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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 826x546, JapaneseGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9739134 No.9739134 [Reply] [Original]

Phobias come from events that we cannot erase from our memories.

Do you recall the event which caused your social phobia?

>> No.9739150

Only nerds and spergs have social phobia

>> No.9739152

Home and school.

>> No.9739166

When the dark man touched me.

>> No.9739168
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Being born with low Extraversion under the Big Five model of personality.

>> No.9739175 [DELETED] 

I haven't been afraid of getting onto air planes until recent years? What could have possibly triggered that if I have never been in a plane crash or anything?

>> No.9739176

I have thanatophobia and I don't think it'll come off.

It is the worst, you seriously can't deal with it.

>> No.9739184

Why are you scared of something you will never perceive?

>> No.9739179



>> No.9739192

My parent's divorce and Bullying in school

>> No.9739220 [DELETED] 

I was born with it.

>> No.9739216

I'm only afraid of weird shit my mind imagines and not even that well. Like creepy things being in the shadows. More of just an overactive imagination than an actual phobia though.

>> No.9739225
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>Phobias come from events that we cannot erase from our memories.

A lot of people have a phobia of generic alien looking faces. What's up with that?

>> No.9739221

Because the fear consists of being afraid of never doing anything in life. And before you say it, I'm not a typical /jp/sie truNEET.

>> No.9739233

This for me too. It wasn't a clean divorce at all; at least 7 years of physical and verbal abuse to my mother that I couldn't stop because I was only a little shota (7-14). Fuck.

>> No.9739242

I have simple social anxiety and developed maladaptive daydreaming because of it.

>> No.9739243

But if you live your life the way you want there should be no regrets. There is no higher purpose.. The only purpose is the one you set for yourself.

>> No.9739268
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Was made fun of at a hair salon by everyone working there, had to sit through the torture the entire time my hair was being done. currently I have anxiety about social situations, fear of rejection, fears of negative judgement, hatred of authority, extreme distrust of strangers, and hatred of people who work in the hair industry.

>> No.9739264

No regrets? I don't want to die a virgin or not being able to travel outside my country.

>> No.9739272

then fucking do those things, what are you waiting for?

>> No.9739284

Being born with high Extraversion under the Big Five model of personality, but being ugly and stupid.
I'm more extroverted than social, but I have trouble thinking how others might think.. All in all, imagine an annoying, energetic adhd non-sequitur character, but instead of being a cute girl I'm a deformed, buttfaced retard.

'Tis not a recipe for a happy childhood.

I'm pretty succesfully working on getting over it, though.

>> No.9739280

Having money, maybe?

>> No.9739289

Just shave your head. Do many people even see you? If you still go to shops or whatever, wear a hat.
I do this once a month and it has changed my life.

Alternatively, get one of those self hair trimmer things. They're like circular blades (with adjustable guards) that you basically rub over your head and it cuts it.

>> No.9739293

Don't need money to have sex and you can leave the country any time you want by bus etc

>> No.9739306

>you can leave the country any time you want by bus etc
I have no idea where you live but it's not that easy for everyone
Not the person from earlier

>> No.9739309

How do you arrive to an island by bus? What fun is there in a country with no money?
And when you're ugly, you can only have sex by having money.

>> No.9739316

my head looks terrible shaved. I'm the type of person who needs longer hair.

>> No.9739318

Hey, it's me.

It's not that I particularly dislike socializing or that I'm even that bad at it--I can appear confident and charming in "bursts"--but I'm terribly ugly-looking and pretty irritating. My self-esteem has been whittled down and I've been moulded into some annoying character who I don't even enjoy being. As a kid, I would fit in as the "class clown" by humiliating myself for laughs, which did actually earn me friends, but I hated every second of it.

>> No.9739319

I had a crush on a 3DPD classmate when I was a wee elementary school lad. Somehow she found out and confronted me about it.

The look of pure disgust on her face pierced my soul, leaving me emotionally crippled ever since

>> No.9739328

I have atychiphobia.
If you can't be at the top, you might as well be at the bottom.

>> No.9739333

I don't have any, that I know of. I hate africans though, probably because I hung out with black people and they all hated africans, so I thought I was supposed to.

>> No.9739347

But that's wrong you fucking retard. Phobias are the exact opposite, they are irrational fears, not based to an incident or reason.

At least try to troll properly.

>> No.9739350
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I was "home schooled" till I was 13 because my parents wanted to live off in the middle of no where. Only social skills I learned were from the one Pokemon game I had, sometimes I would even pretend that characters in the game were my girlfriend.

After that my ocd got bad and I just gave up.

>> No.9739354
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>social phobia

>> No.9739361
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crippling social phobia because typical high school life was traumatizing.

no desire to work or be productive because constantly being berated by my parents as a kid made me doubt my abilities to accomplish anything on my own and feeling useless and depressed whenever I think of trying.

no ability or desire to socialize because all my experiences with people thus far have been kind of shit.

aversion to romantic relationships because I'd feel bad for the other person having to be with someone like me.

this is probably normal for /jp/ though

>> No.9739366

This is what I couldn't handle. This is why I never took any risks. Hell, when I was 15, a girl flirted me. She told me she liked me. After months, she was being pretty explicit that I should ask her out. She obviously wasn't going to refuse, but I still panicked like hell, and then it was the most awkward asking-out ever. Five seconds of stammering "w-w-will you be my girlfriend?", ten seconds of awkward kissing, then about half an hour of forced apologies. We never so much as held hands again, and we broke up a week later.

Even if everything went right for me, I wouldn't want it. There's a great episode of Red Dwarf where the crew play a virtual reality game called "Better Than Life" which gives the players whatever they want. Rimmer, the neurotic one, gets all meta and ends up putting himself in situations he hates or is afraid of. That is exactly what would happen to me.

>> No.9739375

That's not too bad.

Mine treated it as a joke, and told the whole class, by writing it on the board.

Fucking women, you can't trust any of them.

>> No.9739390


>> No.9739405

I'd like to think I was a smart lad. I would have crushes like that but I always told myself that those feelings were retarded and that I should just ignore them.

Worked out pretty well I would like to think.

>> No.9739404

While we're all blogging, I feel like everyone is better than me, but I'm also a bit of a misanthropist. Can anyone relate?

