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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 260x475, mayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9815672 No.9815672 [Reply] [Original]


Because I have no willpower, I am going to try this now. Idea is that you get a cute girl cheering you on and counting your reps while you do sit ups or push ups.

The biggest draw is that it's designed as a standard visual novel that you can only progress through with constant exercise as to keep you motivated.

I've already paid for it since it's half off as a launch promotion and it's currently downloading and installing.

>> No.9815705

I'd be all over that if I had a smart phone.

>> No.9815704

I prefer Nike+.

>> No.9815708

What? But i'm usually closing my eyes while doing push ups and such because it helps me to concentrate...

>> No.9815711

Heh, that's kind of endearing. It's a little embarrassing though, so I'll pass.

Wait, is that Nyanners at the end? No, I must be hearing things.

>> No.9815712

I find it comical that my weight loss depends on acquiring a smart phone of all things.

>> No.9815713
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] The iDOLM@STER - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [A4CA16BB].mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2012.07.26_08.02.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've put on a little weight haven't you?


>> No.9815717

It is nyanners at the end. She had to suck a million dicks to get her voice to be on the commercial.

>> No.9815726

It's weird how it makes you balance your phone on your knees in the sit up position and press the screen after lifting your upper body. It fell off a couple of times until i realized your suppose to place it horizontally on your knee.

>> No.9815727

Didn't it say the app was in english too? I'd buy it if nyanners voiced one of the girls.

>> No.9815733

I wouldn't. Fuck Nyanners, and no, not like that.

>> No.9815734

I think they made it a point to use netVA for the english dub, but I don't recognize the names. Not nyanners though, but that same cutish inflection she uses.

>> No.9815736

When I exercise I like to imagine I'm getting ready to fight dragons. Part of my routine uses a sledgehammer so it's fun. This probably wouldn't work well with me.

>> No.9815744

You are gay.

>> No.9815749

Why do people always want to kill dragons? Show a little love to them, I would rather have a dragon as a pet.

>> No.9815753

The last thing we need is dragon sympathizers around here.

>> No.9815756

Hey kid I got a dragon dildo here wanna yiff?

>> No.9815760

I always get horny afterwards, so I'd probably plow your little ass if you wanted.

>> No.9815764

>killing a dragon
>with a sledgehammer
I'd suggest something lighter than you can stab him in the eye with, or the heart if you get swallowed whole, or even in 2 pieces.

>> No.9815767

Sorry I'm a straight woman I'm not your type.

>> No.9815768

I just use a sledgehammer because it's all I have and I don't want to go buy anything. I pretend it's a sword.

Oh shit I'm sorry.

>> No.9815770

>straight woman
But of course.

Please don't bully.

>> No.9815798

Link managed fine with a hammer.

>> No.9815802

zelda games is shit

>> No.9815816

I'm already healthy and exercise everyday.

>> No.9815821

Looks really awkward in that video. In fact, the rep counting seems the greatest detractor, since it greatly limits the kind of exercises you can do and forces you to focus on kissing the screen while you're exercising. I'd get it if you just had to punch in your numbers afterwards.

Also, the girls look boring. Where's my sporty tomboy wearing spats and tsuntsun sports club captain who yells at me if I don't take my training seriously enough?

>> No.9815825
File: 519 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-51-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice presentation. Don't really like the promise of paid DLC, but I'm reassured with the idea that I'll be able to unlock the content anyway with exercise and moevation points.

Not bad for japanese indie devs so far, so let's get into it.

>> No.9815827
File: 99 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-51-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9815830
File: 381 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-52-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First contact with the english voice actress, and it's not bad. I would have preferred a cute japanese voice, but this is not grating or badly directed so I'll take it.

>> No.9815834
File: 390 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-53-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, that's a really piercing look. I'm not that squishy though, but I'm out of shape compared to highschool me.

>> No.9815837

Is there a male cheerleader version?

>> No.9815839
File: 389 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-54-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical uniform change and things are starting already. I still don't know how she's going to count though

>> No.9815848
File: 131 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-54-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the dev page, they're working on the otome version and more content for this one.

Good point, tomboy would really pump me up. Perhaps a new character down the line?

Well, I see what the others were talking about, this is going to be really uncomfortable. There is some proximity sensor sensitivity option in the settings menu, so I hope maybe later I can get it to work just by getting close to the screen instead of pressing.

>> No.9815852
File: 394 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-55-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ready to give up and call bullshit at this point, but the reassuring message really made me feel good for being close to the goal.
10 situps and winded is pathetic though. I really need to get healthy...

>> No.9815853

Is this nigga serious?

>> No.9815860
File: 397 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-56-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More short story about how I used to be cool and liked around. So you just want to see the slim me then, that's kinda superficial.

>> No.9815858

That's a great idea for a game.
>This just in - Average otaku weight down 20% across the nations
Wish I had a cellular device.

>> No.9815865
File: 406 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-56-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a generic enough message that it would apply to most people buying such a thing, but it gets to me a bit. More exercise coming up so I try my best.

>> No.9815863
File: 232 KB, 850x680, 1346626630680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a slut. This doesn't make me happy at all. It would have been better if she said something like "I care about your general health because I care about you".

>> No.9815864

Please don't do situps. They are bad for your back and ineffective.

Do leg raises instead.

