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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9812088 No.9812088 [Reply] [Original]

How many people from /jp/ do you think are lost each year to the horrors of work or education?

How many of us are forced to walk down the trail of tears and into the slaughterhouse of adulthood? It's a fate worse than death.

>> No.9812092

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I ever work a day in my life.

>> No.9812093

even 16 hours a week is too much!

Truly normals are soulless braindead individuals if they'll work 40-70 hours a week and nothing is wrong to them.

>> No.9812097
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>> No.9812096

The maximum I am willing to work is one hour every five days and not an hour more. This is not negotiable.

>> No.9812103
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I can manage an hour or two a day as long as I can browse /jp/ at the same time.

>> No.9812107

I tried to do some work once, but I started vomiting all over myself in the parking lot and then I cried and begged my mom to take me home.

I never even got to the interview. I just don't think my body is capable of employment. Do you think I can get on disability with this? Maybe it's a type of sickness.

>> No.9812109
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>that feel when people would be alot happier if the entire world wasn't priced on artificial producitivty that is the Chinese slave child and pegged RMB

>that feel when everyone could comfortably live and still consume frivolously if 25 hours a week work was enforced max

>that feel when everyone would have a job and the boomers could age with dignity

that fucking feel.

>> No.9812111

I remember doing that on my first day of school.

>> No.9812112

i cried and begged mommy for help and too kiss my boo boo's stop being a faggot loser and grow up

>> No.9812113
File: 98 KB, 640x800, Anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she always have an expession that she is holding in a poop or has to fart really badly?

I would help her by gently pressing on her little chubby belly and have her fart and poop all over the place.

>> No.9812114


>25 hours a week


Five hours, maybe six. That's it. Anything more is morally wrong.

>> No.9812115

I'd like to work but I can't leave the house without having extreme anxiety attacks and intense unpleasant depersonalization.

>> No.9812126

I don't know how I'll ever have a job. I can't handle it. I can barely handle school, and I have one class that meets twice a week for an hour. I want to die.

>> No.9812127

I legitimately want to work, but every time I try to look for a job I always fuck it up. About a month ago I applied for my first job at a video game store, but instead of giving my application+resume to the manager I gave it to the cashier guy because he said the manager was not in. Then I went to apply to a Sandwich shop with a friend, he did most of the talking to the guy in charge and shook his hand, but instead of myself shaking his head I awkwardly stared at him for a moment and walked out of the store because I wasn't sure if should shake his hand or not despite not saying a word directly to him.

I'm beginning to think I'm too incompetent to ever get a job.

>> No.9812130
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It's her どや顔 dude

>> No.9812140
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Work is awful because work requires some type of interaction with people. There is no job in the world that doesn't because some human has to be paying you and in the vast majority of jobs you will have coworkers which are even worse.

Humans are bad. Conflict and unpleasantness are things which only exist because of human interaction. You can't get into an argument with someone if there's no other people, no one can hurt or rob you if you're the only person, etc. In the work place you have to deal with all of the petty shit that humans love to fight over and it's absolute hell.

The only work I will do is work that goes directly to continuing my survival. If I lived out in the forest for example then that kind of work, just hunting, farming, and things like that, would be perfect and I would have no complaints.

If I have to deal with people though? No way. Not going to do it.

>> No.9812141

Shaking hands is my nightmare. I never know if I should initiate it, or how much pressure I should be applying, or how long I should hold their hand while I'm doing it. Once or twice I've had to shake a woman's hand and I had no idea what to do. It's fucking scary.

>> No.9812147

I was not entirely lost to the horror of work. I exist now in the extended twilight of carefree youth: university education.
If I can keep good grades I can go on to a Masters and then PhD program, although the benefit of that is questionable at best considering the work involved. I still try to convince myself it's better than real 'work', and that is my only other option.

>> No.9812149


Shake it like a dude's hand. Don't be sexist.

>> No.9812150
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I see that pop up on more than one occasion. I know that says something like "do-ya" or "dou-ya". And I think it originated from those shows like in this gif

Bt what purpose does it serve? Is it just a silly Nihongo meme?

>> No.9812152

They didn't shake my hand in that way. But maybe that was because I was supposed to apply pressure first? I don't know this shit! Fuck shaking hands. I hate it.

>> No.9812157


I would love to live on a little farm with a cow or two, a friendly dog, some chickens, and lots of vegetables. The chickens could give me eggs, the dog could be my friend, the cows could give me milk, and the vegetables could give me food.

I would need water so some kind of stream that I can drink from or a well. The trees would give me shelter once I made a house and after that point I wouldn't really need anything.

>> No.9812161
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How do I instantly kill myself with minimal preparation? I think if I do the helium method I might be too anxious to stay in the bag and chicken out. Likewise if I try hanging I might spend too much time thinking while the noose is around my neck before I jump.

I want to get a gun but I can't. Please help.