>> No.9739425

My autism was triggered by an incident involving OP sucking my cock, dude.

Check dese dubs.

>> No.9739423

I was constantly made fun of throughout elementary school. I was a strange kid that was very gullible and kids would advantage of that. During middle school, I stopped talking to kids all together, and then in high school, people started liking me for no reason, but none of them were my friends. No one wanted to be my friend, so I didn't want to be their friend.

>> No.9739441

I have money, I have a career in nuclear maintenance, I have been deemed talented with my musical abilities and been offered sponsorship by a model agent; yet here I am playing VNs in my spare time and drinking myself to sleep every night as a virgin. I don't know what went wrong, but it must have been crazy to throw me this far.

>> No.9739443

You are an unlucky trio. When I was 17 (still relatively normal) I could make girls like me even being at best a 4.5/10.
It's absurd, you just have to have an immense tolerance, give good advice while looking them in the eyes and leaning a bit forward and being silent, serious and when joking, keep a serious face. That's it! That's all there is to it! And if you claim that you're asexual, that works too. Oh god did that work. There was a memorable one, a first year loli-ish girl with gorgeous, unmatched blond hair and green eyes that I wanted more than my next breath.

I never got her. She was terribly impossible, brutally difficult in any way. I think she is still single since she was 12. I hope that it wasn't a trauma or something of the like. Yeah, I noticed this was a blog post.

I got my social phobia after shutting in for 2 years, year one was NEETing and year two was borderline-hikki. People had changed and being a dick was the new cool, so I eventually got scared as shit. It is funny how it turned out.

>> No.9739510

Some kids at kindergarden told me that huge black witch moths were poisonous, I totally believed them, the next day proceded to terrorize with a dead one they found.

To this day they make me cringe.

>> No.9739569

I can understand not getting on with other people well but I don't understand social phobia in the context of a /jp/ poster. Who cares what normals think about you?

>> No.9739572

Well, two events really:

I was severely bullied in middle school because I looked feminine. Of course, thinking that the only way to escape was to do what the normals do, I started trying to change myself to fit their image: working out, haircut, new clothes, trying to make friends etc. I eventually got friends, and was relatively happy compared to how god awful middle school was, but just as I was about to call my transformation a success, my anxiety struck back.

I had severe and recurring panic attacks, mainly because I had a fear of public embarrassment due to the bullying, and nothing terrified me more than using public restrooms and not making it. I remember the exact time that it happened, I was just dozing off, thinking about summer (it was the end of my junior year) and looking at a girls bookbag, when it struck me really hard out of nowhere.

It got so bad that I had to take 3 months off school; well, I lied and said that the hemorrhoids I had at the time were hurting too much. But that year was the worst year of my life. I eventually lost my so called "friends" and had to deal with depression along with the panic attacks. They eventually got more generalized so facing my fears, which I eventually did, did not and is not going to help.

Thank god that I now have another /jp/sie who deals with the exact same shit that I do for support. Without him I wouldn't be able to make it.

>> No.9739573

>Who cares what normals think about you?
Both people with social phobia and normal people.

The number of people who seriously do not give a shit what anybody thinks about the is not that high.

>> No.9739583

I think courting and socialising is one of those things you either "get" or you don't. At various points in my life, I have been charismatic and successful, but I've always lacked the self-esteem to see anything through. What's nice about pursuing women is that there's two-way feedback--you say something good, she reacts nicely, it boosts your confidence, you say more good things. Or, you say something bad, you've learned something. There's not all that much "figuring out" going on.
Still, I never got the fundamentals. People are weird, and sometimes you're just not emotionally or mentally equipped to deal with a conversation, flirting, or even a relationship.

>> No.9739589

Am I the only one who has never tried to approach females at all? I don't even know why I haven't. I talked about this with my loser nerd friends when I was a bit over 20 and they outright refused to believe me. They all said that they certainly had tried which was completely surprising.

>> No.9739591

My mother was a psychotic bitch, frenzies, suicide threats and all. Nothing good can come out of that.

I'd like to think /jp/ would make a good community if we were forced to live close to each other in real life.
Most of my fear is triggered by loudmouthed bastards speaking rudely. /jp/-town could be all friendly and we'd speak politely.

>> No.9739598

I wouldn't describe myself as socially phobic now, but I've worked hard for a long time to get where I am now - barely functional. I think it all started off in 4th grade. It was the first time I had no friends, and these kids literally told me not to play with them. It was a small incident really, but my gut still tells me that people don't like me around, so I make myself scarce. I'm not a bad looking guy or anything, but not wanting to impose on anyone cripples you socially - not just with girls but with getting invited to places, getting a job, and reaching out to make friends.

>> No.9739603

I'd wager a lot of people are shut-ins because of what normals think about them. That's not to say we're living our lives because of normalfag standards, otherwise we wouldn't have the hobbies we do, but how many people here would go out in their lucky Milky Holmes T-shirt and a skirt? The way I see it, there are two options: you either go out, embrace your weirdness, and become some quirky annoying fucktard who probably has a blog about how strange and nerdy you are; or, you stick to yourself and enjoy your life without others interfering.

>> No.9739605

/jp/ is full of loud-mouthed whiny entitled autists, what board have you been browsing?

>> No.9739607

I never have, either. Fear of rejection, didn't know what to say, wasn't even particularly interested. A few females approached me though, and you can only bluff playing it cool for so long.

>> No.9739614

What board have you been browsing?

>> No.9739620
File: 409 KB, 850x1045, 1330017170271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, just WAIT. Did you honestly call me a bastard? Are you trying to start shit with me? You're a pretty cheeky little cunt, you know that? I can't fucking stand cheeky cunts. I fucking swear if you try to sound smart again and I kid you not I will floss your brain with my cock you piece of shit

>> No.9739622
File: 125 KB, 924x572, 1341159827122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.9739629

This is why I generally avoid otaku communities in real life.

>> No.9739636


Everyone has a different idea of what looks good though.

>> No.9739633

But I'm not even ugly. I look like Shii.

>> No.9739637
File: 140 KB, 600x800, IMG_4490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat Shii or Avery Shii?
Because Avery is kawaii as fuck.

