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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 425x249, nem-nem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9732950 No.9732950 [Reply] [Original]

So, BR NEETs, what do you think about your new title?

>> No.9732955


>> No.9732956

What the fuck, that's the worst possible name they could think of. Seriously, "nem-nem"? At least they could go with "vagabundo".

>> No.9732957

Sounds funnier than "nini" here in the TRUElatin world.

>> No.9732961

It's funny because it sounds similar to neném and that says much.

>> No.9732967

Why are there so many wiki articles about irrelevant jap shit?

>> No.9732971 [DELETED] 

Who gives a fuck about the spic latin world

>> No.9732980


>> No.9732981

Well ur mum cares bout their dicks, lol

>> No.9732982
File: 1002 KB, 1944x2592, Naruto_x_L_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanophile

>> No.9732988

Translate this favelaboos

>> No.9732993

Shitty, but I guess it's better than a hard translation of NEET.

But then again, I'm not unemployed and I'm still in college, so it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.9733004

Yeah, I don't like to be called a "nini"

>> No.9733017

Good lord, "new, nem"? That's sounds so horrifically stupid in portuguese. Fucking marketing culture is ruining our language.

>> No.9733033

I've quit school this year. I was a Brazilian freshmen at highschool that had already failed twice the previous years. I had no friends and never talked to anybody, and in most cases people would come up to me and ask if I was autistic or antisocial. It felt really bothersome for some reason.

I asked my parents to have a talk with a psychologist and he recommended that I'd quit school for now. It's been some four months since then.

Now, all I do is sit in front of the computer all day, eat, try to spend my time in some form of meaningful way and then go to sleep. In an attempt to quit my daily routine of frustration and redundancy, I've ironically tossed myself into an even deeper one.

I'm not sure how to feel. I woke up at 4AM and I've been up ever since. I haven't left my house in weeks. I'll probably go to sleep sometime soon. But I have to say, the image encompasses me perfectly. And I feel happy that there's more people out there like me. Regardless of your nationality, your age or the color of your skin, you can be a NEET and a Hikkikomori if you put your mind into it. If you'll enjoy it or not, that's another story, but I definitely feel proud in some sort of funny way.

If you're a Brazilian and you're reading this post, I assume you at least have the decency of not thinking about soccer and facebook for 90% of your daily time, and I just want to say, thank you. For existing and assuring me that not all Brazilians are hardwired to social images and pressure.

>> No.9733062

Also yes, that does sound incredibly stupid. I've no idea why they would want to attribute a name to this generation to begin with.

>> No.9733074 [DELETED] 

It sounds like shit

How fucking hard it is to just say "NEET", or just vagabundo.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make but I'm brazilian I've dropped out university because of major depression and anxiety and now I'm on meds but I still feel like shit and I do nothing all day. So yeah you are not the only one. I'm a self-hating brazilian and I hate even more brazilian weeaboos but if it helps you knowing that pieces of shit like me exists, than I feel happy for you.

>> No.9733078

Is this some copypasta?

>> No.9733080
File: 87 KB, 700x1180, nep nep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they mean her?

>> No.9733085

Yes, it is. I think it's the FHC one, I don't remember now.

>> No.9733086

I had no idea /jp/ had this many BRs. Is this recent? I don't remember it being like this.

>> No.9733094

I've no idea what point I was trying to get across either. I guess I just wanted to talk a bit about my situation. Sorry about the blog post!

You actually made your point much shorter and easy to understand. I'm also on antidepressants, unfortunately. I don't really like taking them though.

It's not a pasta. It just looks like one because I like to separate my sentences a lot. I can see why you would think it's one though.

>> No.9733111

Just take it easy man. It's hard to be a south american NEET.

>> No.9733134

It's not like you could tell or anything.
Also having threads like this is stupid, they just make us look even worse in the eyes of the international community

>> No.9733147

I swear this thread is pretty harmless considering all the other bad examples of BRs across the internet.

>> No.9733157

A thread of people discussing a topic is better than a thread with a bunch of people pretending to be BR's, spamming HUEHUE and BR-tan with the pretense of making us look bad. Be glad this isn't one of those threads.

>> No.9733423

Oh god, they use that obnoxious term in Brazil too?

Regards, Portugal.

