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File: 1009 KB, 1920x1080, Yuzuriha.(Under.Night.In-Birth).full.1241824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9724520 No.9724520 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Under Night In-Birth? It's a fighter by the guys that brought us Melty Blood, in case you don't know.

Gameplay videos for the entire cast.


Promotional video


>> No.9724522 [DELETED] 


>> No.9724524


>> No.9724529

It has a small cast ad is slow, just like BlaZZZZZBlue

>> No.9724531 [DELETED] 

It's /jp/ related actually. Please stop posting.

>> No.9724533

>Under Night In-Birth

10/10 title

>> No.9724541

No, while it isn't Melty Blood fast, it isn't BlazBlue slow.

>> No.9724548

I'm not sure what part of this looks slow, and would you rather learn 90+ matchups like in MBAA?

>> No.9724563

Now I wish to be the little girl. Will pirate.

>> No.9724576

>learn 90+ matchups
I didn't think this was a problem, considering most of the matchups were still similar within 2 out of 3 moon styles. And through the characters, only Hime and maybe PCiel inspires the need for playstyle awareness.

>> No.9724596

Day 1 import.

>> No.9724654

Import what? There isn't any console version.

>> No.9724992

They recruited PS3 developers when they were starting the project. It isn't farfetched to say that they plan to release on console.

>> No.9725036
File: 139 KB, 800x600, 12091400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday.

>> No.9725131

PS3 version won't be out until next year, but the important thing is it's going out for Arcades on the 20th, right? Aquapazza and P4:A, and now this.

>> No.9725180 [DELETED] 

Delicious Orie

>> No.9725201

What about the other little girl, Vatista?

>> No.9725211


>> No.9725220
File: 501 KB, 1280x1024, vatista wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would let difficult inputs keep you from playing as the loli? For shame

>> No.9725235 [DELETED] 

The opening image makes her look like a Dog Days.

>> No.9725253
File: 135 KB, 854x475, vatista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huggable Vatista

>> No.9725256

Well, she actually has small breasts and she's around the same height as Linne. If she was the true rori, I'd play her even with the charge moves.

>> No.9725258
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Posting the best girl

>> No.9725286
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>> No.9726420

Under Night In-Birth always reminds me of in-breeding.

Probably due to the natural connection between breeding and birth, as well as the little detail that happens to be how French Bread did Melty Blood.

I bet all their powers are rooted in Incest just like with Tsukihime.

>> No.9726441

Too bad it's just a lame pun with "Inverse", and I actually wouldn't mind it as "Under Night Inverse".

I've grown accustomed to many styles of Japanese naming sense, but this one stretches it pretty badly.

>> No.9726448

How is it slow?
It looks quite fast.

>> No.9726471
File: 100 KB, 600x552, Senna_cut_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzuriha really, really reminds me of Senna, both in appearance and playstyle. FrenchBread must have been playing BBB.

>> No.9727763

The gameplay looks quite fluid actually.
Between Persona, Aquapazza and this, I wonder what I will play the most.

And I still like AH3 and MBAA.

>> No.9727784




>> No.9727888

It wouldn't be frech bread without over the top engrish names

>> No.9728412

I really do wish it would be inverse over inbirth. But yeah, I guess it wouldn't be french brwead otherwise.

>> No.9728445

>Under Night In-Birth
What does that even mean. Dear god, those words are so meaningless it physically hurts me.

>> No.9728502

I almost wish I never played Melty because I keep thinking of what it "could have been".

I do wish they got a better character designer and artist though. Feels too anime sometimes.

>> No.9728522 [DELETED] 

That's the appeal.

>> No.9728939
File: 91 KB, 673x720, 1341461020075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna flop
enjoy ur dead game nerds

>> No.9729230

It kind of needs to get a console release _and_ a PC release to make it big.

>> No.9729247

Is this the game where you put your credit card in the machine and pay to win with mid match impulse power ups?

>> No.9729268

You still can't play BBB-Revolve without an account can you?
That game had potential, but it never went anywhere, at all.

>> No.9729305


>> No.9729464

That was part of their april fools joke. They should've archived it, it was good.

>> No.9729489

I'm a SF3S player, Street Fighter generally feels great to me compared to other fighters.
What's Melty Blood like compared to Street Fighter? Will I feel at home playing MB, or OP's game?

>> No.9729568

Most likely OP's game. But not by too much.

>> No.9729628
File: 109 KB, 792x717, 1346155122041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit music
shit design
shit gameplay
shit characters
french bread a shit

>> No.9730615

Is that Melty Blood or Under Night In-breed?

>> No.9730621

MB plays more like GG, this will probably play something like BB

>> No.9730704

MB and GG aren't really that similar at all.

>> No.9730761
File: 166 KB, 400x455, 1324561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the post I was replying to? This is for a SF player's perspective

>> No.9731102

Well, sure I get that. I am trying to think of something else to compare it to, but in my mind the games are still different to the point where I am not sure it's fair to compare them. Gives the wrong impression, doesn't it?

>> No.9733313
File: 975 KB, 1920x1080, 1241818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she Nevada-tan inspired or something?

>> No.9736093 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 2400x1800, 29902359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9737103 [DELETED] 

can somebody please edit this with a yummy dick?

>> No.9738551

Are her panties glowing?

>> No.9738972

Polyester panties.
Cotton stockings.

