don't like it.

>> No.9826189

You're reading too much into it. It's just a story of a guy who went that route.

>> No.9826234

The fact that they're suggesting that even one guy went that route is bad. Women aren't that forgiving, especially japanese ones. I'm not saying that you should casually say to her : "I was an otaku", but what do you think will happen if a real (REAL) woman realizes it? This is just misleading, and I feel bad for the real otakus who might be trying hard at the moment thinking they would leave that dream.
Of course, I'm talking about Japan mostly here.

>> No.9826264 [DELETED] 

Real people go that route all the time. Japanese women aren't running around with impossibly high standards, either. They hit their thirties; they want to start a family because they're really, really too old to do it.

>> No.9826281 [DELETED] 

Real people do go that route, though. Not all Japanese women aren't running around with impossibly high standards. They hit their thirties; they start looking for someone to start a family with before they're really too old to do it.

>> No.9826298

Real people do go that route, though. Not all Japanese women are running around with impossibly high standards. They hit their thirties; they start looking for someone to start a family with before they really start showing their age.

Fucking typos.

>> No.9826341

You pinned hit, it is once they hit their thirties, why do you think is that?

>> No.9826377

That's about when they realize they're not going to be young forever, and that being a parasite single for life may not be what they want.

>> No.9826378

What the fuck. Is that a real movie?

>> No.9826387

How can you say that when the whole thing is based on a real story?

>> No.9826408

Yes. Enjoy.

>> No.9826438

I can't find any other information about it. What's the name.

>> No.9826461

Not quite right. They realized that if they don't lower their standard they'll die alone, and in Japan, unlike here, it is shameful for a woman to be single past their 30s. Even if she's trying to act independant and egdy people will remind her that she just failed her life.

Misleading. Try to collect bits of informations about the so-called real story, and you'll then realize that it is not so real as you thought.

>> No.9826464



>> No.9826473

was obviously meant for >>9826438

>> No.9826469

>Misleading. Try to collect bits of informations about the so-called real story, and you'll then realize that it is not so real as you thought.

Explain? I'm curious.

>> No.9826499

-> Based on a true story they say
-> Try to find which one
-> ???
-> Enjoy the lie

>> No.9826518

>While many attest to the truth of the story—including the producers of the television series, who supposedly contacted the real Train_Man—it has not been proven that the story was completely authentic.[4] The true identity of "Train_Man" is never revealed and the book is based on an edited collection of posts on the 2channel bulletin board.[4] The original conversation lasted fifty-seven days and contained 29,862 posts, whereas the book contains 1,919 posts, as collected on a fan website. A list of inconsistencies in the story has been collated, including Train_Man being too young to have a university degree and be in the workforce for three years.[5]

Well it's either real or a very, very, very elaborate troll. I'll stick with the first option.

>> No.9826615

You actually believe that shit? Densha Otoko is like if someone took a story off of 4chan and then proceeded to exaggerate it for dramatic effect.

It's just a guy trolling. Shit like that doesn't happen in real life.

>> No.9826722

You seem pretty pessimistic.

>> No.9828574
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Love Generation is a drama that aired on Fuji TV. It first aired in Japan from October 13, 1997 to December 22, 1997 every Monday. It enjoyed a very high rating of 30.8% and features music by Cagnet.

>> No.9828606

Damn, that nigga has game!

>> No.9828656

Goddamm, she looks so young 15years ago.
Now she looks like an old depressed obaasan in confessions.

>> No.9828684
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>> No.9828729

I don't how I managed to do that, maybe I was like that in my college years... so it didn't bother me, but not long ago I tried to watch the special and god help me I quit after 10 minutes and deleted the file.

>> No.9828819

>Maid in Akihabara

This one was sort of fun, at least better than densha otoko

>> No.9828920


I wish I was dead

>> No.9828929

Do you think that blind loli adoption story is real too?

>> No.9829017

Thanks to whoever flagged that video.

>> No.9829019
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>there will never be a movie based off of gorilla warfare

>> No.9829023

planet of the apes

>> No.9829050

I'd watch a movie about the angry navy seals sniper from the copy pasta.

>> No.9829128

"Frank was just your average ordinary ex-seal member until one fateful night..."

>> No.9829144


She was the teacher I presume? Damn, she is a doable MILF cmon.

>> No.9829208

I actually loved Densha Otoko, all of it including the specials etc except that terrible movie which failed at portraying the story's true spirit. The dorama was really enjoyable, it had its hilarious moments and heartwarming ones. I think you fags are reading too deeply into it. It was just an otaku trying to reach his impossible dream with the help of fellow otakus from the net. Hermes was a bijin of elegance with a pure innocent heart. She wasn't the type to hold prejudices among otakus like her friends did. The only weak point she had was for lies.

