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9822373 No.9822373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What causes you to become a NEET/Hikikomori today

>> No.9822375 [DELETED] 

Being one yesterday?

>> No.9822378

Alcohol and lack of self control.

>> No.9822379

social anxiety i guess everyone wants to be NEET no one want's to mooch and live with family

>> No.9822400
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Alcoholic parents and bullying during adolescence.

>> No.9822402
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i lived like a hikki because internet life was the only good thing in my life.

now that im older, i'm sick of it and i want to do more things but this lifestyle has become ingrained in my very being.

just like how my dietary choices were shit because i didnt give a fuck and ate anything have changed because i was sick of eating things that will gradually lead me to terrible health. now after years of concern, i can consciously make better nutritional choices.

I just hope overcoming my internet addiction wont take long.

>> No.9822416

Do you mean "you", or "one"?

Social selection has replaced economic selection, which replaced natural selection, as the primary means of determining success.

No longer do the poor, or weak die so readily, so society filters us by social prowess - how well we can bully and exploit others to gain leverage, how our innate social appeal multiplies this.

It may not be long until it's not just a case of being NEET, but a case of dying, due to this.

Normies will inherit the Earth. What a bleak future.

>> No.9822420


>Normies will inherit the Earth. What a bleak future.

They always did in every generation. Will you be truNEET enough to make it in the history books?

>> No.9822422

Bullied in school, developed ocd and narcolepsy.

It's completely impossible for me to do anything I just sleep all day and going outside is scary.

>> No.9822424

Feeling awkward socially, over analyzing my life in a negative way. With the death of my friends in the outside world, why leave this space I'm in now? Sometimes in here, I smile like I did in those days.

>> No.9822426

It's only bleak to you because you're not a part of it.

>> No.9822441


No, I am not part of it because it is bleak.

>> No.9822453

Whatever you say.

>> No.9822464

Broken family. Dropping out of college. Forced to get shitty job and quitting because it was shitty. Dunno what I'll do when my funds run out.

>> No.9822487
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I don't want to work. Working is way too exhausting for me.
I think I'm rather lucky, actually. I somehow got a disability that makes me eligible for autismbux, but I'm not depressed or feeling particularly sad. If anything, I'm indifferent or happy most of the time.
Being a NEET is the easiest and most relaxing choice by far, and in this day and time there are enough normlords to keep my monthly check coming in and practically paying for everything I need without me even having to leave my apartment.

Ah, being me is so great! I wish I could share this feeling with all of /jp/!

>> No.9822488 [DELETED] 
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my cock

>> No.9822492


>Working is way too exhausting for me

It is for anyone that isn't extroverted.

Introverts have additional drain where extroverts are getting a boost, in the workplace.

>> No.9822498

Except it's socializing, not outright working that drains.

>> No.9822507


Jobs and social activity are inseparable, in the modern day.

>> No.9822509
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Social anxiety
Lack of direction

>> No.9822514

ITT, we learn NEETs and hikikomoris are basically teenage nerds who were bullied, couldn't get laid, or are too incompetent to work. Rather than manning the fuck up, they DECIDED to adopt a mental/social illness as a LIFESTYLE, much like how bored white kids pretend to be black. And just like those bored white kids who have no idea how embarassed this makes blacks feels, every stupid motherfucker on this board has NO IDEA what being a real hikikomori means. ESPECIALLY these NEET faggots.

>> No.9822520



>> No.9822523

get the FUCK out of /jp/... forever

>> No.9822525


>> No.9822527 [DELETED] 


o ya i got laid alright
shut the HELL up nerd

>> No.9822530

I agree with you. I originally dropped out of high school because of social anxiety and depression. Back then I still tried to be "a productive member of the society". After over a year long healing perioid where I was able to focus on myself and on doing what I liked, I was able to return but then I noticed how boring everyone was.
Bad taste in music, bad taste in games, retards ranging from your beer drowning YOLO types to "intelligent, totally not pretentious but philosophical" faggots. At that point I realized how pointless it was to work myself up the "social ladder" and befriend those luddites.

Well, I didn't turn into a NEET again but changed to a school where I could work my ass off without having to socialize with people I'm not interested in. Everyone wins, at least for now.

>> No.9822538



>> No.9822562

No connections/friends beyond High School, never went straight to College after graduating High School (worst mistake of my life), nobody to help me apply for college stuff.

Beyond a miracle no job will hire me because of how dense and incompetent I am. I don't even wanna be a fucking NEET.

>> No.9822574

You can't even get a job flipping burgers?

>> No.9822577


They generally require several years of experience, ie: having worked from your mid teens.

Even volunteer positions can require experience, now.

>> No.9822579

I dunno about other countries but in 'MURICA! you do have areas or buildings whose specific job is to get you jobs regardless of your background.

One of my buddies got a job being a chef and kinda worked his way up...slowly. And that motherfucker is dumber than concrete.

>> No.9822583

With the job market the way it is, if you don't have experience you're not getting a job anywhere unless you get lucky. Most like us don't have any experience, either. If you go to McDonald's and try to get a job, and you're 26 with no work experience, they aren't going to hire you because they'll think you're some kind of freak. They'll take some 16 year old nigger instead.

>> No.9822590
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I was born into a wealthy family and have a trust fund.

>> No.9822593


In the UK, the system was recently changed so that you get put into slave labour.

It used to be £50 a week if you could "prove" you were searching for work, now they just give you in a full time volunteer position for £50 - £1.25/hr, about 1/5 of minimum wage.

>> No.9822604

That's fucking awful.

>> No.9822613

Keep fighting anon. Yes, you are right. Most of the people I know do consider things such as clubbing/get drunk etc as fun, but I consider myself lucky enough to get to know quite a few bros as well.

Hell, 2 of them, as it turned out, are anons as well.

>> No.9822629

no classes on a thursday so i'm neeting it up.

