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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9780470 No.9780470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any NEET plans that you are working towards to make sure that you can stay NEET when your parents die?

I'm saving up my SSI money so I can buy a little piece of land that's far enough away from people that I never have to see anyone, but close enough that I can get an internet connection. Then I'm going to buy a little trailer, put it on the land, and live in that. I'll pay whatever taxes I'll have with the SSI.

>> No.9780478

no plans

>> No.9780486

after my parents kick me out probably before 30 i will be dead

>> No.9780491

What is the best disability to fake if I want to get on autismbux?

If I'm going to fake something then I want to fake whatever one has the best chance of getting me money.

>> No.9780501

anyone here living with their parents in their late 20's or early 30's

>> No.9780503

If you're living with your parents until they die, I strongly advise you to kill yourself.

>> No.9780510


Why would anyone do that? It doesn't make much sense. You live with your parents while collecting money from the government, then when they die you collect the life insurance and use all of the money to find some way to keep being a NEET.

>> No.9780512

i don't think i will outlive them

>> No.9780516

in my closet i keep a one way ticket to gensokyo, where i will remain NEET for all eternity.

>> No.9780519

Depression and social anxiety.

>> No.9780523

seriously any NEETS living with their parents in their late 20's or early 30's

>> No.9780524

I can't wait until I can live on my own in some place like that. I'll finally be able to go outside and breathe in the fresh air without seeing any humans. I love nature, but it's unfortunate that most places are infested with so many humans that you can't enjoy nature.

>> No.9780525

only if he lives in US or something like that though

>> No.9780529

you do realize you and your family are humans right?

>> No.9780533

they're all dead or left 4chan by now
come back in a few years after the current generation reached 30

>> No.9780538


>your family are humans

That's why I would be living alone.

I am a human though, but I enjoy my own company so that's fine.

>> No.9780540

He doesn't have to see himself though.

>> No.9780547

I plan on slipping on some peepee at the Costco and being awarded compensation,

>> No.9780554

Is it bad to calculate how to best spend the money that you will get when your parents die? I love them for taking care of me but it feels weird to be planning out how I want to use death money while they're still alive and well. I feel like a ghoul.

>> No.9780556

I can see myself buying a ton of land in some remote region and living off the land. Even without internet I think I'll be fine, just as long as I don't have to be around people.

>> No.9780561

if you had a friend who was into otaku culture. gave you your own space and you could chill with each other wouldn't you want it

>> No.9780566

is there anyone in their late 20's living with their parents

>> No.9780572

I wish I could learn from the people of the ghettos.

I know they train their children on how to best get on disability and they must have so many good tips for how to do it. Each of them probably has so much experience with this that they could write guides that are 10x as long as even the Uncle Remus guides.

>> No.9780579


>if you had a friend who was into otaku culture

I don't trust people. I've lived with my mother for my entire life and I still lock my door at night because I'm worried she might come in and slit my throat. I have no reason to believe she would and she's been nothing but loving to me, but even so, you never know with humans.

>> No.9780584

I've known of people doing that but it's not common by any stretch

>> No.9780592

but you would still want one right i have an irl friend who is into otaku culture. not all humans are bad most are just boring. its not like they are going to kill you

>> No.9780599

Being black is the best disability.

>> No.9780600

what happens do they stop being NEET or get kicked out or what?

>> No.9780607


>its not like they are going to kill you

That's what everybody thinks, but then when you least suspect it your best friend is pulling you into the storage closet and slitting your throat and your wrists. If a little Japanese girl could do it then anybody can. Trust no one.

>> No.9780619

...you sound pretty crazy. not everyone is going to kill you.

>> No.9780620

If my parents die, I'll probably just kill myself. They're pretty much the only reason I haven't done so already anyways.

>> No.9780621

what happens to them

>> No.9780624


Better safe than sorry. If you don't need other humans then why risk it?

>> No.9780627

They finally leave, get a girlfriend or job or whatever.

>> No.9780629

but you would enjoy an irl friend who is into otaku culture. just try meeting some they won't kill you

>> No.9780637


No thanks, I don't want one. I hate having friends, it's stressful and makes me feel like I have a fever. I can't feel happy until they go away.

/jp/ is fine.

