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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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972324 No.972324 [Reply] [Original]

Who is this guy on the right? My friend says he is a Japanese comedian or something.

>> No.972340

Ask /b/.

>> No.972342

I hate the trolls we're having today.

>> No.972590

I just emailed moot about this kind of shit. Anything Japanese outside of a very, very limited range is shitted up, trolled and saged to death. The quality of /jp/ is really going down especially during overnight USA time zones.

If you don't like something ignore it, if you think it's a troll ignore it. Get the Firefox extension hide the threads and STFU.

>> No.972608


Ah, what would summer be without the "I'm e-mailing moot" guy. I missed you.

>> No.972724

moot reads all his email dumb fuck, but you would know that if you the read the news. Continue to shit up /jp/ with crap, troll and sages and avoid using the hide thread feature.

/jp/ Japan General. It's not your usual Friday night Lolicon thread which got you banned so you got a new IP address am I right.

>> No.972746

>moot reads all his email

>> No.972773


Consistency in your persona increases believability. You're doing a good job, keep it up.

>> No.972911

thats Kin-niku Boy. some jumped up unfunny dipshit who used to participate in sasuke a few years back, then went to the states for a few months and is now back in Japan trying to make it as a tv entertainer/comedian. hes not funny and a bit of a shit.

>> No.973169

>>One of my biggest regrets stemming from running 4chan these past few years has been allowing my level of interaction with the userbase to decline to the point where it stands today. I'm still here, every day—reading e-mails, browsing the boards, removing rule-infringing content, and of course, summoning the banhammer. As are the moderators. But you, the end user, don't know that. 4chan is by design not the most transparent of websites. If our team isn't continually engaging the community and relating what's going on behind the scenes, you simply don't know. And that's a problem.

>> No.973176

SPOILERS: moot is human, moot lies, you don't know moot.

>> No.973180

>>Addendum: I've given more thought to my e-mail situation, and I'm pretty much on the verge of declaring e-mail bankruptcy. If you've sent me a message prior to this news post and haven't received a response yet, don't expect one. From this point forward, however, I'll be making more of an effort to respond to e-mail in a timely fashion—that is, providing the e-mail warrants a response to begin with. Let's see how long I last.

>> No.973185

You don't know moot at all.

>> No.973189

I take it you skipped the part where he says he's about to declare email bankruptcy?

>> No.973196

Pretty anything you say about moot you are pulling out of your ass. Most of 4chan doesn't know shit about him they didn't read somewhere else.

>> No.973193

Neither do you.

>> No.973202

which excuses your assholery how?

>> No.973213

ITT people who don't IRC.

>> No.973221

What # are you on?

>> No.973229

fucking #4chan

>> No.973230

IRC makes you and expert on moot? LOL enjoy your locked down channels in which I am sure you are unvoiced.

>> No.973226


Considering the extreme concentration of faggotry in this thread I'd say everyone here does IRC.

And they should be ashamed.

>> No.973236

#4chan is fail and locked down 100% of the time.

>> No.973245

Maybe if you whine loud enough you can get some mods that don't know shit to come in and screw up the board again.

>> No.973273


I'd honestly like to see that, just because I don't see how it would be possible to screw up this board any further. I'm interested in seeing how they would manage it.

>> No.973283

Well complain on the # the then mods hang out in then.

>> No.973293

Holy shit, first you you want moot to unfuck this up knowing well that he will assign a fucktarded mod which would be worse? Whine when you know what you really want.

>> No.973307

Different fags I think.

There are no mods to assign; hell there are hardly any janitors across the whole board.

>> No.973328

I'm really interested in /jp topics but it seems it is not possible to post anything about Japan here.
Anyone know any good forums without the stupid kids trolling everything?

>> No.973336


>> No.973342

Here, and google.

>> No.973344



>> No.973346

We're not trolling.

I don't think you know why /jp/ was created.

>> No.973356

ha ha, very funny


>> No.973359

Post away just ignore the trolls.

>> No.973363

From the faq:
"All things Japanese welcome!"

But what can be posted without trolling is /a material

>> No.973375
File: 86 KB, 1573x307, 1215579539435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad we can all read, no this screen cap isn't going away.

Say the same stupid things you always do it doesn't change a thing about what /jp/ was created for. Touhou and VNs were put here because they didn't have any place else to go. /jp/ was not created just for them. /jp/ Japan General.

>> No.973378

Ignore the trolls. Are you so weak you let some small dicked fat boys wreck you enjoyment?

>> No.973382


>> No.973385

You realize the "trolls" are just one or two people who think anyone who hasn't been on 4chan since 2004 doesn't belong and that all boards should be like old /b/?

>> No.973391

small dicked fat boy strikes to close to home am I right?

>> No.973393


If ever a thread about Japan gets saged to oblivion, you either asked a really obvious, really dumb, or really pointless question.

