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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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974344 No.974344 [Reply] [Original]

Japanfag here, I just picked up the second volume of "m9" (see pic), a new "light opinion" magazine from the only publishing company with balls enough to publish the infamous "Kenkanryuu."

Anyway, the magazine includes an absolutely hilarious article advising otaku on how to pick up white weeaboo MySpace whores. I'm gonna pick out some of the best passages for you guys so just hold up a sec.

>> No.974353

Go on.

>> No.974358


"If you get on MySpace, the friends requests will just pour in. And they're all from 10 ~ 20 year old cute girls... but that's not because I'm good at picking up girls or anything, it's just because Japanese 'otaku' culture is popular. So even if you aren't a nerd, you can just pretend to be one and girls will buy it"

>> No.974359

>10 year old cute girls
The true love of otaku.

>> No.974363

...This...makes sense.
It makes sense Japanese Otaku wouldn't be all that racist towards the weeaboo's, if only because them being Japanese makes them the center of the weeaboo's attention.

>> No.974365

hahahah what

>> No.974377

"In an instant, I got a female Jojo fan to be my penpal."

"I heard about this from my friend, so I tried it out. I made a page and wrote 'I live in Tokyo and go to Akihabara all the time because I'm an otaku.' In the interests field, I typed in 'Dragonball,' 'Higurashi,' 'Naruto,' etc., put up some anime pictures, and then wrote some bullshit like 'anime that has changed my life' and 'recent anime masterpieces.' ... So then in a week or so, a friends request! 'I'm also hooked on Higurashi, will you be my friend? I want to go to Japan someday.' I open it up... and it's an ugly bearded dude! But then the next day, I get a message from a cute 18 y.o. American girl 'Yoko' who's just graduated highschool!"

>> No.974379

Poor elevens are going to be so confused when they discover the existence of myspace angles.

>> No.974380

Yoko is also another ugly bearded dude.

>> No.974382

"My friend who's hooked on MySpace says he's gone on dates with 8 white otaku girls, and had sex with 4 of them."

"You may think they're separated from you by the wide sea... afterall, you can't just meet up like you can with someone from Mixi... but since they like Japan, it's not actually that uncommon for them to come over on trips and study abroad programs!"

>> No.974386

Yoko is the very same ugly bearded dude.

>> No.974387

>>from the only publishing company with balls enough to publish the infamous "Kenkanryuu."

Well, it's bound to be a quality publication then is it?

>> No.974389

Oh wow.

Otaku preying on weaboos preying on otaku.

Surreal and postmodern. Haruki Murakami will be having a ball over this.

>> No.974393

In before elevens have their dreams shattered.

>> No.974394


>> No.974398

This is sad reality.They have even less "life" or whatever left for they need a guide to pickup chicks on myspace.

>> No.974400

>Surreal and postmodern. Haruki Murakami will be having a ball over this.
Oh GOD no.

This would displease me greatly.

>> No.974401

"To American and European otaku girls, having a Japanese otaku boyfriend is a status symbol."

"2 months after creating my account, I had 6 friends, all girls... but then I discovered a keyword that would increase my friends list exponentially. Surprisingly enough, that keyword was 'Visual kei.'"

"'Do you like 'the GazettE?' I listen to them everyday' 'Do you like 'miyavi?'' Mixed in with regular otaku conversation, I was being asked these kinds of questions quite often. Of course, I had no clue who 'the GazettE' or 'miyavi' were, but upon looking them up I found out that they're indies visual kei bands..."

"Akihabara otaku + visual kei. This seemingly unrelated combination seems to be the most popular. What a strange world we live in."

>> No.974412

nah its just probably a magazine trying to be popular. such "advice" articles are not uncommon. or new. and I'm not talking about japan. it's the same everywhere.

>> No.974421

>"Akihabara otaku + visual kei. This seemingly unrelated combination seems to be the most popular. What a strange world we live in."

hah they should realise what weeaboo is already.

>> No.974431


What about the White (or the mythical black) Otaku Males?

What about us?! Huh? Nothing??!!

>> No.974435

Yeah, nothing.

>> No.974436

More proof that we live in interesting times.

>> No.974441
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This thread is awesome.