>> No.9822641
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In my junior year of highschool i got very sick and was hospitalized for basically the whole year. By the time I got better I basically dropped out and got my GED. I tried going to college a little after that but dropped out a few months in.

During the time I was sick I was alone the whole time. None of my friends came to visit me. After a while I just stopped caring about everything.

Ever since then I just shut myself in my room and wasted my days doing nothing.

I kind of wish I would have just died back then.

>> No.9822647

who supports you financially?

>> No.9822656

Chronic headaches all through high school made me fail at everything I tried to do and I just couldn't handle it any more so I just stopped going. That was a year and a half ago. I love the internet, but there's so much more that I want to see of the world. I don't want to be like this any more.

>> No.9822660
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>> No.9822659
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My parents. But they are getting divorced soon so my current lifestyle is probably near its end.

The fact that I'm one of the reasons why they are getting divorced doesn't make my situation any better either.

>> No.9822663
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Faking depression, social withdrawal and aversion as well as social anxiety is basically a hiki in more words.


>> No.9822664

Can't be bothered to.

>> No.9822668

I wouldn't mind a part time job as a janitor for some small place like an office or something. Get to do a simple task, never be bothered, get some money and get to go home at like 2pm. It's not my dream job obviously but as a temporary alternative I think something like that would be nice.

Being a chef was too much suffering.

>> No.9822670

There is no janitor job in the world where you can start work in the morning and leave at 2pm.

>> No.9822671

But I'm not a NEET or Hikikomori...

>> No.9822681 [DELETED] 

I don't have many friends so don't usually go out on the weekends -____- I just stay home doing college assignments instead and browsing facebook (I'm such a nerd XD)

>> No.9822682

The world would be far better if more people were hired, but each for fewer hours a day - for instance, two people each working four hours, instead of one working eight.

>> No.9822686


I think I saw one where you started a little early and it was also part time for a small office company.

>> No.9822693

Never get tired of your wit, anon.

>> No.9822707

the world isn't so small that "broz" or loud tasteless drinking parties are the only human activity. sure, it might be more prevalent, more common, more "normal", but some things are more popular.

the entire world seems frustrating bizarre and irreconcilable because a habituated worldview, fixated on certain elements and blowing those things up to be a grotesque, inevitable truth.

possibly one could see things in a new light although I'm not really great at this, when you're stuck waist-deep in a putrid, cultural cesspit i think fresh air is more important than trying to reevaluate a shitty situation. societies aren't homogenous, and there's no reason to feel bad about being alone (loneliness is another thing)

>> No.9822721

i like g+ better, the layout is much cleaner and circles is pretty neat.

you should try doing homework with your friends, it can be really fun!

>> No.9822734

Other kids bullied me because I was a dull nerd and I also dared to look like one. Unlike some great thinkers seem to believe, bad treatment does not "correct" anyone who isn't just randomly fooling around in hopes of getting attention. Thank god my family has enough money to carry me through my studies so I don't have to socialize with those half-criminals anymore.

>> No.9822744
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For me it's not being interested enough in any one particular thing to pursue it professionally and realizing the unlikelihood of finding someone else that shares my interests.

>> No.9822745
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I was bullied, badmouthed and beaten in grade school because my father was an alcoholic.

>> No.9822748

That's nothing, get the fuck over it. Your very exact situation is a dime a dozen.

>> No.9822772 [DELETED] 
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parents went through a violent divorce that lasted years, Dad drank, mom told me "dad would kill us if we seen" him constantly.

Was suicidal at age 9, was put on respiradone, prozac, something that starts with a k and finally benzos at 16 (3mg clonazapam a day). The stopped when they found me drooling on a bus, can't remember a couple months of my life due to permanent black out and drooling. Aparently a kid going through a divorce, getting told his father was going to murder him, is a chemical imbalance.

My mom works full time but has no friends outside of work, is extremely ocd and only watches reality TV.

My mom interdicted with everyone I hung out with (they were garbage people) but did not provide another peer group to bond with, I spent my child hood inside while my friends parties, got laid, drank, etc. I was that teenager that had to go in "When it got dark". We live in a subsided housing co-op so it does attract shit people, in her defense.

Grew up in daycare until 13. Started falling behind in school in grade 5 when they put all the "problem kids" in 1 class. They advanced me a year when struggling with the concepts and mother couldn't help me with the homework because she didn't understand it.

Dropped out of high school at 13 due to getting lynched for being a giant white pussy that was quiet all the time, lost my childhood friends same year I dropped out and just haven't come out of my room since (I am 26)

Never worked, never graduated, never drove a car, virgin, balding due to stress, no social skills, no marketable skills, no money, no friends, no coping skills, no life skills

Only one I talk to is my mother...haven't left my house since 2008~ when I had my pancretasis and my gangrenous gallbladder removed.

Tried CBT 4 times and it didn't work, gave up on everything. Still really anxious but getting really, really angry and bitter.


>> No.9822773

I was born to be a failure, it just feels so natural

>> No.9822783

One day you are going to realize what other people think of you means nothing and you deprived yourself of the world outside of your room for no reason. Realize it sooner than later anon, it's not too late yet.

>> No.9822784


Does CBT stand for sock ball torture? It's the only thing I know that fits the acronym.

>> No.9822788

How does your mom feel about the way you live. You're 3 years my senior and our backstories sounded fairly similar up until the parts about quitting school.

My bitterness came on a lot sooner too.

>> No.9822789

Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

might as well have been cock and ball torture because it only made things worse anxiety wise.

>> No.9822794

Bad family situation or adolescent bullying → Become introverted → Stand out as a loner and start being treated differently (ranging from more bullying to people acting like you're a poor helpless baby) → Become more introverted → Drop out from the "social circles" and start developing your own interests (usually games, anime, books etc. and other "loner hobbies") → Become even more seperated from the "normals" → Start losing interest in being a contributing member of society

In short:
Bad childhood → introverted → more introverted → more introverted → more introverted → drop out

>> No.9822796


but what people think of you does matter, it could determine if you ever land a job or not!

