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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 314 KB, 650x700, 1346897164587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9793884 No.9793884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You will one day be a father.

>> No.9793889

Never, I would never curse such an innocent child by forcing them into this hell hole of a world.

>> No.9793892

But I am one, son.

>> No.9793897

I wonder if she likes being choked.

>> No.9793903
File: 382 KB, 1100x800, 1346897344296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will take her to school everyday.

>> No.9793904

I can't fucking stand young children, so no, thank you.

>> No.9793922
File: 255 KB, 650x800, 1346897164581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, your mother wants a grandchildren.

>> No.9793942
File: 454 KB, 1000x800, 1346897164586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And accept the fact that your child loves your siblings more than you.

>> No.9793944

your mother wants you to have better grammar faggot

>> No.9793953

and then she fucked off to earth and the moonbitches replaced her without a second thought

>> No.9793956
File: 232 KB, 650x800, 1346897164583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And avoid bad people like >>9793944

>> No.9793962

I seriously doubt it. I actually think it'd be neat in some ways but it won't happen.

>> No.9793963

But this is important; is this one an M too? I am trying to keep list of the Touhou who enjoy suffering, and so far have pinned down the useless bunny and the dork.

>> No.9793965

Seriously. Having a child now is tantamount to abuse.

>> No.9793990
File: 133 KB, 479x936, 89c65b4905a0f3830bba9686590d42a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, you'll just have to accept the fact that having a daughter in this age would only end in disaster.

Your daughter will not only listen to Justin Bieber 24/7, going out partying and drinking starting from age 14. and ignoring you all the time.

>> No.9794002

Our Holy Saint IGNUcius has told us that having children is evil.
The word of our Holy Saint IGNUcius is law, just, and true.

>> No.9794012

Send for help she's having a seizure

>> No.9794008

That sounds like daughters from every age, ever.

>> No.9794026

I highly doubt that. I've never had a decent relationship with the female gender, I either lack presence around them or I'm legitimately bullied by them. (Though this is mostly in the case of online communities and what-not)

>> No.9794028

Having children is the same as being dead.

>> No.9794058

Not having children is the same as never having existed.

>> No.9794060

Get out normie.

>> No.9794061

Tell me another good joke OP

>> No.9794062

Tell that the scientists and doctors without children.

>> No.9794066

>Not subtly fostering an elektra complex in your daughter while simultaneously teaching distrust her to distrust all other males

>> No.9794063

I sometimes feel like a father, I'm 22 and i'm always taking care of my now two year old brother since my parent are working full-time and shifted that burden to me. Its a strange feeling trying to teach normal values to a child when your are so skewed in the first place, but he's so cute

>> No.9794069

Not usually into 3d but will make exception. post pix

>> No.9794071


>> No.9794074

No idea who you are quoting, but he sounds like a good man.

>> No.9794083

Dunno how I would remove exit data while on my tablet, too paranoid about that

>> No.9794087

I was going to ask if you think we would really drag up your info and call up your parents about how you are a pedophile, but then I remembered Sean.

>> No.9794121

I hope you will teach him the path to purity.

>> No.9794155

I'm more afraid I'm passively teaching him the path to social seclusion

>> No.9794546

the best path

>> No.9794557

Teach him Japanese to make his future life easier.

>> No.9794558

For my potential child's sake I hope not. I'd treat my kid too much like a bro for him to grow up right.

>> No.9794565

I do actually do that a little, our household is trilingual anyways, so might as well add Japanese to it

>> No.9794568

I will not be a father one day. This is as close to a fact as it gets without entering Descartes territory.

>> No.9794605
File: 545 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20120928_181558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh whatever since the thread got bumped again, I might as well just post one, I hope the important info got removed

>> No.9794608


>> No.9796232

I am 26, a virgin, can barely support myself on a near minimum wage job and I am aware of the massive failure rates of marriages and families that go fatherless.

There is no Cinderella, it was bullshit. Every modern woman grew up reading Ms. magazine and tabloid weight loss quack bullshit.