>> No.974448

What's up with the magazine cover? Her nose is a rectangle!

>> No.974449

"When she comes to Japan, she won't know right from left... so offer to show her around... take her to Akihabara, then to some place like Asakusa, they love places like that. After the sightseeing, go get a bite to eat. Doesn't have to be expensive, just go to a kaitenzushi place, foreign people love that. After that hit up the local yakitori joint... just keep occupied until the last train leaves. Since she's not from Japan, she won't know when the last train leaves. Offer to walk her to the station, only to be greeted by a sign 'Closed for the day.' You don't have to be Japanese to know what that means. It's a piece of cake from there. Just say 'My house is close to here, wanna come over?' This is the only English you need to memorize. Tell her you have some rare magazines and figures that they only sell in Japan, that'll seal the deal. Hell, I even had a girl tell me that she wanted to see my 'otaku room' without even having to pull the last train card."

>> No.974454

I am amazed and disturbed by the genius, stereotyping and horror of this.

>> No.974459

I agree. Say what you want about the Korea and China bashing, but they've hit the weeaboo MySpace whore stereotype dead-on.

>> No.974462

This is awesome.

>> No.974466

Oh god, this shit is comdey gold.

>> No.974467

>'My house is close to here, wanna come over?'
>wanna come over?'

>> No.974473

Otaku and Weaboo girls.. I have no sympathy for either. Seems like a match made in heaven though.

>> No.974474
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>> No.974479


But what to do when you're both back in your room?

>> No.974482

holy shit /jp/, I just keep laughing with this thread

>> No.974483

Play vidya, watch animu, read mango, and browse @channel, of course!

>> No.974486

Isn't this where she finds out you are only pretending to be an otaku?

>> No.974487


>> No.974490
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Just according to keikaku...

>> No.974500

"I'll take a shot at it! My date in Akihabara..."

"It's June, 1 in the afternoon, I'm waiting in Akihabara station. And then there she is, wearing a frilly one-piece outfit resembling some sort of decorated cake. 'Hi! A-E-TE U-RE-SHI DE-SU!!' 'Yoko's' green color-contacted eyes glisten. As my friend had told me, that strange painful form of goth-loli fashion that would look like shit on a Japanese girl actually looks decent on her, she looks like a doll. I say in my broken English, 'that's a cute outfit,' and she beams... So we walk around Akihabara, and she buys some cosplay outfits, I take her to a maid cafe, and I can hear people around us saying 'kawaii!', and someone even stops us and asks to take a picture... I feel so important walking around with her at my side."

"In the evening, we go to eat at a kaitenzushi shop, as aforementioned. I'm having some perverted fantasies while watching her clumsily stuff sushi into her little mouth, but unfortunately she tells me that today she has to go greet her host family and is off with a 'baaai!' right after we leave the shop. I told this to my friend, and he says my failure is due to a lack of research and a lack of power... to bad.... but it seems she liked me, and we have plans to meet again while she's in Japan. She's said recently in her mails that she's like to see my 'otaku room.' I have a feeling that things will go better this time..."

>> No.974502


If they're decent looking and consider it a status symbol, I doubt they'll have a high enough power level to know they're being led on.

>> No.974508

That's it.

White race is doomed.

>> No.974509

If this were /b/, this would be the part where we seek out "Yoko" so we can make her life a living hell.

>> No.974510

>As my friend had told me, that strange painful form of goth-loli fashion that would look like shit on a Japanese girl actually looks decent on her, she looks like a doll.

I laughed because we say the exact opposite.

>> No.974511


>> No.974512

You can go back now.

>> No.974513

>due to a lack of research and a lack of power

>> No.974523

Maybe two years ago, but not now.

>> No.974525

I hope at least some of these stories are true.

>> No.974536

this is breaking apart my world. how the fuck are the white bitches not obese? and diabetes-stricken mcdonald's worshipers?

if a couple of japs who are raised outside of nippon are obsessed with jap culture, what do we call them - otaku or weeaboo?

>> No.974538

Those are the best parts, the rest of the article is mostly just explaining what MySpace is and why otaku culture and visual kei is popular overseas.