>> No.9822802

fuck. turns out i do have a class this morning... and I had one yesterday.

i should really check my time table more. this has ruined my day.

>> No.9822805

Father was an abusive drug addict who sold most of my shit and refused to work. Mother ignored his abusive bullshit.

Made no friends in high-school, everybody hated me, parents refused to get me school supplies. Other students destroyed what supplies I did have, as well as my P.E. clothes. None of the teachers cared.

I naturally failed high-school. I simply couldn't be bothered to give a fuck, after a while. I lost all of my motivation. Especially considering there was never a reward for me, and no positive

My mother blamed herself for all of the horrible shit that happened to me, including molestation, moving over 15 times over the course of 2 years, being unable to have a social life due to being forced to be home right after school every day...She got a fairly high paying job and is currently taking care of me, because of this.

>> No.9822806

People have always treated me like shit for no good reason, so I stay inside

>> No.9822814

You seem to post your story often in threads similar to this one. I think this is the 8th time I've seen you post. Though at least you are not simply copy and pasting from the last time. And I suppose you have expanded more than before.

If anyone is actually browsing /jp/ this much, like I do, then they would have seen your post already.

>> No.9822811

I love happy endings

>> No.9822812

if your father is abusive towards you who are you living with?

>> No.9822821
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Mom had me when she was 18, dad's idea of parenting was signing a check every month, only encouragement given to me was to graduate high school (not to do well, just graduate), graduate high school, be a shut in for six years not really encouraged to do anything and no motivation to because I live in the midwest and can't relate to anyone aside from being a poor bastard.

>> No.9822822 [DELETED] 

This isn't the post WW2 era anymore. Respect is dead because it wasn't passed down in healthy family settings. Its free love, single parents, fend for yourself, YOLO, posturing, CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME, etc.

People live and die by:

how many face book friends you have
who you hang out with
what music you listen to
what you know
what you do for a living
what they wear
what they think
what they look like
what "mask" they wear in public
what skills you have
what girls you have fucked
how much money you make
how much shit you own.

Look at this chink, hes right and I AM JUDGING HIM RIGHT NOW.

just going to copy and paste it from now on... pretty sure I am only 1 of 2 hikis on this board and the other is a sock puppet. Better add paranoid to the list too.

misery loves company.

>> No.9822823

My daddy beat my mommy. My mommy clobbered me. My grandpa is a commy. My grandma pushes tea. My sister wears a moustache. My brother wears a dress.
Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess.

>> No.9822828
File: 45 KB, 635x600, its-not-enough-that-I-should-succeed-others-should-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the post WW2 era anymore. Respect is dead because it wasn't passed down in healthy family settings. Its free love, single parents, fend for yourself, YOLO, posturing, CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME, etc.

People live and die by:

how many face book friends you have
who you hang out with
what music you listen to
what you know
what you do for a living
what they wear
what they think
what they look like
what "mask" they wear in public
what skills you have
what girls you have fucked
how much money you make
how much shit you own.

Look at this chink, hes right and I AM JUDGING HIM RIGHT NOW.

just going to copy and paste it from now on... pretty sure I am only 1 of 2 hikis on this board and the other is a sock puppet. Better add paranoid to the list too.

misery loves company.

>> No.9822830

>pretty sure I am only 1 of 2 hikis on this board

Naw, you're not. Most just don't care to tell their story or situation because they're never very interesting or distinct from everyone else's.

>> No.9822840

No one cares, tryhard.

>> No.9822846
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>> No.9822849

I had multiple panic attacks during last attempt to get 'educated'; waiting to go to try college again while being a horrible drain on my mom's dwindling resources and wishing I had an idea what I wanted to do with my 'career'.

>> No.9822853

Anyone know of a decent documentary on hikis? Mystery of the Missing Million is the only decent one I've seen.

>> No.9822854

Common theme seems to be bullying and being poor. I guess even kids can pick up on people who were born losers so they bully them and keep them in their place.

>> No.9822884


I was never bullied and was friends with loads of people from various social groups. I think expectations have more to do with it, and when expectations are getting a post-high school education that will put you in debt for the rest of your life it's pretty easy to just stop caring or trying.

>> No.9822902

>while being a horrible drain on my mom's dwindling resources
Ugh, I could never do this. I'd rather get a shitty job flipping burgers than see my own mother visibly struggle to support me.

>> No.9822913

Not the anon you're responding to but that's the exact reason I'm currently studying and trying to become independent. Well, not really because of money problems.

I just don't want to betray her expectations and my little brother's trust. ;_;

>> No.9822917


>hurr durr I don't want to be a drain on my parents
>goes to college


>> No.9822930

My parents never gave a shit about me. They're both in prison now anyway. My grandparents took care of me. I've never had a friend. When I was 17 I met a girl over the internet and dropped out of highschool to go be with her in a different country. I didn't like being around her so I left her and went back to my grandparents. I started to take up drugs and binge drinking. I had did drugs before then but it was light stuff like weed, mushrooms and acid. I was a pretty stereotypical pothead. Then I started doing ecstasy and snorting cocaine. Then snorting and smoking meth. When I was about 21 I just dropped it all except smoking cigarettes. I went full on NEET since and I'm 24 now. Being a junkie is probably a step up from being a hikki but I don't care. I don't like being around people and the anxiety of using drugs because of the cravings isn't worth it. With or without drugs I'd probably still be a NEET.

>> No.9822934

>When I was 17 I met a girl over the internet and dropped out of highschool to go be with her in a different country.

How does this work exactly?

>> No.9822936

Even still getting a degree and starting a career is going to be less "money draining" in the long run. Compared to doing nothing and leeching at least.

>> No.9822964

What do you mean how does it work?

>> No.9822968

>I guess even kids can pick up on people who were born losers so they bully them and keep them in their place.
Miserable failures of all calibers like to drag people down to their level. Some antisocial kids just simply need a target. A reserved nerd is very often the _easiest_ pick. Others go with the flow because children are irresponsible and limited in their understanding.

