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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9747329 No.9747329 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

Do you like lolicore?

>> No.9747335

The names and album covers are better than the music.

>> No.9747339

Pretty much.

>> No.9747340 [DELETED] 

I like the sample voices.

>> No.9747342

I like the sampled voices.

>> No.9747344

But is it something you could enjoy?

>> No.9747353


>> No.9747354

Why do people listen to this crap. Is it just because its Nippon Crazy WWWWWW? Why not listen to actual good music? Same thing with people who listen to nothing but doujin crap thats just generic IDM and act like its really really good.

>> No.9747358

I don't like sampled voices.

>> No.9747365


best songs.

>> No.9747366

No, and "ear rape" is a more apt name for it.

>> No.9747370

Gee anon, it's almost as if taste in music is subjective.

>> No.9747376

Well what do you listen to?

>> No.9747377

Thats what people who like horrible music usually say.

>> No.9747384
File: 331 KB, 1024x768, %uber fucking crazywT^W#$F^@YV#Lwmanfporc q3wjc9o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nippon Crazy WWWWWW?


>> No.9747385

I don't like boris if that's what you're implying.

>> No.9747397

Just get a music software program of your choice, smash your face on the keyboard, throw in some anime voice samples.
Congrats you make lolicore

>> No.9747403
File: 41 KB, 506x494, 1342134600085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9747405
File: 90 KB, 697x705, 00 Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If were talking about strictly Japanese music then stuff like this is pretty great. I don't listen to a lot of Japanese stuff since most of it seems to be really bad rock, pop idol crap or the typical IDM crap you can find in any "HOT NEW TECHNO 2012 COMPLIATION" video on youtube.

>> No.9747413

Lolicore? You mean that shitty gaijin speedcore rip off that people put loli pictures on because `omg kawaii xD'?


>> No.9747417
File: 91 KB, 300x300, ymo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9747419

Why are there so many cores

How do you guys keep track of this stuff

>> No.9747425

Electronic music is a world filled with awful shit. You can throw random sounds on a track in fruityloops and some retarded idiot will like it.

>> No.9747432

I want to save a cute girl from endless despair.

>> No.9747439

you can't save me. you haven't known true pain, theres nothing you can give me.

>> No.9747440

>Electronic music

>> No.9747445
File: 1.09 MB, 800x866, CRAZY1!!!!!!!!90a2c869299e323c3fd54e4f0d4bd329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to save a cute girl from endless despair.
save me....

>> No.9747447

Yep thats terrible. Hop on back to /mu/ with your trash "music". Maybe you can discuss industrial darkcorestep with the other 15 year olds who don't know good music if it slapped them on the ass.

>> No.9747449
File: 29 KB, 600x597, Naughty boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.9747454

It is denpa for normals.

>> No.9747459

That's not so bad. Could be good for background noise.

>> No.9747466


Good music time

>> No.9747469

Your aggressive attitude and tendency to insult people for no good reason makes you seem like the one who's a teenager. You should learn to take it easy.

>> No.9747475

Is any lolicore fast? I need music that matches my brain's speed otherwise it irritates me.

It doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.9747476

You should stop listening to 2hu remixes, they are melting your brain.

>> No.9747481

I was expecting goregrind, but about lolis instead.
What a letdown.

I guess I'll have to make it myself.

>> No.9747480

Lolicore isn't really anything like denpa.

>> No.9747491


you make me whip it out

don't talk shit about YMO

>> No.9747495

All of those are NOTHING like the shit you first posted. Thousand Knives is a very good song.

>> No.9747510
File: 179 KB, 368x274, 1345276976681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't knew ENS made a PV for this song.

Thanks anon!

>> No.9747512

I kind alike this more than anything else posted in this thread...

>> No.9747513

I like it if the theme is rape.

>> No.9747517
File: 180 KB, 735x539, dryugsw1333855072895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not anon

I have an identity but it is swallowed by darkness

>> No.9747523

Goreshit is the only good lolicore artist.
Loli ripe is good for 4chan nostalgia.

>> No.9747526
File: 42 KB, 767x588, 1331434264162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T-that's really kind of scary anon!

>> No.9747532
File: 1.61 MB, 982x1464, CRAZY CRAZY HINA HATATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-that's really kind of scary anon!
I am not anon!

