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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9762859 No.9762859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's saturday, how are you NEETing it up today, /jp/?

>> No.9762867

i started borderlands 2 and was enjoying it. it got too hard because i skipped some side missions.

now i'm cheating and i feel horrible.

>> No.9762870

That NEET /jp/ Saturday night hikkikomori feel when I don't have access to my feel folder.

>> No.9762873 [DELETED] 


>> No.9762875 [DELETED] 

You started a blog thread on /jp/ just to tell us about your /v/ subhuman game bullshit?

>> No.9762879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9762881 [DELETED] 


>> No.9762949

Did the janitor seriously delete the other thread so he wouldn't look like a dumbass for making this one afterwards?

>> No.9762960

The other was of worse quality and seemingly started by a shitposter, so who gives a fuck. Maybe the guy even got banned and had his posts purged.

>> No.9762973

Creating a thread while a similar one already exists on the front page sounds far more like shitposter behavior to me.

>> No.9763143 [DELETED] 
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Update, September 22 2012:

I reacquired my feels folder. Now this thread can begin properly

>> No.9765041
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So it's late night, and where I live a radiostation plays some classy jazz at this hour until sunrise.

I must say, browsing /jp/ while listening to this is highly enjoyable.

>> No.9765059

I just watched Starship Troopers: Invasion (Trig was cute), and now I am playing some Brutal Doom. Is a good day.

>> No.9765070 [DELETED] 
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NEET Feel Update.

Went on /jp/ front page and didn't see a feel thread. Started panicking. Kept refreshing until I saw one. Turns out there was a thread on last page and somebody just bumped it.

Good feel. Will report back tomorrow morning. Goodnight, fellow /jp/ NEET hikkikomori feelmeisters.

>> No.9765069

Trying to recruit support for my /q/ampaign.

>> No.9765088

Really? This is at least the 3rd NEET thread with the same attention whore neurotypicals shitposting about how happy they are being borderline autist

>> No.9765096

It's sunday here, hopefully going to get a shower curtain today

>> No.9765123

drinking until the pain from my raw dick goes away so i can masturbate some more. the usual.

>> No.9765128

Played Digimon Card Battle until I ran out of worthy opponents, and I don't want to play the strong ones over and over again.

Watched Batman of the future: Joker's return.

Then watched some more DBZ Cell saga. I will end it soon. Damn, I love Saturdays, it's the day where I can go on without bathing and no one bothers me. It's the only day where I'm glad to be alive.

Offtopic, a daily reminder that I love you guys. I would suck your cock if you would just take a bath.

>> No.9765130

The highlight of my day was masturbation, as usual

>> No.9765165

My mom gave me another note on the dinner plate tonight.

I'm getting concerned. I think she might stop feeding me soon.

>> No.9765218

You kids should just walk outside. It's not as hard as you think and you'll be better off.

>> No.9765228
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>> No.9765230


What the fuck do you know about me? What the fuck do you know about my problems? What the fuck do you know about my issues? What the fuck do you know about my conditions? Fuck off.

>> No.9765237
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did some weeaboo stuff today. But I slept through prime time when everyone was partying and now I'm refreshed to do more weeaboo stuff.

>> No.9765240

I'm an elderNEET who escaped and you can too.

>> No.9765255
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Weekends are my favorite days of the week because they're usually my special extra happy binge days.

Enough medication to keep me dancing around the house and bouncing off the walls for 48-60 hours without feeling even a little tired. It's over two days of endless fun

Currently sitting in chair and dancing to happy disco music. I love Saturdays. I love everyone


>> No.9765257
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Wow, so much anger.
The fact is, it's much healthier and happier to leave home every once in a while.
If you want to live in total isolation, be my guest. But it's utterly and absolutely bad for you and you'll probably come to regret it later in life, regardless of whatever condition you might have.

>> No.9765271


>> No.9765275
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>> No.9765277

I can spread the gospel wherever I choose.

All you NEETs should go out for a walk right now. It's dark and nobody will care. Unless you're in some ghetto, if that's the case then wait until morning.

Small steps, cliche they may be, are really the way out into the light.

>> No.9765282

I was learning Perl and making a text game as I read this beginner book. And maybe I'll finally try Dwarf Fortress.

And every time I think about how horrible my existence would be if I didn't have an endless means to distract myself I don't know how I'd cope. But, I don't have to worry about that because I live in the wonderful world of NEETland.

