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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9782812 No.9782812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who doesn't play vidya or vn all day long like most of the people here? I mindlessly browse the web all day long, watch random vids and listen to music. Tell me I'm not alone /jp/.

Also, I feel like I am the only neet in the world who's fragile, weak and lifeless. Is it due to the lack of Vitamin D? Well, it cannot be helped that all I do is sit and lie on my bed everyday and that I do not eat much / properly.

>> No.9782821

>Am I the only one who doesn't play vidya or vn all day long like most of the people here?

Most people on /jp/ would rather shitpost actually

>> No.9782828


That's kind of true. Spending time in /jp/ and not being productive.

>> No.9782829

most people on /jp/ spend most of their time either on /jp/ or browsing other sites

>> No.9782835

That's what I do when I don't feel like playing games, which is more and more often.

>> No.9782839

I don't play games because I don't have a proper computer anymore. So I'm forced to browse /jp/ and mindlessly watch streams all day.

>> No.9782846

vn's dont require a cutting edge computer

>> No.9782850

>Implying VNs are games

>> No.9782851
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Thank you all for the feedback. Feels so much better not to be the only one.

>> No.9782853
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I'm downloading/watching anime, browsing krautchan /a/ and /jp/ and 4chan /jp/

>Also, I feel like I am the only neet in the world who's fragile, weak and lifeless.

Same here

>> No.9782861


Hello, me. ;_;

>> No.9782871
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I should add that im also eating awful 5 minute hot-water noodles in all different kind of flavors all day.

Not very healthy.

>> No.9782874

Don't misuse meme arrows PLEASE.

>> No.9782889

I watch 2 episodes of anime a week, study, talk to people on IM, cook, go grocery shopping and take the dog out for walks, occasionally play games or do some coding, but most of my time is spent browsing the internet.

>> No.9782893

Why don't you frig off, Randy.

>> No.9782896

Guilty as charged.
I havent touch any eroge religiously like I did from 2008 to 2010. This year the only eroge I played was Kamidori.
I wonder what is going on wrong with me. Am I losing touch?

>> No.9782897

The myth that instant noodles are unhealthy was made up by a bunch of hacks who wan't McDonalds to be more successful

>> No.9782904

the problem I have with VN is when presented with the option to curl up under the covers in my bed and watch youtube/streams/animu versus sitting on a cold 30 year old wooden chair to play VN the former usually wins.

>> No.9782926


I used to that but am now making an effort to stay in health by refraining to eat processed foods as possible. It only doesn't apply to that, I'm also abstaining even on sodas, coke, caffeine and the likes. One day I would like to learn how to cook delicious healthy foods, but who knows when that time will ever come.

>> No.9782943

i think its important to maintain your health recently i had been getting sick a lot and wast always out of energy i have been eating right and exercising for 6 months now never felt better

>> No.9782957
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Sounds good, good luck with that

>> No.9782956

I SERIOUSLY hope that you guys read manga

If not I don't know what are you doing here

>> No.9782958 [DELETED] 

meme arrows are exactly for that reason though. he's not misusing them in any way.

>>9782853 this guy is misusing them. you're supposed to use them for feels, faces and implying, not to quote people. quoting's done with quote marks.

>> No.9782962

Breads, cereals, pastas and so fourth are the original processed foods. Please refrain from eating them. Stick to unprocessed meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts and so fourth. If you don't I will tell my friend about it and we will make fun of you.

>> No.9782963

meme arrows are exactly for that reason though. he's not misusing them in any way.

you're supposed to use them for feels, faces and implying, not to quote people. quoting's done with quote marks. this guy is misusing them. >>9782853

>> No.9782971

Please stop saying meme arrows. I'm afraid it will become unironic one day.

>> No.9782975


The only manga I have been reading is Past Future and Idol pretender. I keep forgetting about TWGOK since I think the whole goddess stuff is retarded.

>> No.9782981

I guess that the problem is that once you have been doing the same thing for hours every day for years, even that becomes a hassle in the end.

>> No.9782983

So, to sum up:
You people don't do anything /jp/-related, and you visit /jp/ for the sake of visiting /jp/? What do you even discuss if you don't play visual novels or Touhou? Are all those random websites and videos idol or figure related?

>> No.9782988
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Any good manga to recommend?
I only read fukumoto manga and SOL manga like wa, sora shita, hidamari and etc.

>> No.9782993

Start from 60s manga then work your way up.

>> No.9782992


You don't want to try other genres?

>> No.9782997

Lets just said I grew up and stop reading shounen shit. Never pick up hiatusxhiatus or one piece after dropping them.
I still read berserk though.

>> No.9783000

if it will, maybe it'll finally cut down on the autistic spammer that goes on each time someone does them.

also, i suggest spoilers be renamed to black meme boxes.

>> No.9783006


>Lets just said I grew up and stop reading shounen shit

I'm not talking about stuff like that

Try Jiraishin

>> No.9783025

>19 Volumes (Tankoubon - Complete)
Thanks bro.
Good know it is completed and I can marathon it.

>> No.9783029
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>Am I the only one who doesn't play vidya or vn all day long like most of the people here?

I know that feel. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on jp with no Otaku Culture interests, so it makes me feel at home when I get to share some feels with my fellow NEETs.

>> No.9783035


Listening to doujin music, toho arranges, idol videos, japanese cinema, etc. Also you don't post every single moment on /jp/. Sometimes you'll only feel lurking.

>> No.9783049
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>What do you even discuss if you don't play visual novels or Touhou?

>> No.9783119

I mostly just wander around town looking at food, or I'm at my computer listening to/editing music and/or browsing the internet.

>> No.9783943

I do have an interest in anime and few manga and games actually. Not a whole lot, actually kind of entry level since I was what OP said up until like this year. Other than that, I just like reading, mostly wikiped and programming books. I mainly just come here to read other's posts because most of the things /jp/ says is priceless. Though, I don't know anything about touhou so I guess I don't belong here.
I am a truNEET though so it's not like I'm garbage.
Hey, I have a friend like you looking for friends, do you want his contact?