I personally love this article, it should bring a warm feeling of victory to any male who's ever been involved with the Western otaku fandom. Just to know that that one cute girl in your university's anime club, the one who always wears expensive imported goth-loli clothes and would never be caught dead dating a white guy, the one who was always bragging about how she's going to Japan to meet her cool Japanese boyfriend... Just to know that she's likely being played by the Japanese equivalent of a "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" screaming /b/tard: some asshole VIPPER who spends his days bashing Koreans online, who's not really into anime but knows enough to fake it, and who's just gonna fuck her brains out and then tell everyone on 2ch about it... It just gives one a really nice warm feeling of great justice, deep down inside, know what I mean?

>> No.974541

Yes, but what about YOU and ME? What about US?! What are we gonna do?!

>> No.974542

Are you an idiot?

>> No.974545

How exactly is it justice, they're both getting what they want.

>> No.974546

another reason to suppress my power level.

>> No.974547

time to mix, go find some hairy brown indian girls or unshaved chinese girls

>> No.974548

Just wait until she's being stalk by VIPPERS left and right.

>> No.974549

Be satisfied with 2D girls, as any real otaku would?

Or if you get tired of that, there's always a population of "yellow cab" girls with a gaijin fetish hanging around at Japanese clubs.

Isn't cultural exchange grand?

>> No.974552

Can you scan the whole article?

>> No.974553

But if we did something like that the girls would go back to Japan and tell everyone how rough and abusive the foreign man is and find a lawyer from Jew town to sue us.

Oh wait that was white weeaboo girl.

>> No.974558

Thanks OP, you made a thread that is somewhat true to 4chan's spirit. I haven't been this amused in a while.

>> No.974563

Oh boy. I confessed to my buddy that I wanted a strong chinese army gal to be my wife and he looked at me really weird. Duuuuuuude.


>> No.974564

You know, it's kind of a pain in the ass, but this article is such awesome comedy gold that I think I'll take you up on that Anonymous. I'll leave it up to you to write out a complete English version though.

>> No.974566

When she was young she watched anime and she said to dad "I want to go to japan daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE STALK BY VIPPERS"

>> No.974571

I'd love me some strong chinese army girl.

>> No.974572

On some level I kind of feel sorry for the MySpace weeaboos. On the other, how many of your typical weeaboo will ever go to Japan, seems like a waste of time to me. You're better off trolling the typical foreigner-in-japan websites.

It does seem like the best way

>> No.974573

On some level I kind of feel sorry for the MySpace weeaboos. On the other, how many of your typical weeaboo will ever go to Japan, seems like a waste of time to me. You're better off trolling the typical foreigner-in-japan websites.

>> No.974574

Pic of army gal?

>> No.974575

Scan it!!

>> No.974576

We live this blessed land called America. It's full of WHORES WHORES WHORES

>> No.974579
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also army gals.

>> No.974580

China: Soldier
Korea: Officer
Japan: Comfort

>> No.974583

I don't know about you guys, but if I were in the army I would rather have the woman who can break shit with her bare hands rather than a skinny bimbo.

>> No.974595


What the heck is this? They're women, they're in the army, and they're hot?

When I was in the army, all the women there were land whales that couldn't have gathered stares from anyone else but the guys who hadn't had a leave for a while.

There's no way that's true. How about other anons who've been in the army. There weren't any hot girls in your unit were there... or the platoon either for that matter?

>> No.974601

the best part of this article is that I believe every word of it

>> No.974604

Even if all the accounts are made up I believe it too.

>> No.974608

I was lucky.

She was a fun gal. Wasn't a slut, even.
Creatures like her are rare.

>> No.974609

Scanned the article and posted it in /hr/.


>> No.974610

Land whale is the most common type. A few relatively cute ones have been sighted. One quite cute and damn petite one just arrived. Can't really see how she's gonna manage though (not enough brawn to carry her own equipment sack to boot).

>> No.974611

Even if it's all false and some kind of an elaborate troll, it's still so freakingly awesome. Goddamn awesome.

>> No.974615

>>974610 One quite cute and damn petite one just arrived.

You must be finnish, since the latest recruits shipped on monday.

Vittu mitä me kaikki tehdään 4chanissa. Minunkin pitäisi tehdä töitä nyt. Mutta ei. Selaan kuvalautoja.

>> No.974619

Awesome, thanks OP.