>> No.9796236

lel cri hrder dweeb

>> No.9796272

communicate like a human being

>> No.9796275 [DELETED] 

I'll give you something to communicate with.

*grabs dick*

>> No.9796283


>> No.9796285

*starts sucking because i'm a 26 year old virgin loser*

>> No.9796293

I don't want the financial/emotional burden of raising a child. I remember how much of a brat I was and I refuse to put myself through that hell.

>> No.9796304

Actually I would plan this shit out. I already have actually. I mean, I'm never having a real daughter but it's nice to dream.
First off, homeschool. No outside world. Just like how I grew up.
Second, no real internet. Instead, her computer would be hooked up to another one, a walled garden full of fake websites and artificial agents that I had total control of, where they would all treat her like shit until she learned pretty much everything, reading all the sources my agents would collect a filter, scanning the internet for good information and dumping bad things.

And this. One of the many reasons I never will have a kid is because I don't want one.

>> No.9796338

>where they would all treat her like shit until she learned pretty much everything
Hilarious idea. Perfect plan to keep her for yourself.

>> No.9802860

2 men can't make a baby.

>> No.9802895

This. I was an asshole and I don't want to raise a me.

>> No.9802897
File: 191 KB, 985x629, papa-no-iukoto-wo-kikinasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anime made me want to have children.

But then again, real life is nothing like my Chinese cartoons ;_;

>> No.9802905

>Not having children is the same as never having existed.

Not playing Touhou is the same as never having existed.

>> No.9802907

>Seriously. Having a child now is tantamount to abuse.

Only someone who has never performed real child abuse would say that.

>> No.9802910
File: 56 KB, 380x380, 1346988669160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have a girl or a boy, /jp/? My older sister has a son and he's such a piece of shit. He's not cute either he's one of those fugly mean kids that everybody's afraid of. I hate him so much.

>> No.9802914


Girl, but she should never pass the age of 14.

>> No.9802918

Would be better said as something like she never hits puberty.

>> No.9802922

Probably a boy, I don't want to deal with a 13 year old fucking 5 mexicans and getting knocked up.

>> No.9802925


Yes, you are completely right.

>> No.9802930
File: 193 KB, 467x674, 1344095354426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno...

Udonge does get pretty depresssed. Though I suppose she enjoys it on some level, since she has not fucked off again.

>> No.9802931

I would want a boy but have him neutered.

>> No.9802935

Boy. Girl sounds more stressful since there is a lot more to worry about.

>> No.9802936

Girl but have her ovaries removed.

>> No.9802938

Neither but surgically attach ovaries and testicles to the strange genderless demon-child.

>> No.9802940

I hope to one day be a stay at home dad with a cute little daughter. I'd make a nice dinner every night for my wife and kid and sweets for my daughter and her friends while they study.

>> No.9802961

Living in this shitty world is abuse enough.

>> No.9802967


Lay off the Linkin Park, dude.

>> No.9803045

Would have already lost all but the most general and passive of interest in her once it became creal that shes a normie.

>> No.9803097

So much normalfag child white knighting in this thread.

Reported for not /jp/.

Suck it pedos!

>> No.9803146

that's deep as HELL

>> No.9803166

With each passing year, idiots become more numerous while the gifted near extinction. Do your damn part, and tidy up the gene pool. I'm sure most of you are intelligent.

>> No.9803170


Oh, for sure, /jp/ breeding would have such a positive effect on the gene pool.

>> No.9803179

It would.

>> No.9803192

If niggers breed, why shouldn't we?

>> No.9803197


For selfish reasons.
Who would want children, and what concern is it to me if the world goes to shit after my death?

>> No.9803205

I don't have the genes necessary for work in modern society. I don't deserve to pass my genes on to produce another degenerate.

>> No.9803212

The world is simply not ready for our kind.

>> No.9803336

I have planned out an ideal scenario in which I would have a child, and I will not accept anything lesser than that.
