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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9778802 No.9778802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Castrated men -- sometimes called eunuchs -- in the old Korean dynasty lived much longer than other men, according to a new study.

>The findings suggest that male sex hormones such as testosterone may be one reason men tend to have shorter life spans than women, the researchers said.
>Eunuchs lived 14 to 19 years longer than other men. Of the 81 eunuchs included in the study, three lived to be 100 or older.

Why aren't you getting your balls chopped off, /jp/?

You will get to live longer than everyone else and you will never have to bother with masturbating or feeling the urge to masturbate.

>> No.9778813

I would seriously consider it if there was a painless way of doing it.

>> No.9778818

I thought they chopped the chinchin off and left the balls? Ancient Chinese eunuchs were made fun of for leaking their urine everywhere.

>> No.9778819


>> No.9778821

Get a surgery and sell your balls to some kitchen for 10000 dollars. Guys like human meat on cuisine.

>> No.9778831

I'd like to get castrated as long as uinating wouldn't be too difficult.

Honestly, I don't understand the appeal of orgasms. Is it just me or does an orgasm basically feel like a lot of build up for something that feels kind of like peeing?

I don't get why so many guys are so crazy about sex and orgasms. Sometimes I pee and peeing feels better than most orgasms, but neither feel that great anyway.

>> No.9778837

Analogue: A Hate Story taught me that old Korean society was really bad and REALLY sexist, so I don't want to imitate anything they did.

>> No.9778843

The guys who praise sex don't masturbate all day.

>> No.9778852
File: 87 KB, 243x260, squidface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this look like?

>> No.9778856

Well. You could get vagina. I guess. Urinating should be adequate.

>> No.9778877
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1344215615786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all just talk. It's that machismo shit, all these manly guys want to talk about how it felt real good with their woman or whatever.

Nobody will admit that it's actually just pretty mediocre. I wonder if women are lying as well and everybody is just putting up this act to try to one-up the other person and make their orgasm seem more intense when neither were mindblowing at all.

I once heard someone say that the only thing better than heroin was an orgasm and I laughed so much. I have never even tried any opiate that's stronger than couch medicine and I know that's complete bullshit. It's like saying the only thing better than heroin is poptarts or cheesecurls. Comparing an orgasm to ANY recreational drug? I don't understand why they feel the need to lie so blatantly about what an orgasm feels like.

>> No.9778879

Cute image dude.

>> No.9778885

Eunuchs were also among the upper class elite with access to the best quality of life and health care. Did they take account for this?

>> No.9778886

Are you a virgin?

>> No.9778897

nerd alert

>> No.9778909

this thread is hot tamales!

>> No.9778917

The only things that feel better than sex are a good recreational drug, and beating the shit out of someone. The upside to sex is that it's easier to obtain and not as likely to result in injury or death as the other two.

>> No.9778920

Orgasms release dopamine. Heroin releases 100 times the orgasm's amount of dopamine.

I wonder how the drug feels due to these facts, but I have no actual interest in using drugs.

>> No.9778925


>Are you a virgin?

I remain pure, but I have tried over three different fleshlights because I was wondering if maybe my hand is just not as good as what the real thing is like.

It was not any better. It just took less time to get to the orgasm. The orgasm itself was identical.

>> No.9778932

I'd say, you remain virgin.

>> No.9778937

>Of the 81 eunuchs included in the study, three lived to be 100 or older.

Only three? No thanks, I'll keep my balls.

>> No.9778946

Castrati in Europe lived significantly shorter lives than average.

>> No.9778959

Why are you even here?

>> No.9778961


>I wonder how the drug feels due to these facts, but I have no actual interest in using drugs.

Drugs feel a lot different in my experience, but in a better way.

I don't know about heroin, but I do enjoy speed since I can get it from a doctor and they also release dopamine.

It feels like waves of happiness, excitement, and confidence. Have you ever seen a very motivating scene in a film or something like that? Kind of like when all hope is lost and then unexpectedly the reinforcements charge in and there's motivating music in the background. You feel a rush of energy and this good tingly feeling shoots through you, for a second you feel unstoppable and just feel totally alive. It's kind of like that, but better and you stay like that for several hours.

>> No.9778964

>beating the shit out of someone
get a load of this sharp as a blade man

>> No.9778966 [DELETED] 

Why shouldn't I be?

