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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9769259 No.9769259 [Reply] [Original]

So, how does /jp/ feel about SCANDAL?

I finally managed to get my hands on a Greatest Hits album by them to get a sample of some of their other stuff, and I gotta say, I really like them. They aren't just a generic "am I kawaii ugu" Girl group, but they can actually play pretty well, and have a handful of good tracks. I gotta say, I liked every song in the album. I like their style and whatnot.

Also, not too sure how /jp/ feels about 3D girls, but the girls themselves are pretty cute too.

>> No.9769273

Also, gonna bump this by saying, this was probably one of my fave tracks in the Greatest Hits album.

Although there were other great ones.

>> No.9769298


>> No.9769305

So /jp/ is just /a/ 2.0....

Sigh... Guess I'll take this to /mu/ or some shit, though I'll probably just get called a weeaboo and not get any actual discussion.

I feel like /v/ would get the best discussion, but it's filled with Nazimods these days, and I'd like to avoid getting banned once again.

>> No.9769323

They're not actually as cute as they look in the covers OP, they're pretty average. But their music is good.

>> No.9769342

/v/ is shit regardless of Nazi mods or not.

>> No.9769361


>So /jp/ is just /a/ 2.0....

Not everyone is like him here

They're pretty cute in my opinion

>> No.9769373

I like about half of their stuff. Maybe a little more. But to me, they're mainly eye candy. That said, they do have some good songs.

>> No.9769375

There are probably a few people who might be interested, but /jp/ is a slow board when it comes to niche things.

>> No.9769495

Oh ok,it's nice to know this is a friendlier board than /a/. Don't get me wrong I understand /a/ elitism in such topics. 3D girls are never /a/ related, so I assumed /jp/ might be more mellow in terms of such a subject. Glad to know I was right. I'll keep this board's speed in mind, I've just gotten used to /a/'s and /fit/'s faster speeds. Not to mention /v/ which can be too crowded.

Anyways, the eye candy was what drew to them initially. But I stopped caring a bit after, considering getting anything but single mp3's was very difficult 2 years ago.

After hearing their Hits album though, I'm drawn to them again. In fact I can't stop listening to it. It's pretty damn good? What other J-rock groups do you like /jp/?

I've seen a couple vids where they're being interviewed. The guitarist and the drummer are cute as hell. However, like most Japanese girls, the whole group needs to work on their teeth.

>> No.9769507

Yes and no, I've had some decent discussion in /v/ here and there. It's just a gamble, there is a lot of stupid people on /v/. Sometimes I rate /v/ higher than /a/ on the intelligence scale though. It's just the luck of the draw I guess.

>> No.9770012

If you like Scandal, you could try out Zone if you don't know them already...


Perhaps you could make some kind of J Music thread next time. Which could attract the other stragglers I see posting various artists here from time to time.

>> No.9770707

I used to like Scandal a lot awhile back. But now they seem to look like a bunch of whores full of makeup.

>> No.9770977

They've got a new album coming out on the 26th, can't wait for it!

Mine has already been shipped.

Here is their newest single:

>> No.9770991

New album preview:

You will now watch it.

>> No.9771050
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Here is the radio rip of one of the new album tracks, Rock'n Roll:


>> No.9771061


Meh, zone are pop idols.
Here is SCANDAL's cover of that song:


Gives me goosebumps every time.

>> No.9771074

Too ugly (I prefer Korean girls because Japanese girls have weird noses and lips) and their most music is not my style (But I like some songs)

Here is the plastic pedo music I listen to.


>> No.9771134


Oh jeeze, one of those korean girls was butt-ugly.

I like SCANDAL's music, more than their looks.
Tomomi is ultra cute though (the bassist).

Check this video at 11:56

>> No.9771147

Holy fucking balls their vocalist really can't sing for shit. I don't get why they don't just ditch that godawful vocalist of theirs and make the bassist sing full time, her voice is infinitely better. Fuck, listening to them is painful.

>> No.9771162

I like the Blonde one and the one with the fully exposed forehead.

And the ugly girl you saw was probably Bomi she's not that cute but she has an attractive quality somehow.

>> No.9771190

I actually really like the main vocalist's (Haruna) voice. It is really unique.

She did have some really bad vocal trouble for a while though, like she could barely sing at all. It is MUCH better now that it was 6-8 months ago.

Makes me smile every time :D

>> No.9771219

I'm not stopping till you all are fans!

Scandal Baby

>> No.9771256

They're shit.

>> No.9771273

I use to like them till Haruna cut her hair.

>> No.9771276

They wrote this for you:

>> No.9771286

I...kind of like this song.

If they have more like that then I can be a fan too.

>> No.9771288
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Hair grows, she also turned it back to black.

From left to right:
Haruna, Tomomi, Mami, Rina

>> No.9771337

Awesome performance of one of my favourite songs, SWITCH:

>> No.9771348

Potential Anime openings?

>> No.9771355

you're all wrong this is the best scandal song

>> No.9771365

you FOOL, that's the wrong Scandal!

That's better.

>> No.9771383
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Before their debut, when they were still in highschool:

>> No.9771417

Another of my favorites, Aitai:


>> No.9771508

Well, I've gotta get like 2 hours of sleep before my first class, so I'll be back!

In the mean time:
Kimi ni Shittochuu (B-Side from the Love Survive Single)

>> No.9771889
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Ahhhh Tomo, you're so cute!

>> No.9771920

I reckon only one of them looks cute, the others are quite average. okay, but nothing too particularly special.

>> No.9771941
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>doze ugly knees

>> No.9772029
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>> No.9772075


She's very very cute

>> No.9772133

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9772136

Here's a way better all girls rockband.

>> No.9772212

Here's an even better all girls rockband.

>> No.9772522
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I admit, flip is pretty damn good.
I don't think they'll grow on me like SCANDAL has though.

I've never really liked TsuShiMaMiRe's main vocalist.

Also, they're no where near as cute!

>> No.9772553

Stereopony are better.

>> No.9772565

Stereopony are alright, not as good as SCANDAL imo.

>> No.9772722


>> No.9773415
File: 37 KB, 500x350, l_08e43deea8221a443facfdfeb79a0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 pedal

Sums up their music.

Seriously, their music is lifeless and it seems to have gotten worse now that the fame has gotten to their heads. They don't even write their own songs.

But hey, I'm not really a fan of pop music anyways, so I'm probably being harsh.

>> No.9773714

I think they've only composed 3-4 of their songs, but they mostly stick with the same few composers. They DO write almost all of their vocals though.

I find Taiyou Scandalous to be lacking though (was produced by ORANGE RANGE). It just seems to be too loud and in your face. So far their new album is pretty good.

Also, Mami's pedal board has grown significantly since that picture.

>> No.9773915

I like their older albums up until the Fullmetal Alchemist single (cant remember the name). However, I also doubt about themselves playing some of their songs in the studio. A couple of solos (apart of not being really difficult) doesn't seem like their playing, and also they do a lot of mistakes live.

>> No.9774459

Haruna can't sing for shit. I kinda like Mami cuz she Ota like us. Other than that, their music is meh and like >>9773915 I have doubts on the studio recordings.

Son Naeun all the way
