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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 800x450, 1341826908_sword-art-online-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9804362 No.9804362 [Reply] [Original]

So how long till we finally can enjoy a superior form of escapism?

>> No.9804370


>> No.9804376

shit series

.hack//sign did it better

>> No.9804397

.hack//sign is shit though. .hack//Roots is where it is.

>> No.9804400


>> No.9804435

Both series were shit. The games are where it's at.

>> No.9804447

games sux balls since you can't put on equip and play game like in animu

>> No.9804466

most likely in our lifetime and then age won't really matter

>> No.9804481

If I live to see the /jp/ meetup in virtual Gensokyo, I will die a happy man.

>> No.9804519

The singularity will happen within our lifetime.

>> No.9804814

You can't escape from my dick, OP.

*unzips fly*

>> No.9804816 [DELETED] 

just checking whether I'm banned or not

>> No.9804817

epic bump OP

>> No.9804819

I don't know what we'd do with you.

>> No.9804825

I'm glad you're having me.

>> No.9804827 [DELETED] 

I like him too

If we're talking about the guy that always posts those saged sassy comebacks.

>> No.9804839

Escape from what?

>> No.9804874

Butcher Bay.

>> No.9804925

Monkey Island.

>> No.9804936
File: 22 KB, 515x277, oculus-rift-kickstarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Oculus Rift seems to be VR goggles that are actually good. Once we finally have VR sight nailed down, more money and research will be put towards touch and force feedback and whatnot. We already have haptic feedback technology; if were to advance enough and become small and flexible, we could put it into gloves. That technology can't be more than 20 years away, because think about it: 20 years ago, we didn't even have a fully commercialized internet.

Within 20 years, you will be able to run your hands along Ran's fluffy tails, and I can't wait.

>> No.9804973

It's already here.

Why aren't you lucid dreaming?

>> No.9804986
File: 152 KB, 520x499, Gallen-Kallela_The_defence_of_the_Sampo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By then we will all be like old and wise hermits. Unless they figure out how to transfer brains into the bodies of younger people. Although knowing the government they would probably make it illegal on ethical grounds just to grow mindless human bodies for the purpose of that.

>> No.9805003


We'll just create robots that look like humans.

Why would you want to be a little girl that ages when you can be a little girl that stays a little girl forever?

>> No.9805013

I'm not so sure.

I think once the VR goggles come out, everyone will just try to milk that gimmick for as long as possible, without really innovating it more.

>> No.9805022

If by milk you mean refine then it's roughly the same thing. People will be adding more and more new little things to make their product sell better. It'd be like the computer. A computer 20 years ago is shit compared to today.

>> No.9805029


This + partnered with Ouya = the best thing ever.

>> No.9805080


If the Oculus does well enough, people will imitate and such, yeah.

However, the first people to get realistic touch with gloves that allow you to see your hand within the game world will be fucking rich within moments if VR goggles hits a large enough market. As it stands, the VR goggles makes it so you can't see your hands, which is pretty lame and limiting when you think about it. Even if everyone got swivel chairs or stood in the middle of an empty room so that they didn't need to use a mouse or controller to turn, they'd still be limited to using controllers of some sort to interact with the environment or travel any distance large than their own living room.

>> No.9805102

As if mmorpgs are what you all are thinking about.
Most of you are thinking about Avatar Trans, don't lie to me.

>> No.9805110

I'd rather have fun in an mmo than just log in to get virtually fucked. You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.9805115

So tsun.

>> No.9805141

First thing I would do with virtual reality is try to break it with anomalous brain waves.

>> No.9805153

I want to be a virtual furry woodland critter and virtually pee all over myself, and feel the warmth of my virtual pee spread over my virtual coat of thick body hair.

>> No.9805158

That's mighty homo, dude.

>> No.9805163

I bet people will complain "how can use the keyboard if I can't see it???"

>> No.9805165 [DELETED] 

i m a gurl btw

>> No.9805170

I forgot homosexuality only applies to males.

>> No.9805171
File: 51 KB, 226x231, 1347575511440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit you're right. Dumb ricer brite lite backlight keyboards with 500 macro keys and a full HD display panel will go out of business.