>> No.9747537

sparky, would you let me worship your feet?

>> No.9747557
File: 49 KB, 600x600, CRAZY1324261242245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9747565

Do these things have genre? or Japanese songs in general.

I was looking something related to Misoji Misaki (Lucky Star ending), but dunno where even to start looking.

>> No.9747567


>> No.9747572

Electro, eh.

Maybe my question is more general whether Japan has a local name to call their music, especially those traditional ones.

>> No.9747575

>I am not anon!
Yes, you are. Also, you're dumbfuck. This post makes me to be like you.

>> No.9747581
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x1600, sparky4 is satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sparky4
The angel of Electrons and Positrons

you dumb fuck!!

>> No.9747584

electro is a sub-genre of 電気音楽

>> No.9747599

I don't know. I usually only classify genres by their most basic terms. For all I know, I might love lolicore without knowing the name.

>> No.9747607

That's not how it works. You pick a genre you like the sound of, and then force yourself to like everything within the genre. No one would like any of the *core genres if they judged them purely by the music itself.

>> No.9747624

>No one would like any of the *core genres if they judged them purely by the music itself.
They most likely don't care about the music itself, it's about the sensation. Analogue to an act of inhaling gasoline or glue for the tripping sensation. This sounds weird, but some poor people actually do this.

>> No.9747632

it's 99% garbage. majority of it is just shitty breakcore/digital hardcore.

>> No.9747636

>force yourself to like everything within the genre
Why would you do that?

>> No.9747669

Goreshit's 5th Grade featuring Chiyo-chan is a masterpiece of classic hardcore techno.

>> No.9747676

I like to imagine that I take Hina, and push all of the pain and suffering of my failed life into her. I like to imagine that she is spinning and waiting for the man, and then I come along and mainline her pure Golden Brown, texture like sun, lay her down, with my my mind she runs, through out the night, no need to fight, never a frown, with Golden Brown.

I like to imagine that she dies, her heart stopping, with the needle still in her vein; by which I actually mean with my penis still in her eye-socket; by which I actually mean that my life is still 95% fucked and I killed ur touhou.

I've seen things.

>> No.9748357

Even if the music is good, most of them look like they're trying too hard with their cute pictures and naming sense. I can't stand it.

>> No.9749640

Goreshit is actually a pretty good artist. He made some songs that are quite enjoyable to listen to.
It's a very open and experimental genre but not many artists seem to have much feeling for it besides mashing some grind and screams together.

>> No.9749656

>>9748357 Even if the music is good, most of them look like they're trying too hard with their cute pictures and naming sense. I can't stand it.
The names and the album pictures are the best thing about lolicore.
I find it hilarious.

>> No.9749678

Danceflood Degrader is numbah won.

>> No.9749701


>> No.9749729
File: 20 KB, 220x339, 220px-189656~Groundhog-Day-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of music does /jp/ listen to?

>> No.9749749


I have 0 taste in music and just listen to whatever /jp/ listens to.

>> No.9749750
File: 930 KB, 1419x1404, RyuichiSakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more people on /jp/ (or in general?) actually listened to music, because that is a terrific album. It's also one of my favorite covers ever

>> No.9750183

I grew up listening to hardcore and gabber and all that and I really wanted to like lolicore but I can't say I've heard much that I'd ever want to listen to again.

>> No.9750215
File: 519 KB, 850x708, 1339228863091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than starting my own thread I figure I'd just ask in here.

Does anyone have "[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) ShibayanRecords — TOHO BOSSA NOVA (東方) [STAL-1201] (flac+scans)" or know where I can find it? The tokyotosho torrent has 0 seeders and I can't find it anywhere else. Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.9750270


I actually don't listen to any Japanese music. I'm really into Grime, Liquid Funk, Trap, Dubstep, Indie and Korean Hip-Hop right now.


>> No.9750290

I'm not telling you.

>> No.9751267

Basically, only Goreshit is worthwhile. Still, at least it isn't dubstep.

>> No.9751290

Lolicore and nightcore are like denpa for people who are even more braindead than denpa fans.

>> No.9751303
File: 6 KB, 293x315, 1345926904264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think denpa fans are braindead?

I just like cute things.

>> No.9751308

You're not gritty and mature enough. Go listen to some black metal or something.