>> No.9733600

You seen the 4chan JP wiki page? That shit is much better than the crappy one we have in EN.
The fuck, it actually mentions boards and stuff, meanwhile our one is just "lul nonimis legion xD chanolololgy" kiddy bullshit.

Also, have you downloaded your wikipedia today?

>> No.9733640


>> No.9733647
File: 61 KB, 646x822, 131498495848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, neither /v/ have more monkeys than us

>> No.9733648

translate this shit subhumans

>> No.9733662

"It's the generation not-not. A fifth of young people don't study nor work."

>> No.9733661
File: 112 KB, 519x433, 1336002273091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25% of teens are NEETS in brazil's north

>> No.9733666
File: 118 KB, 990x500, south.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brazil's north

>> No.9733786

Searched something about that 5.3 million. Most of those people are low class that didn't even end high school, and criminals are also included in that amount. Nothing to be highly alarmed here, I bet most of the brazilians that waste their time in 4chan are not even amongst the percentage of those news.

>> No.9733810


We would have more NEETs if our government paid autismbux or whatever it is that these guys get for claiming to be unable for work.

I would be a NEET but I don't get to choose. I don't have anyone to watch out for me.

>> No.9734737

Just parachuted in this thread. I feel the same. I'm really surprised, thought I was alone here. How long you BRs been in /jp/? Almost 3 years here.

I knew there were Mexicans and Argentinians around, but thought I was the only BR.

>> No.9734743

I know BR people that have been here since the split. I've been here for some years (2 or 3, don't really remember).

>> No.9734759

Why are murrka bear pretending to be from Brazil?

>> No.9734760

I've been here since 2009 too. Been a long time, looking back on it.

>> No.9734765

Fortunately, I know I'm the only Costa Rican around.

>> No.9734894

Brazilians are NOT white.

>> No.9734980


>> No.9735121


>> No.9738269

dude, thats stupid.
I'm brazilian and not a NEET.
I used to be and I tottaly respect you guys.

When I think that this 'nem-nem' shit is the best our journalists can create. I feel shame and I fear for our future.
I mean people are getting dumber and dumber.
I was at university earlier today and man...people are stupid.
wtf? just wtf?

Engineering students act all high-and-mighty but don't know their basic math. Medical science act the same but all they do is memorize a bunch of stuff. And the people from the humanities just copy each other stuff, and the teachers dont even care. And they act high-and-mighty too.

I mean, Its ok if you dont know your math, can only memorize things or have not even an ounce (shitty imperial unit btw, but just for the sake of the expression) of critical thought. Its ok. Just dont act like youre the shit. Be fucking humble.

Thats why I respect you NEETs from around the world. You dont go bragging around that you can do this and you can do that. I dont know if I made my point clear, I just suck at explaining these kind of things.

>> No.9738294

and I'm sure it happens over there too but.

people just spend more time in front of a computer or looking at their litte cellphones than socializing. Yet they call themselves 'socials' because they go out to drink every now and then. and the socializing is often very very fake.

It's as if they're actually a bunch of shut-ins without knowing.and you know, without the actually 'shutting in' part.

>> No.9738334

Wise. Though

>Thats why I respect you NEETs from around the world. You dont go bragging around that you can do this and you can do that. I dont know if I made my point clear, I just suck at explaining these kind of things.

Many NEETs think they are gifted. It is part of why they are what they are. Sometimes.

>> No.9738345

It's because you study in a public university nerd

>> No.9738356

does that man if /jp/ goes to japan it will be tripping balls?

>> No.9738367

which is another stupidity of our country in case you foreigners don't know

public schools suck
public college doesn't suck (mostly)

private schools doesnt' suck (mostly)
private college suck

>> No.9738375

They are not "NEETS", they are just indians.
They don't work but they need to hunt.

>> No.9738394

sure, 5.3 million not being productive looks really really bad. Its almost the same as Denmark population the op pic says.

They want to imply that if these people were working or studying, Brasil would be a better place somehow etc etc.

But we all know it wouldn make a fucking difference, what with our government and all that.

>> No.9738400

How is this otaku culture?
Condense your NEET shit

>> No.9738411
File: 337 KB, 900x735, blankahuehuehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, since I'm curious to know more about my fellow /jp/ BRos. Could you guys reply these.

>Your 5 favourite Touhous
>Your 5 favourite VNs
>Last 5 VNs you've played
>Do you dream of becoming the little girl?
>Are you NEET?
>Where in BR do you live?