I think the message wasn't to chase girls, get a job or whatever the fuck you think and I couldn't care less if this was a real story or not, honestly I'm more siding with it being as a well made elaborate story rather than a real one. Still you can't deny it was a very good one. I think the point it was trying to get across is that a relationship should primarily focus on love and knowing each other truly instead of judging each other for their hobbies. Is it the hobby of a person which destroys a relationship? Or is it the lies and betrayals?

I recall there was a boom on girls trying to date an otaku after this story came to mainstream because they thought otakus were honest people and passionate. But they should've known that each person varies from the other one.

>> No.9829310

This reminds me of the Trivia Seed segment where they set up cameras to see how many otakus would try to save a girl from an angry drunk guy like in Densha Otoko.


>> No.9829319
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Shida Mirai in a otaku comedy = all of my money

>> No.9829338

Haha, oh wow. That shit is comedy gold.

I would probably avoid it myself to be honest. Unless it was in Japan, since foreigners are bit more alpha than 75% of Japan's population.

>> No.9829479

Yet, he gave up his hobby for the sake of the relationship. But I cannot fault you, I enjoyed the series.

>> No.9829492

I liked the TV drama. Of course it was unrealistic and melodramatic, but I liked that. My favorite was that rich guy that was competing for Hermes and MC's otaku buddies.

>> No.9829526


Thank you for the link. Thoroughly enjoyed it, I like how they mustered up all the courage and got brave. Do you know more similar things? I kinda got slightly envy when that ikemen came up (lol at how he ran), the 4th one was the best attempt, also one of the guys looked like Yamada. I think I can say I'm quite satisfied with the results although they might have played with the numbers. Personally, if that setup was brought upon me I would leave it off since it doesn't make clear quick enough if it's a couple fight for a fast walker like me and I usually only mind my own business.

Okay, I'm just a little bit scared due to my build and won't probably engage to such situations. Only if the girl wasn't tall... I'll probably have a change of mind. Huge props to the 4th guy, I wish I was brave like him with that build.

>> No.9829598

Wow, 51 did it very alpha. I'd do anything to get that confidence...

>> No.9829649

Well, we're all fucked if that old man was a yakuza or had serious connections. Better to stay away from trouble, that is the unkind reality.

>> No.9829671

Sad, but true. If you stick your neck out to help others there is a good chance you are just lining your neck out on the chopping block.

>> No.9829672

God dammit. You're right. Who would want to save that screaming whore anyways?

>> No.9829813

>I think I can say I'm quite satisfied with the results although they might have played with the numbers.

69/100 doesn't seem like an absurd score.

>> No.9831656

Densha Otoko? It only show how people dislike otaku, if want girl you need to give up your otaku life and learn to act like a normalfag.

>> No.9831738
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>good dorama other than Densha Otoko
>decent movie like Densha Otoko
>It is.
>Even critically acclaimed and all that jazz.
>I actually loved Densha Otoko

What is wrong with this world that we live in? Densha Otoko was like something an amateur Japanese film class would have made for a school talent show. It was awful!

>> No.9831791


>What is wrong with this world that we live in?

What is wrong with people like you? Get a taste or accept that everyone has their own you whiny disabled kid.

>> No.9831918

I don't think you understand why everyone hates it.

>Guy is happy with his current Otaku life
>Decides to be nice and defend some random woman
>Falls in love with said woman
>Whoops, gotta lose what you love
>Accepts it anyway
>Gives up what he loves for "love"

Sorry, but that shit bugs the hell out of me. If you have to stop doing what you love just because your significant other doesn't like it then something is wrong.

>> No.9832049
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Are you going to be the one who gives me back the 90 minutes I wasted on that dumb picture? How about taking some responsibility for your own foolishness before you choose to praise dreck and forcibly attract it upon the attention of men with lesser knowledge.

>> No.9832117


I don't think you fully understood the story either. Hermes was very weak and sensitive to lies due to her past which had her traumatized. Lies were the thing she hated the most. She clearly didn't mind Yamada's otaku part. She even said at one point how she liked his room saying it was very personalized. They even went together to akiba. The only reason Yamada gave up being otaku is because he mistakenly believed that it was what made Hermes cry, instead it was the small lie where he pretended to be at work when he was attending in comike. Hermes was obviously irrepleaceable to Yamada, the show clearly demonstrated it by having Desha give up his otakuness just to make up with girl he loves.


Oh yeah? Guess what, you're dumb as your pictures are. And what's this? "Taking some responsiblity for your own foolishness" bs? Your post was merely consisted of subjective negative opinions rather taking it objectively. Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt

>> No.9832724
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OP here.