>> No.9812160

I remember from somewhere that firmly grasping another persons hand whilst commencing the shaking session shows that you are confident. It also helps if you do that actual shaking motion just as firmly and dont let the other person take dominance over they motion either.

>> No.9812162


You could jump off an apartment block or something.

>> No.9812164

Have a /jp/sie murder you.

>> No.9812166

I heard that method doesn't instantly kill you depending on how you land.

>> No.9812167

This is too stressful. I'm getting dizzy

>> No.9812186

どや is osakan dialect for どうだ, "how's that". ドヤ顔 even has an entry in EDICT so you could just look it up there.

>> No.9812189

Why do schools and teachers say that they don't support bullying, but the whole purpose of school is to get you to the point that you can have a job?

Jobs are a form of bullying. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.9812198

did your parents ever put any pressure into school and work for you? If i told my dad i think school and work is bullying he would slap me. you should know why

>> No.9812202


>you should know why

Because you have abusive parents?

>> No.9812206

Because he's trying to make you miserable by spending your life slaving away for a paycheck.

>> No.9812209

I wish there was a way to make NEET and be money at the same time without resorting to autism bux.

>> No.9812214

no because if i told my parents the equal fair right i have to education is bullying he would tell me I'm an idiot, in some countries people don't have those privileges. with that education i could get the job of my choice.

>> No.9812215

Because your dad is an ape that feels the need to use irrational brute force over a form of expression?

>> No.9812216

You have to won the lottery

>> No.9812220

Why would you want a job?

>> No.9812221


>If i told my dad

I'm so glad my dad died before I ever knew him. Having a father sounds fucking awful, I have never heard one example of a father that wasn't an aggressive asshole.

It's like their only role in the household is to just pick on their children.

>> No.9812227

Are you being ironic?

>> No.9812230


Let's make conclusions based on anecdotal evidence

>> No.9812228

Correct. Normals are all constantly butthurt because they have to slave away for 40+ hours a week, so whenever they see someone not working or going to school, they get really pissed. They think that if they can't be happy, then no one can.

>> No.9812229

I grew up without a father too. It does seem like they're mainly pricks, but I don't understand the father/son dynamic at all. It just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.9812235


>in some countries people don't have those privileges

People in those countries have better jobs.

I would much rather spend my life in the fields of a small village than in an office building. There is nothing more soul sucking and depressing than jobs in first world countries, they're practically designed to make you fat and depressed.

>> No.9812238

Where the hell do you live that they give out education and jobs like candy? It must be a nice, magical place.

>> No.9812248

My thought for the day (or 'how I rationalised my behaviour today'):

I was walking down a street near where I live. You can see a good mix of people on this street, among them tradesmen and young people (university students, hospitality workers, etc.).
A group of construction workers walked past me, and I got to thinking that my existence and the existence of this archetype of young people is subsidised by these workers.
It is those people who perform tangible work and keep society afloat. I wondered what they must think of a 21 year old guy walking around in casual clothes at 2pm on a Tuesday.

Then I thought about the fact that all of us were kept afloat by manufacturing workers in China.
I didn't feel so bad then because I figured that these people supporting the society that supports me are getting some modicum of a free ride too.

>> No.9812250



People are happier in countries that are objectively worse. Living a privileged life has done nothing but make you more depressed than you would be if you lived in a poor country.

>> No.9812260
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I am in education. A Chemistry major at that.

It is really horrible, but better than the alternative of employment. NEET isn't possible for me unless I went homeless. I doubt my degree with even be worth anything upon leaving, and I'll likely find it almost impossible to even be employed in McDonalds, if not impossible to even get volunteer work.

Nothing left for me but bearing with it, to live for the valuable hours when I am free. This is life, huh?

>> No.9812315
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Yeah slut, this is life. Get used to it or get brainwashed.

>> No.9812327

That SHAFT headtilt

>> No.9812335

Self self-medicator detected.

Can I be your hiki substance bro?

>> No.9812338
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PMMM is a deconstruction of wage slavery.

>> No.9812349


Not at the moment. Unless you consider video games, anime and a diet of almost 100% carbohydrate and fat to be illicit substances.

It's difficult to get hold of something that actually helps: alcohol is really shit; marijuana requires social contacts and doesn't seem that effective, from what I've tried; Ether helps, but it's risky to get ahold of, and starts giving headaches after a while; self-harm elevates way too fast.

I just try not to think about things any more.

>> No.9812357

I'm in university monday until thursday and I work saturday and sunday.

I don't get it, I was free 2 months ago

>> No.9812361

get a load of this nigger... not eating delicious chicken breast and nuts.

>> No.9812367 [DELETED] 

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9812388


Nuts make me ill, and chicken requires refrigeration/cooking, which would require using the kitchen, which would probably result in human contact.

>> No.9812397

You could try canned food if you think your diet is affecting your mood. Tuna or vegetables or something. Probably everything comes canned these days.

>> No.9812412

>going to university


>> No.9812411

We need a new World War. It would rid the world of undesirable human material and give the young an opportunity to make something out of themselves, and perhaps even rise to power. Dying with a gun in your hand is way more glorious and desirable than rotting away in an office building.