>> No.9765285

Walks are nice, I get out occasionally.
I'm not actually a NEET but I do live like one though. Walks aren't the same things as making friends with people just for the sake of it, I don't live in the best area for social practices.

>> No.9765288
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I got a text from a friend of mine today. He invited me to some party he was throwing. I haven't talked to him in months and I haven't had a social life in over 6 months, so I got really excited.

I start getting dressed and brush my teeth only to get a text about thirty minutes later. The party got canceled because his boss called and he has to take over someone's shift tomorrow morning.

>> No.9765290

Look at the OP image, even.

Are you enjoying your life? Really? Are you doing all you can to have the best life you can? You need to see the whole. You're capable as anyone else, if not more. Why not go have an experience outside the ordinary?

>> No.9765291
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>> No.9765299

>You're capable as anyone else

At doing what?

>> No.9765303
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I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule again, I actually haven't really found much enjoyment in anything today, except when I played some vidya earlier.

>> No.9765305

>The party got canceled because his boss called and he has to take over someone's shift tomorrow morning.

This was just a nice way of him telling you you're uninvited. Don't tell me you believed it?

>> No.9765314

Well that's good. Socializing isn't so important. Maybe I still have some things to learn. I've found it's easy to get by and do the things you enjoy or feel a need to do with very little social contact. Those things including courses or interactions with offices, ie getting a license so you can drive yourself about.

You just have to understand it's not socializing, it's acting, it's almost a false you that you can create and use that to interact with anyone. Their opinions don't make any difference and you can always go back to your room should you choose to though I would hope that you don't.

trueNEETs should really get out and about a bit. It's not as hard as they think and quite beneficial. If anyone isn't joking here these days anyway. I haven't really been around this board in a long while.

>> No.9765318

Just about anything. I mean, you can learn I hope. If you have a learning disability or a mental handicap you aren't really a NEET you're a handicap. That's too bad.

If you can learn though you are as capable as anyone. Most of people doing most things in life really don't know what they're doing anyway. They just figure it out. It's not that hard if you just take small steps.

>> No.9765320


>Why not go have an experience outside the ordinary?

Isn't this what psychedelics and other hallucinogens are for?

People always talk about how great outside is, but it's not that great. I've been on a few vacations to many different types of outside areas and it's not that great. Take beaches for example. When you think of a beach you think of sitting on a beautiful beach and there's the ocean and all of that. In reality though, the beach is usually dirty, the entire beach is covered in loud tourists with their little umbrella cities, you get coated in sand and it always manages to find its way back to the hotel room and then get into your shoes and just get on everything. Not to mention the huge amount of time it takes to travel where you just sit in a car for hours and do nothing.

Outside is really disappointing. I would say it's 95% disappointing/traveling/annoying and 5% fun. Psychedelics though, if you're looking for out of the ordinary then you'll be in for one exciting adventure and you don't even have to leave your room.

One mushroom trip that lasts 6 hours is more exciting, satisfying, and out of the ordinary than every single vacation I've ever been on combined.

>> No.9765325

I spent the whole day in front of my computer. I could have turned on the TV, but there's never anything on. I logged into my MMO, but no one in my guild wanted to group with me. So I just kept refreshing 4chan all day because I was too bored to do anything else.

>> No.9765326

Drugs are gross.

>> No.9765332

What have you learned from it and what value has it given you? What is the sense in it?

Going to the beach is ordinary, that's why all of those people are there. As a NEET you have the advantage in that your life is really just about over. It doesn't matter what you do. You can continue to watch the shows you no longer enjoy and keep masturbating in your bedroom or you can experience new things and grow. Perhaps help the world in one way or another, influence it, prove you existed. You know, that stuff you can't do in your room on shrooms or otherwise.

I'd be more inclined to hit the beach when it's covered with snow or during a storm, when nobody is around, just to enjoy nature as it should be without all those noisy people. You can't get everything from shrooms and it seems to me that life is all about experience. It's all just one big experience that we should cram as much difference into as possible.

This is how I justify it. Maybe you haven't been in there long enough to become tired of it. There's a breaking point somewhere.

>> No.9765329
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The only outside I need is in my backyeard and the McDonalds up the street.
At night of course, the sun burns.

