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File: 296 KB, 433x600, 1292195291158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9791121 No.9791121 [Reply] [Original]

How do you expect to survive in Gensokyo if you weren't even trained in the ancient art of KNIFE FIGHT by your jii-chan?

>> No.9791124

I'll bring a gun since I'm not a pussy.

>> No.9791129

Badass image dude.

>> No.9791134

I plan to learn how to synthesis glucose from ambient sunlight, then disguise myself as vegetation.

I won't ever talk to anyone there, I'll just watch them, see them happy and fulfilled, I guess thats all I really want in life.

>> No.9791136

Who says we need to be alive before coming to Gensokyo ?

>> No.9791143


But the only things you can do in Gensokyo as a corpse is get thrown into a nuclear furnace. Alternately, have your soul sent to super hell because Shiki knows you've fapped to her.

>> No.9791159

I guess I could try to set up shop next to Rinnosuke and re-invent a Turing-device of some sort. Gensokyo isn't the right place for someone with my skill-set.

>> No.9791167

I'll just become a youkai magician, problem solved. I just have to not get eaten long enough to learn how to sustain my body with magic and I'm safe forever.

>> No.9791179

Sanae knows the secret, ask her.

>> No.9791187

Why the hell would I ask her? It'd make more sense to ask Alice how to do it.

>> No.9791196

Fuck you.

>> No.9791190

Magic comes from a hose attached to males.

>> No.9791198

No, fuck you.

>> No.9791207

>How do you expect to survive in Gensokyo
I don't.

>> No.9791213

Can't I just steal a knife or axe from the human village?

>> No.9791405
File: 1.37 MB, 1600x1200, hf01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and I'll make sure to be buried with my properly blessed/preserved figure collection that will awaken in the next life and act as my personal guard. Fuck if Gensokyo exists there's no reason why this wouldn't happen like the Egyptians, Chinese and other cultures believed. I'd rather have Homu and Feito guarding me than some terra cotta or wooden mummy faggots though.

>> No.9791418

You can't kill youkai with those, dude. At best you could murder humans around and steal any magic related item you could find. Maybe if you could be stealthy enough about it you could start some kind of rumor about an axe youkai or something. I bet that'd make your transformation easier.

>> No.9791421
File: 460 KB, 888x1000, sanae_a_sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to live long enough to make it to the Moriya shrine, where I would present myself as a human sacrifice to one true Goddess.

>> No.9791427
File: 288 KB, 900x570, sanae eh...wait....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...she wouldn't like that at all. Human sacrifice is no good.

>> No.9791435
File: 171 KB, 800x800, 1326108386401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would people fight in Gensokyo?

Isn't it just a magical town where everyone does cute slice of life stuff every day?

>> No.9791439

Wait, why can't I kill youkai with an axe? Do I have to get it blessed or else they'll just respawn or something?

>> No.9791448

my jiichan was a legendary drunken environmental vandle, so my attacks would consist of putting cyanide on everything and trying to saw down trees so they land on people

>> No.9791446

Youkai won't die even if they're cut into pieces.

Blessing the axe MIGHT work...but then you're dealing with a wounded supernatural beast stronger, faster, and more durable than you'll ever be, and that's not counting whatever magical powers they've got.

>> No.9791449
File: 379 KB, 1128x1000, 1341629138436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Goddess deserves everything I have to give, and my life is only thing I have that could possibly be of value to her.

>> No.9791455
File: 772 KB, 1000x750, 4b8bfe7f5d8b25c0ba4e67e4d33d8815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! What good is killing yourself going to do her!?
If you want to help her, then worship her! You can't give faith if you're dead...and even if you could, you shouldn't be so eager to die anyway.

>> No.9791456
File: 212 KB, 640x436, bakemono_zukushi_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou ruined Japanese folklore.

Youkai are not cute, they're supposed to be scary as hell.

>> No.9791458

Have any post-mortem ambitions?

>> No.9791461
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>> No.9791462

If you have a penis you could let her suck it, she finds cum to be the most valuable.

>> No.9791464

Well that can easily be solved by spreading the pieces out or burning them so they can't just put themselves back together or whatever happens when they get decapitated.