>> No.9739645


Also, http://www.faceresearch.org/ for some fun toys and studies.

>> No.9739647

I like to believe the retarded autists are a minority, while the true /jp/ people are polite, if maybe ignorant, gentlemen.

I tried to approach one last year. Extremely cute girl. For each bit of motivation I had to move forward, there was a ton of anxiety and autism pushing me down. Didn't end well.
Aside from her, I haven't really had any motives to "approach" women. Metal on their faces, whore ink on their skin, annoying loud voices; that covers most of the females today, and I can't really make myself like that.
Of course there's a lot of anxiety, but the incentives aren't exactly decent.

>> No.9739664

>I like to believe the retarded autists are a minority, while the true /jp/ people are polite, if maybe ignorant, gentlemen.

Would I be proving or disproving your point if I asked you stop abusing the words "autist" and "autism"?

>> No.9739660

They usually have to approach me but I kind of wish they wouldn't because it seems like only ugly or weird girls want to talk to me.

Except this ELD girl in high school who gave me a box of chocolates on valentines day. She was kind of cute and it was just like my Japanese animes.

Then again I had a girlfriend for most of my high school years so I never really needed to approach anyone.

>> No.9739662


I'm not referring to facial attractiveness so much as clothing and haircuts and whatnot.

>> No.9739666

What about all those ugly as sin philosophers and musicians and scientist?? I bet you'd suck off a serial killer just because he looks good too, huh? Fuck off, vapid stealth normal.

>> No.9739675


I never tried, but I never really cared enough to try. I spent more attention to playing video games.

>> No.9739673

Well, at least that's mutable. And fashion decides most of that for us. There are safe zones that'll do you in any situation. Jeans, nice shirt, short to medium length hair. If some girl will only love you if you have long hair, then she doesn't love you for you, she loves you for your hair. Shave your head bald and kick her out of your life.

>> No.9739682
File: 566 KB, 1254x1730, dbros1001-r14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thuggish bully girls like this

>> No.9739678

There's an exception in the rule if you're top class at what you do.

>> No.9739680 [DELETED] 

Not being fat is also a big thing, especially for nerds.

>> No.9739681

I'd suck off a serial killer, then sell the story to the tabloid press. You're not thinking economically, Anon.

>> No.9739686


It sucks, because my hairline is receding.

>> No.9739690

>What about all those ugly as sin philosophers and musicians and scientist??
Huh? I can't remember any.

>> No.9739694

Or a girl.


>> No.9739692

She doesn't look like a thug or a bully.

>> No.9739696

Don't misuse the spoiler function

>> No.9739699

Depends on the way of asking, of course.

But really, it's a comfortable word to use; at least around here. I wouldn't use it like that in real life, but in /jp/ we all know what it refers to and there isn't another word with quite the same nuances.

>> No.9739702

I don't have a phobia, I just never learned how to do it, due to total introversion, and thus now cannot convincingly partake in it. There is also no way to learn, as there's no way to practice, due to people getting angry at me doing it wrong, unless I go through some ridiculous group, or something.

If I had the money, I'd completely cut myself off from ever having to talk to anyone, ever again.

>> No.9739716

Who do you have to talk to? You can get everything delivered. The only thing I can think of is if you have a serious medical problem, in which case you'll have to call a doctor over or visit a clinic or hospital.

>> No.9739711

I never have. I only seem to be attracted to people who I am not "objectively" interested in dating (i.e. I'm aware that we're pretty much incompatible). I wait out the feelings, because acting on them would just cause a mess.

>> No.9739720

So, who else irrationally hates women simply because they've had sex? Because I sure do.

>> No.9739724

Socrates, Jean-Paul Sartre that dude from the Rolling Stones and the midget from Rafiohead. There's tons more, just look around the subjects.

>> No.9739725

Looks stop being about looks when the person opens his mouth for the first time.

>> No.9739734


Have to earn money some how.

My parents aren't an option as weren't exactly impressed with me not "growing out of it" and not becoming a flourished socialite upon hitting adulthood.

Currently forcing myself through university, I've developed some pretty good methods for avoiding talking to people. Will probably do a suicide when I can no longer milk education, unless I win the lottery, or something.

>> No.9739740

>I wait out the feelings
Could you give them to me, please? I think I've found my problem.

>> No.9739742


Not really.

Attractive people can get away with doing and saying things that unattractive people never could.

>> No.9739751

It's all about first impressions, though.

>> No.9739762

Butthurt uggo detected. Just because philosophers were smart doesn't mean they weren't shitty people.

>> No.9739768

Maybe if you have to "win" a new interaction.

>> No.9739772

Come again?

>> No.9739776

You're right, they were great people.

>> No.9739784

Being born ugly

>> No.9739785

That tends to continue until you've had it yourself.

>> No.9739801

This. It's funny people assume that everyone tries their best in the first encounter. It's not some universal truth of human interaction. Instead, it's a business concept that has been sold to people over the years.

>> No.9739814

I can't get interested in people, especially in the romantic sense.

>> No.9739810

I don't ever recall anything in particular that has traumatized me. I just hate making friends because, in my experience, they leave you once they're bored of you.

>> No.9739818

People don't overthink things like that. If their first impression is "wow, you're kind of a cunt" they immediately jump the conclusion "you're a cunt." They don't go the long way around and think "he was doing his best to be likable, but he came off as a cunt - he must really be a cunt deep down."

>> No.9739832

I do and most of my friends do. Especially old people do. It's probably a cultural thing.

>> No.9739835

Socrates was literally a homosexual, so he doesn't count

>> No.9739840

Psychologists agree[citation needed] that first impressions really do matter. Everything branches out from that first moment. If someone is smiling or frowning when you first meet them, you're going to think of them as warm/happy or cold/sad for a long time, even if you quickly learn the opposite. It's a hard thing to shake.

>> No.9739844

I'm terrified of ever achieving anything because of the expectations that would follow it.

>> No.9739845

Why don't you guys just find an nice female language exchange partner, make an impression of being slightly normal, meet up and build your social and romantic skills that way? Japanese people are naturally more introverted and you'll be forgiven for acting awkwardly because of the language and cultural barriers, plus the fact that you're a priori interesting to them.

That's what I did anyway.

