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9729935 No.9729935 [Reply] [Original]

How many residents of Gensokyo are illiterate?

>> No.9729940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9729947 [DELETED] 

stop shitposting, fucker.
Touhou lore threads are allowed.

>> No.9729953
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There's no point to read at all in Gensokyo, unless you are a magician or maybe you want to read stuff from Akyuu or Rinnosuke. Cirno and Sakuya are exceptions, I guess (I don't even remember if Cirno can read or not but I think I've read something about it some time ago).

>> No.9729960

Does this mean Aya's stupid ass newspaper is entirely pictures?

>> No.9729962

Cirno indeed can read, in spite of secondary fanon's assertions that she's a drooling retard.

>> No.9729967

Luna reads it.

>> No.9729971 [DELETED] 

How have you been?

>> No.9729971,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9729979

Can janitors warn?

Meido, warn me with your email address if you can.

>> No.9729982
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Ah yeah, there's also that, too. But how do they even teach reading and writing in Gensokyo? How do youkai like Medicine Melancholy learn to read? How did Reimu learn to read? Oh well.

>> No.9730018

There's the school in the Human Village that Keine teaches.

>> No.9730033

How long has that been so, in-universe?

If I remember correctly there's been some retroactive continuity going on, ZUN threw in the whole schoolteacher thing after some fans came up with it.

>> No.9730065

Chinese people can't read jap so Yoshika and Meiling

>> No.9730076

Probably the same with everyone who lives in SDM too since they are all honkies.

>> No.9730081

By that logic Seiga (Chinese) Remilia,Flandre,Patchouli (European) and Parsee (Middle Eastern) shouldn't understand Japanese writing either.

>> No.9730088

Ok I've been away from the board for a while, did Tokiko get unbanned? Should I start posting his dox again? What's going on?

>> No.9730117


>> No.9730164

So he rehabilitated and is now a decent poster?
Huh, that's cool.

>> No.9730227


>> No.9730679

Considering that the fairies can, even the average forest dwelling small fry youkai such as Tokiko managed to learn how to read, and even more so when you think that the kappa have a society organized enough to build dams and cameras, and the tengu one that takes journalism as seriously as it does... I wouldn't think illiteracy to be a common issue in Gensokyo.

Maybe we could assume that just the really old villagers or the really isolated youkai (like the Hell Ravens) don't know how to read.