>> No.9765345

On the other hand, I may not have had enough of normal life to be tired of it, maybe you are my opposite! I'm not sure.

I have had much more fun outside my home than I had had inside of it in years. It's invigorating. It's challenging. What's life with challenge? But the challenge is endless, there are so many different challenges. The sense of accomplishment is amazing. It's throws your ego through the roof walking through crowds of people who have no idea what you've been through. That may sound bad but it's true. It's like a game that you just keep getting better at with crazy new challenges around every corner.

>> No.9765366

One time I hurt my leg and had to use a cane and went to the mall and everyone got out of my way. that was pretty fun.

>> No.9765383


>What have you learned from it and what value has it given you? What is the sense in it?

They're immensely valuable. Every time, even if it's scary, you always learn something about yourself that you didn't know. I used to have very bad social anxiety for example, I would even get panic attacks, and I don't have it anymore because I once took a fairly large amount of mushrooms once and felt this complete disconnection from what I considered as myself. It was like my personality didn't even exist anymore. I felt very at peace during this, but once my ego came back and I started to feel normal then I felt extremely disturbed, but I analyzed/meditated on that experience and I realized that my ego, my personality, or whatever you want to call it isn't really me since I knew what it felt like to exist without it. Suddenly anxieties didn't make sense because embarrassment or anxiety is just another creation of my ego which is just an illusion. It allowed me to separate myself from my fears and really understand for the first time that none of what I was worried about mattered at all. I have felt no social anxiety whatsoever since that.

In many ways it can really be seen as a form of therapy and they are used in that way by many different cultures.

>> No.9765384

I don't think you are joking. That does seem like fun. Most every experience can be enjoyed.

Fucking about with a cane? Why not, I have not used a cane. I don't think I would want to hurt my leg but if the unfortunate event occurred I would definitely want to mess about with a cane.

>> No.9765395

This is what I usually do. I live in a small rural town and bike on nature trails most days, and on weekdays I rarely ever see anyone (maybe one other cyclist or someone at the beach). It's currently spring here but as there's still some time to go until the Christmas holidays the forest and beach are usually quiet and peaceful.
I love exploring nature without having to worry about other people being around, and I imagine a lot of other NEETs probably would as well if they just gave it a chance and were willing to do the necessary exercise that goes along with it.

>> No.9765398

That is interesting. I have come to a similar conclusion without the use of mushrooms. Maybe we should have these NEETs meditate and introspect in a true way. Once your mind starts wanders far enough everything is OK and you can enjoy life once again.

The disconnect is what lets a trueNEET walk among the normal folks. I don't know that I would recommend inducing it through drugs. Shrooms have no adverse effect but mostly hard to obtain for a trueNEET. Maybe grow them... but that's such trouble when all you need to realize is that most things have less meaning than you may place on them.

>> No.9765403


i also love pharmaceuticals.

i can barely walk. i always tell myself to stop dancing, but i can't stop and i end up too sore to move.

>> No.9765418

I mostly did that without drugs, I was never interested in drugs and couldn't even smoke a cigarette. Ever since I was a child I always questioned everyone's actions, even my own. You eventually end up knowing a lot about intelligence.

>> No.9765452


The only time I really have those experiences is when I have somewhere new to go. I adore walking to new places, seeing the sights. Every new area I visit becomes part of my home in a sense. Unfortunately I lack the funds to go off where I please, so I'm stuck here with my only enjoyment being from video games and other media.

>> No.9765474

Why not do some work so that you can travel? How are you living if you have no funds, parents? If so, you would be better off working for a little while.

It's also less expensive than one might think to travel. Traveling nationally is very cheap, buses are cheap, trains are cheap, bicycles are cheap. Internationally the tickets can be expensive but there are inexpensive roofs to stay under once you get there so you mostly need to save for tickets.

>> No.9765484
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I have no interest in going anywhere. I'm very used to walking around naked and grabbing my junk when browsing the internet, and I can't do that in a public area. I'm really comfortable in my den.

>> No.9765499


I actually do have some part time thing going on, I only recently stopped the NEET thing, but all my money goes towards rent to my parents so I barely have any to myself. I have a car so getting to places isn't that big of a problem. I'm also very bad at work if I really dislike it so my options are limited. I enjoy what I'm doing now but I get called to work so infrequently that I don't make the money I need. Besides traveling there's many different things that interest me such as artistic stuff and programming and whatnot but learning things is difficult for me and it doesn't usually stick in my head.