>> No.9739847


>> No.9739852

I think I lost the thing that makes talking to people feel good.

It was never common, but I remember, on occasion, I'd feel good and just want to say words to people, usually when talking to my Dad in the car, but that stopped. I just feel nothing but the negatives from it.

Foods and drugs that are meant to illicit positive mental changes don't work either. The only thing that does feel good is being by myself, and knowing that state can continue for a long time.

>> No.9739853

I was a big overachiever as a kid, I got a little cocky, now I'm stupid and I don't know anything. I prefer it this way, there's way less pressure.

>> No.9739859

Of course they matter, but how much? As was mentioned in >>9739832 , it would be interesting to know how much variance there is between cultures.

>> No.9739866

My brother had his friend's dog attack me when I was 4. I was scared of dogs for a while but I don't care anymore.

>> No.9739874

Well, I don't know a lot about this (I think I used to), but I imagine they matter quite a lot. Certainly more than most other encounters.

Think of it like a movie trailer. They shove in all the action and hype up the best parts, because you only have a short while to sell this film to people. Sometimes I wonder if people are disappointed that the whole movie isn't as fast-paced and action packed as the trailer or taglines suggest, but I think I'm giving normals too little credit. I have far more ADD than they do.

>> No.9739875

My parents beat me.

>> No.9739878
File: 40 KB, 500x500, anime question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what

>> No.9739882

I have neither. At first I was afraid, but eventually I just didn't care anymore.
Too much of a bother, I'd rather ply video games and wtch anime.

>> No.9739886

I'm at the point where I hate women looking at me or being near me. My fault, but I can't help it. I can't be vulnerable.

>> No.9739899

I once was joking around with friends back in my freshman year of high school at my house.

Trying to be funny as a spare of the moment thing I pulled up my pants up to my belly button and said "I'm Steve Urkel" as I did that my zipper was unknowingly undone and my dick came out.
The two of them laughed and pointed and said "It's so small!!"
That could have been the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. I am surprised it wasn't awkward as fuck after it happened.

I don't think this caused my social phobia though, I just became a lot more quiet over the years. It's like I just got progressively worse as time went.

I realize now that I am actually of average size.

>> No.9739907

Fuck bitches. I'd rather play games.

>> No.9739918

People saw my tiny penis too, so I know how you feel.


Couple of great documentaries about penises.

>> No.9739912

I once shat into a hotel pool with diarrhea.

>> No.9739913

Exactly. Nobody will ever expect anything of you because they already know you're not going to do it.

>> No.9739916

My parents kept me locked indoors all the time and beat me and told me not to talk to anyone. I also wasn't allowed to talk with my friends afterschool.

My younger siblings have it worse since now they're homeschooled on top of it.

>> No.9739921

You are not alone anon, you are not alone.
Not once have I even tried to woo a girl.

Some other girl's told me that "this or that" person had a crush on me. I never made a move. ;_;

>> No.9739923

I can barely stay coherent in my own language, talking to a foreign stranger would be a trainwreck.

>> No.9739924

>because you only have a short while to sell this film to people
Exactly. This is why I'm always extremely eager to "overthink" if I know that I'm going to see the person a lot. So many people overgeneralize the whole thing.

>> No.9739932

This thread reeks of /r9k/

>> No.9739941


>> No.9739945

All of the times I've made a fool of myself. I need to let go of the past, but it's hard.

>> No.9739959

Interesting, like I said though, I don't have a small penis. Just barely under 7inch
I'm a grower, not a show er.

>> No.9739976

Then you probably have an above average penis, depending on your race. Everyone grows a few inches online, though.

Those kids probably just said that because it was the expected, schaudenfreudey thing to do, or puberty hadn't performed its magic yet. Either way, at least you get to feel okay about it.

>> No.9739986

There were a few girls I had mad crushes on in high school but I didn't even talk to them. If I asked them out I probably would have succeeded too. The thought of not alienating my nerd ass friends appealed to me more than having a girlfriend though, and I don't regret it.

>> No.9739990

I was the target of bullying in elementary school. My mom worked as a teacher at the school I went to, and since the other teachers didn't like her, they were also pretty cold to me, and never made any attempts to stop the bullies.

In my first year of middle school, I felt that in order to counter being the target of bullies again, I should become a bully myself. After realizing how shitty it feels to be mean to people, I stopped, and then became the target again.

I stopped interacting with people all together once I got into high school, and while people did tease me for about half a year because of my quietness, they soon got bored with me and stopped. That made the final three years of high school the best of my school life.

I don't really fear people, I just don't like being around them. Home has always been the best place for me.

>> No.9739994

>in school
>red alert, your dick has been spotted
>lol its so fucking small anon!
>i didn't even have a stiffy and they were still judging

Fuck you I'll greentext all i want

>> No.9739995

Yeah, its just how it is in highschool.
Everybody has the biggest dick.

>> No.9740000

There were a lot of girls that liked me. By that time I was already into 2D though.
Why not just fight the bullies?

>> No.9740002

>"it's foreshortening and also penises so inside you a bit and also it's fat"
>all the fat kids whip out their flaccid dicks at the same angle
>they're all twice the size of yours

>> No.9740007

>I was the target of bullying in elementary school. My mom worked as a teacher at the school I went to, and since the other teachers didn't like her, they were also pretty cold to me, and never made any attempts to stop the bullies.
That sounds too barbaric to be true. Maybe they just didn't care about bullies in general?

>> No.9740011

>all the fat kids whip out their dicks
You a fucking faggot or something kid?

>> No.9740012

How do I get 1000$ in one week?

with no drugs and cocks involved

>> No.9740009

I'd love to have been the attractive, popular kid who wards off bullies. I knew a few guys like that and everyone loved them because they were brave and mature and stuff. I tried a few times, and I just made a tit of myself.

>> No.9740018


>> No.9740021

That's what they said too, because I kept looking at their cocks.

Where else was I supposed to look? ;_;

>> No.9740022

>with no drugs and cocks involved
But then where's the fun?

>> No.9740023

I have a very strong desire to be liked, and have a really high level of energy that made me an outcast in the upper-class yuppie culture into which I was born. I had few friends as a kid, so I lost motivation to do anything social really. I also cried all the time as a kid, clear through until high school, when people picked on me, because I never learned how to deal with that sort of thing.