>> No.974629

She's gonna manage by getting raped to shit.

>> No.974630

Rama lama ding dong to you too my friend.

>> No.974631

>>974510 QFT!!!
>>974523 :(


>> No.974636

Too bad.

>> No.974637


Japfag. Finfag thanks you; This thread made my day.

>> No.974671

Lol complete bullshit. Enjoy your 12yr old yaoi fangirl with "her" black photos and myspace angles.

I hope you like talking about Sasunaru and Gravitation.

>> No.974675

Lol complete bullshit. Enjoy your 12yr old yaoi fangirl with "her" black/white photos and myspace angles.

I hope you like talking about Sasunaru and Gravitation.

>> No.974677

>Enjoy your 12yr old yaoi fangirl
Holy shit, I will.

>> No.974678

You didn't read the thread at all, did you?

>> No.974691


No I didn't, I only read the article parts but ask yourself this. Does anyone on 4chan actually read the entire thread?

>> No.974697


>> No.974704

Did you realize that the article was originally in Japanese...? If so, who is this "you" you're talking about? The massive Japanese audience of /jp/?

>> No.974713

Please leave.

>> No.974769
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postin in this hilarious thread

>> No.974804
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i found a pic of yoko

>> No.974813

Low standards are low.

>> No.974818
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Thanks for replacing my mental image of Seiba...

>> No.974823

She is moe~

>> No.974825
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>> No.974846

I doubt those otaku would hit that, just look at that skin

They could just get whores instead

>> No.974848

The guy must be fucking blind if this is the "cute" gaijin he is talking about.

>> No.974862


>> No.974880
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>> No.974882

She.. she has acne on her chest. I didn't even know that was possible.

>> No.974886

I bet she has it all over her back and thighs too.. THINK ABOUT IT!!

>> No.974888

I look more like a girl than she does.

>> No.974896

Pig-disgusting 3d women, welcome to the real world.

>> No.974903

I actually feel sorry for her.

>> No.974908

I was greatly amused.

>> No.974917


>> No.974920
File: 336 KB, 1920x1200, 1199227545523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too much to ask for an intelligent, engaging female with flawless skin, clear, beautiful eyes, long legs and an ample chest to approach me and ask if I'd like to get dinner? If it is, then I'll see you all in the afterlife.

>> No.974950

>As my friend had told me, that strange painful form of goth-loli fashion that would look like shit on a Japanese girl actually looks decent on her, she looks like a doll.

This is the ultimate highlight.

>> No.974960

>Is it too much to ask for an intelligent, engaging female with flawless skin, clear, beautiful eyes, long legs and an ample chest to approach me and ask if I'd like to get dinner? If it is, then I'll see you all in the afterlife.
>ample chest

tsk. flat is much more ℳℴℯ

>> No.974969

Thanks OP.

Genuine entertainment.

>> No.974986

Sup /jp/, I'm an asian weeaboo who doesn't live in Japan, but after reading this, I'm gonna try and go there to work for a year for shit and giggles while trying this. It may be the only chance in my life to get laid.

>> No.974989

>Is it too much to ask for an intelligent, engaging female with flawless skin, clear, beautiful eyes, long legs and an ample chest to approach me and ask if I'd like to get dinner?

Its not much to ask if you are an intelligent, succesful male with the body of Adonis, deep dark eyes, strong legs and an ample wallet.

>> No.974999

It's just so.. so..

>> No.975002

>ample wallet.

I chortled.

>> No.975010

How would you introduce your girlfriend to skincare products?

>> No.975021

Shit, my eyes are blue.

>> No.975024

Are you an ubermensch?

>> No.975030


>> No.975031

There are a lot of attractive asian girls in my area unfortunately they only crave white cock with blue eyes. ;_;

>> No.975092

>white cock with blue eyes. ;_;

They like reicock.jpg?

>> No.975097

Shes is cute, that is why they call her rei.

>> No.975106
File: 40 KB, 480x640, cute14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 14 year old weeaboo girl who likes visual kei

so,/jp/, would you hit it?

>> No.975112


She looks like a crackwhore. It's not like that would stop me though...

>> No.975116


>> No.975118

But we all know it's pretend. I'd her.