>> No.9780638

why? they didn't enjoy being NEET anymore

>> No.9780646


>If my parents die, I'll probably just kill myself.

What about the life insurance money? Aren't you going to enjoy that first?

>> No.9780655

I wouldn't know how to get by even with money.

>> No.9780670

you put it in a bank and withdraw money as you need it you pay the bills through mail.
its not that hard

>> No.9780671

I don't think anyone really wants to be neet

>> No.9780674

>buy a little piece of land that's far enough away from people that I never have to see anyone, but close enough that I can get an internet connection. Then I'm going to buy a little trailer, put it on the land, and live in that

This is what I'd like to do, but I wouldn't qualify for bux, so I'd probably just work a menial job and use my inheritance to scrape by

>> No.9780677
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i want mediator to hug me

>> No.9780687

most people do

>> No.9780688

You greatly overestimate me.

>> No.9780705

How much does living like this actually cost in yearly expenses? I want to like this if it's not too expensive.

Average land tax on an acre or so of land in a remote area, electricity for a trailer, internet connection, basic canned food supplemented with whatever you can grow on your land, and I think that would be everything.

>> No.9780725

It's staying NEET while my parents are alive that's the problem. They keep trying to push me out and make me get a job. I usually get seasonal work in the summer or winter just to keep from getting kicked out. I would never want them to die because I love them with all my heart, but I'll have enough money to support 20 /jp/sies if my parents die, they're loaded. I've just got to try my hardest until then.

>> No.9780750


Can you convince them that you're crazy and unable to work? That's what I did. Now I just get sweet, sweet pity from my parents. It's wonderful, in their mind I'm like the crippled mentally ill son who has to be taken care of and sheltered.

>> No.9780754

>this plan

You remind me of that weird smelly kid in my middle school class. He had a dream, no a mission to rule the world with penguins. He always told me shitty jokes and could barely finish them because he was always laughing. When he told me his 'plan' he looked me dead in the eye without any hesitation in his words. I was amazed by how fucking weird this kid was. I never let his speak to me again.

>> No.9780757

>not inheriting your parents' house

>> No.9780765


Houses suck. Too much upkeep, too much unneeded space, and the taxes would be much higher because it's probably in the middle of a town.

>> No.9780771

How bad does your social anxiety have to be to get autismbux?

>> No.9780772

I don't think I could. I've always been the more dependable if lazy and socially anxious child. I wouldn't want them to give them more to worry about on top of my sister's antics.

>> No.9780777

I am currently searching for a /jp/ boyfriend to leech off of.

>> No.9780778


I'd probably sell my parents house and build one of those super efficient ~300 square foot microhouses.

>> No.9780781


It can be as bad as you want it to be. That's the fun part about the conning the government.

Get creative and have some fun with it. I personally went with schizophrenia, it was a real blast learning how to accurately mimic that.

>> No.9780787

plus they instantly become spooky at night and especially when you watch something scary 1-4 hours before it gets dark.

>> No.9780803

If you have actual social anxiety then you won't be able to even get to the office, so their requirements are probably pretty light.

>> No.9780821

What is the cheapest type of thing to live in as far as just the cost of buying the actual house/trailer?

Microhouses, trailers, something else?

>> No.9780843
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get empty sandbags for a few cents a piece, fill with sand, stack em up, cover them in plaster or adobe or something, you've got a house.

For extra stability you could build a framework out of wood and stack the sand bags within it, but it's unnecessary.

>> No.9780882


what happens if it rains?

>> No.9780920

Uh dude, I think they use cement bags

>> No.9780939

They're just like any other house, rainproof but not waterproof. Just don't let water sit around the base of the house so it can seep in and you'll be fine.

They're called earthbag homes, you can fill them with whatever you want but I think cement would be counterintuitive as they're meant to be cheap and highly earthquake resistant because of the nonsolidity of them. If you cement bags it'd crack in half and fall on your head in an earthquake.

>> No.9780951
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I don't even want to picture a world without my mom.. you are making me sad. I am not sure what I would do, maybe die? I know that I would not be able to live on my own.

>> No.9780972

you can live with me in exchange for sexual favors

>> No.9780980

Wouldn't you actually need to own land before you could build something like that? It's permanent and can't be moved around.