In before "you're not a real otaku because you aren't pathetic like me ;_;"

>> No.9778970

Female orgasm is amazing, male orgasm is shit.

>> No.9778974

Are you insinuating that getting your rocks off beating people up is not pathetic?
Because it is.

>> No.9778975

What? It does feel good. I didn't say it was admirable, or anything people should aspire to.


>> No.9778979

Females can't actually have orgasms, it's just something they collectively made up.

>> No.9778982

I'd love it if you beat the shit out of me and then made me suck your cock.

>> No.9778984
File: 298 KB, 707x1200, 1343951352821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew what it was like to have orgasms so powerful I actually get mind broken from them.

>> No.9778989

This. Women even believe that child birth is painful and trick themselves into feeling pain during the act when in fact, it is not. Google it, dudes.

>> No.9779004


It can probably only happen to women.

I think it's because of the man's warrior role. Thrill seekers for example are almost always males. I think that the adrenaline that men during a life or death situation is greater than what women get in the same situation. Maybe our orgasms suck in exchange for this.

We don't live in that kind of world anymore though. Most men will go their whole lives without being in a life or death situation.

>> No.9779016

Time to change that, bitches. I'm going berserk tomorrow.

>> No.9779021

You guys are all defective or using too much drugs.

Playing with my dick feels good and cumming feels amazing. We have people here seriously contemplating cutting their nuts out, and saying any recreational drug feels better than sexual pleasure.
(flat out bullshit)

What a bunch of idiots.

>> No.9779033


>Playing with my dick feels good

Playing with my dick feels the same as playing with my finger. The only difference is my finger doesn't squirt anything and make me feel a little sleepy if I rub it long enough.

>> No.9779035

What a retard that thinks that every body is the same.

>> No.9779039

Fuck off, normal.

>> No.9779044

I had orgasms for the first five or so months of puberty and now I just ejaculate. Sure it feels good for a few seconds but when I actually cum it's almost always a big let down.

I contribute most of it to being circumcised. It really sucks. I bet about fifty percent or more of cut men have the same problem.

>> No.9779047

Even with the knowledge that females have much better orgasm, I'm not sure if I would willingly choose to rewrite history and be born a girl, given the choice. Penises are so much more attractive, and something is so much hotter about anal with a reach-around than vaginal sex.

>> No.9779056

>(flat out bullshit)

Stop lying please.

>> No.9779059

I think the only thing I like about an orgasm is the lust. That feeling in my head where I get very focused and whatever lewd thing I'm looking at becomes the only thing I'm thinking about.

Physically though I don't feel that much. It's like my brain is compelling me to do something, but the desire and intense motivation to look at lewdness is the only thing that feels special about it. I often feel disappointed when I orgasm because now I can't be in lust-mode anymore and I just feel gross and I want to close all of the exhentai tabs.

During the approach of the orgasm I feel okay, the orgasm is nothing special, and then I feel lethargic. Overall not worth the time, yet I do it because my brain tells me to.

>> No.9779064

Imagine if everyone suddenly lost their sexual urges. Almost all intersexual relationships would fall apart, with nothing to hold them together, I imagine.

I wonder what the people who say that there's more to relations than sex would have to say about this.

>> No.9779066

Next you are going to say you had some kind of sexual experience with the opposite sex, where a female interacted with your genitals, or something.

>> No.9779069


>> No.9779071

I know what you mean. Just the act of being turned on feels a lot better than the actual orgasm. I'd much rather stay as close to an orgasm and as turned on as I can be than actually orgasm. The pleasant tingling feeling you get while being aroused is so much better than the orgasm itself.

>> No.9779074

I thought it's normal that masturbating feels better than the actual orgasm itself? Don't tell me it's different for other people.

>> No.9779090

A lot of "bros" out there claim that it's all about dat pussy because the orgasm is so good. Most of them only seem to care about it.

>> No.9779091

I always feel guilty when I masturbate to something fucked up (even normal rape, incest or loli).

>> No.9779095

I used to but now I close it out immediately after I cum and pretend it never happened

>> No.9779105
File: 29 KB, 354x308, DearThay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly glad that I was circumcised or whatever is wrong with me that causes my orgasms to be so weak.