>> No.975119

at full force etc

>> No.975122

I wonder why this doesn't work in reverse with asian girl otakus, although I doubt I'm prepared for the unbridled horror awaiting me if it did.

>> No.975130


>> No.975147

Wouldn't the exact opposite work for american weeaboo dudes using mixi? You can always play pretend as well.

>> No.975154

What are we supposed to pretend to be?

>> No.975157


The typical amerikkkan normalfag?

>> No.975167

I'm not an American. Do I even have a chance? I live in one of those Commonwealth countries nobody cares about.

>> No.975169

This is fucking genius.

And in the end, aren't both parties happy (and a bit deluded)?

Thanks for the translations OP, this is what really /jp/ is about.

>> No.975175

The fucking collar pop guy.

>> No.975217


Me luetaan muiden kirjottamaa paskaa ja trollausta ja katellaan jos roskan seasta löytyisi niitä kivoja kuvia. Ei sillä etteikö muutkin kun suomalaiset tekisi samaa.


Is it too much to ask a cute, beautiful, deliciously flat-chested blonde girl who seems to be 17 to 19 years old and fights random foes with a longsword, wears ribbons, white collarshirts and occasionally nifty heavy armor to ask approach me and ask: "Anata wa... watashi no masutaa ka?"

>> No.975229

For all the people hoping that this works in reverse, you need to be white and have blonde hair. Blue eyes are a big help too.

As long as you take care of your hair properly(go ask on cgl or fit or fa or whatever), and aren't american fat, you should have literally no problems pulling off the reverse.

Just make sure you suppress your power level, and you should be good to go.

>> No.975239


Fail at typing

>> No.975250

They're a bit slow on the uptake, aren't they? This situation has been possible for at least 8 years now.

>> No.975251

is that Finnish?

>> No.975265


F-F-F-F-F-F-F-FUCK. I can't get pussy here and I can't be Charismatic Guy in Nippon?

>> No.975269

Charisma man desu?

>> No.975313

It's so great having a friend like that. The women all faun over him, and since we're almost always together, I get the leftovers.

>> No.975363

> leftovers
sloppy seconds

>> No.975370

Your point? Sometimes, leftovers can be even better than the first time you had them.

>> No.975373

I don't like people sticking and poking my meat.

>> No.975376

What's a matter, never had a threesome before.

>> No.975379

Y-Yeah. I've had plenty. W-What are you; a virgin?

>> No.975452

Hardly any sages.

>> No.975468

Haha, oh wow, me too.

>> No.975563


>> No.975580


>> No.975822

This is horrid. If she went through all the trouble to cosplay why not use a bra that will push up her cleavage and make it attractive. On top of that (pun intended) use some makeup to hide the acne.

Even if its all fake at least it would have made a half-way decent picture. Makeup is almost magical stuff.

My first (and only) girlfriend from high school was pretty without makeup, but when she wore one day I nearly died.

>> No.975863

Eurofag w. blond hair / blue eyes can win teh game ?

>> No.975893

But isn't it the common stereotype that Americans don't give a shit about the east. So why would someone who likes American culture be on a Japanese circle jerk network? Or would they not catch on.

>> No.975898

oh femanons from yesterday how do you feel about this. wanna go to japan to get a japanese ota boyfriend just to be treated as sex objects, get pregnant have a baby with an ota, and living a miserable life when you realize that what you did was a mistake, missing your family and your hometown.

>> No.975913


Stop it. Why do you want to ruin /jp/? Knock it off.

I knew this thread would degenerate into utter shit, but man was it awesome early on.

>> No.975914

probably not since it would make them more japanese.

>> No.975948

early on when nobody realizes that we will never get a girl to live a "happy" life with? or at least being normal?

>> No.976083

Fuck off.

>> No.976447

This is why I hate weeaboos

>> No.976496


>> No.977778

I lol'd

>> No.977821

Yes, this.

>> No.977833

already set to archive, nevermind

>> No.977870

Just some neo-/b/ faggots who refused to lurk.

>> No.977942

Thanks for the article OP, hilarious stuff.
Sage because thread is turning to shit.

>> No.979449


>> No.980940

This thread has destroyed my fantasies

>> No.980952


send this to /b/ then

>> No.980964
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