Boring and complicated things repel depressing idiots. Have you ever heard of math students bullying each other? Me neither, and I see them almost every day. Things are what they are. Don't let artificial arrangements and money blind you.

>> No.9822984


How is it payed for

>> No.9822989

I dropped out of highschool and got a job painting and saved up for it.

>> No.9822996

what if it's just fun?

i dont think i was bullied but it could be fun either as a bully/victim/combination

>> No.9823003


What about food, housing, utilities, etc? You must've saved a lot.

>> No.9823007

No. I only had $1500. The flight cost $1000 of that. So when I got there all I had was $500. I lived with her for 3 months and it was in a second apartment that her parents owned.

>> No.9823014

>what if it's just fun?
Because it's often pretty damn harmful and even a child should be able to understand it. Most do. Bullying is always a failure of situational awareness.

>> No.9823016

Not a NEET but still a Hikikomori.
Parental misunderstanding, and lack of support, thanks to them I have a lot of unresolved issues, a top of my Introversion. Childhood trauma due to sibling death, durrparents made it worse. They didn't tell me about it, and made me travel out of nowhere when I was 10,must have entered "NOPEMODE" because it was my birthday, and they told me they were going to a party, and none of this registered as something is wrong. Months later they tell me that party was her funeral, and she died horribly, enter "NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPEMODE" 10 is also when I got my first computer without restrictions or rules (Seriously parents.) Ensuing years just get worse, get beaten, bullied, raped. Again parents handled these situations horribly, didn't do anything about ANY of them. Enter HS, never really had friends before, what little semblance of such things is long gone by the end of the year, fail first year due to horrible grades because depression, more bullying, etc, change schools, pass, change schools, change schools, completely manic, depressed, and suicidal. Rape was by a cousin at 8, and by Mum's friends boyfriend at different age. Etc sob story could go on for a while.

>> No.9823017

I am actually pretty okay with my lack of IRL social activity, I tried it and it was kind of a nightmare, it just doesn't suit me for health and personality reasons. The only reason I'm sad in my social life is because I lost a lot of online friends BECAUSE I chose to try and get a "life."
I did "move on" at least, and literally different country. Currently trying to get a nice computer again so I can dive into vidya and meet new people, and be less depressed / suicidal.

>> No.9823028

I didn't want to go to school. It's as simple as that. I hated waking up early, going to and sitting in a place where I had to take tests and learn skills that I felt would have no use in real-life, and then return home and do more work with those same things. I stopped going to school when I was fifteen. I had stopped learning or caring well before that time so there was really no change except being able to sleep in more. It was around that time that my parents saw that I didn't care to socialize but rather preferred to spend my time alone. That fact bothered my parents so they took me to some kind of doctor, he diagnosed me with depression, gave me pills, and that's all it took to convince my parents that I was depressed. I never even took the pills though because I wasn't depressed and in my mind, nothing was wrong with me. I'm simply introverted.

I've taught myself most of what I know. The things that I consider myself knowledgeable about, however, are mostly related to my hobbies and other things I do with my free time. That's fine with me though, because I don't think I'll be living a life other than one filled with a nearly endless amount of time for my hobbies and whatever tickles my fancy. My parents still have it in their minds though that there's something wrong with me. About a month ago they wanted me to get a psychiatric evaluation.

>> No.9823047
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Why so many people on /jp/ are (or think they are) transgendered?

>> No.9823050
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A lot of hikis are rape victims apparently, huh?

>> No.9823056
File: 162 KB, 450x750, Positive thinking!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not NEETs! You're just people of few material desires! You're second on the road to enlightenment only to actual Buddhist monks. Just a little bit more training and you'll be well on your way to Nirvana!

>> No.9823512

Would it be possible to email with some of you? its nice to speak to people in a similar or same situation! i'm also english

i left my email in the field

>> No.9823519

There are only 5 the rest are shitposters and /pol/ people who like to post "die cis scum".

>> No.9823562
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What kind of fag does not wish to be the little girl?

>> No.9823569


Desperate cry for attention gets more desperate. More on this at 11. Next up, a brand new episode of That's My Chen.

>> No.9823575

Who wants to help me make movies? We can become rich and famous movie stars and then take it easy the rest of our life.

>> No.9823583
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Only main reason I'm getting away with this lifestyle is because I keep lingering my parents on school. It's been almost a year so it will all come tumbling down late next year, but at least I'll get federal aid monies.

>> No.9823582


I think not watching TV is a good step toward losing material desire. I'm pretty sure having watched none in over 14 years is why I so rarely get the desire to buy anything non-essential.

>> No.9823601

I'm not currently a NEET, but I have been. It was simply because I couldn't get a job, despite my decent level of education. I still can't get a decent job; I give off some weird, creepy schizotypal vibe to most people. Some people find me to be a very interesting person because of it, but the majority are at least slightly put off. It is the most obvious in younger, conservative girls and women. But I'm just bothered that I'm discriminated against but can't prove it, let alone do anything about it.

Oh well, I might get on SSI within the next six months, so I can become a NEET again and stop delivering papers. But hopefully I can still do constructive shit, like writing.

>> No.9823673
File: 145 KB, 659x605, 1347794171279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't want to work.

>> No.9823717

It's okay, i'm in my final year of college and I learned nothing, and I won't be able to get a job either, but I'll be too overqualified for everything else.

>> No.9823740
File: 48 KB, 920x437, 1349134245390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. compare their situation with ours. draw conclusions.

>> No.9823758

I'm not smart & I'm afraid of people's opinions.

I also have an internet addiction which doesn't really make much sense seeing as I don't really like being online anymore, it's boring.

>> No.9823785

These threads attract the worst kind of people. The whining and normality in this thread is sickening.

>> No.9823787


I'm not sure this works. Only a minority of the population engage in self-directed hedonism instead of reproducing.