Then I went to college, alpha'd up, and became president of the coolest frat on my campus. Feels good man. Social phobia=gone.

>> No.9740024

>>all the fat kids whip out their flaccid dicks at the same angle
I don't know why but this made me laugh real hard

>> No.9740031

I have several birth defects that make it pretty difficult for me to well in anything that involves physical activity. That was actually one of the main reasons I got bullied so much.

My mom was beautiful back then and was always really nice to everyone. The teachers only paid any attention to when she was nice to me though, so they assumed I was receiving special treatment from her. That seemed to really piss them off. Plus, almost all of the teachers at that school were either old or fat, so I think they were jealous of her.

>> No.9740046
File: 293 KB, 600x3031, average life of an anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bullied mercilessly when I was in middle school. All my bullies gone on to live better and successful lives while I'm a shut-in posting on /jp/ everyday.

>> No.9740042

>chick with low self-esteem
>blah blah blah ugly and stupid blah blah

You sound hot. If I lived near you I'd probably bang you.

>> No.9740056


Pardon me, but where is that from?

>> No.9740051

Everyone was stealthy as fuck in my school.
Though we only really had to get naked after swimming class, which I only had in middle school.

>> No.9740053

Oh, well I was talking about the past anyways.
I haven't had those feels since before /jp/ was created.

>> No.9740058

nearly dying from heat stroke, getting lost walking home cause everyone absolutely refused to drive

nearly dying of heat stroke, bike ran out of fuel in the middle of nowhere when i was at my uncle's farm

getting my drink spiked at a legal convention and being told i was lucky i was alive

drug addict friend tried to gouge my eye out and cause permanent damage

bullying to, i guess. people are pretty sociopathic

finally, getting super drunk at a pub cause i was lonely and getting bought drinks by a 50 year old gay guy and not remembering anything after and waking up in a garden outside mcdonalds.

buddhism has helped though, otherwise i just would have ended it.

>> No.9740059

I'm a guy.

>> No.9740060
File: 121 KB, 473x700, tumblr_lrp9qwxh1h1qll1ago1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raped and severely beaten by my grandfather every day for about five years, I'm still a nervous wreck about when he does get released from prison because he swore he'd come after me if I had told anyone. (It was painfully obvious something was happening anyways) I absolutely hate doctors. I have many scars from him and I need to wear big clothes all the time even when it is hot. I'm sure my social aloofness derives from those five years and me reacting to it by holing up in my room. I can't look people in the eyes and I have a stutter when I talk so I just tend not to talk. When people do address me they're usually making fun of me.

>> No.9740062


>> No.9740066

>The teachers only paid any attention to when she was nice to me though, so they assumed I was receiving special treatment from her. That seemed to really piss them off. Plus, almost all of the teachers at that school were either old or fat, so I think they were jealous of her.
It doesn't take much professionalism to be above that kind of crap. But then again, I'm not very familiar with intra-female relationships at workplaces so what would I know.

>> No.9740069


Did he put it in the pooper?

Did you experience the pleasure of being cummed inside?

>> No.9740075

Everybody wanted my anus

>> No.9740076



>> No.9740078

In high school, I had a crush on a cute girl in one of my classes. She stood up for me once when some kids were pushing me around so I thought she liked me back. She also had the same off period as me. Whenever she came into the library, I would marvel at the graceful and all-around lovely way she carried herself. I didn't know how to tell her that I liked her. I called her once, and asked her for a homework assignment that I'd already done, just because I loved it when she spoke to me.

Then she wrote me a note telling me to stop stalking her, and that she'd get the administration involved if I didn't. I had never done anything of the sort, and the fact that she believed I had any desire at all to harm her fucked up my psyche for the rest of high school.


>> No.9740083

I remember a certain event well, but I'm not sure it's caused my social phobia as much as it has made me want to become a little girl.

Some kids bullied me on a hill one time and said that I 'wasn't one of the boys'. I think they were probably going to rip off my clothes and rape me or something but fortunately one guy stood up for me while I was too busy crying to do shit about it. I returned the favour to him. Unfortunately we have not spoken in about 5 years and I've no idea where he is.

Either way it sunk in made me feel uncomfortable around men. I guess that's a one-way social phobia?

>> No.9740084

same shit different toilet

>> No.9740087

>drug addict friend tried to gouge my eye out and cause permanent damage

Are you serious?
May I ask you to elaborate on this story?

>I can't look people in the eyes and I have a stutter when I talk

Anon so Kawaii

>> No.9740088


>raped as a child

If you're a female, you probably were asking for it.

If you're a guy, that shit sucks ;_;

>> No.9740090

That sounds terrible. I'm sorry.

>> No.9740091

If you are a girl I want you to know that I wish I knew you because I have a soft spot for that.

if you are a guy I wish I knew you too just not romantically

>> No.9740101

Ice fucking burn dawg.
That really hurts.
I'm sorry for you.

>> No.9740103

ahh, well he'd started using cocaine instead of the usual 'pingers' (i think that was LSD, i have never used so it's all greek to me), and we were both drunk but he was drinking rum straight out the bottle.

long story short, we argued and he flipped out. i don't need to wear an eyepatch or anything, i just don't have full vision in that eye.

>> No.9740109


/jp/ wants to know!


>> No.9740114


>> No.9740118

Guy or girl?

*whips out dick*

>> No.9740121
File: 18 KB, 223x167, office-space-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined a club today, and there was a big cake on the table; plastic utensils and plates were stacked up, and people were taking pieces. I went up and asked a guy if it was for everyone; he just replied by taking another piece of cake. So I decide to grab myself a piece, and one of the club leader's lieutenants pulled the cake platter away and two or three members gave me a "What are you doing?" face.

I hate the What are you doing face.

>> No.9740125

is this kopipe?

>> No.9740131

Are you the guy in your picture?

>> No.9740132

You should murder them. When you explain to the police, they'll think, "They had it coming."

>> No.9740150

I come from a small town (under 10k inhabitants) and everyone kinda knows each other.

But my father was due to his profession one of the most famous people in town. He had an accident once and became addicted to the pain killers and nearly went to prison. The judge ruled that it was the doctors problem of giving him too much of them.

