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9720893 No.9720893 [Reply] [Original]

Who here Gaki no Tsukai?


>> No.9720897

They sure are old now...

>> No.9720905


Yup. I think hamada/matsumoto are in their 40s now.

>> No.9720903

I love Downtown in general, they're pretty versatile. The Batsu Game is my favorite though.

>> No.9720922


The producers need to step their game up on the No Screaming portions though

>> No.9720940

Remember that episode where they fucked on stage?


>> No.9720951

I didn't really like any of the Batsu Games after the gym one. They reek of farce.

>> No.9720967

They've been in comedy for 20 something years now?

>> No.9720978

They're pretty good at catching people off guard in the Batsu game, like when Yinling came out of nowhere.

>> No.9720982

why after the gym one?

>> No.9720983

Practice Japanese, and learn this bitchin' rap with Gaki.


>> No.9722855

Does anyone here remember an episode or general series of episodes where they had to (see if they could) eat instantly made food with their bare hands in a minute?

When I saw the airport batsu, that scene reminded me of it. It was on a youtube account at one point, but I think it got banhammered because it got reported.

Also, time for chinko machine.

>> No.9722896

Shit's hilarious.

>> No.9722909

What I like the most is the ones where they cook food and eat it and the Kiki games like the one in OP picture. I like them because they get punished only once.

>> No.9722912

Anyone have a link to the game where they have to kiss the old woman? It got taken off of Youtube a while ago.

>> No.9722916
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>> No.9722925

These slaps get me every time.


>> No.9722930

Man, I love the kiki episodes.


Also, the one where they had to guess the alcohol kills me.
Hamada gets smashed so hard.

>> No.9722931

There was a big ass torrent awhile back in /t/ that had all the new years specials. I watched the newer ones and loved them, but the older ones and some of the shows were shit.

>> No.9722940

Pie Hell


>> No.9722978

aren't the new year's specials just the all the batsu games? there's still an active torrent for at least half of them.

>> No.9722994

Variety programming at its best.

>> No.9723044

Is there a collection torrent or something for the Kiki episodes? Will be stuck with shit internet for a while and I'd rather not have youtube stuttering on me whilst I watch them.

>> No.9723066

My favorite thing was the 90's bit where Yamazaki is forced to wrestle with animals by Downtown. Hysterical.

>> No.9723096

I've only seen the more recent stuff, but I think it's funniest when they're just being themselves and talking or trying to make each other laugh, opening drawers or whatever. I hate sitting through bad skits and musical numbers.

>> No.9723146
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the weekly shows are REALLY BORING.

>> No.9723205

Heipo is the best guest.

>> No.9723238
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>> No.9723242

I agree, he grew on me after a few appearances.

>> No.9723267
File: 11 KB, 262x265, Fujiwara_hiroshi_gaki_no_tsukai_31558[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Fujiwara when he gets mouthy or tries messing with the cast. They seem to have given him a different personality in the latest gaki games, he just stutters a lot like the telephone guy.

>> No.9723298

Yeah I preferred it when he messed with people.
The stutter thing is funny sometimes, but they overdo it at times.

>> No.9723337
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>> No.9723477


T-Too lewd!

>> No.9723643

I think you could get them individually from gaki files

>> No.9723702

What a handsome man

>> No.9723703

My favorite was when they use a matsumoto doll at the start to show the punishment and the doll gets destroyed.
Then you can see Matsumoto nervous the entire show and even wondering why he's working like that in his 40's instead of getting a normal job

>> No.9723738

I do believe that's the Absolutely Tasty Series.

Here's a list of all their stuff.


>> No.9723751

That's just them cooking things for each other.

>> No.9723774

Go back to >>>/g/ normalscum

>> No.9723780

I was here long before, stop trying to derail good threads.

>> No.9723804

Stop responding

>> No.9723845

Oh I do love the Absolutely Tasty series, especially because I love to try weird combinations of foods together.

Occasionally there has been absolute disasters in taste, other times absolutely fantastic.
One particularly bad disaster I remember was orange milk. "Wonder why there hasn't been orange milk on the shelves? People have oranges and milk together quite often in various different ways, it should be brilliant!"
Other times absolutely tasty things, such as potato fritter curry and rice cheese pizza. Tastes of heart attack.

Sadly I don't think it is that series of events.
I think this was near the end of a show as credits came up.
If only I remembered what video it was. History is gone by now too. And for Google and their spying, they sure do suck at Youtube Viewing History.

>> No.9723876

Was it just a one-off?

>> No.9723911

It very well could be. It was all in one video that seemed to be at the end of a larger thing.

All I remember was an audience, some table with food that had just been prepared and a timer.
They had to eat that boiling hot food in a minute.
Whoever impressed most won. (not sure who won, I don't think anyone did)

>> No.9723981

I don't think I've seen that one, sorry. It doesn't ring a bell as being some recurring segment either. Oh well.

>> No.9724149

Doing this cuz u're going to find it a bit incorrect.

>> No.9724263

jimmy onishi is best

>> No.9724626

The english lesson bit he did for no laughing school was the first thing I ever saw by them. He always has the best parts.

>> No.9724687

Members all out, tanaka's out for good, members all out, slap tanaka twice.
Man the cabinet sections were easily the best parts in batsu.

>> No.9724906

O~ne~gaai KICK KICK, Kettsu ni KICK
Ta~na~ka~ ka~la~~~

LOVE the end-year batsu games. Haven't seen Airport yet, though, because I feel like they've hit a quality degrade with this and the Spy game. They're just too stretched out with content.

But I'll always laugh when Yamazaki gets slapped.

>> No.9724985

Anyone have the video of where He and Hamada got mad at each other then Hamada started kicking Jimmy's car?

>> No.9725595

That sounds like something Yamazaki would have done.

>> No.9725678

I know the video you're talking about but that was jimmy and yamasaki and it was yamasaki's car

i'll try to find it

>> No.9725696


Found it


Damn, yamasaki was kinda buff back then

>> No.9725714


That's funny, they got the same singer. The lyrics are pretty funny compared with the original. Like in the parts like Tanaka wa loneliness, and in the original I do believe it also goes Tanaka kara.

>> No.9725729


>> No.9728920

Why do they always pick on Endo?

i mean, having his ex show up every year pretending to be in love/married to someone has to be kinda depressing.

>> No.9732803

They aren't really, they are still on friendly terms. (as friendly as it gets)

Speaking of picking on Endo.

>> No.9732836
File: 139 KB, 800x493, gakinotsukai10452011030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite episodes are the one where something goes "wrong," things turn awkward, and someone ends up getting lectured/screamed at. Usually containing little to no laughter.

Pic related, it's probably one of my favorite episodes. 90% of it is the gaki crew sitting in awkward silence while X-gun's boke (forget his name) lectures his partner for half an hour instead of doing the show.

I know it's an act, but it's really entertaining for some reason. マジギレ?Wish I knew what to call this kind of humor.

>> No.9733106
File: 35 KB, 713x531, sadisthamadaasalways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah, those things are hilarious.

I like the pranks like that.
There was one I saw the other day, where is it..
Ah here it is:

The looks on their faces.
