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File: 6 KB, 489x302, Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9747866 No.9747866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain Japan's huge love for Germany?

also, do japanese feel insulted when people are calling them Japs ?

>> No.9747873

Japan hates kikes, so they'll naturally love Germans for trying to rid the world of them.

>> No.9747878

China is the same, it's due to their technology and polotics mostly.

Ok I don't really know, but speculating from my Chinese history they hired a lot of Germans to teach people engineering and the like, I assume Japan has done the same.

SE Asia owes a lot to germany for it's technoloy, America for it's western culture, Russia for fucking up politics, and Oceania for being potential
targets during WW2 as a cool place to invade.

>> No.9747879

They were allies.

>> No.9747882

Because they were both bent on genocide and the fact that they were allies. Are you american or just failed 7th grade history?

>> No.9747883

wrong, they were more under a very thin partner ship, the one where one of them wouldve fucked the other over if they were closer. Germany was aiming to rule the west, Japan the east. if that had happened, then well, there would only be one after that.

Germnay was hell bent on aryan master race, Japs are far from that shit.

>> No.9747889

Japs were considered honorary Aryans

>> No.9747890

Civilized people tend to love Germany.

>> No.9747892

>hates kikes
They imported kikes to the areas they had on purpose, thinking that the imported kikes would be those successful bankers who hold power.

>> No.9747893

So were Finns, but still I don't see them admitting that we are the actual Aryans.

>> No.9747897


Please get the fuck out.

ISn't there enough shitty threads on /jp/ right now?

>> No.9747894
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>> No.9747896

To anyone believing germany is great, superior, innovative or whatever.
Sorry but you are wrong.
Germany always hid behing a pink curtain trying to look sexy and appealing.
If you had a chance to look behind the scenes you'd turn around and never come back.

I have a right to say that.
I am german, living in germany.

I am planning on leaving this country as soon as possible.

>> No.9747898

Yes, and like I said, IF there were only Japs and Nazi's left in the world, what would happen?

Would everyone get along and mutually suck each others dicks?


>> No.9747902

Germany had a pretty huge deal with the automotive industry, A lot of that technology went to Japan and shit.

>> No.9747904

No, Finns were considered honorary Nordics

>> No.9747907

Go back spamming your spurdo spörde bear, nerd.

>> No.9747915
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>> No.9747916 [DELETED] 

I'm German. Would I get bitches if I moved to Japan?

>> No.9747922

Germany might not be superior or great, but it is indeed innovative.
Not only after but before WW1/2 happened, work done in Germany was known for a high quality standard.
Also, a high percentage of the western influence found in Japan came from Germany, and both cultures are known for several creative individuals.
Germany has not maintained their reputation for nothing.

All that aside, they were allies in WW2.

>> No.9747923

Too bad that France will fall before Germany, we will be the last man standing in Europe and you will crawl in front of us begging for our help while drowning in your own filth. Frenchmen are the worst of all human being and should be greatful that they are allowed to exist next to such great nations such as the United Kingdom, Germany or even Spain.

But the Frenchmen in general don't seem to accept this fact and cry theirselves into sleep about how great they once was, how their grande armee conquered Europe but ultimately failed at it's superior enemy. Since then the French in general didn't had any success. The lost of it's colony , the shame they had in WW I, even though they call themselves "winner" it's widely known that the French were a miserable enemy and were close to surrender, until the German Empire got backstabbed by it's own politicians and the filthy leftist scum.

More over the French didn't yet compensate their pathetic role in WW2. The try of the French "army" to defend their country was practically an insult to the German forces which overwhelmed them in less then a month, witnesses have shown that the French woman were greatful that they Germans occupied their country due the fact that their feminin "man" weren't not only able to defend them from harm, but also not capable to fullfil their needs.

The French as a whole of course denied this after the war was over. Not that the French accepted their complete failure in this war , no they even tried to show themselves as one of the Winning forces which fought bravely against their occupants. But for the record: The French resistance wasn't even capable to reconquer Paris from untrained totally outnumbered and bad equiped German recruits until they were for sure that the American forces are on the way to Paris.

>> No.9747924

Would you mind explaining more? I'm Nordic and I've been to France, Italia and Spain, so I know what a third world country looks like.

>> No.9747926


Furthermore they couldn't establish themselves as a leading power in Europe after World War 2, the opposite happened. They lost the last of their Colonies which led to an rise of immigration to France, which now is overwhelming them. The History seems to repeat itselves. The French aren't capable of defending their woman , which greatfuly welcomes the invaders.

Not only the French society is infected with this virus.
No , the French economy wasn't capable of gaining importance in the European market after the War. The German economy pushed the french aside, overtook it and is now one of the leading Economies of the World.
They were capable of building an Economic Empire out of a devasted wasteland which germany was after this War.

It clearly shows the inferiorty of the todays Frenchmen, which is unquestionable. But instead of seeking help they can't admit their inferiorty - furthermore they channel the hate on other countries which have been succesful for years and are trying to help them.
But it seems that the once so glorious France is now drowning in his own filth which is why I post this. This thread is a cry for help.

>> No.9747928

And the difference between those in nazi filosophy is?

>> No.9747937

Some Japanese people don't like it when you say Jap. One of my friends, back in high school, abbreviated the class to Jap on a field trip form (you had to get it signed by all the teachers saying it was okay for you to go). My teacher got mad as fuck. She was 60something so she probably had to deal with some shit back in the day. Younger ones probably don't mind as much and would probably just respond with "Fack yu American" which is fine by me.

>> No.9747947


I like how EVERYONE fucking thinks that the Nazis thought of only ONE Aryan. There were different kinds of Aryan that they knew of. Nord Aryans were the "typical" Aryans we think of, the blonde hair blue eyes. There was also South and West Aryan. The Soldiers in the Legion Freies Arabien. were considered Aryan by Himmler himself.

>> No.9747961

Aryan a shit

>> No.9748030

Calm down, assburger.
Aryan = Nordic Aryan ≠ For example indo-Aryan

>> No.9748064


>> No.9749719

Japanese people hate being called Japs because it's like calling Niggers as niggers.

>> No.9753588
File: 49 KB, 704x396, 1252756055001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in japan and often japanese people ask me like "Are you american?!", my answer was "No, I am german." and then are all japanese peopel very very kind to me. Often they said "Doitsu?! Wow! Sugeeeee!!!!!".

>> No.9753617

It's because Japanese feel comfortable with their allies. Is that a wonder? Those people who fought by their side. Died starving and under fire. Who couldn't love those guys in their position?


But who knows who will become even bigger assholes. Watch your back America... Watch your back...