>> No.9751315


>> No.9751324


>> No.9751341


>> No.9751344

NHK!? is simply perfection

>> No.9751357


>> No.9751375

If the only thing you like about lolicore is the art, go for nightcore instead. Same cuteness, less /dev/urandom mixed in.

>> No.9751376

now i like all kinds of music except Country however from Metallica to daft punk to unknown guys like haywayre,,, this one single song is my favorite... That being said i can truly understand the point of pretty much any music lover hating this type of genre... I mean its random with random lyrics being repeated and no specific meaning to it... But I prefer to absorb it as more of a mixed sound. We all have our preferences in music we simply find some beats more enticing then others. Keep posting good lolicore cause its virtually impossible to find without lurking on youtube for hours

>> No.9751380


This is very helpful, thank you.

>> No.9751397 [DELETED] 

Many (but not all) of them are. The very meaning of "denpa" implies being braindead after all, and the themes behind it usually are some kind of psychological disorder, be it depersonalization or whatever, even if lightly implied.


>> No.9751402

Many (but not all) of them are. The very meaning of "denpa" implies being braindead after all. The themes behind it usually are some kind of psychological disorder, be it depersonalization or whatever, even if lightly implied.

Most of them know that and don't give a shit, that's exactly why they listen to it.


>> No.9751415

It's alright. I don't really like hardcore techno, but I do like noise and breakbeat. Favorite artists are Lolishit, Nasty Maid Grinder, and goreshit.

I actually produce in my free time.

>> No.9751437

No, it's horrible.

>> No.9751441
File: 13 KB, 285x400, 1348083444001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when other people listen to bad music.

Why do you listen to bad music? Why?

>> No.9751459


I have a lot of video game soundtracks, glorious initial D songs, Jazz renditions of 2hus, 80s stuff, Mozart, a clockwork orange's soundtrack, Die Ärzte, Die Antwoord, billy herrington remixes, Louis prima.

I can't really define it under one theme. Maybe an "autist's playlist"?

>> No.9751460
File: 1.08 MB, 500x500, Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751467

How many songs does that total to?

>> No.9751471


It says 1517 files in the properties.

my player says 44 hours.

>> No.9751478

How cute~

>> No.9751486


I don't understand.

>> No.9751774

Because music is subjective and you should go back to /mu/.

>> No.9751872

You have a small library.

>> No.9751950


How many songs would I need to not be considered small?

>> No.9751962

At least 50000.

>> No.9751971


That is too many how do you listen to them all?

>> No.9751974

Clearly he does not.

>> No.9751999


I just wish it didnt sound so faded.

>> No.9752046

That's beside the point.

>> No.9752084

Not even two days of music? holy cow you must be like the conneissuer of recorded arts :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.9753855

Some hardstyle favorites?

>> No.9753927


>> No.9753974

anime and videogame music, sometimes anything singed by Jackie Chan

>> No.9753976

goreshit's newest album is pretty mediocre.

I really enjoyed his albums steppa and bleak.

>> No.9754052

Goreshit is the only one I can tolerate. When he makes songs I dislike most of them but the ones I do enjoy I are some of my favorite songs in my music collection. What kind of music is similar to lolicore without sounding like random shit. I really like "5th grade" and "Die!! Die!! Cover!!!" by him.

>> No.9754103

I'm into doom metal, post-rock, rock, Deep house and drone

>> No.9754182

you can try here


Have fun searching through it

>> No.9754193

Why can't you just be normal and like capsule? There's at least some level of respect I can give you for that

>> No.9754206

Too tryhard-edgy.

It's about as ridiculous as horror and violence-themed speedcore/splittercore/extratone.

>> No.9754229

I thought those genres were a joke until my roomate blasted them all day.

>> No.9754252
File: 33 KB, 667x657, hex_core2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into post-bullshit-flamenco, lolirape neoclassic and jamaican opera. Really fine shit.

>> No.9754255

I always thought lolicore was a bad joke making fun of certain music genres and anime.

>> No.9754259

Whatever sounds nice.

>> No.9754369
File: 28 KB, 649x218, Screenshot from 2012-09-20 20:20:18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love lolicore.

>> No.9756469

>sleep research facility
So that IS the names!
I saw a video named that on youtube back earlier in the year and it got removed not too long after I listened to it. Wasn't sure if it was named that or not.