>> No.973394

Sure is same person in here.

>> No.973406

No if it is in any way not related to a very, very small number of topics it's get saged or told to go someplace else.

>> No.973408

sure is sage faggot in here.

>> No.973410

I don't mind valid things. But I sage things like "hey i'm going to japan should i wear blue or red shoes to get them to like me???" or "whats the best way to remember all the kanji?"

>> No.973411

As one of those elder oldfags, I find an open-for-discussion /jp/ to be much closer to old /b/ glory days than /touhou/ to be.

I only sage threads that are against now-ingrained 4chan principles; attentionwhoring and the like.

>> No.973413



Spend your summer somewhere else.

>> No.973418

I say fuck the sage fag and post what you want as long is it is Japan related.

>> No.973419

Again, this.

We don't sage it because it's not touhou (well, a few do), we sage it because it's stupid.

>> No.973424

Why don't you ignore those threads? How come you are such a child you are incapable of ignoring that which doesn't interest you? Are those thread in anyway a risk of taking over /jp/?

>> No.973427


>As one of those elder oldfags

lol'd a little

>> No.973430

Hurrr durrrr it's stupid so I sage it hurrr durrr

>> No.973432

It's the fact that they get serious responses that encourages me to shit them up.

Also, a part of /jp/ is that we hate 3D. So I also sage anything with worship of a 3D female unless it's loli, because then it's fucked up enough that it doesn't need to be saged.

>> No.973438

The first two posts following the OP were sages? WTF? Why?

>> No.973443

Because /jp/ isn't your personal encyclopedia on Japan.

>> No.973446

Kill yourself you short dicked fat boy, you have nothing to contribute to the world and you are only unhappy. So just end it like a man or STFU.

>> No.973450

Because you are incapable of ignoring anything. I am so glad moot made you moderator of /jp/

>> No.973451

Because it's inane. Any two-bit moron could find that kind of info with Google. Because we sage and mock, it HAS died down. Remember when the board first started? We got "How do I learn Japanese?" questions 6 times a day. If we don't police ourselves, nobody will.

It's not like we're firing up sagebomb scripts. Each sage is a heartfelt "you're an idiot" message.

>> No.973452

I contribute to keeping /jp/'s quality a lot more than you. So, how's it feel to be worse than the "short dicked fat boy"?

>> No.973455

Ignorance is a passive acceptance. /jp/ would be a lot worse if you just ignored everything you hated. Me personally? I'd rather have the retards think "this turned into a horrible thread the last time I asked a question like this" instead of posting because they got the answer they wanted. I'd like to have more than a couple unhidden threads on my frontpage.

>> No.973456

You contribute nothing to /jp/.

Kindly fuck off and enjoy your summer somewhere else.

>> No.973459

>short dicked fat boy

KNock it off with the meaningless name-calling. Nobody has a face or body here.

>> No.973460

Still too much saging or on topic postings, 3D Japan is on topic. Unlike you mosts people don't live here and haven't see all these threads.

>> No.973457


Pre-summer, this was true. The last few days, however, have been a horrible twisted vision of /jp/. The real /jp/ was nowhere to be found, all that was left was /jp/ seen through the eyes of /b/tards.

I just fear that it won't end with the summer.

>> No.973463

holy fail batman

>> No.973464

except the short dicked fat boy that hates all 3d women because he fails so bad at life he will never have one unless he starts humping his mother.

>> No.973465

I was warning you fucking idiots that you have to sage everything and anything that isn't 2D or else newfags will get the wrong impression of /jp/. But no, you faggots were like "but it really IS Japanese related, and it isn't stupid, etc". And what happened? The beginnings of the normalfaggotry exploded into full-blown normalfags thinking that /jp/ is just another one of their boards where they can be complete weeaboo faggots with each other and jerk off over their 3D idols.

It can still be fixed. But it will be a long and arduous battle.

>> No.973466

We can only hope, anon.

Aside from that...sage, report/hide, ignore.

Of course quality contribution is always needed, and "policing" has it's role as well.

>> No.973470

3D PIG DISGUSTING is a basic rule of /jp/. It's like not professing to being a female on the internets, you don't like 3D.

>> No.973474


>please cater to us /b/tards who check out /jp/ once in a while to ask about fucking jap girls

sure thing bro i'll get right on that

>> No.973478

If you don't live here, you don't belong here. We're not a friendly neighborhood bookstore. We're a surly bar in a seedy part of town.

It doesn't matter if the thread wasn't seen by someone; the post is below community standards. Even one "how do I learn japanese" thread should probably warrant a beating with textbooks. We are not Google.

I don't support 3D threads, but I let them be because it's on topic. The MM fags keep their shit in one thread, the Ayafag does an okay job of it once in a great while. The kigurumi threads are really well maintained.