>> No.9741953

The game is to be released not long from now. Might as well make the thread live.
The moment it hits Japan's Arcades tons of videos will emerge.

>> No.9741985

I can't wait to see what the players can come up with, with these characters.
Seeing that this is UNIB's first iteration, I'm just hoping the gameplay is at a high standard straight from the get go. FB has plenty of experience so...

>> No.9742086

It's kind of a shame that by the moment it gets on console and or PC, you will have already missed the bound to be present craziness of the initial release.

>> No.9743223


Melty and SF are very different. Melty has three attack buttons, SF has six. Melty has double-jumping and air dashes. Melty is very combo-centric and is very fast. SF is slower. SF3 has a lot of parrying - and Melty has something called EX Shields. They're a little different though.

Take the time to learn how to play Melty. It's a wonderful fighting game.

>> No.9745130

why do the characters look so generic chunni shit?

>> No.9745148

What do you expect from the successor of a Tsukihime spinoff?

>> No.9745172
File: 52 KB, 314x549, seth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I only play the most mature fighting games for mature people such as myself.

Pic related, my main by the way.

>> No.9746345
File: 27 KB, 400x532, Ragna_the_Bloodedge_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the designs aren't like BB

>> No.9750529
File: 28 KB, 304x224, waku7cred.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you name a fighter with characters that doesn't?

Outside of say, Waku Waku7, or horribly ancient stuff like World Heroes or Clay Fighter, what game's characters doesn't?

>> No.9750560

What we really need is a fighting game full of geriatrics with no super powers. They just beat the shit out of each other with their canes and walkers and shit.

>> No.9750575
File: 569 KB, 2400x1800, 29902359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks bad from a gameplay standpoint, but I'm sure people who don't play fighters could enjoy it for the art, story, music, or other reason

I might import it or something if it comes to consoles

>> No.9750578
File: 20 KB, 480x360, dive-kick-ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751424


Day 1 play but still decent stream

Linne looks ridiculous, F-Ryougi with a decent DP and a ridiculously fast divekick

>> No.9751463


>> No.9751470

Yuzuriha maiwaifu

>> No.9751473

When was Will Smith in a fighting game?

>> No.9751474

On an episode of tokyo encounter they play a fighting game where the characters are all super old, so I guess one exists even if it was for the neo geo or something.

>> No.9751480


Sorry, the streams keep dying pretty often

>> No.9751483
File: 155 KB, 1078x800, masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they played BBB

>> No.9751488

Senna playstyle, aoko-ish appearance, youmu's elbow drop


>> No.9751540

The game looks like BB level speed and GG will be out for XBLA/PSN by the time UNIB is in the states

I still might mess around with it

>> No.9751556

Looks like Melty blood just slow, less freedom with pressure/combos, and more ANIME characters (debatable)

Orie looks to play very similarly to P4A Mitsuru though and thats neat, also that alternate color looked really cute.

>> No.9751562

maybe not as lockdown crazy as p4a though

>> No.9751575

Yeah she doesnt have a super easy way to get back in like Mitsuru during blockstrnigs/pressure, and over all the game doesnt seem to favor long lockdown nearly as much as melty blood

but thats not saying much because melty blood pressure really went to ridiculous levels of "you are not moving at all for 15 seconds unless you want to get hit", P4A at least has a universal reversal mechanic and rolling

New Stream

>> No.9751578 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting????

>> No.9751636


>> No.9752471
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 1344612891832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much this game will affect the Melty Blood reboot that TM hinted at.

>> No.9752483

Full screen everythings everywhere, Waldstein looks like a right pain in the ass to deal with.

You think the title is bad? Wait untill you hear the announcer.

>> No.9752502

Under Night In-Birth SBO2012 pre-release tournament


>> No.9752509

>Published on Aug 5, 2012

>> No.9752530

Citation on said hint?

Read somewhere that the In-Birth part was to make it sound like Inverse, which is a word French Bread seems to like seeing how they plastered it on the round start overlay.

>> No.9752553

I love the character design and the name of the game.
Oh god what the hell is wrong with me /jp/?

>> No.9752588

>Q: Melty Blood is completed, does this mean the story of Sion and Riesbyfe has ended? ....Or are there plans for them to appear in Tsukihime II or other side stories? Please don't put an end to their tales.
>A: Thank you. As long as fans exist, Sion and Riesbyfe will continue to exist. To be more specific, French Bread will figure something out. It would be great if they can work on the Melty Blood Remake while the Tsukihime Remake is under way, wouldn't it?
This Q&A was distributed in some kind of pamphlet to the fans.
Now, French Bread are obviously busy with this, but Type Moon does want more Melty Blood.

>> No.9752603

Ah I see. Thank you. I'd love to see more Melty, but it seems that's still a ways off.

>> No.9753844

TM Carnival developed by Examu pls

>> No.9755407

ヘ(^q^)」 エルボ~☆

I wonder if anyone has found a counter for that yet. I did see her get knocked out of it a few times, but the most stable counter seems to be DP (of course).

>> No.9759521

>FrenchBread must have been playing BBB.
If BBB got on console somehow I bet its popularity would skyrocket.

>> No.9762543
File: 616 KB, 1920x1080, dark_as_my_soul_seth_sasuke_evil_darkness_under_night_in_birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9763848

The phrases they come up with.

>> No.9766886

What's their problem with the English language?
That whole sentence doesn't make any sense!