>> No.9765501

When you grow tired of it make sure to remember that an outside exists and it isn't hard to do things outside of the internet.

Funny thing, I always catch my hands gravitating toward my crotch when I use a computer. Even in public places. This is quite awkward when I don't catch it. Old habits die hard.

>> No.9765549

Well, just keep going. It's good you're doing these things and I'm sure you'll end up where you want to be. That's not even bullshit, because at least you know where you want to be which is something most people don't. Most of these normal people are completely lost. When you have a goal in mind a plan can be drafted and if you follow it chances are you will get what you want.

You see people doing these menial tasks, boring jobs, because they're willing to settle. It's good not to settle. When you settle it's over just like settling for a room with a computer and a bed.

Maybe talk to your parents and tell them you want to travel. If you were a NEET they may think it's good for you, I know mine would have supported me if that's what I wanted. It would be good for you to explore outside the country if you haven't. If they don't trust you with the money, have them hold onto it until you've saved enough for a good trip.

>> No.9765604

>It's good not to settle. When you settle it's over just like settling for a room with a computer and a bed.
>Maybe talk to your parents and tell them you want to travel. If you were a NEET they may think it's good for you, I know mine would have supported me if that's what I wanted.
I'll settle this in your rectum
*whips out dick*

>> No.9765621

Everyone's always whipping their dicks out around here but has anyone actually ever fought with them?

>> No.9765646


Well, to tell the truth I feel stagnant right now. I spend most of my time on a computer, and while I enjoy it some, I want to do other things as well, I want to feel free. I do get to go to different places occasionally but ultimately it's just a side thing for me, a way for me to refresh my mind. I really want to create something beautiful someday. I hear music that moves me, play games that excite me, see drawings that motivate me but I really don't know what I want to do. There's so many ways to make something that'll bring people together and smile but it takes a lot of effort and I find it incredibly difficult to take an idea and turn it into something substantial.

>> No.9765652
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I like to go out and enjoy socialization, but only if I'm drugged because that's the only way for it to be enjoyable. I don't understand how people can enjoy it without this.

Personally I need speeds and lots of it to be able to enjoy this. This is because it turns me into something like a tornado of energy and charisma. I get some goal stuck in my head and in that state of mind I feel almost god-like so there's nothing stopping me. I have never gone to college, I'm not a student, but I was curious about what an anime club, so I immediately got dressed, found directions on my phone, drove over to a nearby college and then strutted aimlessly through the campus like I owned like the place, chatting up random people along the way.

I never found the club and I don't even know if the college had an anime club, but I improvised and started looking for people that were wearing weeaboo shirts or anything like. Eventually found one, she was an overweight girl but friendly enough, she introduced me to her friend, and the energy you give off in that state of mind is contagious, you have so much energy and excitement that it's like electricity bouncing through the people you talk to, so you can easily befriend most people. We talked for awhile, then we danced, we created a little imaginary karaoke session and we were singing in public, other people probably found it annoying but at the time I thought my singing rivaled Frank Sinatra, and it was just great.

Eventually I went home, I came down after it wore off, and I realized that I would have hated every single moment of that if I hadn't be tweaking so much that I felt like I was god in the flesh.

I don't understand how people can enjoy this stuff in a normal state of mind.

>> No.9765675

Take some college courses in whatever you are wanting to learn to do. You can even audit courses for free at most universities.

>> No.9765680

They're not cynics.

>> No.9765681


I've been trying. Last time I dropped out because I lacked focus. I'm too easily impressed and if someone does something impressive, I'll want to learn to do it amazingly with as little time put in as possible. So many things to learn but so little time.

>> No.9765690

Well, that's something unavoidable. You have to tale it slow to become great in anything.

>> No.9765702


>I don't understand how people can enjoy this stuff in a normal state of mind.

Most likely the same reason why everyone is on ecstasy at raves. It's not fun without it

>> No.9765704


Yeah, I've realized that but it still holds me back some since I'm impatient. Right now I'm just figuring out what to focus on and trying to get the motivation to start it up.

>> No.9765707


>That feel when crushing on a youtuber because of her voice.

Welp, I've crossed into the darkside.s

>> No.9765715
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I'm not even looking at that video. Get out, you've shamed us all. Come back when you have some self-discipline.

