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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9724049 No.9724049 [Reply] [Original]

Japan uses email.
The rest of the world uses SMS.

>> No.9724059

I still don't get why

I want to send e-mail too

>> No.9724062

i want to buy a CD

>> No.9724064


What even were these? I get they were like music discs, but why?

>> No.9724071

By "rest of the world" u mena USAUSA, right?

>> No.9724079

Shh you self-hating US American

>> No.9724099

Europe too, and probably everywhere else. If any Africans, South Americans, Antarcticans etc. can confirm this, I'd be grateful.

>> No.9724102
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wonder who's behind of that

>> No.9724106

If you send emails, though, than companies can't charge you for texting.
It's all according to keikaku.

>> No.9724107

I'm African and I can confirm.

>> No.9724109

But they also use SMS-triggered email notification... don't they?

>> No.9724141



>> No.9724160

What is SMS?

>> No.9724163

The rest of the world uses email too. What are you going on about, OP?

>> No.9724174

The reason is because our phone internet is crippled by phone companies who don't want to lose the profit they make by charging us way too much for their services. Why would you want to make phone calls if you can use Skype and similar services, and why would you use SMS if you can use e-mail or IM?

This actually became a huge deal in the Netherlands where phone providers did traffic shaping to prevent use of programs like Skype, then offered a special (more expensive) subscription for the privilege of being able to use Skype with the internet you're already paying for. Eventually the government interfered and such traffic shaping is now illegal, but our internet is still limited to a couple hundred MB per month (with either your speed being reduced to 4 KB/s if you go over that limit (relatively recent) or you being billed a ridiculous extra fee for any data usage beyond your limited (how it always used to be)).

It's a common problem in business, and one of the ways capitalism can be counter-productive for progress.

>> No.9724198

I'm in Argentina, I can confirm this too.

btw I'm white

>> No.9724236

So >>9724102 is right.

>> No.9724240

SMS is actually the biggest scam ever. When looking at it from a data transmission perspective, the "standard" .10 USD for 1120 bits is insane in this day and age. It was barely acceptable in the 90s, but now it's just an insult.

Granted, the technologies that govern 2G/GSM mobile telephony are often quite outdated.
The biggest slap in the face is that users of the SMS service are being charged for something that technically costs nothing. Due the the limited width of the radio band of the control channels, some QoS management is required. Highest priority is placed on voice calls, of course. SMS messages are of a low priority, and I assume it would be the lowest priority. SMS messages will be delayed when the airwaves are busy. This of course is done on both ends. It's a common occurrence for SMS messages to be delayed by several minutes, and I have heard of instances where delay lengths were on the order of days.
It appears to me that right now gullible consumers are paying a premium fee to send a limited amount of information with no predictability of when it will be sent and when it will be received.
I wish people would be more informed on this, so maybe a significant reduction in price could eventually occur.

>> No.9724258 [DELETED] 


Stop misusing the quotation feature

>> No.9724267

Why is Japan so perfect?

>> No.9724280

New zealand here,

Telecom, one of our main phone company's reported a 1.5 billion net profit the last business year.

1.5 billion profit.

Fuck our phone companies.

>> No.9724285


fuk off weebuu

>> No.9724297


Stop misspelling "weeaboo".

>> No.9724300

>Look guys I'm calling him a weaboo. Am I cool yet?

>> No.9724305

Is "weeaboo" spelled the way I think it is?

>> No.9724318

It sure is, but you're using it wrong.

>> No.9724321

Is this your first time seeing posts like that? Lurk more, buddy.

>> No.9724349


Stop misusing the quotation feature