And if I wear equally blessed armor or clothes then that should make survival easier no?

>> No.9791468
File: 477 KB, 1269x1800, biribiri_Futakuchi_Onna_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think japan would have taken care of it one way or another. ZUNs not the only person to make cute little girls out of whatever they please.

>> No.9791471
File: 52 KB, 160x218, chirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave me be, i am tired and drunk.

>> No.9791473

holy FUG this was erotic

>> No.9791475

I'll just meet up with all my Tou-Bros from /jp/ and we'll manage something, strength in numbers after all.

>> No.9791477

I'll never be your tou-bro

>> No.9791478
File: 184 KB, 650x650, 1342727508614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I have to die for her. I want to die for her.

I haven't made plans.

Such lewd suggestions are an insult to everyone.

>> No.9791480

but everyone's a little girl on /jp/, who's the bro?

>> No.9791484

What are Sanae's top ten desires?

>> No.9791486

>I feel like I have to die for her. I want to die for her.
What would make more sense would be to live until a threat comes along which you could die to combat instead of giving up your life at a time when it isn't needed.

>> No.9791487

To be loved by me.

>> No.9791494

Somewhat unlikely.

>> No.9791496
File: 802 KB, 1000x1416, 1340255521230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wrote a reply to this once that I've seen pasta of a few times. Something about finding dreams anywhere she goes. I don't have it any more.

>> No.9791497


It was ZUN's original intention to make them very creepy. He's actually a very talented artist and he intentionally made the characters look very bad, kind of like a creepy, poorly drawn caricature of modern Japanese art and its focus on cuteness.

This was misinterpreted by the fans, who believed that they were drawn that way unintentionally, and then they ruined it with their fanart which turned touhou into the same exact artstyle that ZUN was attempting to make a twisted and creepy representation of.

He didn't have the heart to tell his fans how horribly wrong they had misunderstood understood everything and to do this day he drowns himself in liquor to keep the depression at bay while his fans corrupt and destroy what he wanted touhou to be.

>> No.9791498

Fuck off faggot I'll believe what I want to believe.

>> No.9791502

I want to be a youkai killer. You know, like in Diablo. I will buy good magical equipment and kill some shit tier youkai, then buy something better and kill bosses like Remilia or Yuyuko. Yeah.

>> No.9791504

Are you Donte the Youkai Killer? It has a nice ring to it.

>> No.9791524
File: 656 KB, 724x1024, 1344367537235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In any combat situation I'd only be a hindrance. It is far better to state my intentions and offer my life in worship than to interfere with the shrine's security.

>> No.9791550

Wait, so becoming a maksed serial killer in gensokyo might turn you into a youkai?

>> No.9791551

You never know when the Moriya Shrine will need cannon fodder.

>> No.9792145

you're post arse twice

>> No.9794529

Most youkai are incarnations of things people don't completely understand, and therefore fear/respect. If you can meet these requirements by being a masked serial killer, I don't know man...

This post was the most entertaining part of my day.

>> No.9794587

Sounds like a way to start an incident. Humans and low tier youkai getting murdered by an outsider with a magic axe.

IN style, playable Keine/Mokou team.

>> No.9794607

I think I would bring a knife and a handgun and try to take Gensokyo, Naked Snake style.

>> No.9794623

I don't plan on surviving. I am fully prepared to be devoured by the first touhou I cross paths with.

>> No.9794644

? ??????

>> No.9794659
File: 111 KB, 453x599, 1346709774586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this discussion about strategy is making me wish there was some kind of large-scaled Touhou-themed role playing game where I play as a customizable character while I explore all of Gensokyo and freely interact with the environment.

>> No.9794661

By turning in to a vengeful spirit and taking over a youkai. Preferably Rumia, or Sanae if possible.

>> No.9794684

I would be neat if you could interact with the various characters as well and try to build up relationships, thereby gaining party members, and try to take the place over or something.

>> No.9794723

All this posting is making wish that I had some sort of large scale /jp/-themed role playing game where I play as a customizable shitposter while I explore all of Otaku Culture and freely interact with the environment.

>> No.9794938

I'd take a gun with me. It would be my spell card.
