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9810243 No.9810243 [Reply] [Original]

Are you looking forward to halloween? /jp/

I love the atmosphere and feeling I get, whilst enjoying the safety of being a NEET living with my parents.

>> No.9810264

when are your parents going to tell you to fuck off and leave. Aren't you going to stop mooching your like 30 or something right?

>> No.9810277


I'm barely older than 2 decades.

>> No.9810344

I'm looking forward to November 1st, does that count?

>> No.9810356

Not really. If I were young enough to get candy, then yeah. If I go now I'd get arrested. Giving out candy to brats isn't very fun, either. They never put effort into their costumes and their parents force them to go out when it's still bright out. Or I get a bunch of dorks who wear their school football uniforms and think it's a good costume.

Last time I went I was 16, and people gave my friend and I shit for being too old. Some even refused to give us candy, so I stopped then.

>> No.9810379


>> No.9810373

Nah, I'm too old for that shit now.

>> No.9810383
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I'm afraid someone is going to knock on my door, so I take some sleeping medicine and sleep the night away.

>> No.9810391

Discounted candy.

>> No.9810397

but on October 31st you can it for free, silly.

>> No.9810398

I'd go if i had a cool costume idea, Last time i went was 2 years ago as Tea time, I glued a tea set on a small table and put dry ice + water in the teapot to give it a steaming effect. i carried that shit around since it wasn't too heavy. I haven't been able to come up with another cool idea yet.

>> No.9810400
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>> No.9810428

Only if you're 12 or younger.

>> No.9810427

I actually wouldn't mind answering the door and giving out sweets, but i'm afraid the kids will be with their obnoxious parents

>> No.9810435

But then I'd not only have to go outside but also go to strangers' homes and bother them. I can't do that anymore.

>> No.9810439

Do you think there's a way to make myself look younger? It'll be dark out. Could I put a sheet over me(ghost) and walk on my knees? If I can't change my voice, it won't be hard to get a voice clip off the internet and use that...

>> No.9810445

Halloween is the time to play scary games.

Or the time to be like cornfapper, your choice.

Also, is this board being raided by the middle school children who frequent /v/? Where is NSJ when you need her?

>> No.9810446

Depends, are you around 5'2?

>> No.9810449

The Goosebumps books used to depress me, because some character would always say, "This is our last year going trick-or-treating. Next year we'll be 13, and we'll be too old for it."
My birthday is shortly before Halloween, and on my 13th birthday I was miserable.

Fuck you, R. L. Stine.

>> No.9810452

No, I'm just shy of 6 feet...

>> No.9810453

Would give rock candy to.

>> No.9810463

Sorry man, you will never be kawaii kid ever again. Reflect upon that as you buy discount halloween candy the day after and think about how you could have gotten it for free if you were a midget instead.

>> No.9810565

I trick-or-treated until I was 16

>> No.9810571

I would like to go trick-or-treating with a bunch of lolis dressed up as 2hus

>> No.9810629

Not really, I'm looking forward to the day before though since Assassin's Creed III and the Vita spinoff come out then.

>> No.9810788

Always playing shitty games.

>> No.9810825

We should have regional meet-ups for all the Tou-Bro's to get together and go trick-or-treating. I want to go even though I am in my 20s, I figure people might give me candy anyway, and some cooler folks might give me sudafed or free beer.

>> No.9810828

I'm not sure if I should go trick or treating or stay home and give out candy. What if no one gives me candy, or if no one comes to my house?

>> No.9810869

I would worry more about people not giving you candy than people not coming to your house.

If someone refuses you candy for being too old or whatever then that's just straight-up embarrassing; it can create a poor image of you in the eyes of adults and children alike and can lead to low self-esteem later on down the line.

If no one comes to your house, then you just spent an evening taking it easy with your Tou-Bros on /jp/. Doesn't sound so bad now that you look at it like that.

>> No.9810881

Dressing up as a kendo student for Halloween.

I don't even do kendo, but the uniform is weird enough to wear for halloween.