I think >>9822416 is more accurate for the time being.

>> No.9823793


I don't follow. Please explain further.

>> No.9823801


He's referring to how a large number of individuals in this thread clearly wish they were normalfags and see their current situation as a failure.

>> No.9823827 [DELETED] 

Bcos I'm transy ;_;

I'm not truneet, and I have friends, but I got depressed and was in and out of college. I'm also especially lazy when I'm depressed. My mum cried when she found out I was a freak and pressured me into stopping my internet skittles in 2007, I can't stand up for myself and the NHS is terrible for waiting lists and people humiliated me. I went to see a private doctor someone told me about on a total random chance, but by then the damage was done and I was living away from my friends, a dropout NEET leeching off mum and dad.

>> No.9823833


This is very difficult to parse. Please, make an effort to write more succinctly.

>> No.9823836

You can't expect him to write correctly when he's already stated he's mentally ill(a tranny).

>> No.9823840


I always knew the city of Britain was full of trannys.

>> No.9823854

i cum on cat she hiss at penis

>> No.9823855

I just want a job because I don't want to have to deal with the guilt since I wouldn't be the first in my family to go permaNEET. If I didn't have to worry about making my family even more depressed, I wouldn't give a fuck.

That said, I have to force myself to wake up most days, and I probably have a lot of mental issues that I need to work through, but my family is super-against me going to any sort of psychological therapy because they 'don't want me to get medicated', but I'm pretty sure I have chemical imbalances in my head or something. I mean, I don't know what's 'wrong' though compared to others because I don't know how others feel, so I suppose I could feel just fine too....

>> No.9823882


Psychiatric medication rarely works well, anyway.

Maybe if they use you as a guinea pig for 5+ years they'll find something that works, but there's little method in the treatment.

>> No.9823902

not everyone enjoys things!

>> No.9823925

I'm not a NEET, but my lifestyle is near as the hikikomori one.
So...: no parents support; bullied my entire life, never believed in things like friendship. Lately I'm also depressed 'cause I had a long-distance relationship for 5 month that ended after we met and had sex (she was only sexually frustrated and used me)
Life a shit

>> No.9823937

There are surprisingly few people here who are actually happy with isolation.

>> No.9823954
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1347808867322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west is now soulless and culturally dead, I agree.

Any /jp/sies that aren't truDEPRESSED want to save up, drop everything and move to a cheap backwater country like Laos? We could start a commune or something. Hell, plenty of druggies are already well established in places like Vang Vieng, we could do the same.

>> No.9823956

I wish I could be isolated.

But there's really no such thing as true isolation. If I were to become permaNEET, I'd probably lose all of my privileges (internet, etc) and probably lose all of my privacy too, and even if I have a crappy job, I'll be working all the time and forced to talk to everyone, and that's not isolation at all.

I just wish there was a relatively non-social (as in, you don't need to interact with many employees or many people) job that doesn't require skill that existed, because I don't really have enough skills to be able to do any sort of skilled labor.

>> No.9823981

Japan is copy of the west.

>> No.9823982


I was referring more to people complaining about lack of friends, and social success, than total isolation.

>> No.9823991
File: 122 KB, 960x741, 1339210183092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.9824009

I feel like a lot of /jp/'s issues with this are the fact that they've probably had friends before (except for some of the more extreme cases) but then eventually done things that messed up the friendship, and so they yearn for having friends again, whereas it's been a while so they don't remember that having close friends is also stressful in a lot of ways as well.

Also a lot of the people here who say they're totally friendless are liars, and they're more just like the /r9k/ people who are all like "i don't have any FRIENDS", but they really mean girlfriends, and those people are really the worst.

I don't know how true what I'm saying is and I'm worried about that I might be projecting too much, but I've learned to stop caring about things like that. I'm not really sure what you mean by 'social success', but I assume it's things that are like "getting a satisfying job that makes me superior to others", "getting a bangin hot girlfriend", "buying a nice car", "hanging out with the bros at the bar", which are all things that go directly against the grain of the average /jp/ers lifestyle, so I don't know why they'd bother to care about that, so most of the people who care about that are probably people going through a truNEET phase and will probably grow up to be normals. (I have seen this happen, but I can't say how true it is and once again I don't really want to project, sorry)

>> No.9824019 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 720x547, why dont you try smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you even trying to say in this post

What a terrible thread. Someone should petition moot to ban blogshit outside of /b/, /r9k/, /adv/ and /soc/. Go away, offboard scum

/jp/ is not your shrink

>> No.9824022


Guess I'm an extreme case, then.

>> No.9824031

epic re/a/ction image btw

Who said anything about Japan? Read again.

>> No.9824035

Positive social contact makes your brain explode with all kinds of "feel good" chemicals. You really have to very different to want avoid all kinds of human interactions.

/jp/'s attitude towards people seems rather silly to me. They posses rather uncommon set of interests and values yet they get disappointed when most people in around them (school, work, family) don't share their interests.

That, however, doesn't mean that /jp/sies are unique snowflakes. There are plenty of people with similar mindsets. /jp/sies are looking for them in the wrong places.

You know how deaf have people have their own online and IRL communities. They find friends and life partners inside their own community. They even share some traits with /jp/sies, like shunning people who want to fix their hearing issues.

Why can't NEETs do the same?

>> No.9824039

>Positive social contact makes your brain explode with all kinds of "feel good" chemicals.

maybe if you're an extrovert

>> No.9824042


>Positive social contact makes your brain explode with all kinds of "feel good" chemicals.

Not for everyone.

>> No.9824044 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 258x247, 1331485976714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've probably had friends before (except for some of the more extreme cases)
>extreme cases
so this is what they call neo/jp/

>> No.9824045

Because there aren't many girls in the /jp/ community and a lot of the guys don't shave and are fat.

I second this, in social situations I feel really scared.

>> No.9824050

Most people that withdraw later have friends when they are younger. It's nothing odd.

