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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 101 KB, 1280x720, ohana dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9762410 No.9762410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the first thing you would do if you were magically turned into a girl?

>> No.9762417
File: 125 KB, 400x400, ^^1340933639096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm.... *^^*

shower and
dress up in cute clothes~

>> No.9762419

Every normal and even some of us can answer the exact same thing. Go to a mirror and masturbate.

>> No.9762421

troll 4chan

>> No.9762423
File: 734 KB, 1200x1600, 681293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a mirror? idk

>> No.9762428

Wear a cute dress in a park or something.

>> No.9762427

Become a master debater.

>> No.9762430
File: 17 KB, 453x445, disappoint toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were a gurl sparky.....

>> No.9762435

dp myself with dildo up ass and fingers in pussy

>> No.9762442

Toads aren't lizards per se...

>> No.9762448
File: 231 KB, 1024x768, event23_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe go for a ride on a train so that I can get gang-raped by all the male passengers.

>> No.9762449

Wish I was a boy

>> No.9762452
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, sparky4 is adporabloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought you were a gurl sparky.....
my spirit is one!!

>> No.9762460


long time, no see sparky~
how are you?

yours truly,

>> No.9762466
File: 265 KB, 430x900, depressed as fuck1332140244102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9762469

Finaly I don't need clothes anymore!

>> No.9762470


; ~;

>> No.9762472

You guys are impractical. First you'd need to go out and get like tampons, birth control, change your driver's license. All that shit!

>> No.9762473

Huh, I heard of this but it looks better than I expected.

Gotta download it.

>> No.9762474


>> No.9762475

Is anything bad happened to you sparkley?
if you can't cheer up or take it easy, try using a little drugs
maybe it works

>> No.9762480

This, you would have to worry about social security and pretty much everything else like that too. Might as well just stay male

>> No.9762481

Go tell mother her son is no more.

>> No.9762487

I mean people can already change their gender if they're transgender? Couldn't I just do that. I'd probably still dress like a guy most of the time.

>> No.9762491

Suddenly magically turning into a girl would be really problematic. On the other hand, if I could have a doctor sign a form stating that I had a sex change operation under the law of the state I live in I can legally change my name and gender and even get a new birth certificate.

After the paperwork is all settled I can live my life free of the pain of being a barbaric monster.

>> No.9762495

Ask the dude with the magic to give me a penis.

>> No.9762501

Honestly? I'd blast my favorite denpa playlist and do silly dances for hours!
I regularly do this, but I imagine it would be way more appropriate and fun if I was in fact a girl.

>> No.9762502
File: 246 KB, 1024x768, event18_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CG quality is great. It's my favorite genderbending nukige.

>> No.9762504
File: 366 KB, 500x500, %%%%pain%%%%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pain of being a barbaric monster.
thats my life's pain

>> No.9762506


>> No.9762510

How is it beyond the CGs? Also what is it called?

>> No.9762512
File: 158 KB, 480x482, 1348339347140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my dear friend sparky~

>> No.9762513

That feel when you can no longer be a registered citizen and you're labelled an illegal immigrant so you try to explain yourself to the authorities and they contact the National Institute for Paranormal Activities and they hunt you down to try and extract magic from you and you get gang raped by fifty nigger scientists and you can't say anything because they're black and also you're a girl and nobody listens to girls.

>> No.9762514

Passion of Dr. Makoto. Now we just need to know where to find it!

>> No.9762516
File: 38 KB, 236x259, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a shy highschooler~

>> No.9762517

Makoto-sensei no Juunan.

Male schoolteacher gets turned into a woman. Three routes that pretty much end with her being a sex-slave that's addicted to cocks. That's pretty much my fetish so I loved it.

>> No.9762532

Why are you so obsessed with genderbending, Jessica?

>> No.9762529
File: 90 KB, 320x320, yakui99d8a8af9834eb3b72f542dc1325ca1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can't cheer up or take it easy, try using a little drugs
wwww yakui i need alot of drugs ;_;
i can't!! my pain is soo intense

>> No.9762530

I like being a barbaric monster...