>> No.9805176

>not doing both

>> No.9805180

will you go out with me

>> No.9805203

Will you be my sweetie pie?

>> No.9805251

SAO would be scary because I don't like melee classes. I would like to be a healer or something that wont get me killed too often

>> No.9805272

You can grind cooking all day

>> No.9805280

this. everytime I mention lucid dreaming a bunch of clueless teenagers start shouting FAKE DOESNT EXIST. stay pleb and keep watching stupid cartoons for retarded 14 year olds.

>> No.9805277


>too often

>> No.9805300

I hardly ever remember my dreams at all much less take control of them. I know that this can be improved, but too much work yucky

>> No.9805391

Sorry, I was refering to a properly working SAO, not the dead trap it became

>> No.9805420

Why is this show so bad? It was all hyped up, but it's total shit.

>> No.9805438

Aren't you that pedophile?

>> No.9805433


I'll show you what hype means!
*whips out dick*

>> No.9805507

I find adult women attractive, as long as they ain't that old, so I think you got the wrong guy.

>> No.9805524
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>> No.9805533

ChaCha used to be such a great money maker. They really went to shit though.

>> No.9805534

But aside from the kids it doesn't seem like Japan likes it all that much either.

>> No.9805545

The biggest issue with Oculus would be actually getting devs to use it and people to care about it.

A lot more likely it will be a basic gimmick that doesn't matter like kinect for most games.

>> No.9805548

Why would you think that? Kids aren't the ones buying blu-rays and figures.

>> No.9805552

Does anyone else want to make, or just be part of, the first (good) full VR game?

I'd imagine it would be fun plus the amount of money would let us be able to play on it everyday

>> No.9805562

The BDs aren't even out yet. So all I can do is judge it's popularity based on internet reaction. Most of what I see is that it was alright in the beginning but went downhill. I'm interested in seeing how the volumes sell as the anime goes on.

>> No.9805574

That's not a very good comparison is it? Kinect is a control scheme. A Kinect game has to be developed around it. The Oculus is mostly just another way to output the visuals. I don't see how it would be any different or harder than adding 3D support to games, which seems pretty common.

>> No.9805577
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, sao in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is speculated to be selling around the 30k figures from the preorder points. SAO doujin are also currently ranked #1, #2 & #3 in toranoana now.
Suffice to say, the nips love to project.

>> No.9805583

Kinect is fucking stupid though. Nobody wants to wave their body around like a retard to do basic things.

>> No.9805628

The light novels are selling well, iirc all the volumes were in the 20 first spots of the chart

>> No.9805638

I know the light novels are popular. This was originally why I was interested in the anime, but the show is really bad. I'm not sure what the market for the light novel is though, as any kid can pick up a light novel considering how cheap they are. I think the series would be a lot better without Asuna.

>> No.9805646

>removing the only human interaction kirito has

If by better you mean boring, then yes, it would be much, much better without Asuna.

>> No.9805652

It's a feature.

>> No.9805674
File: 426 KB, 736x800, 15442121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how Kawahara seems to like setting up the protagonist and heroine at the start and then introduces a bunch of more appealing girls.

>> No.9805678

You're fucking retarded. It's basically just a shitty PC with android installed on it.
Consoles make more sense than the shitya, and consoles are terrible.
Real VR would need a powerful PC, not a piece of shit with a horrible OS and restricted software.

>> No.9805683

Watching his リア充 shenanigans with a girl I superbly dislike is pretty boring.
Yea. I don't understand the point of having other (more) attractive girls, when it is so clearly obvious they do not have a chance.

>> No.9805733

I was expecting more in the combat department, it really let me down.

>> No.9805768

SAO sucks because its about a mary sue and a gary stu

Kinda like Twilight

>> No.9805801

What's wrong with gary stus? It's not like there are a lot of them around.

>> No.9805822

> It's not like there are a lot of them around.

That has nothing to do with whether or not they're shitty. Perhaps they're uncommon, because they're shitty?

Gary stus can be done right. Sometimes they look cool and I don't mind them. Some times they're just boring. I don't want to see some guy kick everyone's ass with ease. That's not interesting to watch. It's like playing a video game with an immortality cheat code. It gets boring fast.