>> No.9824052


I am actually laughing at the absurdity of this post.

>> No.9824053

Most people like who? You and your /r9k/ lot?

>> No.9824060

>They posses rather uncommon set of interests and values yet they get disappointed when most people in around them (school, work, family) don't share their interests.

That's just the normies who complain about not having a girlfriend. I would say those of us who are happy with our situation don't care at all what other people think of our hobbies, we chose isolation for a reason.

>> No.9824063

You missed the point. I said positive. Walking into a classroom full of people isn't positive. Chatting or playing games with a close friend is.

>> No.9824064

Why did you ignore my post? I don't like that. I'm wondering if I'm posting badly. Please respond.

>> No.9824065
File: 24 KB, 329x309, jackmathews8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lazy faggot.

No other reason. I could make up a bunch of excuses saying I have anxiety or Phobias or bullshit like that. Truth is I'm just a lazy faggot.

>> No.9824068

You're not serious are you? Even someone like >>9822772 says that they socialized with some people when they were younger. If you have never had a friend ever, that's an extreme case.

>> No.9824070

>Chatting or playing games with a close friend is

[citation needed]

>> No.9824074


Playing games with people is annoying because they're invariably terrible at them, and their controllers are too greasy. I also have to compromise and play a game that neither of us truly want to play, so it is an inefficient use of both of our times. It's pretty irresponsible, really.

Go be extroverted elsewhere.

>> No.9824076


I blame the computer for doing this to me. I was a real troublemaker until 6th grade. Before I had plenty of friends and was expelled from 3 private schools for pushing peoples buttons too far. I vandalized homes with ketchup and thought I was a splinter cell with the toy spy gear I collected. Since my dad own his own business moving people, I got computer equipment and video games/cards for free and just dived into that instead of friends. I took manuals and pc mags to school and read them in my spare time, teachers and students made fun of me for being dorky but I didn't care. Then came WoW...

It was a long time ago for me.

>> No.9824077

I'm terrible at games.

>> No.9824082

in this thread, armchair psychologists from /adv/ try to cure angsty normalfag teens from /r9k/ posing as /jp/ regulars (as usual)

>> No.9824085


No it isn't.

I had never even imagined the amount of social contact the average human goes through in life before I was told on 4chan. My life consisted of going to school, spending the day alone, then coming home to sit in my room. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.9824095

And I'm not saying that you're the only one. I know there are people who have never had friends. But it seems clear that most people who are socially withdrawn (at least on /jp/), have had friends at some point in the past. I'm not trying to discount your situation.

>> No.9824090
File: 76 KB, 847x471, weird substance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my piss cups

>> No.9824092

>Even someone [from /r9k/] socialized with some people when they were younger

You don't say?

>> No.9824117

I haven't had any friends since the 3rd grade.

I transferred schools and everyone hated me because I was an ass so I just played around with people's heads. One time I wrote a false love letter and said that a guy that this girl liked wrote it, she was like OMG and I was laughing pretty hard.

And in middle school I was practically a social retarded and wasn't self-aware so I couldn't see the errors of my way and I eventually just began to shut myself in forming an internet addiciton which I can't seem to get rid of so I now I spend every waking hour of my life on the internet doing nothing other becoming stupider and stupider. I want to die please someone meet up with me and lets kill ourselves.

>> No.9824121
File: 45 KB, 680x584, 1348257711004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hikki feel when besides the fuckbuddy you had in high school, you've never had a single friend.

>> No.9824130



Please don't be disrespectful.


Maybe it's just the perspective, but I don't think they're big enough. 1L is the minimum safe size, in my experience. You'd also ideally want a lid - piss starts to smell bad quickly, so you don't want the fumes escaping.


Too obvious. Be more subtle.

>> No.9824131


I love how /jp/ is using feel now. I keep forgetting I'm not on /fit/

>> No.9824126

get out falseNEET

>> No.9824133

Me and my girlfriend have been hikkis since I lost my job last month.

>> No.9824136

Jesus fuck this thread is fucking horrible.

>> No.9824139

Woah there anon. /jp/ was one of the first importers of feels.

>> No.9824141


It's ok. They're just being "ironic".


Please stop now.

>> No.9824142

I'm an actual hikki. I haven't left my house in 6 years and my parents buy my groceries for me because I'm afraid to leave my house.

Please don't bully me anymore.

>> No.9824145


No no, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I kinda like feel.

>> No.9824147

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9824150


I'm not sure if thats true anon

>> No.9824152

truNEETs are happy with their lifestyle unlike IMPOSTERS like you who want to die.

>> No.9824157

Death is the only way we as humans can liberate ourselves.

Life is a shackle keeping us chained to a wall of eternal pain and misery.

>> No.9824160


What are you talking about? 2TruNEETs don't even post on /jp/. They're too scared to even make social contact on the internet.

>> No.9824167 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 494x500, 1349128215502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I was invited to a party today by my personal Obi-Wan at work. It's on saturday.
I'm 21 years old and have never to a party. I've only gone out twice in my entire life and that was just with one friend.
I'm freaking out due to the fact I know I have to go because the people who are there also work at the same place I do and will be insulted. I am astronomically fucked.

On the non-shitposting side of the spectrum, I'm trying to decide which tea to order from yuuki-cha. I keep checking for a tea thread on /jp/, but I haven't seen one in forever. I'm familiar with sencha and will likely go with that just so I can start regularly drinking tea again, but I want to eventually branch out into the other types.

I also need to practice my STGs and do my reps(although it's been years since I've done Kana, so I'll most likely have to relearn those as well), but haven't due to the fact that I can't get jack shit done without a planned schedule.

As pathetic as this sounds, is there some kind of /jp/ approved planner that I can start using?

>> No.9824169
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 1344992323217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824176

Just a complete lack of giving a fuck. So apathy, that and my household gets completely fucking ridiculous and I can't go anywhere.