>> No.9762542

Eh thanks, maybe I'll think about it, it's not really my fetish. But, I remember finding Milkpot sort of endearing. The VA in it was just fucking hilarious too "chinpo chinpo chinpo~~~"

>> No.9762550
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>> No.9762552
File: 23 KB, 500x259, 1343425346106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really sad for you, friend sparky. sorry if I can't help you

>> No.9762568

Seriously this is the first that that always runs in my mind when I see these threads.

I don't know how everyone jumps straight to masturbation.
You just lost your identity unless the magic includes a set of ID & for everyone who knew you to have always magically identified you as a woman.

You won't be able to get a normal job or even a place to stay.

why am I so serious?

>> No.9762569

Please don't encourage my friends to do drugs.

>> No.9762570

is that cat crying??? wtf

>> No.9762575
File: 619 KB, 1850x1500, sparky0 comming out of sparky41341202788289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go to

to see how i ezactly feel

>> No.9762583

Kill myself, for becoming the lesser gender.

>> No.9762593

Real life doesn't work the same way it does in the movies, because that would be a logistical nightmare. Unless you live in a country with a national ID scheme, you'll manage. Biggest threat would be your social security or national insurance stuff, but you can always just say you changed gender. To face the least amount of prejudice, say you were born a girl but *changed* your name to John Smith, and that it was just a phase and you intend to change it back.

>> No.9762597

"Hello Mr Shopkeeper, can I have some alcohol? :3c"
"Sorry little girl, but alcohol is for grown-ups."
"B-but I have an ID!"
"Sorry, but this is some fat neckbeard's ID. I'll tell you what, I'll let you have a lollipop!"

Free lollipop.

No alcohol ever again.

>> No.9762598
File: 547 KB, 800x1119, GanguroCirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd dress up in a Cirno costume and hunt down you NEETs and make you have sex with me.

>> No.9762601

Try to figure out how to explain this shit and not have my family ridicule and disown me. Also call my military recruiter and explain we'll have to do all the paper again.

Failing that, steal money out of my mother's account and run away to Canada or somewhere up north.

>> No.9762603

That lollipop was his penis

>> No.9762608


>> No.9762610

If you like alcohol so much, why don't you have any stored up?

>> No.9762613


fuk off with ur spoilurs

>> No.9762614

That's actually a very good question, and not one I have an answer to.

>> No.9762615

If you're transformed into a girl so little that people are giving you lollipops you could easily get wrecked on your choice of 10% alcohol cough syrups.

>> No.9762620


>> No.9762621

Am I the only person who would go into hyper-moral mode and *avoid* any sort of sexual stuff or abuse of my new girl powers, even though there's not really anything ethically wrong with that?

>> No.9762625
File: 388 KB, 800x1266, %%%%CRAZY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1320858917082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9762631


or aye ew me marra jonny gans ew m8 ave got some listerine do u wan ne and a gans or aye marra howay n he gives iz some rite and am like wor ew its propa strong stuff this lyk and am mortal after only two bottles
it was well buzzin

>> No.9762636
File: 111 KB, 753x720, 1323410085855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I turned into a girl magically I'll assume I'm extremely cute and with a sexy body. If that were the case then I'd likely stay in my room and do nothing all day, same as always.

>> No.9762639

I don't think I'd become a cumslut, but I can't believe you would have a look or feel! I mean is your brain reverting to a female libido or something? That's the question! With my current libido I'd be all over myself.

>> No.9762644

No it seems logical considering what the consequences would be if you acted insensibly and the magic didn't reverse. Although turning back might be horrible too if you've already been engaged inside, so to speak.

>> No.9762655

I want to have sex with sparky's mouth.

>> No.9762660

I seriously don't know what is with these guys who think they're some higher form of life for not drinking ever but sitting in their rooms jacking off to loli.

I'm saying at 50 lbs. or whatever you'd barely be able to drink beer much less liquor. Sorry if in your retard brain you think the use of "wrecked" somehow related to bro culture.

>> No.9762671

get doubles

>> No.9762672
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Hanasaku_Iroha_18_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[F858A1BC].mkv_snapshot_13.55_[2012.08.15_05.38.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro culture

u w0t m8?

>> No.9762679
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>> No.9762680
File: 397 KB, 600x854, AE-85wwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me in an ae-86 liSTening to

>> No.9762684
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song wwww

>> No.9762689
File: 258 KB, 640x480, 1323703141448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparky is my sexual fantasy.