Everyone in school started to bully me. I was 6 at that time and had a really hard basic school.

My only hobbies were reading and playing in my nearby forest.

It got better later on, but this is now 20 years ago and I just got beaten up this weekend by one guy and he still called me "sun of a drug addict" (In a different way though)

>> No.9740167

>you probably were asking for it.
This is what pedos actually believe.

>> No.9740182
File: 38 KB, 508x737, thatwasntsubteatall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this
>in /jp/
Sorry to break the bubble guys, but this was just a phantasy posted by one guy to make you horny.

>> No.9740186

Who let /v/ in?

>> No.9740188

Who the hell would get horny from that?

>> No.9740191

>almost dying
bitch bitch bitch. I almost died of frostbite while hitchhiking through Iceland, and it did wonders for my self-esteem. Also it gives me something interesting to talk about at parties, and bitches love an intrepid indiana jones type.

>> No.9740197

this story has depressed me.

you are probably entitled to shoot/stab him at this point, he's going to be even older now though so you might not even need those.

>> No.9740198


/v/ pls go.

>> No.9740201




>> No.9740209


>> No.9740212

That's really an awful thing to say.

>> No.9740215


>> No.9740230

were you lost? the problem for me was that there were people that cared, but all the caring/loving in the world wasn't going to save me.

i don't know, it hurt me. at least your flirt with death was interesting.

>> No.9740238

Thanks bruh. I'm a senior in college now and just starting to get over the fact that girls don't think I'm going to rape them every time I look their way. I'm even starting to go on dates and hook up. Feels good man. What's your story?

>> No.9740243

You are still going to high school and browse /jp/?

Please stop. Not for the sake of this board, but for the sake of your life.

You only waste your time here.
Go outside instead. You still have the chance.

I want you to have a good life

>> No.9740249

>A lot of people have a phobia of generic alien looking faces


I love watching ancient aliens or anything that has to do with aliens. But the fucking greys scare the fuck out of me. Some days I'll wake up in the middle of the night and hide under my sheets(although I always do this) thinking there are grey aliens in my house looking through my shit. I have and usually just stay under my blankets in fear of looking at ones face. I have had times when I would stay under the covers for more than 3 hours. Of course I have worked on it recently and can just motivate myself to just look around my room and then turn the lights on.

>> No.9740258

No, I was just trapped in a blizzard and hours from the nearest town. I actually got saved by a satanist who by pure coincidence grew up in my town and went to my high school.

So did people just abandon you out there? It was my own stupidity that got me into my situation, but it would've really hurt if people had meant to do it.

>> No.9740270

A lot of stories of Greys can be attributed to those owls.

There is one very famous one where a guy saw a Grey alien in his window at night, got out his shotgun and shot at it, but the bullets went trought its body against the next house behind it.

Then they Grey dissapeared.
It was just a owl chilling in front of the window and this was the story that started the whole Grey mythos

>> No.9740279

Pretty much this. It's not a very interesting prospect, though sometimes I do wonder what kissing/sex/etc. feel like. Then I go back to vidya and anime.

In the end it's not just worth it in today's feminist world.

>> No.9740271

Dat uncanny valley brah.

It's funny, because real aliens a) probably look nothing like greys, and b) wouldn't travel out here just to stick probes in our asses. Don't worry, they probably wish us well, wherever they are.

I once saw some ufo documentary where some dude was convinced aliens were hiding in his bedroom closet. Sounds like he never grew out of monsters.

>> No.9740272

I'm scared of living corpses that try to eat me. It's funny because I'm 24. I sometimes rush out of the toilet as fast as I can because there could be one just outside the door.

>> No.9740276

>playing in my nearby forest.
Growing up in a city I'm jelous of that

>> No.9740280

>just starting to get over the fact that girls don't think I'm going to rape them every time I look their way.


My story isn't really traumatizing though.
Just embarrassing really. >>9739899

>> No.9740286

/jp/ town would be Tazmily before Fassad ruined it.

>> No.9740288

Don't you feel a little retarded when you think about the fact that you almost got yourself killed though? I've been in a similar situation (though it involved a typhoon and a rocky beach rather than a snowstorm) and while it does make a good story, I always feel like a bit of a moron when I tell it.

>> No.9740293

Are you a girl?

And also where is this fear coming from? Did you have a brother that used to scare you?

I had one that would always put on his Halloween mask and sneak in my room just to wake me at 4am with his face just right over my face.

He always did other pranks too, like hiding in my closet and jumping out of it or other stuff.

Also spiders.

>> No.9740310

I had luck.

I'm the same as you I never really approached girls.

But I had luck that I was good looking and my older sisters always dressed me up nicely.

I got hit on by some girls and had the luck to get a gf once. But it just doesn't work. I have no idea what to do with her.

With guys I can play vidya, just talk about random stuff (science, philosophy, nature, music, etc.) and do a lot of stuff.

But I can't do anything with girls

>> No.9740313
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>> No.9740323

Do you check the tub before you poop, just in case one's hiding there?

>> No.9740328


You're talking about /v/, this is /jp/ dude.

>> No.9740345


I'm like that now, sadly.

I did manage to get a cute girlfriend in highschool, and for a while it was great but shit fell apart and I didn't know what to do so eventually it ended.

Now after years of browsing 4chan, and my personal experiences, I just ignore women unless I have to interact with them in which case I just treat them indifferently.

>> No.9740358

No, I'm a man. I also get recurring nightmares about those fuckers. It feels like they're always there. My brother bullied me in a normal fashion without scary tricks.

I would if I had one.

>> No.9740359

I once pulled a shotgun away from my dad's face.
Threatening to commit suicide.
He like many fathers was an alcoholic.
I don't think he was really going to, but it was loaded and he was being crazy as fuck that night.

I grabbed that shit with all my strength and ripped it from his hands.
Probably the bravest thing I've done my whole life.

>> No.9740379


How did your grandfather's cum feel inside your ass?

>> No.9740385

I can`t imagine that. That seems really brave to me.

>> No.9740435

There was a guy like that in my school. He was one of the few foreigners, a Brazilian kid. He was friends with everyone and got pretty mad when others started bullying the fat weeaboos or the Freshmen.
Sadly there wasn't a female equivalent in the school, so girls always had bitchfests daily.

