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File: 527 KB, 948x1304, 1213676063714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9751192 No.9751192 [Reply] [Original]

I want you to think about this next time you kill a roach.

>> No.9751199

oh god what the fuck is that?

>> No.9751202

I can't fap to roaches.

So let them.... die.

>> No.9751207

Yes. I will smash it twice as hard if I see one.

>> No.9751204

I have never seen a roach. Such is life in a first world country.

>> No.9751206
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>> No.9751211
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I want you to think about this next time you kill a roach.

>> No.9751219

I don't enjoy killing most insects. They are the height of evolution: work as one, emotionless, and cute. Mammals on the other hand are individualistic and disgusting, and will be the only species that will wipe itself out.

>> No.9751228
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*rustle* *rustle*

Really though, how do cockroaches rustle?

>> No.9751246
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>> No.9751240

When they're traced

>> No.9751244

Go back to china communist scum.

>> No.9751252
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>> No.9751250
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I haven't seen a roach in about three years.

>> No.9751253

Sorry, Gokicha. You didn't help me get over my fear of insects.

>> No.9751256

I bred some roaches when I was a kid. About 8 of them. There were no little girls among them.

>> No.9751259
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They all fucking go rustle rustle. I never knew Jap roaches were so noisy.

>> No.9751260
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I don't get any roaches but every tuesday I go to a store and pick up a couple and bake them alive and feel their chard remains to the guys waiting to be cooked.

>> No.9751265

I don't kill roaches anymore.

>> No.9751264
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Even in recycling cans they rustle about.

>> No.9751277

If you kill one roach, you have a hundred more you haven't killed hiding in your cereal.

>> No.9751285

I don't care how cute she is. All I can see is that one image of the roach's ass splitting open and shitting out 100 kids.

And then I see OP comic girl doing it.

And then I want someone to draw it.

>> No.9751289

I want Gokicha x Isopod-tan porn.

>> No.9751291

>one image of the roach's ass splitting open and shitting out 100 kids.

But that's not even how it works.

>> No.9751322

I don't have to kill them. My cat likes to hunt them.

>> No.9751326
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So why not kill the cat?

>> No.9751328

And I want you to remember the manga. There are some cockroaches that don't look like little girls in it.

>> No.9751333

I'm sorry but random roaches have more appeal then this disgusting little roach-girl ever will

and also, she should hide her naked feet, I feel sick just by looking at it. I'd prefer to observer a normal roach instead, thank you very much

I'm a bit of anti-foot fetishist, you see

>> No.9751336


>> No.9751340
File: 263 KB, 1280x960, roach-moe.1335682228706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I saved it. Here it is.

>> No.9751343

That's still what was happening.

>> No.9751346

Hah, where I live there are no roaches.
In the horrible innercity parts there are a few but I rarely step foot into these absolute wastelands.
(Streets with only one inhabitable house and nothing but burnt rubble don't count... but I've seen some tiny roaches there)
I don't have to deal with anything worse than flies here, and they only show up occasionally and disappear the whole winter.
I hate temperate climates, but at least there's nothing huge or dangerous here.

>> No.9751351

Roaches live in the sewers only here. It's probably the same for you. Go to the lower floors of a building with a toilet that is below the water pipe level and see if you see anything.

>> No.9751356

No they don't.

>> No.9751359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9751363

yes they do
their armors remind me of Morrowind

>> No.9751373

The nude mods for Morrowind really changed my play style. I used to be a generally nice guy, but once I could get people naked, I would kill women just to see them naked and pose their bodies. Most games of non-Japanese origin don't make me feel like a sicko like Morrowind did.

>> No.9751370
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This happened to me once, but it was a spider and not a cockroach.

It's worth mentioning that I had taken some robitussin so I was fairly delirious at the time, but we communicated with each other and she was very sad, she was crying, and she told me that I had killed her mother (that's true, I did kill a spider the previous day) and she had no family left.

She begged me not to kill her and of course I didn't, she was very cute and after her story I just couldn't even think to that. We talked for awhile and then she went away. It has been months since then though, I don't know if she's even alive anymore.

We really connected though and I think I loved her. She was the first and only girl I have ever had such a close and touching conversation with.

>> No.9751379

It's better to have loved and lost...

