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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9825705 No.9825705 [Reply] [Original]

So I just played this, /jp/, and I'm actually kind of impressed. All of us managed to gather for just a short bit of time and made something moderately enjoyable. I acknowledge that I'm a bit biased, considering I loved the original short story, but what have you. Is it good? Maybe. Is it great? Fuck no. But hell if I didn't enjoy the entire... what, hour? I spent playing it. Seeing Julie in 2D made my little heart happy.

It's a shame that the fan disc was canceled and that /jp/ doesn't do more stuff like this. Maybe we aren't so autistic and uncooperative after all.

>> No.9825714

This was made by about three people, mostly on an independent wiki (jpwiki.co.cc) and IRC channel.

The art is terrible, the story isn't /jp/'s, and it does nothing special in terms of coding (it's straight-up Ren'Py, through-and-through).

Please don't list this piece of garbage as a positive example of /jp/'s accomplishments.

>> No.9825723


OP said it was enjoyable, not that it was good. I don't think anyone here is really proud of the quality of Dandy Girl, just that we finished something.

A remake wouldn't hurt. The ONScripter code in the source file was broken and glitchy as fuck if I remember correctly.

>> No.9825752

>Dandy Girl

So much nostalgia. How many years has it been, now?

>> No.9825771
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 13_me_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how anyone could hate this game. The writing is a mishmash of VN and anime cliches and the character art is (as I interpreted) intentionally bad. If nothing else, the Julie fan art it prompted is adorable.

>> No.9825779

> the character art is (as I interpreted) intentionally bad.

You know when you laugh but you force-close your mouth so it comes out as a string of very loud snorts?

I just did that for A WHOLE MINUTE.

>> No.9825793

Sorry to burst your bubble, OP, but the writefag quit writing fiction.

There will never be a fan-disc/expansion.

>> No.9825799
File: 41 KB, 640x486, 13_me_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julie thread?

>> No.9825807


But Anon, it's pretty much the only thing /jp/ has ever done. If we don't list this what else do we have?

>> No.9825813

Theme of /jp/
/jp/ Themesong 2
Marijuana "The Truth"

>> No.9825846


So... it's pretty much the only thing /jp/ has ever done.

>> No.9825861

We have started many things but few have ever been completed.

>> No.9825872

>writefag quit writing fiction.

Sweet. Now someone who actually knows how to write can remake it.

>> No.9825878

You forgot Rita Please Respond.

>> No.9825920

What about "Anon's Nice Day?"

>> No.9826010

I wonder what would be a /jp/ related game anyway? Some kind of Touhou RPG with witches, japanese birds and idols? I don't know if I really want to play that.

>> No.9826045

Cute image dude.

>> No.9826046

Doesn't count.

>> No.9826070

Have you ever finished that?

>> No.9826081
File: 116 KB, 400x536, manlytears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writefag promises expansion
>cancels it
>promises remake (someday)
>quits writing

>> No.9826091

Psychotic flat-chested witches, Japanese birds and idols

>> No.9826092

I wouldn't mind working on helping write a remake of this, but I doubt there's anyone on /jp/ who'd want to do updated artwork for it anyway.

>> No.9826101
File: 489 KB, 432x375, 1343779678831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>remade HD Julie sprites
>Anne with more than two expressions

>> No.9826108


A couple of developers on /vg/ (Steiner and that guy doing Detective Butler) are doing projects with ONScripter. You could drop them a line for coding purposes if you're really interested in getting some sort of collaborative effort going.

>> No.9826124

All this talk of remaking the game without the original writer, I'm not sure how I feel about taking the original writefag's material and changing it without their permission...

>> No.9826133


Robert F. Young owns the original concept. If you want to ask anyone for permission, it should be him. ;_;

>> No.9826140


Someone made a touhou fighting game like a year ago.

>> No.9826151
File: 65 KB, 523x311, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, make a remake happen. I'm throwing my money at the screen here.

>> No.9827198

i like it too

>> No.9827225

I haven't played this VN but the pic in OP's post still looks better than Ryuukishi's and Zun's art.

>> No.9827225,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's pointless to respond to a post this old, but it contains many factual inaccuracies so I feel compelled to clarify out of principle.

>This was made by about three people
Four people: Artist, Writer, Editor/Scripter, Musician

>mostly on an independent wiki (jpwiki.co.cc) and IRC channel.
No, we used the forums on http://jpproject.2ksite.com/ I don't believe jpwiki.co.cc existed at that time. Also, we never communicated over IRC.

>[...] it does nothing special in terms of coding (it's straight-up Ren'Py, through-and-through).
We used ONScripter. This is obvious if you look at the files, so it seems to me that anon never read it.
