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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9798697 No.9798697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does /jp/ ever go to parties?

"i love you onii-chan"

>> No.9798703


are you a girl?

>> No.9798705

What do you do at a party? Is it like those college movies?

>> No.9798708

im a girl, btw

>> No.9798714

my feet hurt
the music is too loud
i wish i was at home playing my eroges

>> No.9798716

There are no drugs strong enough to make me enjoy shit music like that. Was that fucking Swedish House Mafia I heard? Rofl get some taste shitlord.

>> No.9798722

Actually, yes. And I usually meet a lot of girls there and generally enjoy the situation.

>> No.9798729

I hope you are girl yourself.

>> No.9798741

I hope you are kill yourself.

>> No.9798748

What is the problem if he is happy from going to parties?
He isn't saying everyone has to go to parties to be happy

>> No.9798746

Not anymore.

>> No.9798760

Sometimes depends on what kind and whose there.

>> No.9798766

Only if it's a small gathering made up mostly of people I already know.

>> No.9798778

I've never been to a party that didn't involve a birthday cake

>> No.9798784

No what type of dumb question is that?

>> No.9798810

I thought you were neets.

>> No.9798812

why r u on jp faggot. fugg off non neet

>> No.9798817

NEET has nothing to do with how social you are.

>> No.9798820

That video looks so nice, people are really having fun! I would be so out of place there, but I love watching these kind of things.

>> No.9798821

Hah, most musicians are NEETs and flies with ladies. Actually I think I'll go myself to lick some pussy in moments.

>> No.9798826

I go to less parties now I'm in university. I arrived late and missed all the initial friend opportunities and now all I do is stare at the noose knot above my door wondering if I should try hanging myself again.

>> No.9798877

I only go for the music. Being drunk and dancing to the music feels good from time to time.

>> No.9798904

Going to party? Why? What's the point? Is there anything interesting in there?

>> No.9798922

YOU should be interesting
or are you a fuckin nerd or something

>> No.9798930

So you're saying that not going to parties makes someone a -fucking uninteresting nerd- ? That's pretty harsh.

>> No.9798970

Pretty much the same.
Anything past perhaps half a dozen people becomes somewhat uncomfortable.

>> No.9799029

Look at all those neanderthals moving around a lot without actually going anywhere.

>> No.9799032

I go to RPG parties

>> No.9799041

Neanderthals had bigger brains

>> No.9799056
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Not since I stopped drinking and taking drugs, which is many, many years ago. Those things are insufferable sober.

I don't even go to family get-togethers anymore. It's not that I dislike my family. To the contrary. I just can't stand pointless socialization and idle chat.

Then there's the people who can't hold their liquor and say weird shit, make a mess of themselves, start fights, and end up needing to be taken care of.

No, thank you.

>> No.9799059

Who gives a shit nerd niggers had bigger dicks doesn't mean they knew how to use them.

>> No.9799080

Having a bigger one is uncomfortable for the every day life I may add.

>> No.9799099

I'm too awkward.