>> No.9738424
File: 79 KB, 689x800, touhou_youmu_konpaku_134344429817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start.

>Your 5 favourite Touhous
Youmu / Suika / Remilia / Kogasa / Okuu

>Your 5 favourite VNs
Saya no Uta / F/SN / Katawa Shoujo / Planetarian / Moero Downhill Night. I hate that my taste is so generic but I can't help it.

>Last 5 VNs you've played
Symphonic Rain / Remember11 / My Girlfriend is the President / Analogue: A Hate Story / Digital: A Love Story

>Do you dream of becoming the little girl?
I'd love to turn into a little girl and do lewd things with other /jp/ little girls. Not permanently though. Sometimes I actually enjoy being an ugly, hairy, beastly male.

>Are you NEET?
Far from it, unfortunately. 9 to 5 wage slave. I'd try applying for a monthly tugboat if our country had autism welfare. (supposing it was at least some R$ 1500 / month)

>Where in BR do you live?
Rio. Cariocafag.

>> No.9738433

1) Marisa, Suika, Renko, Rumia, Komachi.
2,3) Havent played VNs.
4) Not really. But I do love little girls.
5) no.
6) in a island.

>> No.9738453

>Your 5 favourite Touhous
Alice / Hina / Sanae / Okuu / Reimu

>Your 5 favourite VNs
It's too early to have favorites, I'm still new to VN.

>Last 5 VNs you've played
Flyable heart, ren'ai 0 kilometer, gogo nippon, ren'ai kateikyoushi rurumi coordinate, manatsu no yoru no yuki monogatari.

>Do you dream of becoming the little girl?
Only if it's a japanese one

>Are you NEET?
No, I'm in college.

>Where in BR do you live?
Paraiba state, in northeast Brazil.

>> No.9738455


>Your 5 favorite Touhous
You can't make me pick favorites. I like all of Gensokyo's denizens! It's like trying to pick your favorite daughter.

>Your 5 favorite VN's
Planetarian, Sengoku Rance, Umineko Episode 1 and F/SN. Can't really think of any others but there's some I could never be bothered to finish for some reason. I've read up to chapter 5 or something of Seiken no Inganock and I still want to go back and finish it one of those days.

>Last 5 VN's you've played
Katawa Shoujo (didn't really like it), and Daitekoku, which I've tried to use as a measuring tool for how my Japanese studies are coming along, and so far I can't even understand a single sentence. Oh well.

>Do you dream of becoming the little girl?
Sometimes, when I'm sitting in the shower thinking about stuff, no bigger desire crosses my mind. It's the same thought as yours though: sometimes I like myself the way I am.

>Are you NEET?
Yes, I'm the >>9733033 guy.

>Where in BR do you live?
Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

Fernando de Noronha?

Also no offense, but you could have used a better picture. This just looks shameful in my opinion.

>> No.9738480


Nice, though I'm carioca my family is from Paraiba.

>> No.9738488

yup, Floripa

>> No.9738537

>It's like trying to pick your favorite daughter.
Mah nigga

>Umineko Episode 1
I'll give a try on the VN sometime. Only watched the anime and it was awful.

Sorry about the pic, just being ironical. Just that typical vice as a brazilian of depreciating ourselves acting up.

>> No.9738642

I've read up to episode 7, but my favorite really is 1. I'm not sure if you know about the plot vaguely so episode 1 was a legitimate murder mystery. When the first person dies, the letters about the gold are sent out and the whole Beatrice plot starts, nobody gives a damn about the gold. Yet more and more people keep getting murdered, and it's never really clear who the real murderer is.

Here's what made it good, though: they never reveal who's the real murderer, and they never show you Beatrice as a character. Since the game doesn't takes a step in the supernatural or fiction, you're never really sure who the murderer is until the end. Is it really Beatrice, a witch, who is committing the murders or is it one of the family members who is greedily after the gold or the household fortune? You never know, and you remain engaged in the expectation you'll get an answer to all the mysteries. It's really great!

And then in episode 2, they introduced the whole meta-world thing, kept introducing those crazy new realms and characters and dove head-first into the supernatural. Then the whole thing just went downhill in my opinion. They're still good sequels, but they don't hold up to what was episode 1.

>> No.9738663

So is Brazil some sort of NEET paradise?

