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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9742265 No.9742265 [Reply] [Original]

do any of you know any fun games you can 'waste' copious amounts of time on? i've been playing dungeon crawl: stone soup every day for the past 1.5 years and i don't enjoy it anymore because i've done everything in it.

please don't bully me.

>> No.9742274 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 600x648, 26602193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez anon you must have real deal autism if you played that for so long.

>> No.9742280

Castle of the Winds 1&2 if you can run them. They're free, just google them.


Chips challenge

STALKER series.

Now quit being a pussyass faggot and try them out!

>> No.9742282

I keep failing at that game congratz on beating all of it. Also good time wasting games can be almost anything, it all depend on what you type of games you like to play. There's plenty free games out there that you might like.

>> No.9742286 [DELETED] 

Also what is your favorite class/race op I'm curios.

>> No.9742292

centaur fighter

please dont bully

i have plenty of PS2 games like Disgaea i've always wanted to try but emulating PS2 games seems like it needs a very good computer. i've completed all STALKER games but clear sky which ran very poorly on my PC.

>> No.9742293

Also what is your favorite class/race op I'm curious. Also you might like disgea, you can get that to run on an emulator pretty easy.

>> No.9742296

Hmm how about dota(one not two) You can play that for free if using garena.

>> No.9742300

Multiplayer games like Dota, SC2 and League of Legends make me extremely anxious of doing badly and losing/being made fun off.

>> No.9742306

>i've done everything in it

Are you 78291? If not, go do a 267-rune run and then you can say that you've done everything in it.

>> No.9742307

dark souls

>> No.9742311

everything that doesn't require inhumane amounts of autism or luck. you can get an infinite amount of runes, doesn't make you better at the game.

>> No.9742332

I know the feeling, the minute I even start doing slightly well I find myself coming up with excuses to quit playing. Starcraft 2 was definitely one of the more severe examples, I'd win one game and be absolutely petrified about clicking the queue button.

>> No.9742353

this is exactly how I am. i'm very good at dota but i can't bring myself to play more than 1 game per day.

>> No.9742372

SC2 is so stressing to play. Because there's nobody to rely on, it's just you and your opponent, I can't take it easy like that.

It's only a stupid game as well, I don't know why I get so upset about losing, or it's the fear of losing.

>> No.9742389

EXVS if you like gundam and action game

>> No.9742405

Give FTL a try. It's probably not gonna last you months, but it must be the most addictive (and fun) game I've played in a long while. I'd also suggest fighting games but I suppose you would have the mindset as for other pvp games.
Cheers. I love hearing people being absurdly dedicated about something.

>> No.9742414

FTL barely lasts a day before you've done almost everything, 2 days if you want to unlock all the alternate ships and layouts.

>> No.9742416

I don't know why would you recommend FLT to someone who has probably spent a thousand hours playing a real roguelike.

>> No.9742429

I've spent about 16 hours on it and I only have 2 ships. I must be terrible or something.
Why not?

>> No.9742440

>>do any of you know any fun games you can 'waste' copious amounts of time on?

I wish me or someone else could help this dude out, I wanna play what hes playing. Right now I'm re-downloading fear combat for the 4th or 5th time but I know it can only hold me over for so long. Op there's games like Etrain Oddessy but I'm not sure if that's what your needing, sounds like you need something better.

>> No.9742445

>extremely anxious of doing badly
I had this too, but it went away after some 100 games or so. Only ever played the SC2 beta though.

Since we are on /jp/, how about reading VNs.

>> No.9742452

since you aren't from /jp/, how about fucking off

>> No.9742454

Stfu ect

>> No.9742460 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to derail the thread with your meta nonsense, shitposter.

>> No.9742471

Western video games seem to be otari as hell, fag boy.

>> No.9742474
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I feel bad about how this thread turned out, if only I could go back in time and suggest the perfect game for Op sooner.

>> No.9745223

Hentaiverse at exhentai, I guess.

>> No.9745233

that fucking game
i autismed on that for more than 40,000 hours
waiting warmly for 2006scape to be released now

>> No.9745246

I spent 2500+ hours on this one shitty online shooter, and I don't have anything to show for it.

It wasn't even particularly enjoyable, it was just something I did to waste time like you say.

Please, try to find a constructive hobby that will help you learn new skills or improve yourself as a person.

>> No.9745251

sengoku rance was one.

>> No.9745252

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

>> No.9745254

Dwarf Fortress

Especially if you mod

>> No.9745255

>waiting warmly for 2006scape to be released now
whats that?

>> No.9745258
File: 95 KB, 660x660, 19288265_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*comments seppuku*

>> No.9745271

Remake of runescape exactly how it was on may 15 2006, so before all of the shitty shit updates were released. Alpha's out this month.

>> No.9745281

Wow, that site layout is really bringing back a lot of old memories. I had a lot of fun playing 03-06.

>> No.9745292


>> No.9745317
File: 67 KB, 900x600, my erect cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have lots of fun fellating me.

>> No.9745318


>> No.9745321

Sengoku Rance is an easy 5 playthroughs if you are bored enough. Rance Quest is easy to play without translation but I'm not sure it'd last you more than a week or two. Aselia takes ages because of the slow gameplay, and has a lot of routes.

If you didn't play semi-roguelike Elona yet, Elona+ (adds South Tyris and a zillion new things) came out and added a huge amount of hours to it.

Lots of autists who need to waste time play Minecraft, I didn't like it at all myself, could try Dwarf Fortress too.

In an hours-wastable list: Dwarf Fortress / Elona > Longer VN-games like Rance7/8, Eien no Aselia; Not sure where Minecraft would go, depends on your tier of autism probably.

>Castle of the Winds 1&2 if you can run them. They're free, just google them.

Manticores scarred me for life.

It's worth a look I think, pretty amusing little game. But definitely doesn't fit the bill of "Can I play this for 500 hours?"

>> No.9745329

Maple Story was always there for me when I wanted to achieve countless hours on pointless shit.

Now it has Steam support. Feelsgoodman

>> No.9745339

uncensor it and stop being nip u turbonerdlord

>> No.9745352

Mount & Blade might get you for a month or longer, depending on how autistic you are.

>> No.9745356

Dynasty/Orochi/Samurai Warriors

>> No.9745401
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, BaldursGate2_03_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until you find your game, i highly recommend:

Baldur's Gate 2: Shadow of Amn

Its one of the best games i have ever played. it has over 150 hours of gameplay.

>> No.9745483
File: 233 KB, 587x628, Entry32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Korean version lets you be the little magical girl.


Wake me up when either JMS or GMS get it.

>> No.9745488

was responding to