>> No.9780997

*pulls out now semi hard cock*

carry on, you two

>> No.9781003

I'm going to move to Argentina. The U.S is going to shit, I'm not going to be here when the FEMA camps go up and all of that.

I'll be in Argentina NEETing it up in some quiet rural village in my little house.

>> No.9781007

You'd need your own land to have any kind of home, unless you put your trailer in a trailer park.

Even nonpermanent structures require building permits and inspections to get electric and such hooked up.

>> No.9781008

This. As far as I can tell, getting the land, and then getting the water/electric/internet are the real roadblocks.

>> No.9781058

Land is easy in outskirts or outside a city, inside a city is hard because of land zoning.

Getting the inspections and services (elec internet water) would be the worst in a clayhouse. Elec might be easy if you live small and just use like 4 plugs.

Or just move to Detroid and buy a 2-story house in Black Land for $180.

>> No.9781106

>maybe die?

Please don't say things like that you are scaring me..

>> No.9781113

Has anybody else here looking into shipping container homes?

>> No.9781138

UK NEETS how are you gonna manage?
most of you will be forced to work sooner or later
seriously i need a plan for when i get out of univerisity

>> No.9781169

I'm likely about to get diagnosed with asperger's. But I work a job. Am I fucked in regards to acquiring autismbux?

>> No.9781173
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what fema? should i be fear?

>> No.9781175

I've seen some cool videos of people living in shipping containers that look pretty fucking comfortable actually. I mean zoning wise there's really nothing stopping some anon from purchasing one and placing it on his property right

>> No.9781179

Google: "significant gainful activity"

>> No.9781190
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FEMA has your best interests in mind.

>> No.9781198
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who box here

>> No.9781199

Why Argentina when Chile is so much better?

>> No.9781205

I think that as soon as you start living there, that zoning problems can potentially come into play. Shouldn't be anything major though.
Yeah, I've seen some pretty promising stuff done with them. I mean, it's already a sturdy, weatherproof, cheap, and easily available framework to build around. Take care of the interior, and you've got a pretty promising microhome.

>> No.9781207


Chile doesn't have

>In August 2009, the Argentine supreme court declared in a landmark ruling that it was unconstitutional to prosecute citizens for having drugs for their personal use - "adults should be free to make lifestyle decisions without the intervention of the state"

>> No.9781230

My god, this is perfect. Doesn't list a price anywhere on the site, though, and doesn't seem to have updated for several years...

>> No.9781309

I like how that container has "homu" on it. I want to live in that container.

>> No.9781328

That's a D, not an O.

>> No.9781340


HOMU - 218688
KOREAN - 2210





>> No.9781343


I'll take ten

>> No.9781368


I want to live in one of those, but cover it in dirt so grass will grow.

I can be a NEET hobbit.

>> No.9781387

sounds good

>> No.9781391

I remember seeing something like that mentioned on TV a couple of years ago (some designer had transformed a shipping container into a holiday home). I imagine if the site doesn't lead anywhere than you'll be able to find the odd designer willing to do it, the only problem would be that it could end up being as expensive as just buying a normal low-tier home instead, or maybe even worse.

>> No.9781401

Shut up and take my money.

>> No.9781399


I'm turning 25 in December. I'm well on my way.

>> No.9781461

you can make a garden with cucumbers, bell peppers, tomato, eggplant, string beans, lettuce, and strawberries without too much effort. Corn takes a bit more space.

>> No.9781465

I want to buy an abandoned missile silo

>> No.9781479

Get yourself a used F-150 and build one of these.


>> No.9781498

I love that idea in theory, but the amount of work that'd have to be done to make it livable is staggering, especially considering how much it cost just to get one at all.

>> No.9781501

its not just neets anymore. I know a few normals in their late 20's who are moving back to live in their parents after losing their jobs. This isn't that unusual anymore. The economy is going to shitters. It's all beginning to unravel.

>> No.9781506
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I'd recommend putting all your autism bux or any kind of dollars you are hoarding and putting them into gold to defend yourself against inflation, OP.

>> No.9781509

How do you collect money from the gov while living with your parents, SSI?

>> No.9781526

Until the gold bubble busts, and values start dropping towards purely industrial commodity and jewelry pricing.

