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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9778028 No.9778028 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player:

IRC: Idle with us on #/jp/radio on the Rizon network.
Skype Chatroom: Add Japanese Bird (the one from Spaghettiville), ferongr or skippyfail and one of them will shortly invite you to the convo.

Please enjoy!

>> No.9778100

I refuse to enjoy.

>> No.9778188

Love you guys!

>> No.9778497

Reisen will go lunatic if you don't.

Thank you!

>> No.9783219


>> No.9783286
File: 7 KB, 266x190, eazy-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9783415

What is the TP field theme doing in Kakariko Village?

>> No.9783909
File: 112 KB, 960x720, Hell yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9783956

Luka avatarfag, you have a great taste.

>> No.9784053

I would like to second this.

>> No.9785562

I like it but sometimes there are things which I can't take it easy with so I have to switch it off. Why do people like those?

>> No.9786592

Such as?

>> No.9786629

You just take it like a real man. 2 β 2 hear le stream?

>> No.9787143

I don't like it when they yell or there is just noise. I don't have a problem with something being fast but I don't like when things overwhelm.

>> No.9787188

Thanks for all your hard work.

>> No.9787314

The past week was a week of anguish as I rode all over Athens looking to buy an NA Miata or MR2. Needless to say I'm tired and frustrated. I even lacked the motivation to remake the thread 2 days ago.

Muh blug

>> No.9793281

For some reason whenever I try and upload a certain song, it says it's uploaded successfully and everything but it never shows up in the library.

The song in question is "everyone - 花詠束 -All our happiness is plucked from the thoughts of each and every one of you-" from Unionest.NET's 花詠束 -hanataba- album.

It's 17:02, but I've seen longer songs in the library, so I ruled out that. I also thought it was the filename length at first so I tried trimming it but that didn't make a difference.

Is the song title just too long or something?

>> No.9793320
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>http://melon.warosu.org:8000 1 of 32 listeners

Sure is lonely here.

>> No.9793411


It has nothing to do with length, I've had songs not appear after uploading them, like the K-ON! movie theme.

>> No.9793539
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>suddenly, space jam everywhere

>> No.9793619
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Stop requesting so many good songs, I have to sleep!

>> No.9793671

>requesting deadangle

i love yo u anon

>> No.9794034

This is about the only good thing to come out of that show.

>> No.9794089

What show? SYD?

I love that show. Its very good

>> No.9794096

I think he meant the Umineko ED

>> No.9794101


>> No.9794154


>> No.9799147

I usually find in this case that either the song was incorrectly tagged, or the refresh script is disabled for whatever reason. Please upload your fine somewhere for inspection, and if anything we'll manually add it to the library.

>> No.9800125

Well, I tried a different song and it uploaded fine, so I figured it was to do with the file itself. It might be because I stripped id3v1 tags from it leaving only the id3v2, though. Anyway, It's uploaded here:


>> No.9802874

Are you guys still here?

>> No.9802889


>> No.9802986

we're always here

>> No.9803467

Good to know!

>> No.9803487

so how do I open it with foobar? Damn.

>> No.9803503
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See image. I also suggest you open Preferences, go to the Networking node and set the buffer to at least 512kB, fb2k's network streaming support is not that good and in case of buffer underrun playback halts completely instead of resuming once there's enough data again.

>> No.9803507

Come be silent with us on IRC.

>> No.9803522

SMPlayer has it on 1000KB by default. I promptly set it to 1024KB. Crisis averted.

Good work everyone.

>> No.9803560

so which player do you recommend on windows?

>> No.9803575

I personally mostly use Musicbee because it's a more traditional player, with a constant "Now Playing" list, unlike's FB2K's awkard flow that depends on how the library component works when files are selected to be played. (e.g. either maintaining a library selection playlist or overwriting the active playlist or creating a new playlists).

I still use it sometimes because it has great milkdrop support though.

>> No.9803625 [DELETED] 

fucking fagget

>> No.9803643
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You can't stop me, busta. It also fits with the wallpaper.

>> No.9803785

IRC stopped working for me.

>> No.9803797
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Rizon-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt the whole Rizon network would black out. The server I'm on works fine.

Just try to reconnect

>> No.9803877

An error occured: Invalid session, this most likely means the server has restarted; close this dialog and then try refreshing the page.

>> No.9803873

It keeps popping errors, and when I can finally log, it always disconnects because I'm not chatting like a motherfucker.

>> No.9803929

key medley, gentleman's taste.

>> No.9803949

What software did you use for this, OP? Did you make it yourself? If you did, any plans on releasing the source? Or at least some guidelines for making a similar program.

>> No.9803955

that's one hell of an ugly remilia

>> No.9803956

fuck i missed that kaiji song

>> No.9803963

is that the angel beats song

fuck it's beautiful

>> No.9803972


>> No.9803978

What's the name of the song that's playing right now? "16299 - ." can't be it.

>> No.9803983

It's the Key Medley, turbonewfriend.

>> No.9803988

No, I mean the complete song- wait thanks and sorry for not reading the thread

>> No.9803990

God, those were some beautiful 18 minutes. Cheers to the /jp/sie that uploaded and requested it.

>> No.9803993

clannad a shit

>> No.9804003

Would be nice if the upload dialog had a progress bar or at least some way of indicating upload progress.

>> No.9804013

Dude seriously, leave that kind of music to the Swedish. What the fuck am I listening to.

>> No.9804029

le epic insult face.

>> No.9804026

Make me keyshit eater

>> No.9804035

i i sa
i i sa
yukkuri de i i sa

>> No.9804866
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>I'm the only one who still uses winamp

>> No.9804871

le e/b/in green memes
i laughed my ass off because ur pic was so funnay

>> No.9804880

He didn't say that.

If that's you, just say it. There was no need to quote it because it's a statement.

Perfect example of greentexting being confusing.

>> No.9805614

Well, I thought the tags were done correctly, but apparently not.

Just letting you know.
The following file has been uploaded: 04. Like a shipwreck.mp3
Filesize: 6596087
Type: audio/mpeg3

The file has been uploaded using the name: Jerico -

Artist: Jerico
Album: Dirty Sounds Domination

>> No.9805621

There is a report function.

>> No.9809340
File: 573 KB, 925x613, 13101361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like rei.mu needed a restart. If you guys have any issues with it feel free to post here, I'll see it sooner than I might find out otherwise

>> No.9809384

Expert System Administrator

>> No.9809533

When will we get our Moogy-dono icon?

>> No.9809538

Someone should draw a moe version of Moogy, complete with his sunglasses and teenage badassery.

>> No.9813234

>Diablo 2 soundtrack
Oh geez...

>> No.9813298

Uploading a few songs over the next week I guess.

I'll try to keep it high quality.

>> No.9815742

who gives a shit, nerd

>> No.9819033

Long live cocaine.

>> No.9823325
File: 96 KB, 324x917, chinagal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has info on C82 amd R9 lossy music collection torrents post them in this thread (or ping me on IRC), thanks.

>> No.9824230

FUCKING BEST medley ever! i would karaoke the SHIT out of that 4chan troll mix >.<
/jp/ your tastes are so shit theyre awsome
keep taking it easy
keep trolling
i cant stop my hips moving <3

>> No.9824281

cant you just convert the flash?
i know i cbf unziping/downloading fubar/extracting individual tracks/reimporting to itune ;_;

>> No.9824527

You don't make much sense.

>> No.9829569

Thank you for playing this song


It is so catchy I love it