>> No.9751381
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You killed hermame?!

>> No.9751395

I don't think I'll be able to kill a spider ever again.

>> No.9751393
File: 62 KB, 600x597, sadfrog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip in piece

>> No.9751396

huh? but nobody cares about what you used to do in Morrowind, you see? He said something about cocoroach armors reminding him of morrowind, and hell yes, I agree that netch armor is superior to these plain long black hair

I mean, do these hair even count as armor? do they even count as no armor? I remember that no armor was good for dodging, but I don't think you could dodge anything with these hair, can you? can she? I almost wish I could see for myself....

>> No.9751399

Oh my gosh!

>> No.9751400

I always used to run around in just a hat, and charm people into loving me, then take off the hat and let them be shocked, them charm them back up. Such fun.

>> No.9751403
File: 6 KB, 262x192, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751401

let me guess, you were pretty insecure person IRL, were you not?

hey hey, tell me, were you a fugly fatass?

>> No.9751406

Why does that spider have flowers on her exoskeleton?

>> No.9751413
File: 2.64 MB, 320x180, ladybug-kicks-mime.1347420528658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes. Why?

>> No.9751419

hey, hey are you also one of these people who admit they are fat and ugly with beaten puppy expression on their faces?

or is it forced smile?

>> No.9751439
File: 256 KB, 900x582, whomp.2012-09-05-The-Thin-Green-Line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, everyone gets the stare.

>> No.9751807

read this and be amazed my friend... you may be a wizard without being conscious about it:


>> No.9751834

>I have never seen a roach. Such is life in a first world country.

there is billios of them where i live

>> No.9751852

I'll make you think about this *whips out dick*

>> No.9751906
File: 594 KB, 320x240, STORY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not my son!

>> No.9751919

But OP, I'm into guro.

>> No.9751953

thanks, I'll make sure to enjoy every second of its agony while I crush that abomination with the blunt end of a knife.

>> No.9751978

i just fap tp cokrach

>> No.9752056

Some really big roaches get into my room through the window
One of them jumped on me in the middle of the night
I don't like roaches

>> No.9754459
File: 167 KB, 690x599, spiderbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le personifying primitive animals

>> No.9757458

I killed a spider in the left top corner of my room, it was pretty big and I squished it against the wall. I left it there for a few months now to use it as a scarecrow for further intruders through the window. Don't know if this stupid shit really works but I haven't found any more spiders since.

>> No.9757475
File: 2.95 MB, 400x225, pym-domestic-abuse.1342423152575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do that to a wasp. Some wasps take the scent of wasp guts as a sign of what to attack mercilessly.

>> No.9757985
File: 103 KB, 360x360, [t4w] Gokicha!! Cockroach Girls [2A351689].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2012.09.18_18.56.25].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9757993

witch touhou is this??

>> No.9758045
File: 12 KB, 141x169, 41598_143495272338382_5287_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't kill them. Live amongst them and become one with them.

>> No.9758073

Someone post that pic of the cockroach splitting in half while giving both to her 600 children.

>> No.9758343

You shouldn't kill spiders, they get rid of other insects, most notably mosquitoes (which are genuinely annoying (and depending on where you live possibly even harmful)).

>> No.9758403



>> No.9758419

good think I don't live in that disgusting, cockroach infested shitpit called America.

>> No.9758465

Mammals aren't a species, Anon. Make sure to get your taxonomy right.

>> No.9758476


Shh. It's clear he's a retarded high schooler; Let him stew in his ignorance.

>> No.9758542

Insects belong outside, if they come inside they die

>> No.9758549
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, Lubu-dw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to think about this next time you kill a roach.

>> No.9758619

I take the time to pick up insects with a piece of paper and calmly carry it outside if I ever see one. I am not a treehugger, I simply imagine if I were a bug lost in some strange place filled with humans I would want to go back where I belong.

>> No.9758633


>Non-sapient beings
>Wanting anything

>> No.9758701

Would pursue.

>> No.9758735
File: 66 KB, 796x593, 1347765294450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me faget

>> No.9759088
File: 134 KB, 506x550, bitches-love-spiderman.1342322638876.xmen.spideyXRogucrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider bites are more likely to get infected than most insect bites.