>> No.9805843

>I don't want to see some guy kick everyone's ass with ease. That's not interesting to watch. It's like playing a video game with an immortality cheat code. It gets boring fast.
Kirito doesn't always win though, he's lost more than once already had people die because of him.

>> No.9805845

why would you want Gary Stus

they destroy shows they are in

>> No.9805859

Only if they're not the protagonist. I like capable leads.

>> No.9805875 [DELETED] 
File: 455 KB, 677x1000, asunapout2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I don't get is why the HELL is Kirito so strong if it looks like all he does all day is play...?!

Did he already hit the level cap...?

>> No.9805884

SAO is shit anyway. I just want a casual anime with a group of people interested in mmos and computers and shit without the edgy death thing. It can pull a twist along the story here and there but the "you die in game you die for real" is stupid.

>> No.9805890

Everyone else is just so shitty that he was able to outlevel them all with plenty of time for playing, but Heathcliff at least schooled him as HELL.

>> No.9805901

That's like your opinion man. The "you die in the game you die for real" is the cause that allows to the show to be. It would be very different without it.

>> No.9805898

uh, what do you mean? Wouldn't playing all day be what makes him strong?

>> No.9805916

Maybe you'll enjoy the next arcs more since they don't have that.

>> No.9805942 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 827x1169, asunadatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense...
I wonder what a truNEET /jp/sie gamer could accomplish in that scrub filled gaem...

Playing like Fishin' all day and fugging his waifu... not grinding...

>> No.9805965


Leveling is definitely a bit wanky. That big black guy who was playing as a merchant for the longest time suddenly appeared ready to fight the lvl 75(?) boss supposedly at appropriate level to help.

>> No.9805985

Why does this dood only have 4 pics when he can draw such a nice ass? What a shame.

>> No.9806787

>gary stu
Nothing wrong with those, they're infinitely better than your usual hetare protagonists that's drowning in pussy for some reason.

You're out of luck, seems they're becoming popular recently.
See: Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

>> No.9806810

Thanks for bringing that one to my attention

>> No.9806941

This would've been a 10/10 series if the game mechanics were introduced in detail, especially the battle system. How much damage is actually being dealt? Which skills and items are they using? As it is the show is a stupid but enjoyable action drama, which is fine. The lost potential just makes me sad.

>> No.9806948

I imagine the novels go into details about that. It would be kind of silly if the show was like WoW with numbers flying around everywhere.

>> No.9806954

Just do it RO-style and have cute block numbers shoot out everywhere

>> No.9807056
File: 114 KB, 327x499, rainbowsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years sounds about right. 13 if you believe Vernor Vinge.

We could have augmented reality contacts like in Rainbow's End by then and superimpose Gensokyo over the real world. And as far as we're concerned Gensokyo could be as good as real.

Hell, with some robots covered in tactile stimulator pads, we could simulate Ran's fluffy tails.

Though the question is, will enough Touhou fans even be around to make Gensokyo when we have the technology? 13 years is a long time.

>> No.9807093


Unless ZUN dies, runs out of ideas, or modifies his release pattern, we'll have somewhere between 7 and 13 more integer Touhou games over the next 13 years, so we're fine.

>We could have augmented reality contacts like in Rainbow's End by then and superimpose Gensokyo over the real world.

I haven't read Rainbow's End, but augmented reality on such a large scale is pretty much impossible, unless they somehow manage to procedurally generate it from Google Maps or something. Besides, what would that even do? Modify buildings to look like they're from feudal Japan? It would be hard as hell to implement in any significant manner, not to mention the insane amount of bugs it would have.

Just let me curl up in a corner with a nonlethal version of NervGear or whatever and let me go to Gensokyo that way. Much better result, much less hassle.

>> No.9807253
File: 98 KB, 500x200, cityengine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Modify buildings to look like they're from feudal Japan?

Exactly. Or edit them out, or whatever.

The key tech to this is an improvement in pattern recognition software. The software would say, hey, that's person, draw them up as a cat girl, or hey that sky scraper is too tall, draw sky over it and turn it into a pagoda, or hey that store over there could be filtered into a shrine real nice and simple.

