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9722985 No.9722985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ grind in RPGs?

>> No.9722993

I grind on ur mom faget

>> No.9722998
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I like to be low so the boss fights are harder and last longer.

>> No.9722999 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 120x169, 3mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the game...

Last RPG I remember having to grind was near the ending of Digital Devil Saga... Strange Journey a bit but not that much...

>> No.9723001

Why would someone make a comic strip out of that excerpt?

There's nothing that isn't extremely ordinary/mundane in it ad far as anime goes.

>> No.9723007


>> No.9723010

So he could attach it to related posts like the OP?

>> No.9723009

Yui is clearly autistic playing RPGs when friends come over instead of co-ops

>> No.9723011


You ever play tales of vesparia? You are forced to grind in that.

I hated that game because every battle was easy as shit, but then the boss would be ridiculously hard and require you to kill hundreds of little monsters that could never kill you. just to fight him.

>> No.9723014

That's retarded

>> No.9723016

Why even bother playing a game that shitty?

>> No.9723017

Unless I'm playing a really hard game where I know I'll always be underleveled, I try out the boss as soon as possible and only grind if I can't find any way to beat it at my current level. It's very satisfying to beat it just barely, but it's also nice to come back later and punish that boss you just couldn't beat at all earlier.

Only thing I hate is when I can't figure out whether I can't beat the boss because I suck or because I'm underleveled.

>> No.9723019

How fun is hyperdeminsion neptunia guys?

>> No.9723021

You could have just turned down the difficulty.

>> No.9723024

Don't be deceived by the drawings of cute girls, the first game is utter shit. I haven't bought the second one, though some persons insist that is is so much better - but how much better can shit get?

>> No.9723026 [DELETED] 
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Didn't play Vesperia... Only Abyss, Legendia, Symphonia and Phantasia...

Don't remember about grinding too much in any of these... - Don't remember for reals... maybe I did... maybe not...

>> No.9723028


The problem is that the difficulty shouldn't be bugged. No matter what difficulty you pick, bosses would be crazy hard, and literally every other monsters would be incredibly easy, so easy they could never kill you and are not even a challenge to fight.

You would have to change the difficulty before and after every boss fight. And I just couldn't stand changing the difficulty, I never do that in games.

>> No.9723029
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First has awful combat.
Second got an overhaul and is pretty fun.

>> No.9723035

What is the story on LoH SC?
It is gonna be 2years soon.

>> No.9723041

First game isn't bad if you treat it more like a VN rather than an RPG

>> No.9723042

It's finally getting a digital release on PSN in Japan so things are looking up.

>> No.9723045

So they will only start translating it once it is out on PSN? Man this is bad, sigh.. if only AGTH+TA works on pc game.

>> No.9723049


Second trailer on monday on youtube holy shit.

>> No.9723050

3DS a shit
Just why is SMT4 and MH4 coming out for 3DS?
No flash cart on 3ds and humongous block of portable machine, just whyyyyyy??

>> No.9723052

Well, I'm sure they've already been working on it. A physical release just wasn't very viable financially.

>> No.9723112

I love grinding, I can watch let's plays or listen to music while I do.

>> No.9723114
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I get sick to my stomach when people say they grind in SMT games.

>> No.9723121

I always grind, and always play the most grind-friendly way that have the best grain per effort spent grinding yield.

In the same way some people like self imposed challenge, I like to find the most efficient way to grind. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.9723148

I'm with Kyouko on this subject. I only really grind when necessary and I hate games that make you grind due to the developers' inability to create a steady, gradual challenge.

>> No.9723226

I never grind in RPGs. Unless I am way under leveled, or there is something I rare item I want.

From what I remember, the bosses weren't particularly hard. Then again, I played Vesperia a long time ago. I replayed Legendia, which is my favourite one, not too long ago, and it was fairly easy, same with Abyss. I honestly can't remember the bosses being hard in Vesperia.