>> No.9824179

>It's ok. They're just being "ironic".
No, it isn't ok. See, if you let those people have their way with their shit you'll start seeing posts like >>9824167 more often until the whole board is filled with /b/r9k/v/ garbage and normalscum.

>> No.9824186


You could always just ignore them. You know, report the threads and hide the posts so you don't have to see them.

>> No.9824187

Household gets ridiculous?

I assume you don't have a license or a means of getting one by saying that. Is that correct?

>> No.9824188


I guess you missed the subtext. There's little that can be done to stop them, though.


You imply that pain, or misery, is objectively bad.

>> No.9824195

I hate knowing that I'm not going to amount to anything and will never have a girlfriend because of how lazy I am so to me pain and misery is objectively bad, to a masochist not so much.

>> No.9824194

I always report them and try to ignore them, but I usually insult them when their shitposting becomes so blatantly detrimental to the quality of the board.

>> No.9824200

I've got a permit but I really don't like driving with anyone in the car. Although if I did I'd have completely no where to go unless I ended wondering downtown until 12, also I hate everyone that's downtown. It's pretty complicated, or at least to me.

>> No.9824201
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1346517469284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate knowing that I'm not going to amount to anything and will never have a girlfriend

>> No.9824202


I don't like you.

Please, go elsewhere.

>> No.9824204 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1348848878604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when just dropped out of college last week and feel bad because I didn't even make a single friend during the times I attended school. Life sucks as a hikkimori.

>> No.9824208 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 90x84, yumenikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that feel when your hikki bros don't want to stay in and play vidya and instead want to go out drinking instead

>> No.9824207
File: 69 KB, 478x599, 1349020865082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

>> No.9824210 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 322x350, 1347159083885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in bizarro/jp/?

You know this entire fucking thread is shit, not just the people posting feels right?


>> No.9824211 [DELETED] 

EPIC trolling bros ;) lets see how much time it takes for >>9824194 to get angry XDDD

>> No.9824215 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 743x400, get dis style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to save you guys, all you had to do was listen.

>> No.9824217

Well, once you have a license, you have more independence. Build on that independence and then eventually you can leave your household. If there's a good SSI program in your country you could probably apply for it beforehand and then live in peace, away from your household situation since it sounds detrimental, for a good while.

>> No.9824219 [DELETED] 
File: 644 KB, 340x502, 1335823276499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one thing left to do - out shitpost the shitposters.

Shall we get this started?

>> No.9824222 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9824224 [DELETED] 
File: 585 KB, 900x797, 4635757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That feel when you realize .flow was a better game than Yume Nikki.

>> No.9824229 [DELETED] 

*punches you in the face*

GOMENASAI xD just kidding

>> No.9824233 [DELETED] 


whata fuk man xDDXDDxxdDDD

>> No.9824234 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 320x240, AP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That feel when answered prayers is best fangame.

>> No.9824239 [DELETED] 


COUNTER-SAGE >_______<

>> No.9824242 [DELETED] 

Yes, you're right. When the mods said NEET stuff was to be condensed in one thread, I expected it'd be some kind of hybrid of /r9k/ blogging, NEET debates and general tips about living isolated, but it's turned out they're just pure shit and attract the worst to /jp/.

They may as well be deleted and the status quo of NEET things being restored to pre-/q/ state, so only the regulars and lurkers post on them whenever they pop up.

>> No.9824250 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 1064x1518, 1328981451025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le sayj is not le insult BAKA INU xDDD

>> No.9824252 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 800x650, 1326757797361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do when your 8-year old nephew comes to visit? Make pizza, of course! Well, not of course, actually. I didn't think of it until we exhausted Sorry, Monopoly, and gin rummy. But it did turn out to be a brilliant idea as dad had just received a baking stone for Christmas, and my nephew Austin loves pizza. I told him if he helped me make it and didn't make too many faces I would put him on my website and he would be famous. That seemed to get his attention. He thought the dough was "slimy and gross" but he loved picking his own toppings, and the finished product was "awesome".

The following method I patched together from recipes in both Joy of Cooking and Cook's Illustrated's The Best Recipe. I made two batches of dough, four pizzas in all, with varied toppings. Next time I'll be a bit more patient with stretching out the dough so I can get it even thinner. Look to the end of this post for some excellent links about pizza from other food bloggers.

>> No.9824261 [DELETED] 

>my sides

/g/ is the worst subreddit on 4chan.

>> No.9824264 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

And why do you hate freedom?

>> No.9824266 [DELETED] 

/g/ would be better without the tripfags

>> No.9824268 [DELETED] 


>> No.9824269 [DELETED] 


Sadly I was living on SS all through mid and high school, But I've been taking steps to try get out of this hole but it's like a nervous habit when ever something winds up going to shit to just go to where I am currently, I'm starting to think I have a some kind of reclusive mental disorder.

But I hear what you're saying anon, it's just I really need to look into a job and/or schooling as well.

>> No.9824270 [DELETED] 

>my sides


Enjoy your google botnet.

>> No.9824274 [DELETED] 


Guys where are my pizza links?

>> No.9824283 [DELETED] 


Say literally one word or phrase and /jp/ jumps up in all their autistic glory to redirect you to some other board.

YOu people are pathetic.

>> No.9824294 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 313x223, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go away

>> No.9824289 [DELETED] 


You want quality threads?


>> No.9824290 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1000x1235, 1344939364201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le cheez pizza amirite?

u probs don't no wat i'm talking about tho ;)

pic related it is le pedoshit xDDDD so gross DDD:

>> No.9824310 [DELETED] 
File: 628 KB, 622x700, 1348145295832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le best toppings :---D

>> No.9824323 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m5xpl2lMYM1r65044o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is le yellow heart such a slut?

>> No.9824329 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 134x180, n-no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824333 [DELETED] 
File: 546 KB, 1000x1000, 1349334616618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when my physical health is fine, but my mental health is a whole different story.

