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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9717887 No.9717887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you saluted the führer today?

>> No.9717897



btw im black

>> No.9717899

Hi Hitler!

He would probably give me the middle finger though since I'm not white. Dick.

>> No.9717904
File: 46 KB, 112x184, hitler_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck kikes

>> No.9717938

I'm not white and I have this sexual fantasy where I'm violated by nazi officers.

>> No.9717940

non-whites get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.9717963

I somehow find the Nazi party and Anders Breivik respectable, despite not supporting what they did.

I guess with Breivik it's the fact he kept his resolve right through - he did not beg for forgiveness, he actively rejected options that other strive for, and seemed like he really thought he was doing the right thing.

He's also very attractive for a guy who takes a year off work to play bad video games.

I'm not trying to be "edgy", but this is how I feel - I could just pretend to find them abhorrent, like I am expected to, but denying respect to those that warrant it is folly. A lion demands respect because it could kill you, that does not mean I actively like the notion of being killed by lions.

>> No.9717979

Indeed. I respect Rasputin myself.

>> No.9718010
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I know how you feel. I like nazis because they're hot.

>> No.9718077


>> No.9718083
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Heil Hitler

>> No.9718131

Why do people love Hitler so much? Shit government, terrible military leader, and the reason why the Jews have more influence than ever before.

>> No.9718135
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>> No.9718136

The national socialist was not shit.

It is true that he was not a very good military leader, in fact you could argue he lost the war for germany quite easily.

People love him because he was the last major figure to stand against jewry.

His writings have affected entire generations, he was a magnificent man and one of the fathers of the best nation to ever exist.

>> No.9718138
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>Shit government, terrible military leader

>> No.9718165

If the axis powers had won WWII, Japan would not exist in anywhere near its current form, and thus this board would not exist in the same form.

We owe the Allied powers our entertainment; I think deep down, they knew. As Ivan stopped, his ammunition and supplies expended, his comrades dead, or driven to insanity, laying down for one final time to accept his inevitable fate, at full mercy of the elements, he knew he could die at ease, for one day, his actions may bring a more fortunate being a dakimakura, or onahole.

World War II was not a war of empires, or socio-economic difference, it was the catalyst that pushed millennia of human development over the barrier and secured the final human form, with two releases of atomic fission energy, the truneet was born.

>> No.9718178

If the axis powers had won wwII, we would have something a thousand times more powerful than the truneet.

The Übermensch

The Übermensch is mighty, he sees what must be done and does it. He is constantly striving to improve himself and his people, not hindered by apathy nihilism or indecision.

The dakimakura and onahole we have now are a shadow of what they were to be if the Übermensch had succeeded. Upon raiding Hitler's bunker the allies found the ultimate onahole, and the most beautiful dakimakura any mortal has ever seen.

But the allies sealed them away, because they are selfish, and did not want to give credit to the Übermensch

>> No.9718239

He wasn't a genius and I'm not defending him for what he did during WWII, but he was a charismatic figure: he started as a homeless and ended up as a fuhrer.
And after all it's thanks to him and his men (Schacth for example) that Germany recovered after Weimar Republic's fall.

>> No.9718259

>it's thanks to him and his men (Schacth for example) that Germany recovered after Weimar Republic's fall.
If you are talking about prewar recovery then no, you definitely can't count that as positive.

>> No.9718260

I remember reading somewhere that the Nazis banned 3D porn but promoted "artistic nudity" because it was supposed to help raise birth rates.
Like this guy >>9718178 said 2D would have just been made by German Übermensch

>> No.9718280 [DELETED] 

If you don't consider a nation's recover positive then you're right.
But Germany was about to fall apart and in the end it was asved.
People always talk about the new deal but they forgot about Scatch.

>> No.9718283

If you don't consider a nation's recover positive then you're right.
But Germany was about to fall apart and in the end it was saved.
People always talk about the new deal but they forgot about Schatch.

>> No.9718295
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>Recently released US documents prove that the US was aware and assisted in the cover up of the Katyn massacre in which Stalin forces executed Polish war officers and then stated that Nazi troops had done it.

>> No.9718303

I really wish I was German. Their nation is so rich and their history is ancient and beautiful full of all the wonders of old fables as well as the chic modern luxuries.

>> No.9718320

If Prussia never formed we'd get:

"muh six million" never happens
Shitty Jewman Empire never comes into existence
No kraut wars, no fall of Austria
Austria and Russia stay friends forever
No WW1
No WW2
No commies, no nazis and no October Revolution

Tell me at least one reason why krautstan isn't a shitstain on the Yuropeon map.

>> No.9718334

It was all God's plan which led to the recreation of Israel.

Praise be to His name.

>> No.9718360


hitler was at least partially kike
nazi germany was financed by kikes
nazi germany had many commanding kike officers some of which were hitlers best and childhood friends
jews who died in ww2 were a sacrifice by zionists

>> No.9718369


There would have been no WWII without the huge reparations amount imposed on the German people by the Versailles treaty.

Germany is a cool country, and the European most productive one today, and they have a good civic sense.

