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9809443 No.9809443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we brainstorm different ways to cope and (or) escape from the reality of being a worthless NEET

1-blame parents. Maybe we just had a shitty upbringing,
2-blame genetics, who knows maybe I was born with some kind of predisposition to have a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes me lazy.
3-blame society for not accepting me
4-blame the government for the high unemployment rate, trying to get a job these days is like playing musical chairs.
5-blame god
7-blame the karmic cycle of death and rebirth, maybe the reason I fail at everything is because I was dick in a past life and I have to atone for it

Please contribute

>> No.9809452

we can't stop beeing NEETs as long as there are jews.
didn't you learn anything from grade school?

>> No.9809448

real neet don't blame anyone and are happy with their situation

>> No.9809449

What if it's the way that I chose from the start?

>> No.9809450

Why not deal with the fact that it's your own fault and enjoy this life?

>> No.9809460

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9809462

what kind of nerd doesn't blame himself.

>> No.9809464
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>we brainstorm different ways to cope and (or) escape from the reality of being a worthless NEET

There's no need to be a NEET to blame things on others, see /pol/ and the jews.

Also, blame yourself in any case, if you cope with it as time passes by any small achievements become bigger because you know you're improving.

>> No.9809465

I was born in the wrong gender

>> No.9809472

This. What kind of a masochist do you have to be in order to hate the notion of having endless free time?

>> No.9809483

This is important, which one of you think, you should have born as. Male or female?

>> No.9809478


love every minute of it while it lasts

>> No.9809479

No money to afford the fancy things you want to do with that free time?

>> No.9809487

I blame my inability to take things seriously. Lucky for me, I don't even take my status as a piece of shit seriously so it's not that bad at all.

>> No.9809496

Female so it wouldnt be awkward looking at gay porn, eating sweets, acting softly and listening to pop music.

>> No.9809491

I've always thought how much my life would be better if I was born female and I should have been born as female.
But maybe then I would wish that I was born a boy instead...

>> No.9809494

>escape from the reality
This is my dream, fuckstick. I'll do whatever I want. As soon as I wake up from it I will do something else, something productive if it suits me in fact.

>> No.9809498

The problem is myself. I'm not sure what it is about me or what influenced me to become the way I am, though. I don't want to interact, I don't want to have a career or a family. All of those things depress me. I just want to be by myself, in my room with a computer with internet, and a place where I can talk to some similar people. The world outside makes me miserable.

>> No.9809499

But do you look like a cute trap IRL?

>> No.9809506

No i look like your Average Joe

Only a little skinnier and uglier

>> No.9809503

I'm happy with my gender. I like not being an object of lust and being able to pee where ever I want.

>> No.9809504
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Don't let a penis stop you from being female.

>> No.9809507

better that than not having free time to use the money you have

as long as you can afford the internet and something to eat (or leech it from someone), you got all you need anyway

>> No.9809508

Other than essentials like a computer, everything I want I can pirate.

>> No.9809510

Same. I read too many fantasy books as a kid and always wanted to just travel some magical land. When I found out that I couldn't do that when I got older I didn't really want to do anything else so I didn't.

>> No.9809512


You'll be prone to more health problems and have sagging breasts by age 40.

>> No.9809517

Does anyone else want to preserve their virginity? The thought of putting my dick inside of a vagina disgusts me and I don't want to do it. I'm straight, though.

>> No.9809515

As much as I want my freedom from society, I also hate being a goddamn leech to my parents or anyone else (maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with independence in the first place). That's why I'm trying to earn a considerable amount of money that could allow me to get by without working.
Soon /jp/...soon...

>> No.9809521

I'm enjoying living alone on welfare here

sometime they try to push a job on me, but I act as retarded as I can

last time they made me use a computer, and I made the printer go berserk while pretending I didn't know what happened

>> No.9809522

Yes. But due to some bad choices I made in high school I lost mine never to find it again. I wish I could have it back so I can at least be a wizard's apprentice when I hit 30.

>> No.9809524
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Well, OP-all evidence points to us living in a deterministic universe-that means everything is the result of a prior cause. Therefore, your genetics, your upbringing, your society, every tiny thing that has ever happened to you, has shaped you in an unbelievably complex but mechanistic way. You can't be blamed for being the way you are. "Choice" does not exist in any real sense-it is a human for causes and subsequent reactions that are too complex and internally faced for others to accurately understand-usually, the person themselves making a "choice" does not understand their basest and most minute reasons for doing so. It's just a physics in motion, mistaken for the ephemeral and controllable.

>> No.9809525

I'm saving my virginity for until I turn 30.

>> No.9809529
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In short, "It can't be helped" is likely a fundamental law of the universe.

It's why we try to operate under the great philosophy of /jp/, the central tenet of which is to "take it easy" and "save it for tomorrow".

>> No.9809531

You guys must be having it good. Living in a shit third world country is suffering.

>> No.9809543

Its ok,a girl's life ends at age 25
