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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9758106 No.9758106 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason to stay here, instead of moving to 2ch or 2chan, when you've learned Japanese?

>> No.9758117

2ch is reddit in Japanese.
2chan is 2weird4me

>> No.9758126

What's so weird about this?

>> No.9758131

2chan is 2ipblocked4me

>> No.9758135


Use a VPN

>> No.9758139

You don't live in Japan? Why are you even on this board?

>> No.9758145


>> No.9758156

I already have my superior Finnish image boards.

I don't need a shitty tshing tshong board that blocks IP's of other countries.

>> No.9758163

Does your superior mongol board support ipv6?


That's right...

>> No.9758190

There were some cute and adorable Japanese on /int/ some hours ago saying 4chan was better.

>> No.9758303

I found 2chan before I found 4chan, both of which were after I discovered my first image board at moe.homelinux.net.

I was fucking thrilled when I found an English image board.

>> No.9758315

>2ch is reddit in Japanese.
How so?

>> No.9758335

2chan is terrible

>> No.9758338


u :)

>> No.9758339 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9758348

Then go back to them, finnscum

>> No.9758366

Finns run this shithole

>> No.9758387

Nah 4chan has a bunch of bottom of the barrel nerds, soo easy to get under their skin.

Your dying mother doesn't like you.

>> No.9758407

>Is there any reason to stay here, instead of moving to 2ch or 2chan, when you've learned Japanese?

no when i get to japan sparky4 is leaving


>> No.9758433 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 364x400, adachi a-ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai 5...!

>> No.9758436

It doesn't look like 2ch or 2chan are blocked for me. I'm in Virginia (the most American of the states). Is their IP filtering just terrible?

>> No.9758443

It's for posting

>> No.9758492
File: 17 KB, 388x268, 1348233227689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting will give you this

>> No.9758509

What the fuck, I go to 2ch and 2chan daily. It's the same crap as here, just more weeaboo.

>> No.9758522

It's almost impossible for a rape fetishist like me to discuss the pleasures of raping and breaking cute 2D girls here. But moonlanders are more open to discussing that sort of thing.

>> No.9758530

>native japanese board

not knowing what that is. lol

>> No.9758574

Japanese people are the worst weeaboos.

>> No.9758576


shut up dork =)

>> No.9758596

He's probably referring to all the normals.

>> No.9758599

2ch ipblock me
2chan too

>> No.9758601

How easy is it to tell when someone posting isn't a native Jap? Do they get outed?

>> No.9758612

It's as easy as to see when someone posting doesn't have english as his nature language.

>> No.9758615


I'm a girl, asshole. Nice discrimination.

>> No.9758711

I only visit futaba just for the trap threads.

>> No.9758755 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1348013165881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say something stupid and someone bullies do you ever feel so embarrassed that you delete your post and try to forget that you said it?

I did that today.

>> No.9758798

Very easy.

>> No.9758884

if you're stopped by an ipblock you don't belong on the internet at all

>> No.9758890


shut up

>> No.9759583

Who really wants to talk to a bunch of Asians?

>> No.9761284

I'll go there just to work on my Japanese but I honestly don't have a preference as to who I'm talking to. Being Japanese doesn't make them better than you guys, I guess.

>> No.9762843

I go to 2ch and usually stick to a few specific threads on a few boards. 4chan is better for fast-paced, random discussion. I can't post on 2chan because ip block lel. I don't know how this computer thing works so I can't get past it. I don't really care though, 2chan doesn't seem to talk about what I like (specific light novels and specific video games) much.