It's a light comedy show and it's MEANT to be a light comedy show. As I said, I didn't like some things like the protagonist exaggerated attitude or those too cheesy moments, still I consider it as fun, even if it's not a masterpiece.. you don't have to take anything serious.

Consider the context the next time instead of acting like a presumtuous sperglord. ;)

>> No.9832736

Densha Otoko
>critically acclaimed
No, it wasn't

>> No.9832772
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>forcibly attract it upon the attention of men with lesser knowledge.

Lesser knowledge than who? You?

ahahahaha what kind of a delusional arrogant hipster you have to be to judge people in such a shallow way? How can you pretend to know who's on the other side?

You just do not.

>> No.9832775

>I recall there was a boom on girls trying to date an otaku after this story came to mainstream because they thought otakus were honest people and passionate.
This is why I hated the message behind Densha Otoko. We're not reading too much into it, it was just really a bad attempt from the producers. I did sort of like the series OK, but no, the message behind is shit. Period.
Why do you think that girls failing at relationships with normal people will succeed in one with an otaku? You have to be pretty stupid to even believe this.

Beside, why are you praising that much the guy for -defending some random woman on the train- ? I was actually kind of amused that real manly normal men wouldn't even move an inch in that situation, happens all the time where I live mind you. And the very fact that they're implying that saving a woman is the way to go is just plain stupid. It was an old man, a drunk old man dammit, even if they are supposely frail and weak women (hahahahaha) the guy wouldn't be able to do a thing if ALL THE WOMEN in the train actually tried to help her, but then again it didn't happen and nobody even mention that possibility.

>> No.9833934


Don't worry you're not alone, that's partly the reason why futaba / general otakus got fed up with the series. They say this whole story brought otaku to the mainstream media / pop culture which then in turn "disrupted" the peace in their lives and the holy land, leading unnecessary and unwanted attention to be brought at them and invoking an influx of normalfags. But those weren't the only reasons, I have talked to some in the past and the reasons can be pretty diverse. I remember now that some of it was covered in the beginning of the deluxe special from the series.

>Why do you think that girls failing at relationships with normal people will succeed in one with an otaku?

Have you learned something from the drama? While we can't generalize and I refrain to do so, Frankly speaking, I think that given a situation, one could be very well have a successful relationship with an otaku, because you know they are also people like each one of us, albeit possessing a very passionate hobby that is looked down upon by the society. The point is getting past the stereotypes of otaku and making the effort to know the individual personally. Of course, why would a normalfag gyaru for example would ever date one when there's tons of ikemen around? What are the reasons she's after at? The looks, the money, or is it the inviduality of the person? Maybe she is simply tired of the playboys and is now wishing for a honest relationship. Of course we are all discussing a fictional story and not everything applies nor work in the real word as one would expect, but the possiblity could never be dismissed. Just look at Genshiken for another example. A completely normal female childhood friend gets reunited with her crush, and to her suprise the guy of her first love has dived into a whole different world. She tries to make him stop but eventually accepts it as a part of his persona.

>> No.9833940


>Beside, why are you praising that much the guy for -defending some random woman on the train- ? I was actually kind of amused that real manly normal men wouldn't even move an inch in that situation, happens all the time where I live mind you.

Because he was the only man that cared and who was brave enough to save the girl? No one was willing to move, everyone else preferred to not participate in the commotion and wait for the hero or the staffs or to settle it between themselves. Have you ever seen troubles in Japanese trains? Usually the rest only watch or ignore it and mind their own business.

>And the very fact that they're implying that saving a woman is the way to go is just plain stupid. It was an old man, a drunk old man dammit, even if they are supposely frail and weak women (hahahahaha) the guy wouldn't be able to do a thing if ALL THE WOMEN in the train actually tried to help her, but then again it didn't happen and nobody even mention that possibility.

It's merely a universal moral and good deed to do to help someone from trouble. Be it someone being racist to another, getting discriminated, or bullied, etc. It's a different story whether if the people only gave a fuck of themselves or not. Also, It's a fucking fictional story for christ's sake, nitpicking on every possibility that could happen, particularly a drama story in this case is silly. Go argue with the creator, director, or whoever the fuck was in charge for all of this. Had that happen, it would never trigger the foundation of the story. I could go on and say why the fuck was Romeo so dumb and didn't check Juliet's pulse to confirm her death so they could've lived a happy ending? Because that's simply what the author wanted to develop and happen. Going against the author's decisions is a common case but failure to considerate it as one of the founding pieces of a story is silly. Demonstrating this act is petty.
