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9776481 No.9776481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've had arguments with my mother since my childhood. About almost anything. We've had a lot of problems in our relationship, specially since I love to surf the internet and she thinks the PC is some kind of demon.

Recently I've had another argument, a very heated one. We talked about the past and how both have fucked up everything. How my life was a mess right now and she was the culprit of most of it while she answered me that I brought upon me my problems. She says she loves me but everything she sees on me is that I'm not doing what she wants me to do with my life... I have to take the paths she says. That are the good ones so i must not complaint and leave everything I like for then... that's the kind of love she has given me during my life.

She's so extrem that when I was living with her she took almost every opportunity to not let me use the computer, even if I've been the one who has bought it with my own work.

I, in turn, has allways taken every opportunity to make her mad and make her angry, because I've allways hated how she wants to control my life.

Now that we leave separated we talk through Facebook but we still get into fights from time to time when talking on the chat.

I know I still love her. She's my mother... and I know she also loves me, But we just can't connect and we keep arguing and hurting each other.

And every time... Every time I argue with her, I get depressed and don't enjoy anything for a while. just to get in another fight later.

How do you feel about your parents? do you argue with then about your internet citizens status? Do they feel you are wasting your life? how many times do you get into fights with then?

Please share your experience so I can find some peace now.

>> No.9776486

Fuck the mother get a life!

>> No.9776484


sorry about my crappy english

>> No.9776483
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>> No.9776494
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My parents hate me because I wasan asshole to them for almost 20 years, I understand their hatred, I tried to fix our relationship but it's not possible and I know why after all the shit I've done to them, so I'll try to live with it and hope one day they pardon me but I'm sure it's not gonna be soon.

The only thing I'd like to say to everyone else is to take care of your parents and, if you're a Neet/Hikki, don't hurt them too much, you'll regret it.

>> No.9776499

I imagine most /jp/sies have relationship problems.

>> No.9776511

Learn to summarize your post. Or perhaps, spread it out through multiple post.

>> No.9776520


It is how I feel at this moment. My thoughts aren't completely organized right now. I'm sorry for not making a better post.

>> No.9776523

Nothing good can ever come from a man or woman who hate their mother.

Also, you kind of sound like an asshole as well. Study, get a job, move out and make your own life, you fucking failure.

>> No.9776530

Sounds like something some old-fashioned normalfag Italian or Greek would say.

>> No.9776539

>Sounds like something some old-fashioned normalfag Italian or Greek would say.
Sounds like something almost anyone "old-fashioned" would say.

>> No.9776540

I know exactly what you mean. My mother doesn't like me "wasting" my time just being on the computer. I argue with her that it's what I want to do, it's what I enjoy. So I hate my mother for trying to make me do things I don't want to do, but like you said, she's still my mother... But we have nothing in common.

>> No.9776561
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I'm a phlegmatic, so I don't know that feel.

>> No.9776566

thumps up if this comment taut you a new word!!

>> No.9776568

I have never heard of that.

>> No.9776569

My mom is opposite to yours. I hate my mom because she doesn't do enough lecturing. My mom is an enabler, she wants me to stay in the house as a NEET for the rest of my life.

>> No.9776571

My mother keeps wanting her to watch sports with her. Before recently I had not visited her or been to her house for maybe 10 years. She is very happy to have me here I think even though I stay in my room and talk to her through the blocked door.

>> No.9776576

My mother had some hopes about me but I broke her heart time and time again by doing badly in everything because I'm too stupid and lazy to make an effort to do better.

I used to play games a lot and it did its job turning me into a douche bag where I would lash at my mother whenever she casually asks me about things. When I realized I was slowly walking towards the NEET path, I stopped playing games (or rather, grew out of it) and now I try my best not to piss her off. She still doesn't like to see me spending my time on the computer shitposting but at least we have found a common ground. One day I will get a job before she's dead and then apologise to her for being such a disappointment.

>> No.9776577

>thumps up
Get back to commenting on youtube or facebook videos. Is this your first time on /jp/?

>> No.9776595

My mother was a histrionic asshole. She abandoned my family when I was ten so she could CHASE HER DREEEEEEEEEMS (which she could have easily achieved had she not dropped out of college because she was too busy doing drugs and fucking gross hippies). Also I'm pretty sure she has a genuine clinical-definition hypochondriac disorder.

I stopped speaking to her when I was seventeen and never looked back. From what my other family members tell me she's now desperate to reestablish contact with me, but fuck that shit. If she was really sincere she could show it by paying off some of my student loans or the back child support that she never paid my dad.

Personally I'm glad to know that my ignoring her is causing her pain. She sure as hell inflicted enough of it on my family that this should count for karmic payback.

>> No.9776604

I fucking hate my parents. I want to get out from them as fast as possible. I don't care who is in fault in our problems, I don't see any point in complaining and arguing, I'm trying to avoid it at all cost because emotional arguments never ends good.