>> No.9738673

I don't think so... It says 1/5th of young people. that's like 20% no?
In Italy the percentage is something like 40%. They call it the lost generation, generazione perduta. It's impossible to get a job and there is no welfare system to leech from like in the US or the UK

>> No.9738694

Not a BR, but it's the same as the Spanish calling their NEETs "ni-ni"s.

>> No.9738735

I hate to bump this thread with this kind of post, since I am sure you guys see it all the fucking time.

I am 18, and in college away from home (US), but I am miserable. I never leave my room except maybe once a week to go next door to play Mortal Kombat with this kid who went to my high school. Sometimes my roommate has people over, and I put on my headphones, try to play my video games, and if they try talking to me, I literally start shaking because I am so nervous/anxious. I haven't been to any classes in two weeks because they make me nervous being around others.

I have had a pretty rough life in terms of my childhood. The only two father figures I ever had (real dad and stepdad) were abusive to my mother, and up to this point in my life, I have been to about 4 different therapist, singularly and with my mother. I have also been on about three different depression medications.

There is one other thing, that is sort of hard for me to share, even if it is anonymous on 4chan. When I was about 12 or 13, I had a brother who was around 8 or 9, and I sexually assaulted him. I think it was because of all the stress and anger I had built up around my father leaving along with just going through puberty at the time.

The only time I ever am not miserable is when I am sitting alone in my room, and able to just be in solitude. Even then sometimes its hard.

I just have a few questions. How old does one need to be to get on SSI? Do I seem like I could get SSI?(cont.)

>> No.9738739

I would need to quit school, at least temporarily to get SSI right? I don't want to be on SSI forever, but maybe just until I am able to spend some time trying to figure out how to control my emotions and feelings, then go back to community college and try to find a job after that.

Its going to be hard for me to follow through with because my mother has worked hard to whole life to provide for me throughout our struggles as a family, and I don't want to leech off the government, because I know it would disappoint her so much.

Any help I can get is great.

>> No.9738950

I just wanted to say your English is really good.

I'm pretty sure my mom helped me get onto SSI at age 20, but I blocked a lot of that period of my life out so I'm fuzzy on the details. I know I was able to get onto it with a formal diagnosis of Asperger's, social anxiety, and depression, so I'm sure you could get on it even more easily if you have a history of experiencing abuse.

>> No.9739001

le /jp/ face

>> No.9739032

A better question is:
How many of you are at Santuário?

>> No.9739065

I like the automatic assumption that Brazilian /jp/ers come from Sanctuary. Is that a good or a bad thing?

>> No.9739069 [DELETED] 

This just goes to show subhuman apes are the ones abusing the spoiler function.

>> No.9739213

I would never ever go there. I hate that place. It's the poolshmer of brazil.

>> No.9739281

there's no autism bux in Brazil.

>> No.9739363

Don't even know what this is. Is it a forum or something?

>> No.9739392 [DELETED] 


It doesn't seems so bad at a glance. But then again, I don't frequent it so I really shouldn't say anything.

>> No.9739416

I had never heard about it either. Just did some quick googling and it's disgusting if you ask me. Shitty catchphrases and emoticons everywhere.
Oh boy, I'll never be able to lurk BR forums again.

>> No.9739426

Meant for >>9739363

>> No.9739436

How is its community? Full of normalfags?

>> No.9739447

I like how all the monkeys ITT are desperately trying to pretend they don't belong to an equally shitty touhou forum community, or used to belong to it until they were wronged in some way.

>> No.9739459

No, it's actually much much worse than /jp/. Most of the people there don't even care about Touhou by itself. The owner is a retard too.

>> No.9739464

I like how you treat people as monkeys.

>> No.9739480

>Actually, é bem provável que lancem esse mais rápido
It's almost like a /jp/ from brchan

>> No.9739484

Oh, I already came across that place some time ago. Same opinion. Only lurked through a few threads and never bothered returning.

>> No.9739493

Yeah, I know. Animals are people too. Please excuse if my previous post implied animal cruelty.

>> No.9739494

How do I say 'witch 2hu wuld u fuk" in Portuguese?

>> No.9739499
File: 49 KB, 500x129, ICE BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit!

>> No.9739504

ql 2hu vc foderia
I tried to talk about VNs on brchan's /jp/ and I got like less than 5 replies. I ain't going back to that board, it's just anime general.

