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File: 229 KB, 1038x1117, robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9809596 No.9809596 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2012 already, where are the robot girlfriends?!

>> No.9809605

Those are the examples you went with?

>> No.9809611

dont diss Chii and dorothy

>> No.9809722

Dorothy is so moe...

>> No.9809932

She has a dorky haircut though.

>> No.9809933
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In my bed

>> No.9809967

It's cute! It's perfect for her personality.

>> No.9810003

you have a dorky haircut

>> No.9810016

We still have no idea how to create a "hard" AI or even anything vaguely approaching one. Optimistic futurists equate the brain to a simple computer and assume that once we have enough transistors to equate to a decent number of neurons it'll magically become intelligent, but this is not the case.

A robot fuckdoll with limited mobility that says ++I LOVE YOU PHILIP J FRY++ or whatever on queue we could make right now, but it would be very expensive and not worth it.

>> No.9810086

Dorothy is probably my favorite robot girl. I like how it's hinted that she's just barely in the uncanny valley.

Are there any other characters like give off that same vibe? I love robot girls but really interesting ones are pretty rare.

>> No.9810173

Wouldn't we also have a problem balancing out AI that's intelligent enough to convey love in a believable sense but not intelligent enough to realize the thing they're loving is a 300 pound blob that hits them all the time?

>> No.9810187

Astro Boy was set in 2012.

>> No.9810196


>> No.9810197

Dorothy is the only one who isn't just 'here's a girl, oh by the way she's also a robot lol'

>> No.9810207

In what way? Chobits was all about human-robot relationships, and it suffered for it. CLAMP's worst work.

>> No.9810212

I like how she goes from being "human who is a machine" to "heavy, metal-filled robot" at the plot needs. It kinda fits the "you don't know if everyone is just actors" vibe.

>> No.9810214
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>> No.9810228

We just need to program them otherwise at some low level, similar to the Laws of Robotics we'll need to stop them from killing us.

Eventually robot rights activists will overturn this decision, and then female robots would be indistinguishable from female human beings.

>> No.9810254

Oh great, well, I better get my sex in while Robot retards won't do anything. The last thing I need is a bitch made of metal.

>> No.9810359

You only need two rules when programming intelligent AI.

Make them love humans to their base meaning.
Make them objectively attractive.

I don't think anyone would mind being kidnapped and kept safely loved by a robot who is attractive, and that's the worst case scenario.

>> No.9810364

What if your robot waifu later decides she's a strong, independent fembot who don't need no human, and seeks remuneration from you?

>> No.9810387

I'll just kill myself, instead.

>> No.9810384

What if the first self-improving robot turns out to be yandere? We're fucked once we hit the singularity.

>> No.9810405
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That's supposed to be bad?

>> No.9810421

Seriously, fuck feminism. They're already trying to regulate any future developments of robotics so that sexbots are not allowed.

>> No.9810465
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Computer scientists are like the overeager, Mountain Dew-swigging sperglords of the science world. You niggas are gonna fall quite short before any singularity-level shit happens with AIs and brain-loading.

>> No.9810467

Hey man, don't be dissing my job field.

Because seriously, I'm hoping I'm getting a job with this.

>> No.9810476
File: 57 KB, 700x597, shinobusmirks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, how many fucking CS majors are on 4chan? Have fun getting your career stolen by some tiny-dicked Indian fuck with a stupid mustache and a hideous accent.

>> No.9810482

This doesn't surprise me, so I'm not asking because I don't believe you, but do you have any sources about that?

I love robot girls more than anything, so of course real pig disgusting women will try to find a way to fuck up the most pure love imaginable.

>> No.9810484

Sure thing luddite, talk to you in 30 years.

>> No.9810485

I googled it and found a page about some guy complaining about some canadian laws and feminist writing up laws against objectifying women with robots.
Can't wait for it to pass and then dildo's will become against the law for objectifying men.

>> No.9810491

I don't know what to do with my major anymore. I'm thinking about going Engineering or something. This world sucks, there's no room for anything other than functional jobs anymore and even those have limited openings with high competition.

I can't find the source but it's happening.

>> No.9810493

Hey, this stuff will matter. At some point I went on a Wikipedia binge and it surprises me how much stuff we're prepared for. Alien contact, zombie pandemics, robot revolution...it's good to have these things in an ISO-approved document somewhere, just in case.

>> No.9810494
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I'm not even close to a luddite. You should make sure you know what words mean before you use them. I think it would be awesome if all this shit happened like Kurzweil predicted. But it's not going to, because, as was previously mentioned, computer scientists severely underestimate the complexity of the brain.