>> No.9765723


I love ASMR.


I can't sleep without it. It's like a sedative to me and I'm horribly addicted to it.

>> No.9765729
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>You will never get a cute girl with a soothing voice to practice makeup on your.


>> No.9765731

I'm faced with a dilemma. I have no motivation so I want to buy speed. But I lack the motivation to go to the bank and buy bitcoins, not to mention it's scary. How do get bitcoin without bank?

>> No.9765737


You could blackmail Romney.

>> No.9765741

Drinking beer and watching generic anime.

>> No.9765742

Just go to your nearest uni and ask around.

>> No.9765752
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Omegle, anyone?
I haven't chatted with any of you guys in a while.

>> No.9765753


Can you get some adderall prescribed to you, use that motivation and confidence to go to the bank and then buy speed?

Maybe even adderall on its own will do the trick for you, it is speed even if it's less potent. I don't know if you can get that feeling of invincibility from taking adderall, but it'll give you motivation and it's easily prescribed.

>> No.9765749

I don't trust the quality of street shit and online prices seem reasonable.


>> No.9765754


I'm searching right now

>> No.9765759

Will adderall take away my crippling paranoia? I'm afraid that I'm being watched by the government and they'll arrest me if I go to the bank...

>> No.9765766


>> No.9765770

How the hell can so many of you afford to be NEETs? Here in America parents kick their children out as soon as they graduate high school for fuck's sake! Are you all European or something?

>> No.9765776

What's with these new styled NEET threads. I miss listening to all the sad people like me.

>> No.9765778


wich 2hu wuld fuk?

>> No.9765784

Ha, I didn't even graduate.

>> No.9765781

sad NEETs belong on /r9k/, turbonerd.

>> No.9765788


Congratulations, you just realized the majority of /jp/ is from UK and Europe.

Seriously, NEET is a UK term, you really didn't figure this shit out already?

>> No.9765797

I'm an American and both me and my sister still live with our parents.

>> No.9765806

My parents would probably let me live here forever. I know America is full of awful people so I imagine a lot of you have awful parents, but for some reason, mine are pretty cool.

>> No.9765802

I played shitty games and then watched qb rebellion which was good until the last episode.
I've spent the past 2 hours trying to find a toonami promo that ends with the announcer saying "bad habits never die" or something like that. I'm pretty sure I remember one, and it's not the kenshin one where he says it in the middle. It's really pissing me off now.

this is the /r9k/ thread right?

>> No.9765810

He must be a newfag normal from /v/ or /soc/

Go easy on him, kudasai.

>> No.9765813


If you take enough of it then it should. I'm assuming that high doses of adderall can feel similar to cocaine or meth. I've heard people say that it can, it would just take quite a bit of adderall.

The problem that you might experience though is that if you don't take enough then you might get the hyper alert and paranoid tweaker feeling which is the opposite of what you want. It's kind of like a threshold, once you break through then it's great and with stronger stimulants you break past it very easily and you're filled with huge amounts of confidence. Below that threshold is where most of the adderall people stay though. They feel motivated and focused, but they're a bit jumpy and paranoid too. That "I am god" confidence and euphoria isn't really there, at least not at the doses that most people take.

The general idea is that low doses of weaker stimulants can be good for studying, there's not really a high but there shouldn't be any paranoia either. High doses or more potent stimulants are very euphoric and you will have huge amounts of confidence and no paranoia since you're so confident that you feel unstoppable. Medium doses though are some where in the middle of those two options, probably some euphoria but also lots of paranoia.

>> No.9765819

Curse my american heritage >.<

>> No.9765827

Okay, I've tried but I can't take it easy anymore. I barely get any sleep these days because I worry so much. I wish I could get autismbux.

My mother won't enable my lifestyle for more than another year. She excepts me to do things. I need to work on myself, so that eventual adjustment won't be so painful. Like stop being a disgusting fatass and become a cute slender boy.

>> No.9765831

Work out then, and become ottermode.

>> No.9765833

Just look at the posts.

>> No.9765844

Quite a spectacle, yes?

>> No.9765853


Why don't you work on indoor skills which can make money without needing to get a real job?