>> No.9739506

That's how I felt about the anime. While the story was progressing as a pure murder mistery, I was really enjoying it. But when the whole meta-world and "witches can't be real" thing started it went down the drain for me.

>> No.9739511

No bullying pls

>> No.9739521
File: 113 KB, 680x680, pukingmadotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to brchan at all

>> No.9739526

Interesting, there are /jp/ bros from all over the country. I was expecting almost everyone being from SP.

>> No.9739563

Yep, it's horrible, but I've made an extensive post to see their reaction. It seems that they aren't quite fond of detailed posts. Their literal translations of "4chanspeak" like thread, pic related, etc. makes me avoid that place too. That's just plain retarded.

>> No.9739571


Ni-ni is cute, sounds like I'm someone else's older brother.

>> No.9739579

It's more like you are a demon

>> No.9739584


Is this copypasta? I can't tell. In either case:

>he only two father figures I ever had (real dad and stepdad) were abusive to my mother

Mother confirmed for whore

>> No.9739594

>literal translations
So cringeworthy it physically hurts. Gotta stay away from that place if I want to keep my sanity.

>> No.9739599


Whatever happened to 55chan by the way? Did that jew site got partyv& permanently?

>> No.9739905

i agree... it's funny how the moral fags get all pumped up about worthless youth... they really act like there's some reward in life that everyone should be excited about... it's just ignorance man, you can't transplant values like that...

>> No.9743117
File: 112 KB, 230x525, awkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I was getting ready to make a post answering some stuff from this thread when I realized how awkward it was.

I didn't think /jp/ had this many BRs either. It feels weird.

>> No.9743800

Funny how unlike anywhere else (including other 4chan boards), BRs seem to make an effort to conceal their presence here.

But c'mon now, anon. Don't be a stranger. I'm kinda disappointed there were only 4 replies to >>9738411 and this thread seems to be cooling down.

Anyway I'm happy this thread for the most part has turned so civilized it makes me want to curl my mustache and grab a monocle.

>> No.9743853


WTF, bro! I was just going to ask about Paraibanos here. I'm from João Pessoa. Do you go to UFPB?

>> No.9743861

We're not the most popular in online communities because most of us can't and/or don't want to put forth the effort to learn decent English. Instead, we're seen as the comical "gib monie or i report u huehue" negative image of stupidity in RO that basically spread around and created it's own culture in due time. I'm not surprised some of us try to hide our identity and that most people are uncomfortable around us.

At least, this is the way I see it. I can't apologize for each and every one of us, but whenever I'm interacting with someone from another country, I try to be as legible and polite as possible. This is the way we can redeem ourselves for the rest of our culture, and I want to believe that someday the whole "Brazilians are monkeys living in shit-huts" culture will die off and we can take it easy together with everyone else.

>> No.9744164

I wonder if I'm the only carioca here. Someone in Rio or nearby cities?

>> No.9746138

Traslate it, wetbacks.

>> No.9746181

Read the thread, Americlap. Alternatively, you may word search for someone who has already asked for the same favor.

>> No.9746188

I actually just wanted to post that variation on the `translate it, weeaboos' ミミ ever since I thought of it earlier, and I thought that this was a great chance. I don't actually give three fourths of a shit about what it says, or what's going on in the thread.

>> No.9746189

There are some interesting individuals there but the rest of the place is like your usual convention-goer. I mean that in the bad way.

>> No.9746191

The autism is strong in this one.

>> No.9746192

You actually had a decent amount of time to think this through and wetbacks is the best you could come up with?

>> No.9746194

Y-yes. Is it really that lame? Should I swallow the mercury in the thermostat to atone for my great transgression?

>> No.9746364

It's the same in the US.

For k-12, private schools are almost always tremendously ahead of their public counterparts.

In universities though, private universities are nearly always liberal art schools that cost a fortune, with shitty professors. While public universities for the most part are huge, and have the dedicated expansive research departments and high standards for graduate students.

>> No.9746378

If you think private colleges are bad, take a look at for-profit colleges like DeVry or ITT Tech. Hehe, it would be funny that they manage to fuck so many people, if they didn't account for the majority of student loan defaults that raise the interest rates on everyone else to cover the loss.

>> No.9746403

Yeah, the result of privatizing education. I don't mind decentralized economies or whatever other shit the repubs and people like Paul want, but Education is one thing that should be hyper centralized in this nation.