>> No.9762697
File: 102 KB, 500x451, 520887675_l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sparky is my sexual fantasy.

>> No.9762701
File: 707 KB, 1280x1024, 80s wwww1337896708777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me behind mcfly

>> No.9762703
File: 33 KB, 419x183, aaaaaahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in addition I'll never understand this desire for the internet and all internet discussions to be a collection of people waggling their eye brows at the monitor completely devoid of any sort of investment.

As if anger or frustration aren't meaningful things which lead to good posts. Just because you get upset and shit post doesn't mean everyone does.

>> No.9762708

Panic because my clothes wouldn't fit and someone would probably see me and not recognize me. considering my health I'd be an ugly girl anyway.

>> No.9762713 [DELETED] 

Probably rub my clit until it was raw. I can think of so many first things that I would want to do.

>> No.9762717

I would find another girl and learn how to become a classy lady.

>> No.9762721

>my clothes wouldn't fit

Just wear one of your xxxxxxl shirts, Tubby McLargefat

>> No.9762729


I wasn't aware your clothes would fit on a little girl.

>> No.9762741

Personally, I just get upset and have to fight back tears.

>> No.9762747

Hey, faglords, OP said "a girl", not a "a little girl". Fucking idiots.

>> No.9762749

First, I'd go to a hair stylist and get a hime-cut. Then I'd go to the mall to buy some cute clothes and accessories.

I'm going to be the prettiest girl on /jp/! Hell yeah!

>> No.9762756

Eat a whole bushel of apples

>> No.9762758
File: 1.59 MB, 2893x4092, 1342769154810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because my clothes are tailored to fit a human body, not an obese manwhale who wears parachutes.

>> No.9762760
File: 1004 KB, 1600x950, ==1342110654250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i whould be wwww

>> No.9762810

I would dance
Then I would panic

>> No.9762818
File: 145 KB, 476x354, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people want to fuck me?

>> No.9762823


So you are a 5 foot manlet?

>> No.9762833
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1317539578285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm 6' tall and 155 lbs.

>> No.9762848

I think his problem was your choice of wording, not alcohol in general.
Over here, it's a pretty "chavvy" choice of words, but given his choice of words he might have been talking about Abos or something else entirely.

>> No.9762857

Do ass to ass with hot lesbian college girls.

>> No.9762878

I'd finally get to be cool and cute at the same time.

>> No.9762893

Don't you mean cool and spicy?

>> No.9762907


No, I'm not very spicy.

>> No.9762908

>0 results
I'm proud /jp/.

Also I'd dress cute and look for boys ! きゃああああ~!

>> No.9762916


>> No.9762922

It's what I've always wanted, and for it to happen would be a true miracle.
With my vision blurry, and my clothes soaked in tears, I would just lie on the floor for hours, thinking about all the cute things I want to do.
I... Fuck, now I've started imagining it...

>> No.9762925

You're not alone...

>> No.9762929
File: 64 KB, 598x952, ^^bunny1337964398905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I'd dress cute and look for boys ! きゃああああ~!


>> No.9762927

Astounding quality thread.

>> No.9762931

I'd probably be disappointed.
From my fantasies, I imagine a girl''s body is extremely fuwa fuwa and kimochi. A real girl's body would probably be extremely gross.

>> No.9762932 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 500x700, Happiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9762938

kuhwhy threads

>> No.9762980


Stick everything I can in me.

anal beads in the ass, ram dildo up there @ the same time.

I got some other ideas but yeah.

>> No.9762983

some EPIC as hell /soc/ posters in this thread. Welcome to /jp/ guys!


>> No.9762984

omg wtf...

>> No.9762987

Proceed with the everyday plan. Be pretty...

>> No.9763066

Wear cute frilly clothes and admire myself in the mirror.

>> No.9763097

Where did you hear of this game? There was a period of time where I suggested it a lot when people asked for VNs a while ago. I agree, the CG is amazing. Too bad it's short and there's no route where you escape unscathed. I was playing it at first to see if I could do that.

>> No.9763486

I always thought of how great it'd be if it would happen, and how great everything would be, but you made me realize that that would be my first reaction.

>> No.9763557

I'd dress myself up in pretty clothes!