That's how I convinced my mother to allow me to continue living with her since I can essentially give her rent money now. You can learn a language and earn some money doing freelance translation work, that kind of work is very easy to get. There's entire sites with freelancing work that gets posted all the time. Programming is another option, I don't have experience with it personally but I know there's tons of people who make a decent amount of money from programming work that they get online without ever leaving their house. There's other skills too, I wasn't good at it but I used to do a little transcription work.

>> No.9765864
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What the shit is wrong with you people? I sit here for ten minutes at a time waiting to find someone with /jp/ as an interest and you all disconnect after two or three sentences. The one time I found someone that was actually willing to talk he got analpained because I didn't want to pretend to be his butt buddy. Why come at all if you're going to be an overly sensitive cunt?

>> No.9765874

Probably due to a combination of not being able to take it seriously due to the anonymity and how batshit insane the average omegle user must be if that's their only means of social interaction online because they have no online friends, or something.

>> No.9765879

Yes, in an unfunny and shitty way.

>> No.9765877 [DELETED] 

who r u quoting

>> No.9765897

I'm actually having a nice conversation right now. Get on my level.

>> No.9765916

Depressed clown guy?

>> No.9765927

What? No.

>> No.9765951

How do all of you drugNEETs manage to stay up for multiple days? I'm always seeing people who take drugs on /jp/ mention how they stay up for several days, but how do you do it?

I have adderall and I've tried before, but even when I can feel mentally awake my eyes start to give out on me after a few hours past my normal bedtime and they feel sore and strained.

>> No.9765958

How do I get that concentration drug stuff?

I'm not fully autistic.

>> No.9765960

is chris chan considered a hikki?

>> No.9765966


Take more Adderall.


Depends on where you live.

>> No.9765968


Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.9765972

Google ADHD symptoms. Maybe pirate a book on it and read it. Pretend you have the symptoms. Since you are a NEET you probably won't have even to pretend.

But it's very location dependent. I couldn't get it because they told me adults can't have ADHD in my country.

>> No.9765991


>> No.9765997

I think they give them out like candy in the US. It's a popular disorder to have. Even if one doctor won't the next one will.

>> No.9766013

Dammit, please stop destroying your bodies with drugs.

>> No.9766027

Its okay, I don't want to live to be old. It looks unpleasant and with the way social security is going to pan out I don't think it is worth it.

I would rather take some drugs now to get the most out of my "best years". Thanks for caring about me even though I don't care about myself, anon.

>> No.9766042

Tried to find some weed, have to wait til tomorrow ;_;
Playing Terraria game is fucking confusing.

>> No.9766057

Nobody knows what the future will look like. It could be possible that old people can live in much more comfort in 50 years than we young people today. I have hope for such a future and I don't recommend anyone to throw their life away before that time comes.

>> No.9766062

I hate to say it, but I'd consider Chris-chan a normal for being so desperate.

>> No.9766067

>I'd consider Chris-chan a normal
That word literally means nothing now.

>> No.9766072

You can't be sure that responsible use drugs will to much damage to the body either.

>> No.9766077

This too. I don't plan on abusing drugs any time soon to a dangerous level, I just need help concentrating to learn Japanese.

>> No.9766085

CWC would love to be normal, but he gets kicked out of all the places he socializes at and ends up just sitting in his room.
Maybe he's a forced hikki at best.

>> No.9766089

I take this back, just found some.
This makes me quite happy.

>> No.9766094


I usually use some eye drops if my eyes are feeling bad. Showers are also great. Not hot showers though, you'll just sweat it right out of you and kill your high. Funny story actually, I was about 30 hours into a binge, just getting started and I was real excited about all the fun I was planning to get up to, and I hopped into the shower before all this since I was feeling a little gross. I felt the urge to try out some meditation for a minute or two so I sat down. Next thing I know thing I'm waking up and it's six hours later, shower has been on the whole time, and I'm just sitting there with my legs crossed, my head slumped over in a painful position, and my neck is killing me so bad that it took me another 30 minutes to slowly get out of the shower without moving my head too much.

Anyway though, no hot or warm showers. Turn the water real cold and jump in for a minute or two. That shock will shake off your physical fatigue and make you feel like you just woke up.

>> No.9766109
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Any other neets love drinking ketchup?

>> No.9766124

Actually went outside today. Wine tasting with my mother and brother. I'm more of a beer person.

>> No.9766130


You probably already have ADHD, but haven't been diagnosed with it.

Visit a shady doctor and tell him you have problems concentrating during the day and heard that Adderall might be able to help you.