My mother was recently hired in another county that falls in the country and could not believe how bad the students were. She let me see some of their writing for her English class, and they are barely literate. In the same state a county away, we have one of the top highschools in the nation. It all depends upon where you live here too, just past the school designated borders and you have to go to a shit school.

When I lived up north it was complete different too, you applied to a high school out of many nearby, and depending on your grades they chose you to enter. How can you judge a student and damn them if they had poor middle school grades?

All of that needs to be reworked I think.

>> No.9746415


Do public universities in the US work like in Brazil, as in completely free for every student and not just the top ones with scholarships?

>> No.9746428

No. The concept of getting free things as an adult American is a completely alien concept. Some minorities get lower interest rates on loans, but that's the extent of it.

EDIT: Oh, Indians get completely free education sometimes, payed for by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or something, but that's like 0.5% of the population.

>> No.9746441

No, they still cost money. I'm not sure about everywhere else, but here a public university still isn't a full ride for me, even with a 3.5gpa that gives me around 8k USD in scholarship money, and another 6k USD from the federal aid FAFSA money. And for the latter, I only receive 6k because it is the maximum money allowed for the poorest of students. My parents still manage to complete the 4k more I need every year.

My sister went to a private university though, and even with similar GPA and scholarships she ended up 20k in debt after finishing her degree. I'm not sure what the cost per year there was, but I know my parents gave her much more in financial support than they gave me. She did stay on campus though, while I live at home and commute to my classes.
The only place you could technically get a free education is a community college, since it is cheap enough that if you did obtain the maximum FAFSA amount it would pay it all off. But there they only offer 2 year associate degrees rather than 4 year or higher diplomas.

>> No.9746449

Thank god my freedom-hating commie country has nothing but public universities. All of them select their students only on the basis of academic performance. They're also completely free for everyone. Nothing surpasses the feeling of beating pampered rich kids in their home territory.

>> No.9746454
File: 1.14 MB, 1792x1412, eagle american flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of they aren't "free" you fucking commie. Free simply means the government is stealing from others. What gives you the right to use my tax dollars to get your shitty useless degree?

>> No.9746456


It's interesting to hear about your system. Ours is pretty rigged against the poor as well, as even if the universities are free you have to take an exam (kinda like your SAT, only not standardized) that decides who gets in and who doesn't. Because the base education in public schools is shit, they don't have a chance against the richer ones.

The distortion is even greater when you consider that it's usually the rich lobbying the government to pay less taxes.

>> No.9746457

>my tax dollars

Stop this shit

>> No.9746460

i live off rice i buy myself and shower once every other day so really i'm not that bad.

>> No.9746463

The rich kids here to to the ``ivy league'' universities. Its just le daddy's money paying for them to take the exact same undergraduate courses and classes as any other accredited university, but at multiple times the cost. I wouldn't be surprised if people at Harvard just smoked weed in class or passed on a gigantic curve because their parents pay for that shit.
The real name and prestige of a university here is by graduate accomplishments and research, in which places like MIT and USC are leading, both being public.

I don't think European universities go by the same standards since you guys have research institutes for that though.

>> No.9746467

Oh fuck, we are so close, I'd never thought I would find people from the same university I go here.
I'm scared.

>> No.9746469

It's sad because they pass and get a fancy degree and get chosen over common folk who tried their hardest.

>> No.9746472
File: 103 KB, 961x960, eagle mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of my country if you don't like it. I didn't fight in Nam' so I could have entitled brats like you reaching into my pocket thinking I owe them something.

>> No.9746476

>The real name and prestige of a university here is by graduate accomplishments and research

Actually nobody considers those schools to be better than Harvard. Nice delusions though.

>> No.9746478

Educating the populace is one of the best investments a nation can make.

>> No.9746484

so tem eu de br nessa bosta vai tudo se fode seus autista hueuheuheeee

>> No.9746486

MIT and USC are both private universities. Our flagship public research universities are UC Berkeley and University of Michigan.

>> No.9746488
File: 222 KB, 440x922, readign scores by race usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why we have public schools, for basic well-rounded education. In fact, our schools are some of the best around but the scores are weighed down by Africans and Latinos. The most popular degrees are fucking useless, having a degree in psychology does nothing to benefit the world. The only degrees worth the investment intellectually are math and hard science, everything else is just resume fodder.

Deal with it.

>> No.9746490

>Nobody considers those schools to be better than Harvard
>Fucking Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University of Southern California.

