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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9790192 No.9790192 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here applying for the JET Program this fall? Applications open for the US sometime next month.

I think I actually have a decent chance of making it.

>> No.9790196

Sweet dude.

>> No.9790203

MEXT was here, JET is a loser

>> No.9790208

MEXT and JET are two completely different things. Where did that come from?

>> No.9790217 [DELETED] 

They're both acronyms describing methods on getting to Japan.

>> No.9790226

sry im in uni

not going so well though

>> No.9790228

>One must: hold a Bachelor's degree (in any subject)
I wish I held a Bachelor's degree (in any subject) :(

>> No.9790230

I graduate in spring, so I'll have my BA in time to apply for 2013.

>> No.9790248

i havent made any friends in uni

i havent gone out once...

>> No.9790259

So fucking do something about it! Go make a friend! It's not hard, you're just being lazy and antisocial.

>> No.9790262

>(in any subject)
Do they really meant it?

I've been practically laughed out of work interviews for having a BS in Italian Studies

>> No.9790260

I didn't make any close friends at university either. I'm hoping I can in grad school in Japan.

>> No.9790275

Yes! The reason behind this is because in order to get a job in Japan as a foreigner, you MUST hold a Bachelor's Degree in any subject; They won't give you a work visa without one.

I'm majoring in Supervision & Management, but English has been my best subject from as far back as I can remember. Grammar and spelling have always come like second nature to me. Top that off with volunteer work at a Japanese Museum where I run the library, some online, English tutoring experience, a letter of reference from the curator of said Museum, a killer "statement of purpose" essay reviewed by former, successful JET applicants, and a genuine interest in Japanese culture, and I think I have a decent chance of scoring an interview.

>> No.9790287

>English has been my best subject from as far back as I can remember. Grammar and spelling have always come like second nature to me.

What's your native language?

>> No.9790305

English. I know you're thinking, "yeah no duh, of course it's your best subject", but I swear, most Americans are fucking horrible with grammar, spelling, and language in general. It's really sad, actually.

>> No.9790352

Well, they want English teachers. I think it makes more sense to pick those who actually have degrees related to the subject they're supposed to teach.

...any way to get a job as a Italian teacher there?

>> No.9790354


i laugh @ nerds who think typing properly is the only sign of linguistic skill

there is a whole culture to typing. you form lots of ideas about a person based on how they type. for example, right now i'm an apathetic ~2 cool 4 u~ half-normie type. turn the acidity/'wit' up and i'm less normal. this is good if you're presenting a view you might get mocked for; people are unlikely to spend a lot of energy making fun of someone who doesn't give a shit about anything

I type like this and it's on the other end of the continuum. Now I'm trying really hard to get people to think I'm smart. I might come off as a little oblivious/normal unless I have an inflammatory style of posting. I look really susceptible to trolling.

>> No.9790371

I like how you have a point of view you want to express, so you pull an assumption out of your ass in an attempt to make it relevant. You're such a pro, bro.

>> No.9790379


i like how youre dad tore my ass up rly good last night

>> No.9790383

That's not me (>>9790287) by the way.

>> No.9790407

Actually, they don't want English teachers.

JET stands for Japan Exchange and Teaching Program with an emphasis on Exchange. Teaching English is JET's secondary function. Their primary function is to find competent individuals that have a good grip on the English language and who also have an interest in Japanese culture. The aim of the program is to expose Japanese students to foreigners/foreign cultures. The majority of JET applicants DO NOT have a degree in English because Japan has its own notions about the correct way to teach a foreign language. If you go in there and gloat about what you believe you be "the right way to teach English" you simply won't get the job. They want to teach you THEIR way of teaching English while you connect with the students and community by sharing your experience from your home country.

>> No.9790440

That has fucking nothing to do with anything here. The people were talking about joining a program to travel abroad and about their own personal educational attainment/preferences and you come in and start whining?

>> No.9790445

Fucking right!? What was he even trying to do?

>> No.9790451


nerd tears

feeling thratened by my dadly sharp intellect? huh bitches?

>> No.9790469

You've made your point; you're annoying as hell.

>> No.9790471

JET would be something I'd be interested in if I wasnt an autistic retard. no way id be able to do any of that cultural sharing shit correctly

>> No.9790503

I often wonder how shitty your life must be to come on these boards for the sole purpose of attempting to annoy other people. I mean, shit, we're all here to waste our fucking time because we don't currently have anything better to do, but, really? You can't find one constructive thing to do with your time? You just want to go around trying to get in everyone else's way?

How needy are you? How starved for attention, how BORING do you have to be to dedicate your time to trolling?

Go do something useful, or, at the very least, something less embarrassing.

>> No.9790514

I'm interested in JET, the problem is that I'm not a native english speaker.

>> No.9790519


what if the only way i can get enjoyment if by being a little shitty pest

it would be really selfish of you to deprive me of that, dude. you should be pretty ashamed of yourself

i bet you don't hold the door for people in wheelchairs either

>> No.9790524

Shoo fly, don't botha' me.

>> No.9790650

You can still be a cir jet

>> No.9790675

To be a CIR JET you need to have some Japanese proficiency.

>> No.9790688

If that's something you want, then I wish you the very best and good luck.

>> No.9790691


you mean BA.

>> No.9790738

Not quite my cup of tea.

>> No.9790863

>Italian Studies
Mamma mia! Why did you choose that?

>> No.9790906
File: 57 KB, 204x250, 1347396099386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still want to teach english in japan

>> No.9790925

Maybe they want to use it to get into the JAV industry like Azrael.

>> No.9790973 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 700x776, 1348271534888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is anybody on this board still into otaku culture, or am I really the only one left amidst this /r9k/adv/int/pol/ molasses?