Platinum has dropped, despite gold being a traditional form of money, so was copper, and copper is now at industrial use prices instead of precious metal prices.

At the very least gold may not hold its inflated bubble value.

>> No.9781588


The only smart thing to do with money is exchange it to a very poor currency and then move to that country.

Expat life is best. Why spend 1,000 dollars living here when it may be worth 10,000 in another country?

>> No.9781689

But other countries don't have internet and cheap food and clean water, and also criminals want to take your moneys away. I wouldn't be able to take it easy.

>> No.9781692

Seriously, who is 30+ here? I love how everyone berates everyone who isn't a NEET, yet nobody has been keeping up with this lifestyle for more than ten years.

>> No.9781710

Turned 40 this month, been at it since Oct 2002. Both parents dead for a number of years now.

>> No.9781716

Nicely done. SSI?

>> No.9781731

That and some long-term disability insurance I paid into when I was a working. So 2 checks a month instead of 1.

>> No.9781748


What is your way of life like, Elder NEET?

Can you impart wisdom to a youngling such as myself?

>> No.9781812

I have an online neet friend who I have been with for several years. Most days we hang out with together on MSN, watch anime together, play video games, bullshit, read and talk about vn's, etc. Were she gone, I would be considerably more lonely.

Read, game, watch, browse...pretty much I just do what I want most of the time and enjoy my life. It isn't perfect, and I have a lot of pain, but I get to do what I want with my life, which is more than a lot of people have.

The only true advice I could give anyone really, is find what really makes you happy and do it. It's not an easy life, but its got its rewards. If it makes you happy, more power to you, I wish you the best. If it's just something you think is cool atm though, you just might wake up in the middle of your life and find out you missed it. Time goes by faster than you realize it.

Try and keep some people in your life. Real life, online, doesn't much matter. Talking with someone you like will get you through the dark times that will inevitably come. It's easy to get overly isolated in this kind of life.

Enough rambling...it's hard to sum up 10 years of this life. Just make sure it's what you want, or if you have no choice in the matter, enjoy the hand you've been dealt and make the best of it.

>> No.9781864
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PS - Invest in a good dakimakura.
(thanks to king of jp for referring me to a good fill maker)

>> No.9781873

There's quite a difference between normal "formerly employed and economically depressed" and "never employed, shamelessly pathetic and wasting potential on the internet"

guess which group /jp/ falls into.

I really don't belong here, I just come for the 2hu pics.

>> No.9781891 [DELETED] 

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9781897

Why does this kid sound so familiar.. You didn't happen to attend a middle school in South Dakota, did you?

>> No.9781898

Do you guys consider each other 3dpd or do you do the whole phonesex/voice chat thing?

>> No.9781907

I'm just going to work as a doctor for like 5 years, get the cheapest possible apartment, and live as frugally as humanly possible.

Then I shall live off my money.

>> No.9781922

Neither really, we both find 2d and 3d attractive. All of our communication is through a text screen or a video game interface for things that have multiplayer. We don't use microphones and such. I am not opposed to it, but she is more shy than I am in that regard.

>> No.9781925


How old is she? Are you dating or just friends?

>> No.9781934

She is 9 years younger than I am. Something in between the two.

>> No.9781989

Getting tired, going to head to bed. Nice talking to you. Good luck with your path.

>> No.9781993

It's either one or the other brah. You are surrogate dadzoned as FUK

>> No.9781996

I wanted to get a trailer for like ~10K. Do freelancing, save up for it while living with my parents, and probably park it somewhere around here. I guess I don't really have any specific plan, just sort of winging it. My parents would probably let me live with them forever, but I wouldn't mind doing something by myself. I see my reward as doing whatever I want while freelancing (or even an at-home job) for food, batteries and propane, and maybe even getting money from a popular game I could potentially make. Obviously that last part is just a bonus side thing, I don't know how autistic anyone would be to seriously count on something like that.

It doesn't sound too NEET-like I guess, but I don't think I would mind having a job, just as long as there is no manual labor involved whatsoever and it isn't absolutely mind numbing. Like, maybe a software company or something. But, whatever, winging it.

>> No.9782226

Do you do lewd?