Look at the archives for more information on how to get stimulants. Lurk the internet for all kinds of info on ADHD and Adderall experiences.


Thanks for the interesting story.

>> No.9766217


What you're saying makes sense, but the problem is that it's a bit like that scene from Kaiji that everyone has seen, the "my real life hasn't started yet" one.

Maybe we will discover some sort of big advancement that allows us to live significantly longer, but there's no way to know if this will happen in our lifetime, well after lifetime, or if it will ever happen at all.

All we have is the here and now. This moment right now is all that exists, nothing else is promised to us. Any of us can die at any time.

My uncle is real into drugs. He's a crazy speedfreak to this day and he's been fucked up on opiates most of the time that I've known him. He's been in horrible car accidents and walks away every time. He's in his late 60s now and he's still strong as an ox. There's another kid that I used to go to school with though, very straight edge guy, very athletic, he died just two years ago in some random traffic accident. How is it that the 67 year old meth smoking opium addict is alive and yet someone that's barely 18 dies in a minor traffic accident? You just never know and death is often something that will come suddenly and unexpectedly.

So anyway, the way I see it is that we only have this moment, so I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it. Our lives don't start later. Our lives are happening right now and they can end at any moment so all we can do is try to enjoy it while we're still alive. Maybe I die early because of drugs, but I enjoyed the time I had a lot more than the people who spend their lives suffering through each day while dreaming of how much the better the future might be.

>> No.9766228

>he can't into statistics and thinks that because an 80 year old grandma is still going strong after chainsmoking erryday means smoking doesn't damage your lungs

>> No.9766262

They are holding Mensa tests in a local library next weekend. I'm still contemplating whether I should go there or not. On the other hand, it would be nice to know how intelligent I am, but I would probably end up killing myself if I didn't make it to the organization.

What's the point of living if the only thing you've ever been complimented for is taken away from you?

>> No.9766268

Live for yourself, not for others' compliments.

>> No.9766288

I had a headache, so I took a nap for a few hours. After that I played Borderlands 2, the demo for The Denpa Men on 3DS, watched my Saturday animes and read the latest Billy Bat chapter.

>> No.9766299

> but I would probably end up killing myself if I didn't make it to the organization

Meh. Did you know that at this time we have no means whatsoever to objectively measure person's intelligence?

>> No.9766311


It's very easy to look at life from the big picture perspective and a plot a safe and seemingly risk free path for yourself, but life doesn't always work out the way you planned. You can do everything right, have great odds of surviving to a nice old age, and still die in your 20s. You can comfort yourself in knowing that statistically you have a good chance at surviving, but you can never be truly safe and in that way it's a false sense of security. You only have to be unlucky once and then it will be all over you. Everyone else will just write you off as the statistical anomaly, that guy who had everything going for him and just died in a freak accident. Sure, it will comfort them, but you'll be dead and rotting so it's not much comfort to you.

The whole point though is that the quality of your life is not determined by how long you lived but instead by how much you enjoyed the time you had while you were alive.

There's not a lot happiness or fun in a life where you always take the safest option in an attempt to keep yourself alive for as long as possible.

>> No.9766312

That's just something stupid people say.

>> No.9766319

You're using circular logic anon

>> No.9766330

No one can live fully in the present, unless they have some sort of memory problem. You are capable of regret, and you are capable of hope, and it would be silly to do something that you would either regret or would extinguish future opportunities. That would make you more unhappy than happy.

Yes, there are those random incidents where one unluckily dies despite all precautions, but they are few and far between, statistically. Even if you don't take many precautions, for the average unaware person they still are very uncommon. I'm not sure whether you're some sort of hypochondriac or daredevil (or a hypochondriac at heart who tries to compensate for it by being reckless).

>> No.9766335
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browsing /jp/, because I'm bored, and my other boards are in weekend mode.

I might do some programming later.

>> No.9766459


>No one can live fully in the present, unless they have some sort of memory problem.

That's true, but living in the now, living in the present, and phrases like that aren't really literal. It has more to do with where you direct your focus in life. Someone who always looks at the past will neglect today because his mind is so consumed with regret and someone who always looks towards the future will sacrifice today in an attempt to have a better future. The whole idea of retirement is a perfect example of this. Sacrifice the happiness of your youth so that you can work hard and secure a safe and comfortable future for yourself in the distant future.