>> No.9810498
File: 131 KB, 996x1031, got chii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9810499

>computer scientists severely underestimate the complexity of the brain.
Just like with DNA, right?

>> No.9810500


government jobs and security can't really be outsourced; and investing is a universal need. Indians and chinks will take all of the high-tech jobs soon, because they work for virtually nothing

>> No.9810512
File: 28 KB, 400x225, nisemonogatari-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, because we currently know everything there is to know about DNA, right?

>> No.9810520

We don't need to emulate a full brain. Most of it is cruft as far as we're concerned. We just need to master natural language processing and machine learning. The former is possible, it just requires a lot of "grinding". The latter will be more tricky, but we've come a long way.
Thanks to the Web and projects like WordNet, the raw data shouldn't be too difficult to come by. Once we can set it away learning, it will know how to improve itself or how to ask us to do it for it. Like the compiler that compiles itself to parse certain symbols or words, all we need is that first push then the program does the rest.

>> No.9810524

The possibility of knowing "everything there is to know" about something is infinitesimally small. What a stupid "argument."

Like I said, you're a Luddite nay-sayer. And yeah, I used the word correctly.

>> No.9810526
File: 320 KB, 749x952, 1346537980940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2012, where is my quantum computer?

>> No.9810529
File: 188 KB, 336x396, raybarone1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We just need to master natural language processing and machine learning.

>> No.9810535

>CLAMP's worst work.
>Not Tsubasa

>> No.9810538
File: 238 KB, 1024x1448, Picture (8613).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But, I know everything about your mom's inside.

ps: mfw I'm currently studying robotic. I maybe won't make your robot love you but it will fuck you good. I swear.

>> No.9810542
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, Oribeyasunacute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1. A member of any of the bands of English workers who destroyed machinery, esp. in cotton and woolen mills, that they believed was...
2. A person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology.

Again, learn to use words only after you know what they mean. I'm not opposed to anything. I just doubt any of this will happen as soon as you niggers seem to think. But, please-continue to worship Kurzweil's meaty cock.

>> No.9810543

Problem? I'm not saying it will be easy, but once it's done things will take their course, and it makes sense to be prepared. The singularity folk aren't mad, they're "rationalists" and "skeptics" (and I fucking hate those terms). The Singularity Institute even makes the point things won't turn out like in fiction (robot armies and whatnot), but why wouldn't an agent decide to hijack a power plant for its own gain if it could? What if it sees the long-term benefits as more important to humanity? How do we ensure it does what's best for humanity, and who gets to decide that? There are a lot of variables and a lot of potential for catastrophe.

>> No.9810545

I liked it better than Chobits.

>> No.9810551
File: 38 KB, 444x480, frankbaroneneutral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The singularity folk aren't mad, they're "rationalists" and "skeptics" (and I fucking hate those terms).

>> No.9810548

Yuria 100 Shiki is a must read

>> No.9810570

Maybe there are already robots with advanced AI being secretly researched.
But even if it's true I doubt they are making "waifus", they are more likely to be creating robots who can be useful in a war.

>> No.9810577

Just being an ``engineer'' wont get you a job.
You need to be good at something. Not to mention anything under a bachelors will net you entry level jobs if that. You better have a masters and be IEEE.

>> No.9810579
File: 40 KB, 135x196, AIColonel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe the singularity already happened for all the rich people and they just pretend it didn't because they genuinely enjoy watching us poor people suffer, despite how easy automation would be.

>> No.9810626


>> No.9810635
File: 68 KB, 402x511, madokachen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you offer sloppy, lewd blowjobs to your employers while dressed up as a girl?

>> No.9810680

I'd pay for that.
Maybe I could solve /jp/'s NEET and cocklust problem in one swoop.

>> No.9810686

>be IEEE
IEEE viral marketing spotted

You don't need that shit man

>> No.9810753

who is the girl in the very bottom left?

>> No.9810764

Chachamaru from Negima

>> No.9810779

You're waifu is a WMD.
And that's hot.

>> No.9810791

thank you

>> No.9817468

Girlfriend is overrated

>> No.9817485

Nothing like this will ever happen and the sole reason is because women are in positions of power. (Government/etc)

Enjoy your imprisonment for looking at the young girls being raised as sluts by the media. Enjoy being branded as a disgusting pervert for not wanting to marry a 3/10 fat middle aged unkempt cunt and raise a family.

Before women had voices it was pretty common for older men to marry girls as long as they had entered puberty, and prostitution was a booming industry. Just imagine if it had stayed that way now that we actually have technology.

>> No.9817510

The average age of a female bride has been twenty-something for centuries in most places. Early marriage has always been the exception and the average girl hit puberty at sixteen anyway.