You're the fucking delusional one here.

>> No.9746495


Suck my balls queerbag.

>> No.9746497 [DELETED] 

Harvard to considered better than USC, period. MIT versus Harvard is a toss-up and depends on the field.

>> No.9746499

Harvard is considered better than USC, period. MIT versus Harvard is a toss-up.

>> No.9746504


Your ignorance drove me into a frenzy and the link fucked up. Continue to suck my balls.

>> No.9746507

Actually, university of Chicago is the best university in the country. With cambridge being #1 in the world.

>> No.9746509

take your socialism back to the stone ages neo american
my kid aint goin to your jew schools

>> No.9746519

Public schools aren't free.

>> No.9746520

I don't trust any list that has #2 Williams and #50 Berkeley.

>> No.9746521

So you think everyone should just enroll in a trade or technical school? A mathematics degree is equally as worthless as one in Psychology if you don't follow up.

>> No.9746542
File: 67 KB, 800x600, 13061471489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why we have public schools, for basic well-rounded education.
Look at Finland, a country with free education up to doctorate level, being above USA-WHITE.

>> No.9746546
File: 295 KB, 1024x768, american eagle greatest country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mathematics degree is equally as worthless as one in Psychology if you don't follow up.

Nice joke. IQ and salary correlate, if your family is shitty and poor that's not my fault. A poverty-stricken commoner can still go to a nice college if he gets a scholarship, but if he's of average intelligence he should stick to his job at Walmart. The world is always going to need uneducated lower-class working drones.

>> No.9746547

That has nothing to do with public school scores, you stupid fuck.

>> No.9746561

I don't understand what your post has to do with the one you responded to.

>> No.9746563

What motivates a high schooler to study?

>> No.9746579

Maybe your argument would hold some merit if China, Korea, and USA-Asian weren't all above shitland without having free education.

>> No.9746582

Don't tread on me.

>> No.9746587

Because their parents want them to go to university.

>> No.9746621

Wouldn't a student who actually wants to go to university do better than a student whose parents want him to go to university?

>> No.9746629

You need to start applying at 16. Kids don't know what the fuck they want to do at that age.

>> No.9746676

Even if I agreed with your statement, which I don't, what would prevent a person from going to university in their twenties?

>> No.9746669

That's definitely true, but parental upbringing shapes what a kid wants.

>> No.9746690

That's a deliriously hilarious thing to say. My parents wanted me to become a good and honest machine driver.

>> No.9746710

If they spent two years working something that wasn't a dead end job, I'd like to see how they would balance work and study.
Most of the people I saw entering late that had jobs have failed.
It's worse if the person has responsibilities and isn't still getting by because of their parents.

>> No.9746727

Why would they need to work? Studying bux from government exist, as do student loans.

>> No.9746740

You have no idea how little money you receive from that. Not to mention rent and further expenses. Once you get settled, its extremely hard to take anything more than two or maybe three courses a semester.

>> No.9746741

That only matters if the family is too poor to allow a few years or if the child is naturally stupid. Too much pressure without time to develop could ruin people.

>> No.9746743

And clearly they did a shitty job judging by your current situation.

>> No.9746748

>Too much pressure

Cry more you little baby.

>> No.9746775

I'm speaking from experience, if you forget the short-sighted mentality of developed countries you would know that not all 16 year olds are the same. Pressure might not be the best word because of connotations, but being stifled is bad.

>> No.9746788

>You have no idea how little money you receive from that.
I'll present you my monthly balance for the last three years:
Bux: 460€
Loan: 300€
Rent: -254€
Food: ~ -100€
Public transportation costs about 300€/year.

>> No.9746810

Could be. Regardless, I'm starting my masters studies next year.

>> No.9746827

>That's a deliriously hilarious thing to say.
Obviously there are other things, but it tends to be the case statistically. Asian kids go to college and black kids don't.

>> No.9746836

I guess I picked a bad example because people can claim that Asian kids are smart and black kids are dumb, but I think the point stands. College matriculation rates vary tremendously and predictably with what the parents and environment is like.

>> No.9746870

That was a fast transition from upbringing to race.

>> No.9746916

It's the most obvious example. Asian parents raise their children in a certain way that everyone is aware of. It's harder to come up with individual examples. Same with Jews.

... I'm not doing my argument any favors, am I.
