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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 250x292, Tales_of_Graces_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9823110 No.9823110 [Reply] [Original]

what is /jp/ playing at the moment?

I picked this up last week, because persona 4 arena still isn't out in Europe. I kind of regret it.

>> No.9823113

Mindlessly grinding out Halos in Bayonetta out of boredom.

>> No.9823117

Wasting my life grinding on EU elsword.

>> No.9823118

I bought that too a month ago. Haven't played it at all. I've been fapping to the artbook that came with it.

>> No.9823121
File: 266 KB, 512x320, Th02titlescreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Disgaea 2... when not playing Disgaea trying to get a no miss in Story of Eastern Wonderland

>> No.9823125


you mean the little book with the sketches? it looks alright I guess.

>> No.9823129 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 621x956, Los Angeles (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here and there a few Diablo 3 runs or Dota 2.
But looks like I will be forced to play WoW soon , cause all the friends I know went back to WoW ...

>> No.9823131

What a bunch of losers.

>> No.9823132 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 199x253, ery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are just very casual guys most of them have a job and wife/children so the only thing they know and play is WoW.
Cant blame them much , just after all this years I feel no wil to play Any mmo anymore not just WoW

>> No.9823133

Yeah, it's all the same shit.

>> No.9823141
File: 12 KB, 304x224, canary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the copies of Wario Land II and Alundra to show up.

>> No.9823158

Dokuro, RE6 and One Piece: Pirate Warriors.

>> No.9823175

Pokemon Green.

>> No.9823207

I also bought it but I kind of regret it since it only has options for English voices.

>> No.9823214

Atelier Ayesha, Project Diva F.

>> No.9823227

How similar Alyesha is to Arland series? Can you have all girl group and lots of cute events?

>> No.9823235
File: 80 KB, 640x640, milkyholmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you thought the anime is good, wait till you play the game.
Blow the anime out of the water. Why is the psp games so much better?

>> No.9823240

DJ Max Tune and Disgaea 2.

Recently got my Project Diva Vita and Disgaea 3 but I figured I might as well finish 2.

>> No.9823245

Valkyria Chronicles, but I'm a bit reluctant to continue.

>> No.9823246

good games, play them well

>> No.9823247

Why the fuck is it classified as romance?

>> No.9823255

Because you get to go on a date with one of the milky if you hit their flag. It is basically a bishoujo adventure/detective game .

>> No.9823257

Well then you just convinced me to play it.

>> No.9823258


Some was translating this to english right?

>> No.9823260

Why? It's a great game.

>> No.9823262

Dont expect them to be full retard though. They are actually smart.

>> No.9823263

It's already been translated.

>> No.9823266

I kind of figured they would be dumber in the anime.

>> No.9823268
File: 90 KB, 400x600, 732312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the 3 people who would watch me grind jobs.

>> No.9823283


It's allready fully trasnlated? and, if you don't mind anon-kun... would you get me a link the ISO/CSO?

>> No.9823453

I really liked Isara.

>> No.9824374
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, 237b39ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearts of Iron 3. I may start a Civ 5 game in a bit after I finish watching Busou Shinki.

>> No.9824662
File: 105 KB, 960x544, 2012-10-04-003603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course. There are 6 female party members if you get the 2 from the DLC.

As for me I've been playing Ys.

>> No.9824779

I like it. While the story is not as good as Vesperia the mechanics are much improved and are allot fun to play around with.
The only thing that pisses me off is that we dont get the Code Geass and Hatsune Miku DLC.

This is why we cant have nice things. By some miracle Bamco gives us a tales game on the PS3 and yet the only thing the weeaboo's do is cry about the voices. Fuck off.

>> No.9824796

Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I actually kind of like it at first, but ever since I arrived back in Hengsha I'm slowly but surely getting sick of this game.

>> No.9824885

Fuck off yourself and stop defending half-assed releases.

>> No.9824896

Borderlands 2

Cosmic Break

>> No.9824918
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Playing every level 12 times each to unlock all the extras in child of eden.

>> No.9824934
File: 797 KB, 2509x864, a012xe-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing agarest 2, but I just finished everything (few hours ago) and updated this picture

I'll probably try some Tokyo Jungle next

>> No.9824956

That's some powerful autism you have to get platinum in those games anon.

>> No.9824972
File: 161 KB, 768x432, so4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824977

Devil May Cry HD collection and Tales of Graces F.

Thinking about getting Shadows of the Damned or Disgaea 4 next.

>> No.9824992

Why are you playing a lazy, unscaled collection released by one of the worst modern devs of our time?

>> No.9824998

Because the ps2 games look like ass on my hd tv and my computer is too shit to emulate.

>> No.9825005

Why would you play videogames and not own a CRT of any kind?

>> No.9825051

I've been planning on getting a new PC so I can finally play games, but now I'm not so sure I'm even the gaming type. I can't seem to have fun no matter what I play. It's just a chore for me...

>> No.9825091

nothing, just finished Last Story and now i cant decide what game from my backlog to play next.

>> No.9825101

I started playing Senran Kagura Burst a couple days ago. It's fun, but I suck at it.

>> No.9825109

"New" games are fucking shit anyway. Nothing past the PS2 is worth playing, timeline wise.

>> No.9825115

Thank you for your expert opinion.

>> No.9825133

That game is so good. I ordered the vita version a couple days ago.

>> No.9825156
File: 53 KB, 533x800, TVG-PSV-00341_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The extras look nice.