I've been taking psychedelics for awhile now, specifically mushrooms since it was easy to grow them, and I think it's kind of bled through a bit. The difference between how I feel when I'm normal and how I feel when I'm tripping is becoming increasingly smaller and it's getting a little tricky to determine if this is real. I always feel like I'm not here or that this is not entirely real. I don't feel awake, but I'm not tired, I just don't feel like I am currently in the waking world.

I honestly have no idea if I'm even awake right now. This could be a dream, it definitely doesn't feel like reality and I'm getting that dream vibe where things just seem different, the carpet does not look right, the corner of the room seems abnormally far away, and there's a lot of little things which don't feel right when I look at them.

>> No.9824342 [DELETED] 


>> No.9824344 [DELETED] 


Poor baby. Baby wanna bottle?

>> No.9824347 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 400x288, 26069078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le one has to go to all efforts in jibun no shitposting >.<

>> No.9824358 [DELETED] 


>> No.9824357 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 350x239, fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tulpas are mainstream. Pic related.

>> No.9824362 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9824368 [DELETED] 


>> No.9824376 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 1070x1020, 1348732214897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you're not implying that's me.

>> No.9824388 [DELETED] 

Are you a neet detective?

>> No.9824391 [DELETED] 

uhm mediator is /jp/ related please shut up KUDASAI

gomen for yelling

>> No.9824403 [DELETED] 


I couldn't even tell that was her until you pointed out so.

>> No.9824418 [DELETED] 
File: 503 KB, 225x225, 1326750179463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please give le warning next time before your raise you're voice D:

I had to emergancy cover my ears to pretent le damage.

At least you said you were sorry. :)

>> No.9824421 [DELETED] 


Why is shitposting /jp/ so much nicer to each other than regular /jp/?

>> No.9824433 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 160x160, 1327672337209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am always yasashii to my yuujin on le /jp/, because I am not le ijimekko. ^-^

>> No.9824443 [DELETED] 

my mom lately has been really hating me...and so has everyone else! they say I'm nasty and malicious. my cousin that i i rarely ever get to see called me annoying. AFTER i told him about all my problems with my life....My mom said that she hates who I've become I'm only 13! and its not like I'm doing anything bad to her! i just talk back...a lot. but thats part of growing up isn't it???she hit me yesterday cause i called my grandma a douche bag. i called her that because she was hitting me for no reason! >:O! i just feel unloved and terrible...they tell me i have to change my attitude and stop talking back..but i really don't want too :/ i don't see whats wrong with myself! >.<

>> No.9824453 [DELETED] 

Hey, im 21 now but when I was your age me and my mom went through a faze of us hating each other too. She would say the meanest things to me and didnt understand me at all. She would get mad when I would "talk back" But I felt like it was just me putting my opinion in. I wanted to get my nose pierced and she wouldnt let me and we didnt speak for 3 weeks. Now looking back I realize that it was part me... As I grew up I got to know my mom more personally and leaned how to relate with her like a friend. My first approach I can now see wasnt "mature." Once you start holding back your opinion (or as they say talking back) she will ask you for it. Your mom isnt perfect, nore is she as good as she intends to be. But every mother wants better for there kids then they had. And the fact that you get away with back talking at all means she started out trying to be your friend and letting you get away with it back fired. Because its embarrassing for a mother to be told off by her kid. And it doesnt matter if your right or wrong in the end you wont really ever win. You will win over more conflicts with your mom staying calm reasonable, quiet and nice. She will feel way worse being mean to you if your someone worth being nice to. Once I turned 14 or 15 we started to relate on things I never though she would be cool with, but I had to chill out and prove myself. Being upfront with your parents is the best, because they dont need to wonder what your hiding. I hope this helps, because I remember when I was younger I wanted to run away cuz I thought it would never get better, but now looking back, thats crazy, I love my mom, she is my best friend and has been there for me in so many ways that I never appreciated as a kid.

>> No.9824478 [DELETED] 
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>my faeces when the epicness of this posts

>> No.9824483 [DELETED] 

It's okay, you just need go to sleep. Secure a hanging rope around your neck, get on a chair and put a plastic bag on your head. Make sure it's tight! Then count to 200. Happy dreams ^_^.

>> No.9824559 [DELETED] 

Looks like the thread is dead.

Good job.

>> No.9824564 [DELETED] 
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We owned these virgs

>> No.9824579 [DELETED] 
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Arigatou gozaimashita!

>> No.9824587 [DELETED] 
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fug yeah :D

>> No.9824598 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9824595 [DELETED] 


It is time to stop now.

>> No.9824634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9824642 [DELETED] 

thank you very much (or as they say in Japan ARIGATOU) janitor you really saved this quality thread from all the shitposters now I can blog about not having a girlfriend in peace :)

>> No.9824644

What causes you to become a NEET/Hikikomori today

Old age and single. TBH, I've noticed a lot of old women who read translated hentai dojin these days, too.

Oddly enough, they like the tentacle-egg-laying hentai especially, more so than the futanari.

>> No.9824652

This thread is /r9k/, don't even bother to try to fix it, just delete it already.

>> No.9824660 [DELETED] 
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Thanks meido

That feel when /jp/ really is the best board because we're allowed to have threads so long as they relate to the board's meme culture

So what are my NEETbros up to tomorrow night? It'll be Friday you know!

>> No.9824673

>tfw no friends to go out with on Friday night

All guys are just douchebags and dumb and not enlightened like me. Stupid sluts always bang bad boys that hurt them and cheat.. but then they only use me to cry to. Sometimes it's hard being one of the only people who can see through societies bullshit.

>> No.9824701
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>> No.9824710


>> No.9824722

I wet myself at night

>> No.9824727

I touch myself at night

>> No.9824904

Why is /jp/ so obsessed with virginity?

What does having an intact hymen mean that having a split hymen doesn't? It's not like you guys are religious, and it would actually be easier since there's less blood/pain.

>> No.9824911

I don't do this because I'm inept, or incapable of leading other lifestyles. I simply have no other alternative.