Everyone hopes for things, but many people take it to far and base their life around hope/dreams and is willing to sacrifice the happiness of the present in an attempt to make these dreams come true.

>> No.9766465


>I'm not sure whether you're some sort of hypochondriac or daredevil

I don't really think I'm either. I do play it safe when I can because I feel happy with my life as it is right now and I don't need to do anything more dangerous than I already am.

That's the thing about drugs. Drugs will kill you, but they usually won't kill you now or even anytime soon. I can't think of a commonly used drug that doesn't gradually harm you and chip away at your health.

Most of the time you have to fuck up in order to die from drug use in any immediate way. For example, overdosing is the most common and well known way to die from drugs, this is especially true for downers like heroin, but it's actually pretty hard to overdose on most drugs. You have to make a mistake for it to happen. I don't mess with opiates for example because speedballing is a balancing act. If the speed lasts longer than the heroin then they're fine, but if it doesn't then their heart stops. It's too risky to be worth the reward to me.

I will most likely die from a heart related issue since the speed puts a lot of extra stress on my heart, but that kind of damage builds up, gradually weakening your heart more and more over a period of time.

>> No.9766799
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NEET update; Sept 23 2012

Just woke up. Anyone felt any nice feels in the last six hours? Mom made me pancakes.

Good feel.

>> No.9767054

Punkbuster keeps kicking me out of Battlefield 2 games.

>> No.9767076

my family dragged me to church /jp/. they were chanting and singing in some strange language, they fed me bread and presumedly blood from the overseer. I was so scared I didn't know what to do but try to conform as much as I could lest they were to find me out.

>> No.9767132

I made myself pancakes. Unlike you I don't suck dicks.

>> No.9767279



S-stop disconnecting right away /jp/!

>> No.9767287

How are you not afraid to chat with a stranger?

>> No.9767290


Because they don't know me so I can be the most autistic sperglord or a little girl and they'd never know.

>> No.9767328

I'm bored as hell.

>> No.9767340

Can't find anyone. Am I supposed to write in /jp/ or just jp?

>> No.9767347

I usually put /jp/.
Keep trying. I am currently having a really nice conversation.

>> No.9767348


Either works. But remember, /jp/ is shy.

>> No.9767404
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Anyone else here never feel like doing anything?
Whenever I force myself to do something, I can only tell myself how bad I'm at at it. Reading something in Japanese? Even though I've been studying for a year and a half, I still have to look up common words a 5th grader should know. At least I can read that kanji, but if I look away for a few seconds and try to write it, I can't even remember.
Playing games? I always make idiotic mistakes that I should have easily avoided.
Drawing? Even though I've been doing studies, everything I draw looks like a deformed mess.
Writing? I can't even organize my thoughts properly in this post; in fact, I write like an utter retard.

This is the sole thing that makes me frustrated. How do I overcome it?

>> No.9767409

/jp/, I'm hungry. What should I eat for lunch?

>> No.9767414


You must be diligent and try harder! I know what you mean by not wanting to do anything as I often stare the the floor but you have to snap out of it and keep going.

>> No.9767420
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spaghetti hotdog

>> No.9767423 [DELETED] 
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Oh no.

I feel it.

Somebody help.

>> No.9767454

I drink vinegar on its own sometimes.

>> No.9767466

Focus on your improvements. Look at where you were before criticizing where you are.

>> No.9767506
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>> No.9767532 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9767534


>> No.9767619

I'm trying to learn magic. Anyone here interested in having their fortune told?

>> No.9767639

I sometimes read wikipedia articles about magic because it's talked about so seriously.

It feels like it's almost real.

>> No.9767696

Does it matter if it's real or not? It's fun way to pass the time. Not constructive or educational at all, but I don't care.

>> No.9767991

Does Amazon.jp ship to America? How much will it cost in shipping (1 manga)?

>> No.9768001 [DELETED] 
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That Saturday night Otaku feel when you spend Sunday afternoon looking up magic spells so you can summon The Seven Sisters of Feels and ask if they'll be your gf.

>> No.9768033

It's expensive since they don't have a SAL option.

I would recommend honto/bk1

>> No.9768046

How much did you manage to learn? I've been ""learning"" perl for about 2 years now, the most I've done with it is a hello world.

>> No.9768052

>no tumblr filename
