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9758169 No.9758169 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any manly visual novels?

VNs are the best thing for me to use to practice my Japanese since getting the text from manga scans is very time consuming and anime or movies move too fast and I have to constantly pause and rewind.

Visual novels are perfect, but I'm getting a little sick of playing so many games where nearly every character is a cute girl that's going to school or something along those lines. Are they any yakuza VNs? Maybe something with a serious military aspect to it or some kind of violence?

It's just a little hard to stay interested after spending weeks translating stories that are filled with a strangely large amount of sentences where a cute girl talks about the taste of her food.

>> No.9758175

If you want dark and edgy shit, then go with Nitro+ works like Phantom, Kikokugai, Hanachirasu, etc.

>> No.9758177

Play Gekkou.
It's so manly that it borders on homo-erotic.

>> No.9758179


>If you want dark and edgy shit

Are they dark and edgy in a depressing way or they just action-packed?

I'm mostly just looking for Rambo the Visual Novel, but Rambo would be a girl. Girls with a lot of guns and ideally blowing things up.

>> No.9758180

That picture gives me the manliest boner.

>> No.9758184

Not sure about VNs but if you go into manga and LN territory there's probably a decent number.

Things like Black Lagoon and Jormungand and probably lots more but I don't really follow stuff like that myself.

>> No.9758186

Kikokugai is a revenge story with nearly nonstop cyberpunk kung fu action. There's a flying car chase scene with a robot sex doll that splits open into a gun spider with sword legs. Shit blows up everywhere.

>> No.9758189

You could try some of Black CyC stuff.


>> No.9758191

I've heard Dies Irae is pretty much Battle Manga: the vn.

>> No.9758277

Visual novels / light novels tend to have more complex Japanese and are more wordy. First I finished Japanese was FSN.

>> No.9758283

Oh fuck, that scene. Shit was definitely cash.
