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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9798617 No.9798617 [Reply] [Original]

Stop procrastinating.

Stop searching for the best Visual Novels, videogames and anime to play. Just play them. Chances are you're going to have fun.
I used to spend all day just searching for the best games and Otaku Media, when I realized what I was doing, the time I spent reading other people's opinions and recommendations was longer than the time I spent actually playing these games.

So do yourself a favor /jp/.
Go play some VNs, games and watch some anime.
Don't listen to other's peoples opinions.

>> No.9798625

are u a girl?

>> No.9798629

>and anime to play


>> No.9798638

I just end up mocking all the anime I watch..
I used to be able to watch anything and like it, now I'm so picky

>> No.9798639

I don't even have to. Since my tastes are so venerable.

>> No.9798640

I only limited amount of money.

>> No.9798643

You have the internet. Just pirate everything

>> No.9798647

Not all of us are thieves.

>> No.9798648
File: 52 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 005d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly are you talking about?

>> No.9798651

Who gives a damn, you're a poor NEET. Give yourself a break.

>> No.9798654
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I bet you play translated shit like a goddamn plebeian.

>> No.9798656


AGTH + Translation aggregator

>> No.9798658

Japanese is a sacred language that cannot be translated.

>> No.9798659

I don't really care about searching. I know a ton of things I want to play or watch or whatever, I'm not exactly hard to please. It's hard to get the motivation to start up though. I'm too lazy to even start up the games I want to play.

>> No.9798662

If you play a game I will suck your dick.

How's that for motivation? :3

>> No.9798664
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B-But I like /jp/

>> No.9798667


That makes me want to play even less though. I'll probably start playing something eventually anyways, but I take way more breaks than I used to. I can't seem play games 15 hours straight anymore.

>> No.9798670

Are you me?

>> No.9798676

I used to play MMOs all day with /jp/ back in 2010 - 2011 but the tradition seems to have died recently. Why won't /jp/ play good F2P games anymore?
I blame it on Tera and these modern not so interesting P2P games.

>> No.9798683


It probably just ends up happening to a lot of people, they get burned out because they kept playing way too often. I still think what I play is interesting but at the same time I'm playing a lot less.

>> No.9798686
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Our daddyies taught us not to be ashamed of our taste in anime

>> No.9798688

Hello, OP.
Please help me stop spending my whole day playing shitty MOBAs. Thank you.

>> No.9798695
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>> No.9798721
File: 597 KB, 507x724, sugar tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9798727

1. play cute single player games
2. realize what a hateful person MOBAs have made out of you and shed a lone tear

>> No.9798731

Is he getting crazier?

>> No.9798747

good games require effort tho. procrastinating allows me to be a sloth all day

also this. i kill tons of time playing LoL because it doesn't require any effort. ;_;

>> No.9798823

I spend all day playing training mode in fighting games because it requires no effort and I'm slightly improving for when my tourneyfag buddies come over.