>> No.973484

Kigurumi is fine, because nobody can mistake that for normalfaggotry. MM is... less acceptable. Aya is not. That's just plain old worship of a 3D female that belongs elsewhere.

>> No.973483

I mentioned the "normalfag" problem you have to moot. Anyone who isn't what you approve of is a "normalfag"

No one on 4chan for more than a day is a "normalfag"; "Normalfags" leave since this place isn't for them and it shows in every posting on every board. I think you are what you fear is what I think. You are the "normalfag".

>> No.973490

Even the Touhou was not spared!

>> No.973491

A normalfag, from /jp/'s perspective, is anyone that would admit to having sex with a 3D woman. Even other 4channers are normalfags. /hc/ is full of them. /b/ is full of them. So no, you're wrong.

>> No.973493

SOMEBODY has never been here before. Nobody has women here, either. You obviously don't belong here.

Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.973497

trying to figure just going by that picture how I would google it.

>> No.973500

And then anonymous was a normalfag.

>> No.973505

There are some things in this world that those of lesser intelligence are just not meant to understand.

>> No.973508


I like the kigurumi guys. I'm not into that shit personally, but it helps scare off the undesirables. I wish the MMfags would leave because their presence just encourages this shit, but on the whole they're okay guys. The Aya fag is just a very dedicated troll who definitely has no place here, but at least he knows the meaning of moderation.

>> No.973511

I really feel sorry for you. moot and 95% of 4chan is getting laid and you are fapping with your hand because you are so weak.

The rest of /jp/ doesn't have your problem going be the amount of 3d female posted.

>> No.973518

A better question is-- Why is "a Jap in stars and stripes clothing" not an acceptable answer to your question? he is exactly who he appears to be-- a well-muscled asian guy in ridiculous clothing.

A more advanced answer would be to hit up the AX guest list and see if there's any "japanese comedian" guests.

>> No.973520

Same anon. I agree wholeheartedly. Kigurumi? Good, it kinda shows how abnormal you have to be to enjoy /jp/. MM? Attracts attention from the wrong crowd, though they do kinda have the right to be here. Aya? Take it to /s/.

>> No.973530

In order to pity someone you have to be in a better position. We don't want to get laid. You can take that faggotry back to /b/ when you leave /jp/.

>> No.973531

Nobody gives a shit.

Fuck off.

>> No.973534

How would you know what AX is or how this person relates to it?

>> No.973537

"Weak" he says. Classic.

You're the one letting women lead you around by your balls. My god, if men didn't have sex drives, you'd probably fault us for COOKING for ourselves too.

We've rejected the taint of women here. We don't need a woman or sex to validate our existence. We live on our own terms, free from societal shackles. We have found a higher perfection in fiction than real life could ever hope to match.

>> No.973538

>How would you know what AX is
If you don't know about AX, why the fuck are you on /jp/? I'm not saying you have to like it, but you would have at least heard of it by association, no excuses.

>> No.973546
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>> No.973548
File: 475 KB, 2034x1880, 1215582079417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself you don't want to get laid some day you might believe it. For most people it is impossible and impractical.

/jp/ Japan General, "normalfags" and all it's a board about Japan

>> No.973555

You are weak and possibly a Momma's boy. You don't live on your own you live in your Mother's house.

>> No.973559

I don't want to have sex with a woman. I've come to accept this, but apparently you're so immature and testosterone-laden that you can't seem to fathom the fact that someone would turn down sex. It's not the sex that I don't want, it's the woman that comes with it.

I'd fuck a tight little loli though, any day of the week.

>> No.973565


Possibly? What happened to that unshakable air of confidence? You can't let doubt creep in! You need to fling around those clever "small dicked fat boy" barbs with conviction!

>> No.973564

enjoy your AIDS from prison rape when you do

>> No.973572

>impossible and impractical.
THis is shining example of your weakness. You CAN'T, you say? Well, I say I CAN. And more importantly, I DO.
I'm living it with no regrets.

Enjoy your endless cycle of working to buy goods to make yourself seem more impressive to the ladies.

>> No.973582

I am a 26 year old Microsoft employee who has no family. Take that as you will.

>> No.973605

I highly doubt that.

Sorry to disappoint you, I have already bred plenty and will in the future I am sure.

Sorry you have it wrong I don't do shit the woman does all the work.

back to /k/ for a while.

>> No.973707

>The woman does all the work.

Classic. You're not even man enough to live your own life, you let a woman do it for you. Pathetic.

>> No.973722

This is how nature intends it to be. Now who is a "normalfag"

>> No.973735

That's not within the board definition of "normalfag". We're not simply contrarians, decrying everything mainstream.

>> No.973748

>I highly doubt that

I think I would have picked a better story if I were lying.

>> No.973775

Sure. what you mostly are is troll that love to toss fits when anything you don't personally like gets posted.

>> No.973778

I think you would say just what you are saying.
