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File: 122 KB, 960x741, shittygen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9770982 No.9770982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The 2000s really sucked compared to previous decades. All we had was 9/11, social networking, and a global recession.

But the worst part is that the 2010s looks infinitely worse. Seriously, what happened in the last 2 years? Discuss.

>> No.9770990

If only I was in Gensokyo.

>> No.9770995

Children discovered the internet

>> No.9771004

2000s was when everything from Love Hina to Azumanga to Hare Guu to Nanoha came out. It wasn't that bad. It was just the latter half of it that sucked like the latter half of the 90s. 2010s are okay so far.

also feels good to not be part of that generation.

>> No.9771005

Arab Spring, Haiti earthquake, Japanese earthquake, Touhou 12.5, 12.8, and 13.

>> No.9771006

Hey, I was going through geocites and angelfire websites since I was a child.

>> No.9771014

*Normalfag children discovered the internet

>> No.9771015

I think he's talking about real life things.

>> No.9771016

Did the 00s even have any interesting music that wasn't a rip off of earlier generations?

>> No.9771019
File: 68 KB, 726x738, demon!!1345780756015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkness happened

>> No.9771023

>experiencing real life

>> No.9771030

been impossible to have that since the 70s

>> No.9771043

I don't give a fuck about what the rest of the world is doing, all I know is the present day allows me to sit on a computer all day and never run out of things to do.

I don't have to take notice of what the rest of the internet is doing, and neither do you.

>> No.9771056

I like this stuff better than the goth and darkness and DOOM lol so random and kawaii desune x3 of years past.

People have been writing like that online since the 90s so I don't know what you're trying to show off with the random text.

>> No.9771068

Depends on what you mean. All music is influenced by the music before, so some degree of influence is inescapable (and this has always been true). There was good music in the 00s, but you had to be somewhat diligent in looking for it.

>> No.9771069

I can't help but remember the 90s with rose tinted glasses.

I wish I could've spent my teen/early adult years in that period. Even though Japanese media would have been much more difficult to acquire, sometimes the quest to find something is just as if not more fun than actually using the treasure.

>> No.9771073

>Love Hina to Azumanga to Hare Guu to Nanoha

/a/ may care.

>> No.9771101

Democracy allows loudness and people are different. Stupid, visible shit has nothing to do with the opinions of wise, creative people. Idiocy has always been prevalent but the channels to communicate it have been more limited.

Nothing prevents you from destroying stupid arguments in your everyday life. Talking about obvious but important things doesn't make you a boring spoilsport. Don't spare yourself but act according to your beliefs.

>> No.9771120

I can't help but think of the people who talk about how bad their generations are as huge assholes every that think too highly of themselves generation is shit just different kinds of shitty.

>> No.9771110

Why are you pretending that most people here don't? It won't earn you any /jp/ cred.

>> No.9771111

If you weren't in /a/ in 2000s, you don't belong here.

>> No.9771131


Only western band I listen from the 00s is Rilo Kiley, and even they started in the 90s.

>> No.9771137


There was an ancient philosopher who wrote about how children of his day are the worst ever.

>> No.9771142

00s is the best decade #yolo

>> No.9771161

Post punk, new wave, electronic, industrial, and heavy metal (not glam) from the 80s has been pretty influential if you ask me. In fact the 80s were probably the most eccentric and creative years for music in my eyes

>> No.9771171

00s were fucking awesome. so many great games, albums, eroge, and anime came out during that all too brief decade.

>> No.9771186


I disagree, Psychedelic Rock from the 70s is incredibly creative and beautiful.


Carmen Maki is more than enough proof.

>> No.9771197


And how could I forget Flied Egg.


>> No.9771284

I like it, thanks for sharing.