>> No.9763592
File: 250 KB, 712x644, 1317583417333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happily live my new life as I have always wanted to be a pretty girl.

>> No.9763593

Your shitposting isn't very cute and sounds real forceful.
Are you sure your from jp

>> No.9763598

I was here when you were still posting in RP threads on neopets forums.

>> No.9763608

Permanently? I'd panic. I would be unable to use my ID, my family wouldn't recognize me, I'd no longer be able to support myself and find work... I'd be like an immigrant, completely outside of society, with no way to prove I've undergone even basic education.

I'd be fucked.

>> No.9763610

I'm still doing that.

>> No.9763701

I'd cry. Not for the same reasons as >>9762922. More because I'm forever stuck in the body of a woman. I'm weaker, people wouldn't take me seriously and worst of all, I'd bleed and have cramps at least once a month. Sure, it's be nice to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside, but then what? Live the rest of my life in an inferior body? Absolutely not.

Make it so I can switch between a male and female body and I'll change my mind about this.

>> No.9763789

Honestly how often do you use your physical strength or get taken seriously in an average day?

>> No.9763801

I get taken seriously often, though you're right about the physical strenght part. Still, periods are far too big a catch for me to even consider wanting to be permanently stuck as a girl.

>> No.9763861

It can't be too bad, considering girls haven't been committing collective suicides because of it.

>> No.9763874

so you can stalk and rape her?
yeah, buddy. I'm onto your little plan.

>> No.9763887

That's because they've never been men.

>> No.9763910

You... Have a point. However, they didn't have periods when they were very young, so they still know what it's like not having to deal with it.

>> No.9763926

>However, they didn't have periods when they were very young, so they still know what it's like not having to deal with it.

Why do you think (most) little girls are nice and kind but then grow into insufferable bitches? It all starts with the period talk given by their mothers.

>> No.9764005

But of course! I'd shower and dress up in cute clothes first, though.

>> No.9764019

I wonder if since I like stockings as a fetish if I wouldn't mind wearing them ... if I was magically transformed into a girl that is.

>> No.9764022

There's pills to make the cramps and shit go away. They're pretty fucking expensive but they are certainly useful. You have nothing to fear

>> No.9764082

I'd become /jp/'s new attention whore

>> No.9764214
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1304867686322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post on /jp/ about how I am a girl and silly boys should not hit on me. It seems like people can see right through my lies, but when it's true, I should be able to convince everyone it's true as well! Then I would enjoy making lots of boys fall for me online because I am a girl. I would use voice chat programs. It would be lots of fun to have them all love me without me loving them. And as a girl I could fall in love with some boys online and I wouldn't have to be embarrassed about it because they would all like me just because I was a girl!

>> No.9764285


>> No.9764306

Cry over my lack of physical strength, stature and career opportunities. No one takes or will take bitches seriously, regardless of what feminists want you to believe. I also now have to deal with pretty much becoming unwanted at age 40, old men have it so much better.

Dicks are nice too.

>> No.9764313

I'd post semi lewd pictures of myself in a frilly outfit on /jp/ to make everyone mad jelly.

>> No.9764315
File: 237 KB, 624x620, brown feel man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i knew a cool nerdy girl i could play games and chat with. i don't give a shit if she was 500 pounds as long as she was funny and intelligent.

>> No.9764327

I would spend my autismbucks on cute skirts and stockings and take semi-lewd pictures for /jp/.

>> No.9764347

Probaly yell ¨I WANT MY COCK BACK!!!¨ and cry over being trapped in shitty weak body.

>> No.9764353

I just pictured a little girl yelling that and I can't stop laugh

>> No.9764443

It's funny you mention weight only. It seems like girls only need to be thin to be considered attractive. And even then it doesn't matter as much.

But can a fat male ever find love ? If he isn't rich that is. I find it doubtful. So just by turning into a girl when you are thin, it is a big advantage.

>> No.9764494

im a girl and thin but im pretty sure im still unattractive

>> No.9764506

Don't worry, it turns out that as you get older the ugly people you never invested any time into aren't as ugly as they appear.

>> No.9764516

This is the punishment for being impure.

>> No.9764620
File: 125 KB, 801x602, not crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill a bunch of children.

>> No.9764831

I would decree that the Agriculture Ministry be put in charge of Gundam.
