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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9804903 No.9804903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/, femanon here.

I want to get into Touhou. Is there a recommended order that I should play the games in?

>> No.9804908

Shhhh! You'll scare the otaku!

>> No.9804907

epische scheisspost OP

>> No.9804910

IN, then go back and play PCB then EoSD. Work your way through them in release order after that. Don't get too used to deathbombing. Go back and play the PC-98 games at any point if you're curious.

>> No.9804911

Are you cute? Email's in the field if you want to talk in private.

>> No.9804912

I consider myself an otaku too so I think we'll get along fine, lol.

>> No.9804918

A-a-a-a-a-a female!

>> No.9804912,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before delete + ghost bump.

>> No.9804921

Tits or GTFO. We 2006-era /b/ here.

>> No.9804923

Naive girl.

>> No.9804923,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before ghost bump + delete

>> No.9804926
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>> No.9804926,1 [INTERNAL] 

In after ghost bump, before delete.

>> No.9804932
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I'm not sure what any of these abbreviations mean?

Maybe if you're a good boy!

>> No.9804933

wich 2hu wud girlz fug?

>> No.9804947

Imperishable Night is the eighth game in the series.
Perfect Cherry Blossom is the seventh game in the series.
The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is the sixth game in the series.

The first five games were for a type of computer called the PC-98. You can emulate it (and the games) if you are interested in playing them, but they are generally considered non-canon.

>> No.9804949
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>> No.9804957
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>femanon here

you know, you could have asked without mentioning that

there is a reason the "there are no girls on the internet" rule exists, just look at what this thread has become

oh, and playing them in the order that they came out in wouldnt be such a bad idea

>> No.9804953

she ebin

>> No.9804950
File: 126 KB, 787x960, remilia14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 6 one is kinda easy(except for sakuya, oh i hate her so much)

so start with that

>> No.9804951

That's what I asked.

>> No.9804960

Wow thanks for the explanation, Captain retard.

>> No.9804961

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9804964

But I don't have a penis.... :(

>> No.9804966

OP is trolling. This is obvious. We all know it, but we all reply because we are bored.
I sincerely hope you are double trolling, in which case IHBT.

>> No.9804972

Too bad, /jp/ is not interested then.

>> No.9804977
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OP here, don't hit on me silly boys.

>> No.9804982

Why you guys get always so alarmed when someone comes out as a girl? It's almost shameful.

>> No.9804980

Sup bby, check out mah huge muscles

*rips off shirt*

>> No.9804987

Hey, I'm a guy.

Ask me anything.

>> No.9804985

Just got off the phone with moot. He said that once he finishes his frappé, he's going to boot up his Mac and threadban everyone ITT.

>> No.9804990

She is threatening my comfort zone. Considering my comfort zone is extremely small it is only natural I would be upset if is disturbed.

>> No.9804991

can i sug ur cock bby

>> No.9804996

Hey manslut, did anyone ask about your gender? Is it even relevant to the topic? No? Then shut the fuck up. You're probably some ``player'' who goes out and does impure things with women at ``the club''. Actually, you're also probably fat and ugly. Nobody likes you. 0/10 shitty troll, would not respond.

>> No.9805001

> my comfort zone is extremely small it

I hear you can take pills for that.

>> No.9805007

um, wow
I come back and my thread is a mess!

How do I lock this?

>> No.9805009

wich touhou would you fuck

>> No.9805014
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