>> No.9810889

Yeah I guess so. I don't think I could handle the crushing blow to my already fragile self esteem. Besides, last year I did actually get some little girls, although I hadn't expected it and had no candy because of it, which also made me feel kinda bad.

>> No.9810903

Me and my brother are going to pull some pranks and have loadsafun.

It'll be a great night

>> No.9816919


Were they cute? How old were they? Did they come alone? What did they dress up as?

I lived in a pretty rural area so there are never any lolis coming to my door. Or anywhere, really. I'm jealous, Anon.

>> No.9817466

No hall9ween in jp, you fucktard

>> No.9817472

halloween is p cool. i'll probably play some death smiles.

>> No.9821269


What were there reactions to your lack of candy?

>> No.9821306

I don't remember, I was nervous and didn't really get a good look at them. It was a surprise though, because my area is also rather rural, at least the area around my small neighborhood. Usually people take their kids somewhere more populated. Hopefully they come back. I'm definitely gonna have a ton of candy for them.

Disappointed, as far as I could tell. I felt pretty bad about it.

>> No.9821312
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how old is too old to beg for free candy...

>> No.9821317

13 according to my Goosebumps books.

>> No.9821319

which touhou should i cosplay as for halloween, /jp/?

>> No.9821327


>> No.9821329
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>> No.9821331


How rural? When you say "neighborhood" I can't help but think semi-suburban at the least. I'm surrounded by farms though, and my nearest neighbor is a couple km away.

I hope they visit again too. I hope they didn't tell all their loli friends that you had no candy. Did you give them anything at all? I remember when I was young sometimes they would give you a twoonie or a loonie if you went to a house with no candy. Or mandarin oranges/other fruit sometimes.

>> No.9821339

I'm twenty and three, and I'm gunna go trick or treating this year.

>> No.9821340

do you think people would give flan a lot of candy?

>> No.9821350


If they don't then she might murder them.

>> No.9821358


Are you a female? If you're a male it might be a bad idea.

>> No.9821377

I am male, but I like bad ideas.

>> No.9821380

It's really weird. There are farms around and and such. It's kind of like this small little grouping of a bunch of homes. I'm not sure what you'd call it. I can hear cows though. It's kind of suburban, but not very big, and it's right in the middle of all this farmland.

I'm worried that they won't come back because I didn't have any last year. I didn't have anything I could think of giving them, at least without looking weird. I just want to give people a great Halloween like when I was a kid.

>> No.9821397



I guess going to a playground to hand out candy would be too suspicious though.

>> No.9821417

I'm probably working on Halloween, but they allow costumes (without masks) at work for Halloween. I'm going as Kirito from SAO. This is going to be either fucking awesome or completely suck.

>> No.9821430

It's tough being a male. For all I know, if I gave them candy, they'd throw mine away later.

>> No.9821440


What kind of child throws away candy?

Do you ever watch lolis play? I sometimes walk by elementary schools just to look at them. I don't loiter though so hopefully I don't attract much attention.

>> No.9821455

It'd be the parents that would throw them away. God forbid someone should be generous with candy on Halloween.

I'm always too scared to look at kids. It's not like I have lewd thoughts or anything, but I like kids, they're fun and cute. But people are just so paranoid about this kind of stuff, that even though I have innocent intentions, people assume the worse.

>> No.9821475

Parents should be careful with candy given to their children. People may tamper with it in some way.

>> No.9821481

That being said, people should be careful with any food given to them by strangers.

>> No.9821483 [DELETED] 


I feel the same way, except I do think lewd thoughs. Although when I am in public I'm more interested in their cuteness, it's just later on that I think the lewd thoughts usually. Although sometimes the lewd thoughs happen around them as well.

>> No.9821490


I feel the same way, except I do think lewd thoughts. Although when I am in public I'm more interested in their cuteness, it's just later on that I think the lewd thoughts usually. Although sometimes the lewd thoughts happen around them as well.

