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9784593 No.9784593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did y'all remember to take your medication today? It's important that you don't forget.

>> No.9784604

Thanks for the concern, but pollen season is over.

>> No.9784607

I dont have diabetes

>> No.9784611

I take my venlafaxine 75mg with lunch.

Today I made fajitas for lunch. Yum!

>> No.9784612

My doctor tried to give me anti-depressants but I threw them away.

>> No.9784626

You should have sold them.

>> No.9784634

There's not a market for antidepressants. Anti-anxiety meds catch a higher street price.

Zanibars can get you a dollar or so per pill.

>> No.9784643

Nobody buys antidepressants. They have zero recreational value whatsoever.

>> No.9784647

I'm on 150.

I wonder if I really need them, though. Stuff that messes with your brain in crazy ways doesn't sound like that good of an idea.

>> No.9784668

You're better with than without. Last year at this time I was sitting in my apartment all day, didn't buy food, developed severe anemia because I wasn't eating. When I stopped responding to my parents' calls they forced me to move home.

Now I'm living at home and taking classes at community college. Things are looking up and my life's on track. I wake up at 5:30 am each morning. Gives me time to exercise and then play some Touhou before class.

>> No.9784676

Cute image dude.

>> No.9784681

I got on them when I had a moment in my life that made me flip the fuck out.

My life went back to normal some time afterwards and everything sorted itself out, though, and right now, I don't feel any different from how I used to feel before that incident, so I just wonder if they're even doing anything worthwhile.

>> No.9784688

>When I stopped responding to my parents' calls they forced me to move home.

>> No.9784689

Maybe you need therapy too. I started psychological counseling in May. That plus the meds have really turned things around.

>> No.9784691

I have no diseases, disabilities or allergies that require pills and I don't shove unnecessary shit into my body, even for colds or mild sicknesses.

Feels good~