>> No.9740445

That's good. You have to have guts to approach that situation instead of running away.

In my case, there wasn't much to fight. After an hour or two of screaming at her mother (things like "Do you want me to kill myself?!" included) she went out of the house. Every time you never knew if she was going to come back the next morning or not.
But now that I think about it, one day I did block the door. Not that she acknowledged that or anything; she just said "Move, I want to go out".
Those were the days.

>> No.9740475
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Family liked to ridicule me (I was the youngest between two sisters, so I was the family punching bag), school bullies, and the like made me a very meek and quiet person.

Being like this when I entered highschool didn't help me at all, nobody shared my interests at all so I was a bit of an outcast. Those four years of my life weren't so happy, so here I am. I basement dwell and sometimes cry myself to sleep if I let myself think too much.

I feel like such a wreck, but I know that some people get it worse.

>> No.9740496
File: 67 KB, 500x500, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I used to do this. I've done pretty much every chickenshit thing possible. Scared of every little thing.

A few years ago I started going through sleep paralysis though, and I saw something standing over my head. It was a guy in a hat looking at me with like a tucan nose, kind of like those plague doctors in that one videogame. I wasn't even scared, my first thought was to bite and kick and howl. I could feel my whole body vibrating as I tried to get up while still paralyzed, like a current running through me. After that I actually got up and quickly turned up the lights and saw nothing.
That instantly made me manly as fuck, and now I pray every night for a gang of niggers to even look at my front door funny so I can murder and devour their flesh for my sustenance so I may steal their soul and life energy in order to enhance my own life. But for now, horse meat will have to suffice.

Try to scare me again motherfucker paralysis thing, see what fucking happens.

>> No.9740501
File: 148 KB, 849x1200, 44649b70f79de697c0fb7a782781ede9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any phobias. I am the pinnacle of human evolution.

I'm a truNEET by choice because it's the most ideal lifestyle, as decided upon by my superior intellect.

Enjoy your inferior mental complexes, nerds.

>> No.9740686

you're not tying it into a ponytail, are you?

>> No.9740753

i think i only did once when i was a kid (below 10), and it was more indirectly because i was shy as fuck back then.

it didn't work (big surprise, lol), and after that i guess i got fucked in the head, because i stopped caring about other people at all.

around 20 years after that i still don't feel like looking for any girlfriends.

>> No.9740853

ya right fag i know your story you didn;t have the grades to get in college so you became NEET. NEET's arent exactly known for their intelligence

>> No.9740860 [DELETED] 

That's true. I'm really dumb.

>> No.9740876

I am in college lol

>> No.9740906
File: 94 KB, 192x187, 1347774346181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Community college doesn't count, nerd.

>> No.9740947

You're right. I'm just lazing away in community college trying to buy myself time to figure out an escape. I'm not going to make it in a world where intelligence is the most important trait you can have.

>> No.9740950
File: 13 KB, 432x324, 1337136300299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9740952

>intelligence is the most important trait you can have.
Somewhat doubtful.

>> No.9740967

Well it's needed to get a big boy college degree, which I actually hear is largely useless these days no matter what field you got it in.

Being rich right off the bat helps too.

>> No.9740981

Intelligence isn't needed for the average college-level courses these days, just following instructions and knowing when to say/write when/what. It's quite depressing really especially if you figure out you're one of them.

What I would give to be 19th century Russian aristocracy and learn French, German, Russian, and English by age 10 and then graduate university by age 20

>> No.9741014
File: 187 KB, 501x585, jew transparency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never noticed this about myself until about april of this year, but I seem to be completely scared of being surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

I've always enjoyed spending time by myself since for some reason, I get bored of other people really fast, and I think to myself that everyone doesn't like me because I'm boring and don't talk alot, so because of that I've grown to be a loner.

My senior year of college I met up with an old friend from back when I was a high school freshman. We were the same in regards to being a little weird. When I met him, he was the leader of some frat, had gotten pretty big due to lifting weights, and was an all around better person than me, who only spent his 4 years of college masturbating to doujins and doing the bare minimum to keep a 3.5 gpa.
That guy told me to go to some event his frat was having, and I felt bad if I said I didn't want to go, so I agreed. On the way there, I saw a lot of people, and for some reason that scared me and I ran to my car and let out a few bitch tears. Normally, I see plenty of people everywhere since my school is in an urban area, but for some reason seeing all those people scared me.

It was then when I realized that I'm not made for socializing with other people outside of work related things.

I honestly don't mind if I die a lonely virgin as long as I have fun with myself doing the things I like. The only reason I haven't popped a portal is because of how supportive my parents are.

>> No.9741026

My parents took such good care of me, and I became so attached to them, that I never bothered to venture out and meet other people or take risks.

>> No.9741029

How I wish I could just go to college for the sake of learning something that I actually want to learn and taking my time with it instead or rushing through and forcing myself to take stuff I don't care about for some piece of paper.

These are the woes of a man who wants to learn all sorts of history but can't do math for shit.

>> No.9741046


I got my social phobia and female phobia at the exact same time. Two birds with one stone.

>> No.9741041

I hope universities do? I've heard that Americans call them colleges.

>> No.9741042
File: 96 KB, 400x600, 1335046719453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't needed for them cookie-cutter liberal arts degrees that's for sure.

pic related

>> No.9741080

I really hate it when people tell me my fears are irrational, even though I already know that and it's not like being aware will make them go away.

>> No.9741268
File: 338 KB, 381x359, 1347858700390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a senior in high school. I've been coming to 4chan since I was 14, back in 2008--I am 18 now. I have never been accused of being underage, and I just lurk most of the time anyway.

Looking back on it, I can safely say that this place was the cause of most of my phobias. For better or worse, 4chan made me what I am today. I'm still not certain if I'm more or less happy because of it. I want to compare being here to the allegory of the cave, that we are somehow enlightened and therefore can't enjoy nonsense like normal people can, but after seeing the incredibly narrow worldviews (yes, even relative to high schoolers) some /jp/sies have, it seems more likely that we're caught in a separate but equally pointless hedonic treadmill, except ever so slightly aware of how pointless it all is.