>> No.9825233
File: 53 KB, 668x190, EX-Troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the component cable for the PS2 to hook it to a HDTV.

Anyone getting EX Troopers? The game looks allot of fun but i have a feeling Crapcom will announce a western release the second i drop 70€ to import it. Not to mention they might pull a P4A and region lock the PS3 version because Capcom.

>> No.9825297

It's not a realistic western game with a "deep" plot or "witty" metacommentary like Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, or Spec Ops, so expect it to stay on Japan.

>> No.9825311

>EX Troopers
capcom has already said they have no plans to localize it.

>> No.9825313

Playing RE6. Waiting for Bravely Default and Project X Zone to ship next week.

>> No.9825325
File: 73 KB, 1570x878, WhyIsChrisInAWashingMachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil 6. Not so good. Fucking Capcom. Oh well, only a week till the new XCOM game is out.

>> No.9825333

>English dub only

>> No.9825340

They say allot of things but the game is getting some reasonable attention from the western gaming press.

Then again they could still fuck it up by only releasing the 3DS version here and than complain about shitty sales.

>> No.9825357

Why IS Chris in a washing machine?

>> No.9825360

>region lock the PS3 version
I forgot that this was a thing.

>> No.9825369

Suck my dick, nerd. Go back to playing your shitty blockbuster games.

>> No.9825404


Piers, Chris's partner, got infected with the virus and sent Chris to safety while he stayed to die in the exploding underwater facility they were in. Game is pretty meh, but I have to admit that boss fights were pretty groovy.

>> No.9826146

>Bravely Default
Why's everyone so excited for this? I played the demo and it's basically FFIII DS again.

>> No.9826309
File: 100 KB, 803x631, bayonetta ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to finish my Pure Platinum run through NSIC in Bayonetta. I'll be glad when it's over.

I'll play some credits of Futari God Mode some day as well. I've got a 5+ billion run in me, but I don't care enough to actually get it done.

>> No.9826323

get dem gold stars

>> No.9826548

The demo? There are multiple demos. The ones I played were pretty good. It looks like a very solid JRPG.

>> No.9826605

I'm watching a Japanese guy open his new Xbox 360 on livetube

>> No.9827346

that sounds very familiar.

>> No.9827491

It's funny because shitty blockbuster games have been the industry's focus since the PS1.

>> No.9827522


>> No.9827527

Been playing Xillia for several weeks straight. Can't wait for the sequel

>> No.9827529

I'd imagine the box is open by now.

>> No.9827690

I heard complaints about the first game having not as much content like costumes compared to other Tales and just a bunch of missing stuff. Are these true or just Tales fans being Tales fans?

>> No.9827712

I haven't actually played any other games in the series yet but that's what I've also heard so it's probably true. But its still a nice game

>> No.9827728

even if they do region lock it does it even matter since japan and us are in the same bluray region?

>> No.9827729

it's archived here: http://livetube.cc/tag.stg

STGからの新型XBOX360開封 is the title.

>> No.9827730

Yes, it matters. You can't play the Japanese version of Persona 4 Arena on a US PS3, or vice versa.

>> No.9827751

I doubt Capcom will region lock EX Troopers. In the last 6 years, Atlus has been the only company jewish enough to region lock a PS3 game. The option has always been there.

>> No.9827849

how does that work? does it not work based on bluray regions?

>> No.9827884

Never underestimate the retarded shit of publishers. Region locking is optional on the 360 as well yet most games are locked.

Nobody wanted wanted the dubious honor of being the first publisher to region lock a PS3 game. Now that fatlus broke the taboo its unsure if publishers lock their games from now on.

>> No.9827932

A developer, if they so desired, could make the game check the model of your PS3.

>> No.9827982

so it's a different system that does the same thing? why doesn't aniplex do that for animu instead of making us pay retarded jap prices?

>> No.9828072

Because you can easily use a computer with a Blu-Ray drive to rip the video. You cannot play PS3 games on a computer even with a Blu-Ray drive. Pirated games do not work on PS3 either.

>> No.9828078 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.9828102

Dwarf Fortress

Because where else can I waterboard vampires and experiment on children.children

>> No.9828138

Multiple? Did they add more in the past couple weeks? I'll go try those out I guess.

>> No.9828922
File: 12 KB, 360x210, 6bdfc0d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to my homu costume.

>> No.9829193

I picked up a used copy of Pokemon Platinum 2 days ago, it had 300 pokemon in it + 800 Masterballs.

I transfered all the pokemon onto my copy of Pokemon Black and I wound up playing that damn transfer minigame for 3 hours straight. My high score is 910. I did it because I honestly didn't feel like catching 300 pidgeys just so I could transfer them over.

Now I'm going to do a fresh run through on Platinum, although, I already hate the GUI having played Heart Gold.

>> No.9831600

Persona 4 for the win

>> No.9832757

How about White Knight Chronicles?

>> No.9834664

>450 hours of Star Ocean 4

I feel bad for you son

>> No.9834683

He may have enjoyed him self you know.

>> No.9834819

A starving child may enjoy eating a piece of bread, but I still feel sorry for him.

>> No.9838100
File: 256 KB, 550x700, cute6313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9838102

Cute pic dude

>> No.9838130

On /jp/ pictures should be cute.

Take your visually unpleasing & annoying pictures back to /a/b/v/ on your way out.

>> No.9838173

What are you even talking about? I didn't post a picture.