In before the stupid fucking power-tripping dipshit excuse for a meido bans me for "trolling" an off-topic thread.

>> No.9792615

Something wrong with that? What are you doing with your life? Based on that thumbnail I can only assume its nothing worthwhile.

>> No.9792635

Teaching english in Japan isn't worthwile either.

>> No.9793193

Seems like an awesome time to me. Taking in the culture, getting paid 42k to teach what you already know, reasonable 9-5 weekday hours (and some extra stuff on the side every now and then), plenty of holidays to go explore what you want about the country, and having a much easier time learning Japanese by being completely immersed in the language.

Seems pretty worthwhile to me.

>> No.9793208

You don't already know Japanese? What are you doing here?

>> No.9793211

do ho ho. you try to be funny

>> No.9793212

I was being serious. Go back to /a/, kid.

>> No.9793215

because italy is beautiful and women

>> No.9793224

Uh dude, the vast majority of people on /jp/ don't speak Japanese. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.9793231


My country is pure shit, only a fool can believe the opposite

>> No.9793239

People in your country are apparently happier than Japanese. Or maybe Japanese kill themselves because Japan is too awesome for them?

>> No.9793241

Or maybe a tourist.

>> No.9793251


>People in your country are apparently happier than Japanese.


This place is still shit even if the other tards are happy

>> No.9793266

People in Japan kill themselves because they grow up in a society that expects too much of them or expects them to accomplish things they themselves want nothing to do with. The shame of not fitting in and being looked as a failure or an outcast in Japanese society is often too much for them to handle so they off themselves.

That being said, foreigners who travel to Japan often did not grow up with these pressures in mind and are usually doing what they want (which is how they ended up in Japan in the first place).

Japan, awesome for foreigners. Maybe not so much for natives.

>> No.9793272

How hard would it be to get on an exchange program to Japan if your university doesn't explicitly list Japan as a location you can get exchanged to?

All the places I've checked just list shitty 3rd world countries. The point of exchange is to come in contact with more technologically advanced people and learn their secrets, not to show off my white skin to South Americans.

>> No.9793271
File: 370 KB, 280x210, 212elb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much of a fuckup to apply for anything like that

>> No.9793276

It's up to the natives themselves whether they feel ashamed for not fitting in. Don't feel sorry for them. Stupid sheep deserve it.

>> No.9793273

Heh, I just checked out the rankings for suicides. Appearantly there is one thing at least we can beat the japanese in.

>> No.9793287

Trying too hard there.

>> No.9793294

90% of /jp/ers know Japanese. This was proven a long time ago, lurk more. The other 10% are /a/ retards anyway.

>> No.9793303

XD I wonder if you actually believe that. You're hilarious, really.

>> No.9793307

No I'm not. People who give in to peer pressure are just asking for it.

I don't even know what pressures you're talking about that are any different from any other country. The west is more normalfag than Japan.

>> No.9793308
File: 42 KB, 2076x1032, 1348795484066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey JET, I fixed your shitty logo.

>> No.9793309

That sounds a lot like the rest of the world.

>> No.9793304

I don't think it'd be that hard, just more expensive. I knew someone who did one to go to Japan, and they loved it. Have no idea how much it cost, but they made friends with a little girl so it's worth it.

>> No.9793322

He isn't trolling. We all speak Japanese. Please get the fuck out, poseur. This board is for true Japanese culture enthusiast only.

>> No.9793324

Judging from the stories I've heard from people in JET, Japanese kids will be more interested in your penis than you will be in them.

>> No.9793326

lol samefag.

>> No.9793323

When I was cured of yellow fever I stopped caring about Japan. Yeah, I was deluding myself into thinking I give a crap about Japanese culture.

>> No.9793330

Then what are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.9793337

Go on.

>> No.9793341

It's not me, you loser. Keep deluding yourself.

>> No.9793343


>> No.9793344

I don't like it enough to travel to Japan. I like my room better.

>> No.9793354

If you read blogs about JET, if you end up teaching Elementary school (and sometimes in younger middle school classes) all the boys have one assumption about foreigners. They all have big penises. Being little kids, they'll ask you about it. a lot.

>> No.9793367

Ok samefag. I know you're lonely, but try to keep your fantasies of community in your head before you go nuts.

>> No.9793373

Get a load of this crossboarder trying to act tough.

>> No.9793383

>complaining about 12 year old girls begging him to let them touch his dick.
I have no words.

>> No.9793380


>> No.9793387

We do all have big penises, right?

>> No.9793395

Reading his other posts make me feel he's only complaining to avoid being called a pedophile

>> No.9793402

>Eligibility Criteria
>b. Be both mentally and physically healthy;

You're fucked /jp/

>> No.9793422

Mind posting a link to one of those posts?

>> No.9793455





He doesn't seem to mind that he has 13 year olds all over him

>> No.9793550

I was the biggest Italiboo, if that term even exists, ever when I was a teenager. I was obsessed with Italian literature, music, architecture, history and geography. I had my room covered in posters of roman ruins. I was so anxious to learn the language that I learned it in a flash and could read nearly anything cept for really complicated stuff like contracts, pieces of legislation and technical texts. after I graduated my parents paid for a trip to italy and I stayed there for a year (trieste)

over time i found myself more interested in japanese stuff, and I started to lose interest in italy. I actually just tried to type this post in italian and I realized that I can't do it... maybe it's just been too long.
looking back, I think it was all a huge waste of time, effort and money. being able to understand italian is not a rare skill, and most italian literature is probably already translated. if I had only spent all that time practicing japanese instead...

I wish I had a time machine