I just want to enjoy life, and now I don't feel at home anywhere--here or in the real world. If anyone new to this board is reading this, please, leave while you still can.

>> No.9741314

either you deal with it and start enjoying yourself no matter what you are, or you become a miserable /r9k/ regular.

I have gotten used to it, and I genuinely enjoy it.

>> No.9741394

This board only has as much influence on you as you let it. I don't mind not being able to enjoy nonsense, because nonsense is stupid.

I, for one, am totally content with meaninglessness. I take comfort in my unimportance and I can say that it actually helps my self esteem.

>> No.9741430
File: 64 KB, 380x380, 1347676016221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the thought of the association of otaku culture with social phobia/autism. But I guess it's really more of a 4chan thing.

>> No.9741443

>I've been coming to 4chan since I was 14
ebin :----D

>> No.9741449

>But I guess it's really more of a 4chan thing.
Oh please. Think about the whole package for a moment.

>> No.9741762


this me2, after parent's divorced i was court mandated to go back and forth every weekend basically killing any chance i had w/ friends until college.

Bullying in middle / high made it so i rarely socialized in groups or events.

>> No.9742545
File: 11 KB, 268x188, 1339531204939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there is that. I think a lot of /jp/sies experienced regular social bullying in school. By social bullying I mean never actually getting beaten up or anything that could be directly fought against, but being excluded and ostracized and, more significantly, being made fun of regularly. Maybe someone said hi to them, and when they responded, the person and his or her cohort of friends simply laughed and walked away. Or a girl may have asked a /jp/sie if he wanted to go on a date, and if he said yes, immediately laughed at him, as did all her friends. Things like that.

When you experience that for years, you discover that there's really only one way to endure it. You can't fight back physically because they never actually attacked you, and nothing you say will make them stop, because you're not normal. All you can do is stop talking, ignore whatever they say, remove all expression from your face, hide your interests... reveal nothing that they can use to hurt you and ignore whatever they do say.

And when you do that for years, it becomes habit, it becomes who you are. The normal people may stop bullying, they may find it's no longer amusing, but the robot doesn't know that. How would he? He does everything he can to ignore what the normal people do, and nobody ever tells him "it's over" or helps him repair the mental damage that was inflicted on him, helps him learn to approach social situations from the perspective of someone who hasn't been through what he has.

>> No.9742658

>stop talking, ignore whatever they say, remove all expression from your face, hide your interests... reveal nothing that they can use to hurt you and ignore whatever they do say.

If this wasn't so true I wouldn't be crying right now

But why? Why did they do this? Why does everyone bully us? What do we have? How do they know we are easy targets?

If we figure this out we may be able to live a normal life

>> No.9742660

says Anon, while wearing his lucky Milky Homes t-shirt and preparing to carry his dakimakura to the grocery store.

>> No.9742667

Are you really doing this?

I am too socially fucked up to even dare to do this.
I look like your average person. I usually blend perfectly in the crowd. I don't want any attention.

I try to be a normal person, but somehow they can sense that I'm weak willed and that I won't punch back.

>> No.9742669

I don't feel like I do things how I should so I believe that people think I'm retarded which I likely am. Just the other day I was reading something that everyone else could comprehend yet I didn't understand it at all. I don't know why, my reading comprehension has just disappeared and it's all that I can think about that and myself.

Why can't I be a functional human? I want to be able to love myself but at this rate that'll never happen.

>> No.9742675

>that chair when you bullied someone and they probably became a /jp/sie

>> No.9742698

it's okay, this is how /jp/sies reproduce!

the learning curve on this board is steep and riddled with knives

>> No.9742696
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Huh. Suddenly my interest in robotics and such makes sense.

>> No.9742699
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>But why? Why did they do this? Why does everyone bully us? What do we have? How do they know we are easy targets?

It's fun, I guess.

>> No.9742700
File: 82 KB, 657x600, 1339145597465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything you said just jabbed me in the chest, because exactly all of that has happened to me.

Now I go through a viscous cycle where I try to reform myself, but end up getting worse, then I try to reform myself, and end up getting even worse, and the cycle repeats with the only thing changing is getting worse and worse.

At least I have /jp/ though.

>> No.9742709

Actually, despite being made fun of and ostracised when trying to hang out with normals at age 11-12 or so, it all stopped when I stopped bothering trying to fit in and went all out weirdo. It's like they felt no need to make fun of me then, because I was doing a good enough job of making myself look like a freak myself.

>> No.9743783

Not sure I understand completely. Liking japanimation and 2hus doesn't always have to correlate with being reclusive.

I was this way in middle school. High school was a nice fresh start and I can actually talk to people comfortably now. It helps to meet people who share your interests(off of /jp/) and making friends becomes easy. Most people are actually good at heart. What a lot of /jp/sies don't realize is that sheltering yourself from society isn't the only option.

>> No.9743829

I don't have a social phobia, I can actually handle myself pretty well around other people and most of the time they even enjoy my presence and try to become friends with me. Problem is that I find that really annoying since all of them bore the fucking crap out of me.

>> No.9743913

I had a bunch of problems with friends and especially girls. A did manage to make quite a few friends and was sure I was over it. Or at least, I thought I was. About 9 years later a girl asked me out and it all came back. I must've been 10x worse than >>9739366 and it didn't last a day. It lasted a fucking week and everyday I just wanted to kill myself. Since that happened at the age of 16, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die a virgin.

>> No.9743964

I'm 22. Last time I talked to a girl for something that wasn't work related was when I liked some girl and tried to get with her. Nothing happened, but in the meantime people managed to make fun of me for some reason. I'm not fat, or a twig, I'm not a hideous looking monster, I'm pretty average, and I wasn't an obnoxious weeaboo back then. I guess people took pleasure in picking on me because others did it.

Step forward a few years into my freshman year of college, and the same shit happened. My first semester of college I lived off campus and managed to not speak to anyone at all for the entire semester. I communicated with my parents through text messages, so I didn't even talk with them. The next semester I might havfe spoken two or three times because of a class. The rest of the time, it was the same thing for the most part except for the summers when I went to my parents house.

Now, I managed to appreciate the fact that I can be happy without the influence of others. It seems people in my position are always sad and full of feels because they got no friends and are lonely, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, now that I know how fucked up most people are.