It made me naturally develop into this NEET lifestyle rather than settling for it like many people do. I don't feel loneliness or any desire for women because I don't like orgasms. Never in my entire life have I felt that "crazy horny teen male" feeling. Always been very apathetic towards sex.

It puts you in a very calm state of mind since you just don't care about one of the things that almost every other man in the world is obsessed with and stresses over for so much of his life.

>> No.9779113

You read too much buddhism filthy hippie.

>> No.9779115

There's only one type of porn that can make me feel guilty, and that's 3D. I feel like I've let all my abnormalfriends down whenever I watch interracial hurtcore BDSM scat videos. :-_____-:

>> No.9779132


I've used all kinds of drugs, there is very few drugs or combinations I would say are possibly better than sex.

Now I don't even use drugs though. (I'm afraid of them in fact) If you seriously say that ANY "recreational drug" is better than sex, your sexual organs are fucked.


Nah, I'm not going to say that actually. Would being a virgin contradict my point?

>> No.9779128

I don't even want to imagine how much more alienated you would feel if you chopped your balls off.

Considering how most people's lives revolve around sex and trying to get more sex, getting a sober outlook on it would be terrifying.

Sorry if I'm not making much sense.

>> No.9779170

Protip: The only reason people act like sex is so awesome is because they have it and you don't. It's the same reason rich people pretend to like caviar.

Sex does feel good, yes, but there are lots of things that feel better. There's a reason married couples eventually stop having sex.

>> No.9779171


How can an orgasm be better than drugs when it's so short?

Let's say that you do have some sort of magical orgasm that feels incredible, but I'm sure you don't just sit there having an orgasm for hours. It lasts a couple seconds when it happens and that's it.

How can that compare to any drug when they will last for hours? Even if an orgasm was pure incomparable bliss (I have no idea how anyone could think it feels better than slightly mediocre) it still just lasts 3-5 seconds.

What value does 3-5 seconds of euphoria have? I wouldn't compare an orgasm to euphoria though. Maybe a "sedating buzz" would be a more accurate label.

>> No.9779178

>There's a reason married couples eventually stop having sex.
Because they hate each other?

>> No.9779187

>implying your genitals care

>> No.9779195


I said sexual pleasure, not orgasm.

Do you think the only form of sexual pleasure is orgasm? No wonder your dick is broken.

>> No.9779219

Gosh, you guys are idiots. Sex itself as nervous pleasure. Is quite that and that. Same can not be get by drugs but maybe something that can make you at least happy. Depends.
But there is so much more beyond that to experience. If you don't know what I am talking about you are either psychopath or virgin.

>> No.9779227


That's very mean, Anon. Did you just imply that all long-married couples hate eachother? Because that simply isn't true. You take that back right now, mister.

>> No.9779225

I'd rather not have them chopped off even if I do nothing with them. That's scary man.

>> No.9779229

ESL get out.

>> No.9779230


>I said sexual pleasure

What is this? Just the feeling from rubbing your dick? I feel more stimulation when I tickle the bottom of my foot.

>> No.9779245

No, I understand what you are saying.

>> No.9779240

The interest and that wonderful feeling when you are looking at something that you find attractive. It captivates your mind and makes you focus. The feeling that it is what you are meant to do, as if you lived all your life just to experience such sensations. Then... you fap, and it's over.

>> No.9779246

I was born otaku, then lost track of my ways to use drugs for a few years before regaining my status back
have to say from experience, any hard drug is far better than an orgasm. Saying ANY recreational drug is better than an orgasm does not work.
No matter the biggest orgasm you ever had was, whether you're a virgin or not, heroin makes an orgasm comparatively feel about as good as a friendly pat on the shoulder.

>> No.9779254

Why everyday you seek something "specific" to masturbate to? You can wank in corner and it feels ok. But when you got that something specific it's even better isn't it?
All that time you spend browsing asses just to find the right one.

>> No.9779257

I think of orgasms as something like an itch.

It's irritating if you don't scratch it, if you scratch it then it doesn't really feel good even though you do feel a little relieved that the itching is gone, and then it just comes back again later.

It's a huge waste of time. I wish that there weren't downsides to castration though. Apparently chemical castration is the most common method now, but the injections make your bones brittle or something weird like that.

>> No.9779265

It only works when you get them cut off before puberty anyway.

>> No.9779264

I masturbate once a week to avoid nocturnal emissions.