>> No.9815867
File: 55 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-58-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I will see you again, like it or not!"
Fine, at least we're done for now. Feel bad over being sore and tired from just 20, but it's a first step.
Quick review of my progress and unlocked more content.

>> No.9815874

Wow dude what are your stats? Are you really tired from just 20 situps?

>> No.9815876
File: 510 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2012-10-02-18-58-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing much. I can do more situps from the main menu, or just hear the vocal encouragement I have unlocked so far.

Overall, it could use more things and a better system to detect the reps. Perhaps I can find a better location for it so I can do leg raises instead if they're safer.

>> No.9815878

+1 skinny fat
+2 depression
-2 muscle tone

>> No.9815881

I'm 25, last time I did actual exercise was back in highschool. Not fat, just very out of shape. Been meaning to start a light cardio regime for a while now, this is just an extra push.

>> No.9815880

I mean your height and weight you silly.

>> No.9815883

178 cm, and about 65 kilo.

>> No.9815885

has an apk been uploaded yet?

>> No.9815896
File: 700 KB, 480x270, 1314179588260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do japanese people love situps? In every anime whenever a fat person tries to lose weight they go straight to situps.

>> No.9815902

Easiest exercise to draw.

>> No.9815908

I don't think it's Japanese people specifically, the world/media has just adopted the six-pack as the embodiment of fitness.

Never mind the fact that isolation exercises are borderline useless if you're simply looking to lose weight, or the fact that doing sit-ups won't even do anything for you aesthetically if you don't already have low body fat.

>> No.9815904

I could try uploading a backup of the apk, but I'd feel bad. Indie japanese devs trying an english edition for less than the price of a can of soda. I'm held back by the idea that if this does well we might get more stuff later on.

I'm still mad we never got Barcode Kanojo for Android working properly. Dumb japanese SMS restrictions...

>> No.9815914

>Paying for your prison.

>> No.9815917

Yeah, yeah. I wanna get @ a sexy draconic girl after a hard workout and go all sledgy style on it

>> No.9815925

Well. At least, she's trying to cheer you up and helps you losing weight. Could you say the same about 3D?

>> No.9815930

This sounds like a great porn comic.

>> No.9815935


I see. Seeing that this leaves the hands free I could still use it and get a better workout.

>> No.9815953

I just imagine certain cute 2hoo flying in front of me when I'm running

>> No.9815976

Aw shi.. Because of this thread I pushed myself too far and went for a 30 straight sit-ups. I feel broken but good at the same time, this is a strange feeling. I think i'm going to try this again, this is kind of addictive.

>> No.9815991


>> No.9816001

Keep it up! You're lucky. I never feel happy from exercising. But to be fair, I hardly enjoy anything.

>> No.9816012

I'm trying to start a running regiment. It's hard because I have flat feet and hypermobile knees, so my legs give out very quickly.

But I am trying.

>> No.9816017

Real fitness. Virtual love. Living the dream.

>> No.9816035

Get your hands on Running Fast and Injury Free by Gordon Pirie

Also I feel sorry for you, a poor bastard like you with flat feet will never be terribly fast.

>> No.9816046

I know, it's terrible. On the bright side it exempts me from any draft, so I can take it easy on that end.

I'll look up that book.

>> No.9816118


If you could make a backup, i'd really appreciate it. I have a pretty shitty phone, and it's really hard for me to know what apps will run well without trying them.

>> No.9816186


Why aren't people laughing hysterically at this?

>> No.9816200

It's not that strange, especially on this board.

>> No.9816215

I only laughed at the situp part and how thousands or more of big fat japanese otakus will need to be visiting a back doctor in the future.

>> No.9816263

Sorry. Managed to get an apk with Titanium Backup, but it just gives me a parse error when I try to use it. Guess it has some copy protection due to being a paid application, I dunno.

>> No.9816297


Dang! Oh well.

Thank you for trying dear anon!

>> No.9816317

I've always imagined something like this.

During my last sets or lap, I like to imagine that my waifu is watching on the side.

It's not like she's cheering me on, or that she'll do anything for me if I succeed (I imagine her lazily watching in mild interest--half expecting me to fail, but maybe a little disappointed if I do), but it always gives me a huge burst of energy and I always finish strong, just because she's watching.

...yeah I'm weird.

>> No.9816321 [DELETED] 

is this a computer game
i dont get it

>> No.9816335

There's nothing weird here, you're just trying your best for someone. It's beautiful.

>> No.9816355

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.9816493

They're shit

>> No.9817244


>> No.9817280

I think I'll just starve myself by taking adderall, thanks though, seems pretty cute.

>> No.9817312
File: 36 KB, 380x380, good_morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you win can you fuck them

>> No.9820779
File: 15 KB, 440x350, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't have any iOS or android devices. What do I do?

>> No.9820824

Vote for Obama and get on autismbux plus foodstamps.

>> No.9820837

Didn't we already have something like this? Not an app but a series of videos or somesuch? The girl wore a tanktop or something.

>> No.9820859

Yeah, training/sleeping/bathing with Hinako.

>> No.9820972


I have the "いっしょにとれーにんぐ" video and it's glorious but then again I have a fetish for big tits and counting.

>> No.9821645 [DELETED] 

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Tohou Project, doujin works and music, NEET lifestyle, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

I hope you get banned, op

>> No.9828457

> iOS
please leave