I'm Italian.

>> No.9718376

You can thank Franstan and Britstan for that.

>> No.9718391


Just to make things more clear:

No Versailles treaty => No unemployment in Germany => No reason to vote Hitler (he would probably had chosen another career) => No ending of the Weimar Republic => No WWII


>> No.9718390

This jews thing is ironic, right?

>> No.9718395
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I would have voted Hitler anyway.

>> No.9718403



Fucking normalfags.

>> No.9718409
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Yes, of course it is..

>> No.9718415

>If you don't consider a nation's recover positive then you're right.
Saying "recovery" is simplifying things. There was an improvement, but it was temporary and unsustainable.
And no, I do not consider NSDAP economic policies a good thing.
What happened was:
1) NSDAP had better starting conditions that previous regimes. The WW1 reparations and debt were effectively canceled before they got into power thus easing the burden on German economy
2) The unemployment problems were largely solved by re-militarization. German military spending was gigantic, while they could actually be working on improving the quality of life.
Naturally they weren't making a profit at all, the military spending had a VERY serious chance of bankrupting the country.
The economy was living on borrowed time and borrowed money. (Specifically - Czechoslovakian money)
Also, the name is Schacht. Hjalmar Schacht.
The guy who was shafted by nazi party pretty quickly, you know.

>> No.9718426

Mellow. Soft.

>> No.9718424

>without the huge reparations amount imposed on the German people by the Versailles treaty.
>No Versailles treaty => No unemployment in Germany
Hilariously, Versailles treaty was rather mellower (moreover, it was well deserved), you can thank Woodrow Wilson that conditions weren't actually more severe.

The core of German economic problems lies in Weimar hyperinflation.
Which was pretty much self-induced because they were buttmad as hell and couldn't accept that they lost the war.

>> No.9718429

>moreover, it was well deserved

Way to invalidate your whole post.

>> No.9718438
File: 26 KB, 302x371, kraut subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying kraut subhumans didn't deserve to be exterminated

>> No.9718450

What exactly were you expecting to happen?
Do you think Entente could possibly go
>Hey guys, you occupied Belgium, shat on half of a France and got us all into a giant clusterfuck
>You've also lost the fucking war
>But that's okay, we don't want no compensation. You are such a sweet bunch of guys, eh.
When you get fucked in the war, you tend to pay reparations.
Once again, the peace treaty was incredibly soft.
Compare it to what Germans enforced on Russia. This is what would happen if Willson wasn't the biggest moralfag known to earth.

>> No.9718459

Idiot. Germanophobia fueled the creation of the Versailles treaty and the terms were known by everyone to be incredibly harsh, even at the time of signing. I don't care how edgy you are, it was not "incredibly soft". Many people who weren't greedy germanophobes/politicians/jews knew full well that this would sooner or later result in another war, for instance, John Maynard Keynes. The idiotic Entente chose instead to place the future of Europe at risk with the harsh terms instead of showing mercy and ensuring no Revanschism would arise. That is a crime no matter how your stupid anglosphere ass might try to sugarcoat it.

>> No.9718477

>Germanophobia fueled the creation of the Versailles
Exactly. Germanophobia also wasn't there for no reason. France absolutely hated Germany because their economy was utterly wrecked. They were also afraid of future consequences.
Britain needed all the cash possible because the war was expensive as hell.
>I don't care how edgy you are, it was not "incredibly soft".
Please check what happened to other losers and see what happened.
Austria was literally dismantled.
Ottomans were dismantled could have ended up a lot worse if not for Kemal.
Russia lost large parts of their European holdings.

The Germany actually stayed mostly intact.
They didn't lost the land all the way up to Rein like French wanted. Woodrow was pretty serious about keeping them alive. Even if ultimately he didn't succeed as much as he wanted, he was a giant cock block for Entente.
Versailles treaty was expensive, but it wasn't as brutal as other treaties of the period.

>The idiotic Entente chose instead to place the future of Europe at risk
Once more, France wanted Germany decapitated.

>> No.9718506

You should also mention the Allied forces' inaction. They had how many chances to get involved and stop the Nazi war machine before it could really get rolling? But nah, let's let them run around Europe a bit, they'll grab some land and settle down. Man, that turned out well.

Hell, if France and England were more active with getting a pact with Soviet Union there would not have been a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

Also, /jp/ - Politics and History. We have other boards on 4chan, you know

>> No.9718516

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9718529

>They had how many chances to get involved and stop the Nazi war machine
Zero. Simply because they were too deep in their own shit to actually do anything about Nazi war machine.
Germany was spending more on military than anyone else in europe, was politically united after the purges, while the other were still struggling with Great Depression. Politically they were also in a horrible state and Fall of France was a prime example of that
Frankly, allies were scared.
>Hell, if France and England were more active with getting a pact with Soviet Union there would not have been a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
Soviet union had a horrible international image.
They also had comparatively positive relationships with Germany going all the way to Weimar.
>Also, /jp/ - Politics and History. We have other boards on 4chan, you know
There is no history board.