>> No.9821525

I think I might walk around passing out candy this year
Halloween is my second favorite holiday, I should do something to actually celebrate it.

>> No.9821530

I can understand that, but it still upsets me that we can't trust each other with something as innocuous as candy

I find their cuteness interesting as well, but I still don't do the lewdness thinking. They're sweet, innocent and funny.

>> No.9821542


Do you like older women instead, or are you not attracted to anyone?

>> No.9821561

I've always regarded Halloween as a juvenile occasion, but I suppose I do enjoy it a bit. Around these parts though, people only give a shit about it for the candy.

>> No.9821580

I'd be lying if I said I was completely asexual, but I'm still pretty apathetic about it.

>> No.9821587


Maybe you could hold a cute loli in your arms to make you feel better about it. And then she would feel your steadily rising boner pushing against her lolibutt and ask what it was and then wonderful things would happen.

>> No.9821596

I don't really like lewd things, especially toward little kids. Even 2D makes me upset. I just can't think of them like that.

>> No.9821611


Oh. I'm sorry. Would you at least like to hug and cuddle one and fall asleep with her in your arms?

Kind of related but not really, how old are you and what is your background? Are you a NEET, or do you have a job?

>> No.9821650

Oh don't worry about it. I think that might be nice. I always kind of wanted to have a daughter, but I can't "make" one really, and I have no chance of being able to adopt being a single male.

I'm old enough to be here at the very least. I'm in college, but I don't have a job. I used to be a NEET and hikki, but not for very long, although I did enjoy it.

>> No.9821711


What are you studying?

And couldn't you go to a poor asian country and adopt one there? Or do you only want a white loli daughter?

There's always kidnapping, too. You could homeschool her and keep her away from dirty society.

>> No.9821756

I'm still not sure what I want to study really. I think I might just end up going with English because I love books, but I just don't know.

I don't have the means to support a child, considering I just hang on by myself. Maybe one day I could, but who knows when that will be.
I don't really think kidnapping someone would be a good idea, but I always thought that I would probably shelter my child a lot, even without realizing it. The outside world isn't that great, but I don't think turning out like me would be much better.

Interesting how this developed, and I would like to continue, but I worry that some people might be bothered, plus I'm tired and should be going to bed.

>> No.9821767

Kind of glad I look stupidly young and have a younger brother so I can still go collecting candy even though I'm too old.

Halloween I like a lot but I never have any reason to dress up other than collecting candy. The one time of year I can actually do it.

>> No.9821781


You should study something practical if you're going to bother going to college though. Maybe some kind of Engineering or Computer Science or something else like that. How else will you support a loli daughter?

Hopefully other people won't be bothered with mostly loli-talk, considering that we're not bumping the thread.

Good night though.

>> No.9822430
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>loli daughter
If she were like the 2D types, I would feel very blessed. Graduated college and worked hard some years. Have career, have car and have house all paid off no debts so decent environment to raise her. Feel ronery living alone but absolutely despise 3D. Even the 3D kids I come across all seem to be bratty, entitled little shits. Pic related. If had a sweet daughteru like those, I wouldn't hesitate to spoil the shit out of her.

>> No.9822482

back in grade 2 some kid in my class made fun of my halloween costume, i took it really harshly and never went trick or treating again. i was really sensitive as a kid
still don't like halloween though

>> No.9822848

Im looking forward to the halloween fanarts, and maybe I will watch a j horror movie

>> No.9824026

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.9826921


Really? Didn't your parents say anything?

>> No.9826928

Would you love her tenderly?

>> No.9827453
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Absolutely. I think my whole family would. I know raising her without a mother would be tricky but I'd be more than willing to ease off the career to spend more time with her. I'd still make more than enough to give her a cozy life. I want to see her grow up happy and with a family of her own. Would break my heart when I have to give her away though but I don't subscribe to the Usagi Drop shit. Yeah I'm not really 'normal' (I'm on /jp/ after all) but I'd want to raise a well-adjusted kid with no crazy issues. Irony I know.