Either that, or sensors like the kinect get cheap and portable, that'd make doing this a hell of a lot simpler.

The tech to procedurally generate feudal japan is pretty much here, pic related is some software for doing exactly that.

>> No.9807687

How would /jp/ feel about a customizable distributed MMO?

I guess the basic idea would revolve around peer propagation between acting hosts. So you can establish connections with "mutual friend" servers and share each others backups and rules/progress checks. Of course there would be a whole lot of other technical details involved... But the basic idea would be that you could play an MMO-type creative sandbox on your own computer but have visitors from "neighboring lands" so to speak...

>> No.9807975
File: 626 KB, 2360x1676, 28041971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just start writing down everything you remember when you wake up.
one month is enough. just do it every day, NO skipping.

actually, just remembering all of your dreams is already awesome as fuck. it's usually more than five a night.
so much crazy stuff happening, it's inspiring.

and if you have the power to alter it by will...

>> No.9807986
File: 348 KB, 800x800, 25647141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be still inferior because of the real people.
even if they will be roleplaying, you will know it.
sao situation is different, because they cannot log out.
i.e. for them it's not escapism at all.

>> No.9811718

So nobody is interested in this idea?
Or any idea that results in a sort of MMO experience run by/for /jp/ to just hang out and do stuff or whatever?

You could even host a normal server and distribute clients like a regular MMO I guess, but the downside would be that it's over once the host gets bored or developer quits. If set it up as sort of like a synchronized network or patchwork world you could avoid things like downtime and as long as one server is up it can run with the last available data of the other servers.

Or heck it might just be easier to build a conventional MMO for /jp/ if anyone is interested?

>> No.9811769

Shut up gaymaster.

>> No.9811794


The thing is it's an idea meaning easier said than done.

>> No.9811799

Unlike your mom who I can do easily

>> No.9811812


Do what exactly? I'm curious.

>> No.9811856
File: 34 KB, 560x420, photo-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futurist here.

It's likely that the next generation of video games will include more immersive peripherals like motion tracking and virtual reality headsets. For example: they could track the movement of your face and head and translate them into a virtual world. These will begin to see more widespread use (or at least, availability) before 2020.

Controllers and other indirect interfaces will still be around for a while though, I'm afraid. Neural imagine technology just isn't at the point where you could interface directly using your brain yet. We probably won't see neural input/outputs in use until the 2030s, and they won't be commercially available until the 2040s or after.

With the increasing prevalence of NEETs and shut-ins/socially withdrawn individuals it's VERY likely that these emerging technologies will cause an epidemic of virtual reality addiction with hundreds of millions of people world-wide spending 10-12 hours each day in another reality.

If I'm still alive I hope to be one of them.

pic and link related - the Oculus Rift, an example of modern virtual reality headsets


>> No.9811858

>Futurist here.

thank you for providing your qualifications before you began your post

>> No.9811868

I think that estimate is too convenient, it's very unlikely that our scientific/technologic growth can expand at the rate as it has been with rapidly depleting oil reserves around the globe

>> No.9811876

What is the symbolism of this image?

>> No.9811887

And you don't seem to understand.

>> No.9811888

She's obviously displaying her pride for being born in Finland

>> No.9811909


>> No.9811941 [DELETED] 


zig hile d00d

>> No.9811945

So will you be aiming with your face position now instead of your mouse with this? What's the deal? Do we still need mouse and keyboard?

>> No.9812055
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>> No.9814569


>> No.9814652

An interesting proposition would be special hospital-like centres where you pay a monthly fee to have your body fed intravenously and taken care of, while being jacked-in 24/7. You could work as a programmer or similar to generate the funds to feed yourself.

Or if you qualify for autismbucks or other social help, that could cover the monthly fee. I'm pretty sure society would actually prefer having longtime NEETs completely removed from everyday life.

>> No.9814824

That sounds so wrong its awesome.

>> No.9814886

I wonder if virtual reality would be able to assist with the thinking speed. That would make time feel longer and would make 50 years inside feel much longer. Pretty much eternal life.

>> No.9814914

I think there could be some cocktail of drugs/hormones/nutrients that will overclock your brain while simultaneously protecting it from destroying itself. That would be rad.