I respect them though and when I will live by myself I will help them. I don't understand how can you argue with parents when you are independent since avoiding conflicts is super easy, all you need is a little manners and being nice. But when you depend on them and you are 18+ and they treat you like a kid that's troublesome, yes.

>> No.9776615

When your mother gives you advice tell her, "Thank you. I'll think about it." Then think about it.
That should keep your arguments from escalating. And maybe you're ignoring actually good advice because of a(n understandable) knee-jerk reaction.

Remind her that you love her, but disengage from arguments when they become too intense.

In the end it's your life. She's not your boss. You're your boss.

As for my situation, my parents and I are pretty distant, even though we live in the same house. The only arguments we have are about my lifestyle. That is, they think it's better for me if I work a boring, soul-sucking job, whereas I prefer to be NEET until I find a job I'd actually like. They also think I should go out more, but I have no reason to. I assume they're kind of disappointed, because I'm the most (formally) educated in my family, but here I am, sitting at home all day, posting on /jp/.

>> No.9776622

my dad was abusive i left at 16 my mother was loving but had mental issues due to my father my family now supports my mother because she is an immigrant and depressed making her incapable of working. some of my family still talk to my father i don't. that about sums it up...

>> No.9776624 [DELETED] 
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There is only one solotion OP.

>> No.9776629

What I don't understand is, why do you people love someone who treats you like shit? Just because they're related to you by blood they get the permission to act like assholes? Fuck it. Good thing I'm not a naive child anymore.

>> No.9776635


I've been with her all my life and she has made me happy as a son sometimes. Also, she has helped me and taken care of me during all my childhood and adolescence.

It''s almost impossible to completely hate someone that has been part of your live since forever.

>> No.9776638

im the post with an abusive father so i can relate my dad still fed me and gave me shelter but he would yell at me and put me down here is what you need to ask yourself are you happy with her if the answer is no then ask yourself will she change if the answer is no then leave

>> No.9776664

You are wastintg your time just being on the computer, it's true. There are things that you just have to do. Don't be a little bitch and do something good. I don't say that you mom is right. By the way, what do you do that you don't like because your mother tells you to?

>> No.9776674

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST /jp/ USED to be a board about Touhou and VNs. It USED to be the /b/ of the weaboos w/o the faggotry of /a/.

And THIS is what it's been reduced to? Faggot ass NEETs and crybaby emos who should have killed themselves years ago? The fuck happened to /jp/? Where are all my niggas at?!

>> No.9776677

/jp/ has always been everybody's shitty blog dumping ground. It just didn't have multiple threads plastered to the front page every hour of every day.

>> No.9776678
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forgot your sage /b/ro

>> No.9776681


Bullshit. I was there when /jp/ first started. It was nothing but Touhou love, VNs, and obscure Japanese shit. I'm trying to figure out at what point did it become this shit-stain.

Fuck, I opt for /jp/ to just be wiped out. The one I knew is basically dead anyway.

>> No.9776690

>Fuck, I opt for /jp/ to just be wiped out. The one I knew is basically dead anyway.
Yes, because something has changed in a way you don't like, it should be erased. Nice logic man.

>> No.9776686

>Bullshit. I was there when /jp/ first started.
You're either blatantly lying or just have shit for memory.

>> No.9776685

This is how I think about it as well. But if you dare suggest that you shouldn't love people just because you're related by blood, normals get very mad and call you an edgygrimdark teenager.

>> No.9776688

you could leave but i agree this thread belongs in /adv/ also i know you have had the easy life but some people are going through stuff and need help that's what /adv/ is for

>> No.9776692

What's "something good"? You can't decide for someone whether what they do is a waste of time or not. That's up to them. If they enjoy doing that, it's fine. If you think there is something you should be doing in life other than enjoying yourself, you're a delusional idealist.

>> No.9776693

Fuck off you shitty blogger. No one gives a fuck about you.

>> No.9776696

Yeah man, we should invite more retards from other boards.

>> No.9776697

That's rather hypocritical, seeing as how you're one yourself.

>> No.9776698

>epic win nihilism man nietzsche is so cool
Just shut the fuck up, moron.

>> No.9776711

this belong in /adv/

>> No.9776720

So she fucked some dude and you were born. That doesn't make her special in any way. Just dump the fucker, she's clearly a nuisance.

Think of it this way: by not recognizing the greatness of desktop PC's, she is deeming herself to be subhuman trash. You wouldn't associate with subhuman trash unironically, would you?

>> No.9777317

My mother is dead. She died almost three months ago from cancer. But she lives on in my dreams. Recently I had a dream where she was yelling at me for being rejected for SSI for the last time (I'm currently applying and all of my family wants me to be on it).