>> No.9723255

That really depends.
Normally I don't grind, and I enjoy it more if the boss fight is hard.

If I see the normal monsters are raping me, I see it as a hint that I'm underleveled and then I start grinding.

If the local shop has a lot of equipment that I can't buy, I start grinding for money. There's a certain logic with that, you don't know for sure what level you are supposed to be in a certain part, but if the equipment is there available for purchase then you can assume you are supposed to have it (normally).

After I finish the game, if it's a game I really liked, I take my last save and start grinding to create the perfect team with all the best equipments and so on. I usually did this with Final Fantasy game.
The most time I spent on grinding was on FFX to beat the fucking "Penance\Der Richter".

>> No.9723269 [DELETED] 
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Depends on the game...

Last RPG I remember having to grind was near the ending of Digital Devil Saga... Strange Journey a bit but not that much...

>> No.9723274

Depends on the game...

Last RPG I remember having to grind was near the ending of Digital Devil Saga... Strange Journey a bit but not that much...

>> No.9723293

Why did you post that for a second time?

>> No.9723321


Don't you mean a third time ?

>> No.9723326
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I don't usually grind when I can get away with it, so it adds a little more challenge. I do grind in the ones where levels and stats mean absolutely everything though, like most turn-based games.

>> No.9723327

Grinding is pretty pointless, as it takes out all the fun of battles.

Underleveled runs are the best.

>> No.9723351

Grinding IS the fun.

>> No.9723370

Last time I didn't grind in an RPG was a few years ago when I was trying to finally beat FFX without letting it alone for 4-7 months and forgetting the whole story. I ended up getting stuck at some boss, and I couldn't go back to level myself up to beat him, same thing happened to me in Phantasy Star a few years before then.

I haven't played a lot of RPGs since then, but I've always grinded before a boss. I think I'm going to start grinding less and saving more, though.

>> No.9723378

I hate grinding. I stop playing games that have grinding.

>> No.9723417

Sometimes. I don't usually do it in the main game, only in the post-game if everything there is 100x stronger than I am and I want to see the bonus stuff. Only times I do it in the main game are when I already beat the game. I was bored enough to play FFII on the GBA and grind up until I had level 16 Cure, level 6 Holy, some other high level magic and 6000 HP along with weapons in Mysidia before I even got Mythril.

>> No.9723518

I only kill enough to become strong enough to kill creatures in the area and stop when it takes longer than a few battles to level up.

I never understood the whole leveling thing anyway. Why get stronger if the monsters get stronger? Wouldn't it be the same to just let you and the monsters stay the same level and just buy better weapons and skills to deal with them as the game goes on? I understand it in (older) MMORPGs as it lets you distribute your skills, but in JRPGs, you're going to have mostly fixed stats anyway.

The only game I like grinding in is Diablo 2, so that I can turn the game back to normal and blaze through the act.

>> No.9723525

Isn't the point that you train to go from fighting little critters to incredible monsters? It's meant to be a journey.

>> No.9723631

I don't grind and i run from lots of fights so im always under leveled. Makes it really interesting when i cant beat a boss so i go to grind then find out i cant even beat the random encounters.

>> No.9723641

You know what was a journey? Grandia.

You know what isn't a journey? Grinding.

>> No.9723650

That was clever, Anon. I'll be using that.

>> No.9723670

I will occasionally grind for something specific, if I think it is worth it and can come up with an efficient method for it.

>> No.9723727

No, fuck grinding. An RPG that needs you to grind isn't an RPG worth playing.

>> No.9723737
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I have been avoiding enemies most of the time in Radiant Historia and everything was smooth until chapter 5.
Then enemies started to get annoying and because they don't show up their level I don't know how much I'd have to grind. Also it seems like I'm stuck in an area where I can't rest, so I think I'd have to travel back in time or maybe swap Timelines until I get a nice grinding place with a town close.