>> No.9779270

/jp/ - Penis-and-related-organs Culture

>> No.9779309


>Considering how most people's lives revolve around sex and trying to get more sex, getting a sober outlook on it would be terrifying.

It's a very disturbing feeling. The medication I take has killed my sex drive entirely and I might as well be castrated.

You begin to look at people interacting with each other and you just see animals. Eventually it becomes irritating. You see people flirt or do other public courtship rituals and you won't really understand anymore, it's similar to that same sense of impatience and annoyance that you might get if you were walking your dog and suddenly he's barking at a female dog, they're sniffing each other, and you just want him to stop this bullshit so you can go home. Now it's just that same feeling but applied to every single human whenever you see any act of intimacy.

Porn is the worst though. Think of watching the Animal Planet, but imagine that the camera man is sitting next to the bulls and zoomed in for a close up image of the bull's penis entering the other bull and they turned up the volume so all you hear is bulls making sexual grunts. It's very disturbing.

>> No.9779334

It sounds hilarious.

>> No.9779392

I would consider doing it.

Any /jp/sies here going bald? Testosterone really fucking sucks.

>> No.9779412

>Testosterone really fucking sucks.
This. My freakishly tall height, massive shoulders, and world-encompassing hands/feet are a guarantee that my body can never accurately represent the cute girl I am on the inside.

Testosterone did this to me. I wouldn't wish such cruelties on anyone.

>> No.9779415

At least you hair isn't falling out ;_;

>> No.9779430

Yes. My father and all my brothers went bald early, too. Fucking shitty genetics.

>> No.9779441

In my experience, the pleasure felt upon climaxing is almost entirely dependent on mental factors; how good it feels depends entirely on how much you are 'into it'.

My daily masturbation before going to bed (helps me sleep) generally feels like a simple pleasant sensation, but I've once had a masturbation session before where I used my imagination to pretend I was having passionate sex with my favorite female character, and it felt really great. I also remember that my orgasms used to be much more pleasant when I was still a pubescent kid, and I think we've all just become desensitized to the entire thing (likely related to how you need more stimulation to orgasm as you get older; I used to be able to fap to single images of exposed vaginas, but now even with the 'most forbidden of fetishes' (violent rape/traps/guro/femdom/etc) I need an entire folder of images plus my imagination to get anywhere).

I guess it'd be similar to how a short story can have more of an impact on you than a huge epic. The quality of an experience is infinitely more important than the length of it.

>> No.9779448

I don't care how good you feel for two seconds, it's two seconds.

>> No.9779467
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Until I actually have sex with a woman, I will not even consider castration.

>> No.9779486
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, discuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont eunuchs generally hold like a higher place in society in religion or in politics for example?

I think they generally just had better lifes because of thier status.

Please correct me if im wrong though.

>> No.9779499

>being staff of royalty
Better standard of living
More access to doctors
No malnourishment
Less likely to get murdered

The real question is why don't you become a slave to an ojousama?

>> No.9779521

They had a somewhat middling rank on paper but their closeness to positions of power made them perfect kingmakers and shadow rulers. But your point is valid, they did live loftier lives than the usual.

>> No.9779522
File: 801 KB, 959x900, lolihappyzoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga.

>> No.9779526

Are you losing everything, or just your crown.

I'm losing more of my front.

>> No.9779532

If you cut off your sperm supply, wouldn't to still produce prostate secretions, which are just sugars.
So your cum would be really sweet right?
What percentage by volume of your cum is sperm vs not?

>> No.9779534

so, if you chop your balls off, can you not orgasm?
what will come out?

>> No.9779544
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Which should have a positive influence on one's lngevity

>> No.9779549

holy shit, I want to fuck your butt, and all the people like you.
All of you sound like a bunch of limp baby dicked sissies that keep themselves primped up and clean, and think so many things in life are dirty.
I want to mindbreak /jp/'s anus. Maybe the feeling of you being helpless and dominated by a superior man will make you orgasm.

>> No.9779555

Does anyone have the /fit/ posts about the different suplements that enhance your cum production? No it's not the bloo one, it's multiple posts.

>> No.9779568

Didn't save it sorry.

>> No.9779609
File: 134 KB, 700x700, 1348024430353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might interest you. It ties in well with the wanting vs actual pleasure derived aspect you've observed regarding orgasms:

