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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9779970 No.9779970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think I hit rock bottom /jp/
today when I sat down to take a shit like I usually do, I noticed a little white worm wriggling around in my pubic hair. I realized i haven't changed my clothes in over 2 months, haven't showered / shaved either, my garbage bags have been piling up next to my computer desk, haven't had a real meal in ages, I've been eating nothing but candy. I can't remember when was the last time I drank water or had a warm meal, on a plate, like a normal person would, either.

How do I get out of this hole?

>> No.9779978

living the dream.

>> No.9779984

To fix the worms go see a doctor.
The rest is just personal care and is easy to do.

>> No.9779986

Why didn't you notice the worm when you were masturbating

>> No.9780004

I just pull my pants down and slide some tissues, or a rag, under my underwear when I masturbate. I don't actually undress. So I never had a chance to get a good look at it

>> No.9780016
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Are you sure it was a little white worm and not a left over piece of cum? Or maybe it was cum rolled in with some toilet paper that stuck to your pubic hair from earlier that day. You might actually be doing better then you thought OP.

>> No.9780045
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Please tell me you're not a girl OP
else I'm going to throw up

>> No.9780054

What are the odds that OP is a girl anyway?

>> No.9780069

If you have a kitchen, learning to cook is actually pretty easy. Once you've looked up some recipes, it's just following directions. You can make big portions too of like 6 meals at once, so you only have to cook every 3 days if you eat it for lunch and dinner.

Also, you should probably start showering for a while if you have worm/pest problems.

>> No.9780067

you could be right. I didn't bother to check, I got scared so I threw it into the toilet and flushed it.
thanks for the tip

>> No.9780079

are you twelve? go buy some real food.

>> No.9780086

It's like someone took the worst parts of /a/, /v/, /adv/, /r9k/, tossed them into a meat grinder, and dumped all that shit onto /jp/.

>> No.9780084

You'll be fine, OP. As long as your not dead, I don't see a problem with your life. Any kid would kill to do nothing but eat candy all day and skip out on a bath.

>> No.9780093

probably 48%, making no additional assumptions than a sex distribution equal to the global population.

>> No.9780141

Deep down people like you actually enjoy being in a state of disarray, and subconsciously try to become like this. This is because of many different reasons, one of which is because it's easier than dealing with your problems, and because you lack motivation, direction, and discipline.

Mostly because you just like being a slob, and thinks it's otaCOOL to be like that.

>> No.9780163

How did your date go Tokiko?

>> No.9780176
File: 42 KB, 720x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Tsukuyomi_Moon_Phase_Ep26_(432E9D94).mkv_snapshot_03.51_[2012.09.26_11.54.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not very princess like OP.

>> No.9780223

after getting tired of being asked this repeatedly and not having an answer due to the fact that I'm not Tokiko, I went and asked the man himself
he provided me with this link

>> No.9780255

That's fucking disgusting man.

>> No.9780290


>> No.9780302

God damnit, /jp/. Yesterday I woke up to someone whacking away at what was left of the vanity in my bathroom. Unable to sleep, I walked into the kitchen and was told that it needed to be replaced because of water damage. They also pulled up the tile, and my toilet, and then put the toilet in the bath tub. I now find myself with only two places to poop, and both have incredibly uncomfortable seats. One is cheap and plasticky, and my weener randomly touches the water when I sit down. The other is all the way at the other side of the house and is less cheap feeling, but still an oblong shape. I feel the need to sanitize both of them before I sit on them, which is inconvenient. The people returned to put in the tile today, and I was told that I needed a new toilet for reasons I don't yet know.

To tell you the truth, I'm terrified of getting a new toilet. My old one was so comfortable and familiar. My penis rested against the porcelain and I knew I was able to piss sitting down. With these longer toilets, when I sit down my penis doesn't touch anything, so I'm not sure when I piss if my piss is actually going into the toilet bowl. This is a minor issue, as I piss in bottles most of the time, and I could just stand to pee before sitting down to poop, but the change still bothers me. The uncomfortable shape, however, is the thing that most bothers me. Do they make normal non-oblong toilets still? I can see the merits of my penis not touching agains the porcelain, but if the one I'm being forced to get to repalce my familiar toilet, is anything like the one I dislike (the one where my penis/balls touches the water), then I will feel like some huge, fun, fascinating part of my life will be taken from me.

Has anyone here been forced to get a new toilet? I've been using that toilet all my life and since it was so close to my room, I was the only one to use it.

>> No.9780330

btw i'm a girl :)

>> No.9780593

I'm exactly in the same situation like OP (without the worm) and i'm a girl.
I'm sorry.