>> No.9812427


I don't think I'd mind being conscripted too much.

>> No.9812439

I wish Anzu would clean her rabbit, then again I've never cleaned my dog plushie... still doesn't look as gross as her rabbit.

>> No.9812664

I was always usually in education, just finished, but being in CS, a lot of courses you could do mostly online and only need to show up for certain things like tests.

After two years of basically not needing to leave my house for days at a time, I'm not sure I can even work outside. I need to find some way to work online but I'm not sure how to set it up so that they actually pay me. If only I had music and modelling/spriting skills, I could open up a kickstarter game project.

>> No.9812682

I hope you all go blind and your hands fall off.

>> No.9812718

Then we really would never need to work. We'd even have to have someone feed us and wipe our ass for us so we could take it extra easy.

You'd only have to worry if that person holding your dick while you piss/fap was male or female.

>> No.9812726

You'd crumble without a way to use the internet.

>> No.9812745
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I personally envy people with motivation, or dreams.
I never had them myself, I always wondered how would it feel,
to have motivation to achieve my dreams and to have dreams to motivate myself, I envy people who have those.

Right now, I've been unemployed for a good few years, doing various odd jobs whenever I can to scrape up some money, but still, I wish I had a job, a purpose in life, something to drain my motivation to, something to drive for, to achieve something, I envy people with those too, even more so, hate people who don't deserve any of those.

A life in jail, in here is better than my current one, at least in there your housing is free, the food is free, the food is better and you can educate yourself in there, been pondering for a few years if I should start killing people in random patterns and eventually getting caught and hauled to jail, a life in jail doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.9812748

I'd just use my feet.

>> No.9812753


Please don't do that, friend.

>> No.9812767

Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison is pretty awful.

>> No.9812772

I don't use the internet. I only use 4chan. A hand would be a viable sacrifice to be rid of this prison forever.

>> No.9812801

Just say you're a muslim and do the praise the sun greeting instead. That way you can sue them for discrimination when they don't hire you.

>> No.9814777

A good friend actually did teach me the proper way to shake hands. You want the crease between your thumb and index finger almost touching the crease on the other person's hand. Then, you close your fingers around their palm, not their fingers. There's a complicated reading of the symbolism of this particular handshake, but I think it's mostly bullshit. You apply as much pressure as you would to your dick when you fap or to your breasts when you fondle them. But don't fondle the other person's hand, that's not appropriate.

If you don't manage to position your hand as prescribed here, don't panic, don't worry, just go with it and exert the same amount of force as indicated above.

Shake twice - this is the average I've noticed.

Do look at your hand while reaching for your partner's, but after that try to maintain eye contact. If that's too hard for you, concentrate on some other feature of their face that's close to their eyes, like the bridge of their nose, their forehead or their left ear, or just look at their eyes but don't focus much.

Most of all - take it easy.

>> No.9814785

I don't know how long I'll be able to live the NEET life. Parental pressure grows ever larger with each passing year.

>> No.9814808

I don't want to work but I want to study and get into a position that allows me to help research humanoid robotics

Learning is quite fun actually if you learn the stuff that is interesting to you

But yeah if I fail I will never work in my life, I don't care about my student loans or whatever, I'd rather go live in the woods, than work in a mindless job for years on end.

>> No.9814804

Thinking of their hand as my penis doesn't help!

>> No.9814841
File: 21 KB, 295x368, ineedahug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not work on one of the millennium problems? Maybe with a little bit of creativity and a lot of hard work you could win a million dollars from the safety of your home.

>> No.9814843

Interestingly, from threads on /a/, it seems that most privates in the USA's army are otaku material. Because once you're just another private, nobody gives a shit, except other privates and you'll never see an aggressive social-ladder climber enlist in the army, nor would a regular nerd-bullying jock get very far - they don't want soldiers with attitude, they want soldiers who can stare death right in the face and go "hey, that reminds me of that scene in F/SN", but then you come back with PTSD because your best friend died in battle and you cry each night to sleep. Might be better than a regular soul-crushing job, on average.

>> No.9814851

>but then you come back with PTSD
That ZUN!bar feel

>> No.9814866

Completely offtopic here: could we please use "affect" instead of "feel"? It means exactly the same and doesn't look like a retarded neologism. Plus, you piss off newbie grammar nazis who just memorise "affect-verb;effect-noun", without understanding what the words mean.

>> No.9814878


>> No.9814917

> that affect when denied

>> No.9814990

Actual /jp/ regulars wouldn't being using "that feel" anyways.

>> No.9815004

This is what part-time neo-/jp/sie subhuman scum actually believes.

>> No.9817779
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I just got out of the military. It feels so good to not have to work and not have to live by a goddamn schedule. Think of all the moving I had to do. Think of all the people I had to interact with. Think of all the times I wasn't at my computer/laptop. It was painful. I think I've got PTSD.
